/* ************************************************************************ qooxdoo - the new era of web development http://qooxdoo.org Copyright: 2006 STZ-IDA, Germany, http://www.stz-ida.de License: LGPL: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html EPL: http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php See the LICENSE file in the project's top-level directory for details. Authors: * Til Schneider (til132) * Carsten Lergenmueller (carstenl) ************************************************************************ */ /* ************************************************************************ #module(ui_table) #embed(qx.static/image/blank.gif) ************************************************************************ */ /** * A data cell renderer for boolean values. */ qx.OO.defineClass("qx.ui.table.IconDataCellRenderer", qx.ui.table.AbstractDataCellRenderer, function() { qx.ui.table.AbstractDataCellRenderer.call(this); this.IMG_BLANK_URL = qx.manager.object.AliasManager.getInstance().resolvePath("static/image/blank.gif"); }); /** * Identifies the Image to show. * * @param cellInfo {Map} The information about the cell. * See {@link #createDataCellHtml}. * @return {Map} A map having the following attributes: * */ qx.Proto._identifyImage = function(cellInfo) { throw new Error("_identifyImage is abstract"); } /** * Retrieves the image infos. * * @param cellInfo {Map} The information about the cell. * See {@link #createDataCellHtml}. * @return {Map} Map with an "url" attribute (type string) * holding the URL of the image to show * and a "tooltip" attribute * (type string) being the tooltip text (or null if none was specified) * */ qx.Proto._getImageInfos= function(cellInfo) { // Query the subclass about image and tooltip var urlAndTooltipMap = this._identifyImage(cellInfo); // If subclass refuses to give map, construct it if (urlAndTooltipMap == null || typeof urlAndTooltipMap == "string"){ urlAndTooltipMap = {url:urlAndTooltipMap, tooltip:null}; } // If subclass gave null as url, replace with url to empty image if (urlAndTooltipMap.url == null){ urlAndTooltipMap.url = this.IMG_BLANK_URL; } return urlAndTooltipMap; } // overridden qx.Proto._getCellStyle = function(cellInfo) { var style = qx.ui.table.AbstractDataCellRenderer.prototype._getCellStyle(cellInfo); style += qx.ui.table.IconDataCellRenderer.MAIN_DIV_STYLE; return style; } // overridden qx.Proto._getContentHtml = function(cellInfo) { var IconDataCellRenderer = qx.ui.table.IconDataCellRenderer; var urlAndToolTip = this._getImageInfos(cellInfo); var html = IconDataCellRenderer.IMG_START; if (qx.core.Client.getInstance().isMshtml() && /\.png$/i.test(urlAndToolTip.url)) { html += qx.manager.object.AliasManager.getInstance().resolvePath("static/image/blank.gif") + '" style="filter:' + "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + urlAndToolTip.url + "',sizingMethod='scale')"; } else { html += urlAndToolTip.url + '" style="'; } if (urlAndToolTip.imageWidth && urlAndToolTip.imageHeight) { html += ';width:' + urlAndToolTip.imageWidth + 'px' + ';height:' + urlAndToolTip.imageHeight + 'px'; } var tooltip = urlAndToolTip.tooltip; if (tooltip != null){ html += IconDataCellRenderer.IMG_TITLE_START + tooltip; } html += IconDataCellRenderer.IMG_END; return html; } // overridden qx.Proto.updateDataCellElement = function(cellInfo, cellElement) { // Set image and tooltip text var urlAndToolTip = this._getImageInfos(cellInfo); var img = cellElement.firstChild; if (qx.core.Client.getInstance().isMshtml()) { if (/\.png$/i.test(urlAndToolTip.url)) { img.src = qx.manager.object.AliasManager.getInstance().resolvePath("static/image/blank.gif"); img.style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + urlAndToolTip.url + "',sizingMethod='scale')"; } else { img.src = urlAndToolTip.url; img.style.filter = ""; } } else { img.src = urlAndToolTip.url; } if (urlAndToolTip.imageWidth && urlAndToolTip.imageHeight) { img.style.width = urlAndToolTip.imageWidth + "px"; img.style.height = urlAndToolTip.imageHeight + "px"; } if (urlAndToolTip.tooltip != null){ img.setAttribute("title", urlAndToolTip.tooltip); } } // overridden qx.Proto._createCellStyle_array_join = function(cellInfo, htmlArr) { qx.ui.table.AbstractDataCellRenderer.prototype._createCellStyle_array_join(cellInfo, htmlArr); htmlArr.push(qx.ui.table.IconDataCellRenderer.MAIN_DIV_STYLE); } qx.Proto._createContentHtml_array_join = function(cellInfo, htmlArr) { var IconDataCellRenderer = qx.ui.table.IconDataCellRenderer; if (qx.ui.table.TablePane.USE_TABLE) { htmlArr.push(IconDataCellRenderer.TABLE_DIV); htmlArr.push(cellInfo.styleHeight - 2); // -1 for the border, -1 for the padding htmlArr.push(IconDataCellRenderer.TABLE_DIV_CLOSE); } htmlArr.push(IconDataCellRenderer.IMG_START); var urlAndToolTip = this._getImageInfos(cellInfo); htmlArr.push(urlAndToolTip.url); var tooltip = urlAndToolTip.tooltip; if (tooltip != null){ IconDataCellRenderer.IMG_TITLE_START; htmlArr.push(tooltip); } htmlArr.push(IconDataCellRenderer.IMG_END); if (qx.ui.table.TablePane.USE_TABLE) { htmlArr.push(IconDataCellRenderer.TABLE_DIV_END); } } qx.Class.MAIN_DIV_STYLE = ';text-align:center;padding-top:1px;'; qx.Class.IMG_START = ''; qx.Class.IMG_TITLE_START = '" title="'; qx.Class.TABLE_DIV = '
'; qx.Class.TABLE_DIV_END = '