/* ************************************************************************ qooxdoo - the new era of web development http://qooxdoo.org Copyright: 2004-2007 1&1 Internet AG, Germany, http://www.1and1.org License: LGPL: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html EPL: http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php See the LICENSE file in the project's top-level directory for details. Authors: * David Perez Carmona (david-perez), based on qx.ui.form.ComboBox ************************************************************************ */ /* ************************************************************************ #module(ui_comboboxex) #require(qx.ui.table.Table) #embed(qx.widgettheme/arrows/down.gif) #embed(qx.icontheme/16/actions/edit-find.png) #embed(qx.icontheme/16/actions/dialog-ok.png) #embed(qx.icontheme/16/actions/dialog-cancel.png) ************************************************************************ */ /** * An enhanced combo-box for qooxdoo. * *


* *

Pending features:

* * * @event beforeInitialOpen {qx.event.type.Event} */ qx.OO.defineClass('qx.ui.form.ComboBoxEx', qx.ui.layout.HorizontalBoxLayout, function() { qx.ui.layout.HorizontalBoxLayout.call(this); // ************************************************************************ // POPUP // ************************************************************************ var p = this._popup = new qx.ui.popup.Popup; p.setAppearance('combo-box-ex-popup'); // ************************************************************************ // LIST // ************************************************************************ this._createList([ this.tr("ID"), this.tr("Description") ]); // ************************************************************************ // FIELD // ************************************************************************ var f = this._field = new qx.ui.form.TextField; f.setAppearance('combo-box-ex-text-field'); f.addEventListener("input", this._oninput, this); this.add(f); this.setEditable(false); // ************************************************************************ // BUTTON // ************************************************************************ // Use qx.ui.basic.Atom instead of qx.ui.form.Button here to omit the registration // of the unneeded and complex button events. var b = this._button = new qx.ui.basic.Atom(null, "widget/arrows/down.gif"); b.set({ appearance: "combo-box-button", tabIndex: -1 }); this.add(b); // ************************************************************************ // BEHAVIOR // ************************************************************************ this.setTabIndex(1); // ************************************************************************ // WIDGET MOUSE EVENTS // ************************************************************************ this.addEventListener("mousedown", this._onmousedown); this.addEventListener("mouseup", this._onmouseup); this.addEventListener("mousewheel", this._onmousewheel); this.addEventListener("dblclick", function() { if (this.getAllowSearch()) { this.openSearchDialog(); } }); // ************************************************************************ // WIDGET KEY EVENTS // ************************************************************************ this.addEventListener("keydown", this._onkeydown); this.addEventListener("keypress", this._onkeypress); // ************************************************************************ // WIDGET STATE EVENTS // ************************************************************************ this.addEventListener("beforeDisappear", this._testClosePopup); // ************************************************************************ // CHILDREN EVENTS // ************************************************************************ this._popup.addEventListener("appear", this._onpopupappear, this); }); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROPERTIES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ qx.OO.changeProperty({ name : "appearance", type : "string", defaultValue : "combo-box-ex" }); /*!Is the text field component editable or the user can only select from the list?*/ qx.OO.addProperty({ name: "editable", type: "boolean", getAlias: "isEditable" }); /*!0 based. -1 means no selected index. It retrieves always the value column of the selection, not the description.*/ qx.OO.addProperty({ name: "value", type : "string" }); /*!How many items to transverse with PageUp and PageDn.*/ qx.OO.addProperty({ name: "pagingInterval", type: "number", defaultValue: 10 }); /*!Show the ID column (column 0) of the selection data?*/ qx.OO.addProperty({ name: "idColumnVisible", type: "boolean", getAlias: "isIdColumnVisible", defaultValue: false }); /*!Only used when editable is false. It determines what to show in the text field of the combo box.*/ qx.OO.addProperty({ name: "showOnTextField", type: "string", defaultValue: 'description', possibleValues : [ 'description', 'idAndDescription' ] }); /*!Only used when editable is false and showOnTextField=='idAndDescription'.*/ qx.OO.addProperty({ name: "idDescriptionSeparator", type: "string", defaultValue: '- ' }); /*!Ensures that always an item is selected (in case the selection isn't empty). Only used when editable is false.*/ qx.OO.addProperty({ name: 'ensureSomethingSelected', type: "boolean", defaultValue: true }); /*!Allow the search dialog when double clicking the combo, or pressing special keys?.*/ qx.OO.addProperty({ name: 'allowSearch', type: "boolean", defaultValue: true }); /*!Maximum number of visible rows in the popup list.*/ qx.OO.addProperty({ name: 'maxVisibleRows', type: "number", defaultValue: 10 }); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTILITIES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ qx.Proto.getPopup = function() { return this._popup; } qx.Proto.getList = function() { return this._list; } qx.Proto.getField = function() { return this._field; } qx.Proto.getButton = function() { return this._button; } qx.Proto._getComboSetting = function(key) { return qx.Settings.getValueOfClass('qx.ui.form.ComboBoxEx', key); } /**Gets the current selected row of the selection. * @return null if nothing selected or an array*/ qx.Proto.getSelectedRow = function() { var ind = this.getSelectedIndex(); return ind < 0 ? null : this._model.getData()[ind]; } /**Creates the list component.*/ qx.Proto._createList = function(columns) { this._model = new qx.ui.table.SimpleTableModel; // Default column titles this._model.setColumns(columns); var l = this._list = new qx.ui.table.Table(this._model); l.setFocusedCell = function() {} l.setAppearance('combo-box-ex-list'); // We receive this: Modification of property "keepFirstVisibleRowComplete" failed with exception: TypeError - vCurrentChild has no properties or // this: Modification of property "keepFirstVisibleRowComplete" failed with exception: TypeError - this.getParent() has no properties l.forceKeepFirstVisibleRowComplete(false); var selMan = l._getSelectionManager(); var oldHandle = selMan.handleMouseUp, me = this; selMan.handleMouseUp = function(vItem, e) { oldHandle.apply(selMan, arguments); if (e.isLeftButtonPressed()) { me._testClosePopup(); } } this._modifyIdColumnVisible(this.getIdColumnVisible()); this._manager = l.getSelectionModel(); this._manager.addEventListener('changeSelection', this._onChangeSelection, this); // Avoid deselection from user this._manager.removeSelectionInterval = function() {}; this._manager.setSelectionMode(qx.ui.table.SelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); this._popup.add(l); // Invalidate calculation of column widths delete this._calcDimensions; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSEUDO-PROPERTIES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /**Sets the header for each column. * @param columns {String[]}*/ qx.Proto.setColumnHeaders = function(columns) { if (!this._list || columns.length != this._model.getColumnCount()) { if (this._list) { var data = this._model.getData(); this._list.setParent(null); this._list.dispose(); this._list = null; } this._createList(columns); if (data && data.length) { this._model.setData(data); } } else { this._model.setColumns(columns); this._list.getTableColumnModel().init(columns.length); delete this._calcDimensions; } this._modifyIdColumnVisible(this.getIdColumnVisible()); } /**Getter for {@link #setColumnHeaders}. * @return {String[]}*/ qx.Proto.getColumnHeaders = function(propVal) { var cols = []; cols.length = this._model.getColumnCount(); for (var col = 0; col < cols.length; col++) { cols[col] = this._model.getColumnName(col); } return cols; } /**Sets the list of selectable items. * @param data {var[][]} Array of values. Its value is an array, with the following info:*/ qx.Proto.setSelection = function(data) { // Invalidate calculation of column widths delete this._calcDimensions; this._model.setData(data); // Try to preserve currently selected value if (!this.getEditable()) { this._modifyValue(this.getValue()); } } /**Getter for {@link #setSelection}. * @return {Array}*/ qx.Proto.getSelection = function() { return this._model.getData(); } /**Sets the index of the currently selected item in the list. * @param index {number} -1 means no selected index*/ qx.Proto.setSelectedIndex = function(index) { var items = this.getSelection().length; if (items >= 0) { if (index < 0 && !this.getEditable() && this.getEnsureSomethingSelected()) { index = 0; } if (index >= 0) { index = qx.lang.Number.limit(index, 0, items-1); this._manager.setSelectionInterval(index, index); if (this._popup.isSeeable()) { this._list.scrollCellVisible(0, index); } } else { this._manager.clearSelection(); } } return true; } /**Getter for {@link #setSelectedIndex}.*/ qx.Proto.getSelectedIndex = function() { var index = this._manager.getAnchorSelectionIndex(); return this._manager.isSelectedIndex(index) ? index:-1; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MODIFIER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ qx.Proto._modifyShowOnTextField = function(propVal) { if (!this.getEditable()) { this.setSelectedIndex(this.getSelectedIndex()); delete this._calcDimensions; // Invalidate this._neededTextFieldWidth } return true; } qx.Proto._modifyMaxVisibleRows = function() { delete this._calcDimensions; // Invalidate this._list.height return true; } qx.Proto._checkIdDescriptionSeparator = function(propVal) { // For measuring widths, it is better to replace spaces with non-breakable spaces return String(propVal).replace(/ /g, '\u00A0') } qx.Proto._modifyIdDescriptionSeparator = function(propVal) { if (!this.getEditable() && this.getShowOnTextField() == 'idAndDescription') { this.setSelectedIndex(this.getSelectedIndex()); delete this._calcDimensions; // Invalidate this._neededTextFieldWidth } return true; } qx.Proto._modifyIdColumnVisible = function(propVal) { this._list.getTableColumnModel().setColumnVisible(0, propVal); delete this._calcDimensions; return true; } qx.Proto._modifyEditable = function(propValue/*, propOldValue, propData*/) { var f = this._field; f.setReadOnly(!propValue); f.setCursor(propValue ? null : "default"); f.setSelectable(propValue); return true; } qx.Proto._modifyValue = function(propValue/*, propOldValue, propData*/) { this._fromValue = true; var values = this._model.getData(); var i = -1; if (propValue != null) { for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { if (propValue == values[i][0]) { break; } } if (i == values.length) { i = -1; } } if (this.getEditable()) { this._field.setValue(propValue); } // only do this if we called setValue separately // and not from the property "selected". if (!this._fromSelected) { this.setSelectedIndex(i); } // reset hint delete this._fromValue; return true; } qx.Proto._modifyEnabled = function(propValue/*, propOldValue, propData*/) { if (this._button) { this._button.setEnabled(propValue); } if (this._field) { this._field.setEnabled(propValue); } return qx.ui.layout.HorizontalBoxLayout.prototype._modifyEnabled.apply(this, arguments); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- POPUP HELPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ qx.Proto._oldSelected = null; qx.Proto._openPopup = function() { if (this.isSearchInProgress()) { return; } var p = this._popup; p.setAutoHide(false); var el = this.getElement(); if (!p.isCreated()) { this.createDispatchEvent("beforeInitialOpen"); } if (!this.getSelection().length) { return; } p.positionRelativeTo(el, 1, qx.html.Dimension.getBoxHeight(el)); this._calculateDimensions(); p.setParent(this.getTopLevelWidget()); p.auto(); p.show(); this._oldSelected = this.getSelectedIndex(); window.setInterval(function() { p.setAutoHide(true); }, 0); } /**Hide the popup list.*/ qx.Proto._closePopup = function() { this._popup.hide(); } /**Hide the popup list only when needed.*/ qx.Proto._testClosePopup = function() { if (this._popup.isSeeable()) { this._closePopup(); } } /**Toggle the visibility of the popup list.*/ qx.Proto._togglePopup = function() { this._popup.isSeeable() ? this._closePopup() : this._openPopup(); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIMENSIONING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /**Sizes the width of the text field component to the needed value to show any selection item.*/ qx.Proto.sizeTextFieldToContent = function() { this._calculateDimensions(); this._field.setWidth(this._neededTextFieldWidth); } /**Calculates the needed dimensions for the text field and list components*/ qx.Proto._calculateDimensions = function() { if (this._calcDimensions) { // Already calculated return; } var data = this.getSelection(); var cols = this.getColumnHeaders(), nCols = cols.length; var columnWidths = []; this._neededTextFieldWidth = 0; columnWidths.length = cols.length; for (var col = 0; col < cols.length; col++) { columnWidths[col] = 0; } var withDescript = this.getShowOnTextField() == 'idAndDescription'; for (var row = 0, rows = Math.min(data.length, 50); row < rows; row++) { var r = data[row], wi0, wi1; for (col = 0; col < nCols; col++) { var wi = this._getTextWidth(r[col]); if (col == 0) { wi0 = wi; } else if (col == 1) { wi1 = wi; } columnWidths[col] = Math.max(wi, columnWidths[col]); } this._neededTextFieldWidth = Math.max(this._neededTextFieldWidth, wi1+(withDescript ? wi0:0)); } if (this.getShowOnTextField() == 'idAndDescription') { this._neededTextFieldWidth += this._getTextWidth(this.getIdDescriptionSeparator()); } this._neededTextFieldWidth += 8; /*Extra margins*/ var maxRows = this.getMaxVisibleRows(), // Only assign room for the vertical scrollbar when needed width = data.length > maxRows ? (new qx.ui.core.ScrollBar)._getScrollBarWidth():0, colModel = this._list.getTableColumnModel(), countVisible = 0; // ##Only show headers if we have more than 1 column visible for (col = 0; col < nCols; col++) { if (colModel.isColumnVisible(col)) { countVisible++; } } var hasHeaders = countVisible > 1; this._list.getPaneScroller(0).getHeader().setHeight(hasHeaders ? 'auto' : 1); // ##Size each column for (col = 0; col < nCols; col++) { if (colModel.isColumnVisible(col)) { var w = columnWidths[col]; if (hasHeaders) { w = Math.max(w, this._getTextWidth(cols[col])); } w += 8; this._list.setColumnWidth(col, w); width += w; } } // ##Final width and height this._list.set({ width: width, height: this._list.getRowHeight()* Math.min(maxRows, (hasHeaders ? 1:0)+data.length)+2+(hasHeaders ? 2:0) }); // This denotes dimensions are already calculated this._calcDimensions = true; } /**Calculates the width of the given text. * The default font is used. * @return {Integer}*/ qx.Proto._getTextWidth = function(text) { var lab = new qx.ui.basic.Label(text); var res = lab.getPreferredBoxWidth(); lab.dispose(); return res; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEARCHING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /**Does this combo have the searched dialog open?*/ qx.Proto.isSearchInProgress = function() { return !this._popup.contains(this._list); } /**Searches the given text. Called from the search dialog. * @param startIndex {number} Start index, 0 based * @param txt {String} Text to find * @param caseSens {Boolean} Case sensivity flag.*/ qx.Proto._search = function(startIndex, txt, caseSens) { if (txt == null || !txt.length) { return; } var row = startIndex, nCols = this._model.getColumnCount(), nRows = this.getSelection().length, data = this._model.getData(); if (!caseSens) { txt = txt.toLowerCase(); } var colModel = this._list.getTableColumnModel(); while (true) { var dataRow = data[row]; if (dataRow) { for (var col = 0; col < nCols; col++) { if (colModel.isColumnVisible(col)) { var txtCol = dataRow[col]; if (!caseSens) { txtCol = txtCol.toLowerCase(); } if (txtCol.indexOf(txt) >= 0) { this._manager.setSelectionInterval(row, row); this._list.scrollCellVisible(1, row); return; } } } } row = (row+1)% nRows; if (row == startIndex) { break; } } } /**Opens a popup search dialog, useful when the combo has a lot of items. * This dialog is triggered by double clicking the combo, pressing F3 or Ctrl+F.*/ qx.Proto.openSearchDialog = function() { var sel = this.getSelection(); if (!sel || !sel.length || this.isSearchInProgress()) { return; } this._testClosePopup(); var me = this, oldSelectedIndex = this.getSelectedIndex(), startIndex = oldSelectedIndex; //###searchField function search() { me._search(startIndex, searchField.getComputedValue(), checkCase.isChecked()); } var searchField = new qx.ui.form.TextField; searchField.set({ minWidth: this._field.getWidth(), width: '100%' }); searchField.addEventListener("input", function() { search(); }); //###checkCase var checkCase = new qx.ui.form.CheckBox(this.tr("Case sensitive")); checkCase.set({ horizontalAlign: 'center', marginBottom: 4 }); //###vbox var vbox = new qx.ui.layout.VerticalBoxLayout; vbox.set({ spacing: 6, horizontalChildrenAlign: 'center', height: '100%' }); vbox.auto(); vbox.add(searchField, checkCase); //###list, we reuse the same list in the popup this._calculateDimensions(); var border = qx.renderer.border.BorderPresets.getInstance().inset; var newListSettings = { /*minHeight: border.getTopWidth()+this._list.getHeight()+border.getBottomWidth(), height: '1*',*/ height: border.getTopWidth()+this._list.getHeight()+border.getBottomWidth(), width: border.getLeftWidth()+this._list.getWidth()+border.getRightWidth(), border: border, parent: vbox }; // Save old list settings var oldListSettings = {}; for (var prop in newListSettings) { oldListSettings[prop] = this._list[qx.OO.getter[prop]](); } this._list.set(newListSettings); //###buttons var butNext = new qx.ui.form.Button('', 'icon/16/actions/edit-find.png'); butNext.set({ toolTip: new qx.ui.popup.ToolTip(this.tr("Search next occurrence")) }); butNext.addEventListener("execute", function() { startIndex = (this.getSelectedIndex()+1) % sel.length; search(); }, this); var butOk = new qx.ui.form.Button('', 'icon/16/actions/dialog-ok.png'); butOk.addEventListener('execute', function() { oldSelectedIndex = null; win.close(); }, this); var butCancel = new qx.ui.form.Button('', 'icon/16/actions/dialog-cancel.png'); butCancel.addEventListener('execute', function() { win.close(); }, this); var butBox = new qx.ui.layout.VerticalBoxLayout; butBox.auto(); butBox.set({ spacing: 10 }); butBox.add(butNext, butOk, butCancel); //###hbox var hbox = new qx.ui.layout.BoxLayout; hbox.auto(); hbox.setPadding(10); hbox.set({ spacing: 8, minHeight: 'auto', height: '100%' }); hbox.add(vbox, butBox); //###Window var win = new qx.ui.window.Window(this.tr("Search items in list"), 'icon/16/actions/edit-find.png'); win.add(hbox); win.positionRelativeTo(this); win.set({ autoHide: true, allowMaximize: false, showMaximize: false, allowMinimize: false, showMinimize: false }); win.addEventListener("appear", function() { searchField.focus(); }); win.addEventListener("disappear", function() { if (oldSelectedIndex != null) { // Hit Cancel button this.setSelectedIndex(oldSelectedIndex); } this._list.set(oldListSettings); this.focus(); }, this); win.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) { switch (e.getKeyIdentifier()) { case "Enter": butOk.createDispatchEvent('execute'); break; case "Escape": butCancel.createDispatchEvent('execute'); break; case "F3": butNext.createDispatchEvent('execute'); break; default: return; } e.preventDefault(); }, this); win.auto(); win.addToDocument(); win.open(); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER EVENT HANDLER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ qx.Proto._onChangeSelection = function(e) { this._fromSelected = true; // only do this if we called setValue separately // and not from the event "input". if (!this._fromInput) { var index = this.getSelectedIndex(); if (index >= 0) { var row = this._model.getData()[index]; } if (row || !this.getEditable()) { this.setValue(row && row[0]); } // In case of editable, this.setValue() already calls this._field.setValue() if (!this.getEditable()) { var val = ""; if (row) { val = this.getShowOnTextField() == 'description' ? row[1] : (row[0] != null && row[0] != '' ? row[0] + this.getIdDescriptionSeparator() + row[1]:row[1]); } this._field.setValue(val); } } // reset hint delete this._fromSelected; } qx.Proto._onpopupappear = function(e) { var index = this.getSelectedIndex(); if (index >= 0) { this._list.scrollCellVisible(0, index); } } qx.Proto._oninput = function(e) { // Hint for modifier this._fromInput = true; this.setValue(this._field.getComputedValue()); delete this._fromInput; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MOUSE EVENT HANDLER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ qx.Proto._onmousedown = function(e) { switch(e.getTarget()) { case this._field: if (this.getEditable()) { break; } // no break here case this._button: this._button.addState("pressed"); this._togglePopup(); // Assure we receive the mouse up event this.setCapture(true); break; } } qx.Proto._onmouseup = function(e) { switch(e.getTarget()) { case this._field: if (this.getEditable()) { break; } // no break here default: this._button.removeState("pressed"); break; } this.setCapture(false); } qx.Proto._onmousewheel = function(e) { if (!this._popup.isSeeable()) { this.setSelectedIndex(Math.max(0, this.getSelectedIndex()+(e.getWheelDelta() < 0 ? -1:1))); } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- KEY EVENT HANDLER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ qx.Proto._onkeydown = function(e) { var vVisible = this._popup.isSeeable(); switch (e.getKeyIdentifier()) { case "Enter": if (vVisible) { this._closePopup(); this.setFocused(true); } else { this._openPopup(); } break; case "Escape": if (vVisible) { this.setSelectedIndex(this._oldSelected); this._closePopup(); this.setFocused(true); } break; case "Home": this.setSelectedIndex(0); break; case "End": var items = this.getSelection().length; if (items) { this.setSelectedIndex(items-1); } break; case "Down": if (e.isAltPressed()) { this._togglePopup(); } break; case "F3": if (this.getAllowSearch()) { this.openSearchDialog(); } break; case "F": if (e.isCtrlPressed()) { if (this.getAllowSearch()) { this.openSearchDialog(); } break; } return; default: if (vVisible) { this._list.dispatchEvent(e); } return; } e.preventDefault(); } qx.Proto._onkeypress = function(e) { var vVisible = this._popup.isSeeable(); switch (e.getKeyIdentifier()) { case "Up": this.setSelectedIndex(Math.max(0, this.getSelectedIndex()-1)); break; case "Down": this.setSelectedIndex(Math.max(0, this.getSelectedIndex()+1)); break; case "PageUp": this.setSelectedIndex(Math.max(0, this.getSelectedIndex()-this.getPagingInterval())); break; case "PageDown": this.setSelectedIndex(this.getSelectedIndex()+this.getPagingInterval()); break; default: if (vVisible) { this._list.dispatchEvent(e); } return; } e.preventDefault(); if (!this.isEditable() && this._list.isSeeable()) { this._list.dispatchEvent(e); } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOCUS HANDLING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ qx.Proto._visualizeBlur = function() { // Force blur, even if mouseFocus is not active because we // need to be sure that the previous focus rect gets removed. // But this only needs to be done, if there is no new focused element. if (qx.core.Client.getInstance().isMshtml()) { if (this.getEnableElementFocus() && !this.getFocusRoot().getFocusedChild()) { try { if (this.getEditable()) { this.getField().getElement().blur(); } else { this.getElement().blur(); } } catch(ex) {}; } } else { if (this.getEnableElementFocus()) { try { if (this.getEditable()) { this.getField().getElement().blur(); } else if (!this.getFocusRoot().getFocusedChild()) { this.getElement().blur(); } } catch(ex) {}; } } this.removeState("focused"); return true; } qx.Proto._visualizeFocus = function() { if (!qx.event.handler.FocusHandler.mouseFocus && this.getEnableElementFocus()) { try { if (this.getEditable()) { this.getField().getElement().focus(); this.getField()._ontabfocus(); } else { this.getElement().focus(); } } catch(ex) { } } this.addState("focused"); return true; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISPOSE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ qx.Proto.dispose = function() { if (this.getDisposed()) { return; } // ************************************************************************ // WIDGET MOUSE EVENTS // ************************************************************************ this.removeEventListener("mousedown", this._onmousedown); this.removeEventListener("mouseup", this._onmouseup); this.removeEventListener("mousewheel", this._onmousewheel); // ************************************************************************ // WIDGET KEY EVENTS // ************************************************************************ this.removeEventListener("keydown", this._onkeydown); this.removeEventListener("keypress", this._onkeypress); this._model = null; if (this._manager) { this._manager.removeEventListener('changeSelection', this._onChangeSelection); this._manager = null; } if (this._list) { this._list.dispose(); this._list = null; } if (this._popup) { this._popup.removeEventListener("appear", this._onpopupappear, this); this._popup.dispose(); this._popup = null; } if (this._field) { if (this.getEditable()) { this._field.removeEventListener("input", this._oninput, this); } this._field.dispose(); this._field = null; } if (this._button) { this._button.dispose(); this._button = null; } return qx.ui.layout.HorizontalBoxLayout.prototype.dispose.call(this); }