#!/usr/bin/env python ################################################################################ # # qooxdoo - the new era of web development # # http://qooxdoo.org # # Copyright: # 2006-2007 1&1 Internet AG, Germany, http://www.1and1.org # # License: # LGPL: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html # EPL: http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php # See the LICENSE file in the project's top-level directory for details. # # Authors: # * Sebastian Werner (wpbasti) # * Alessandro Sala (asala) # ################################################################################ import sys, string, re, optparse import config, filetool, comment R_WHITESPACE = re.compile(r"(\s+)") R_NONWHITESPACE = re.compile("\S+") R_NUMBER = re.compile("^[0-9]+") R_NEWLINE = re.compile(r"(\n)") # Ideas from: http://www.regular-expressions.info/examplesprogrammer.html # Multicomment RegExp inspired by: http://ostermiller.org/findcomment.html # builds regexp strings S_STRING_A = "'[^'\\\n]*(\\.|\n[^'\\\n]*)*'" S_STRING_B = '"[^"\\\n]*(\\.|\n[^"\\\n]*)*"' S_FLOAT = "([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)" S_OPERATORS_2 = r"(==)|(!=)|(\+\+)|(--)|(-=)|(\+=)|(\*=)|(/=)|(%=)|(&&)|(\|\|)|(\>=)|(\<=)|(>>)|(<<)|(\^\|)|(\|=)|(\^=)|(&=)|(::)|(\.\.)" S_OPERATORS_3 = r"(===)|(!==)|(\<\<=)|(\>\>=)|(\>\>\>)" S_OPERATORS_4 = r"(\>\>\>=)" S_OPERATORS = "(" + S_OPERATORS_4 + "|" + S_OPERATORS_3 + "|" + S_OPERATORS_2 + ")" S_REGEXP = "(\/[^\t\n\r\f\v\/]+?\/[mgi]*)" S_REGEXP_A = "\.(match|search|split)\s*\(\s*\(*\s*" + S_REGEXP + "\s*\)*\s*\)" S_REGEXP_B = "\.(replace)\s*\(\s*\(*\s*" + S_REGEXP + "\s*\)*\s*?,?" S_REGEXP_C = "\s*\(*\s*" + S_REGEXP + "\)*\.(test|exec)\s*\(\s*" S_REGEXP_D = "(:|=|\?)\s*\(*\s*" + S_REGEXP + "\s*\)*" S_REGEXP_ALL = S_REGEXP_A + "|" + S_REGEXP_B + "|" + S_REGEXP_C + "|" + S_REGEXP_D S_ALL = "(" + comment.S_BLOCK_COMMENT + "|" + comment.S_INLINE_COMMENT + "|" + S_STRING_A + "|" + S_STRING_B + "|" + S_REGEXP_ALL + "|" + S_FLOAT + "|" + S_OPERATORS + ")" # compile regexp strings R_STRING_A = re.compile("^" + S_STRING_A + "$") R_STRING_B = re.compile("^" + S_STRING_B + "$") R_FLOAT = re.compile("^" + S_FLOAT + "$") R_OPERATORS = re.compile(S_OPERATORS) R_REGEXP = re.compile(S_REGEXP) R_REGEXP_A = re.compile(S_REGEXP_A) R_REGEXP_B = re.compile(S_REGEXP_B) R_REGEXP_C = re.compile(S_REGEXP_C) R_REGEXP_D = re.compile(S_REGEXP_D) R_ALL = re.compile(S_ALL) parseLine = 1 parseColumn = 1 parseUniqueId = "" def protectEscape(s): return s.replace("\\\\", "__$ESCAPE0$__").replace("\\\"", "__$ESCAPE1$__").replace("\\\'", "__$ESCAPE2__").replace("\/", "__$ESCAPE3__").replace("\!", "__$ESCAPE4__") def recoverEscape(s): return s.replace("__$ESCAPE0$__", "\\\\").replace("__$ESCAPE1$__", "\\\"").replace("__$ESCAPE2__", "\\'").replace("__$ESCAPE3__", "\/").replace("__$ESCAPE4__", "\!") def parseElement(element): global parseUniqueId global parseLine global parseColumn if config.JSPROTECTED.has_key(element): # print "PROTECTED: %s" % PROTECTED[content] obj = { "type" : "protected", "detail" : config.JSPROTECTED[element], "source" : element, "line" : parseLine, "column" : parseColumn, "id" : parseUniqueId } elif element in config.JSBUILTIN: # print "BUILTIN: %s" % content obj = { "type" : "builtin", "detail" : "", "source" : element, "line" : parseLine, "column" : parseColumn, "id" : parseUniqueId } elif R_NUMBER.search(element): # print "NUMBER: %s" % content obj = { "type" : "number", "detail" : "int", "source" : element, "line" : parseLine, "column" : parseColumn, "id" : parseUniqueId } elif element.startswith("_"): # print "PRIVATE NAME: %s" % content obj = { "type" : "name", "detail" : "private", "source" : element, "line" : parseLine, "column" : parseColumn, "id" : parseUniqueId } elif len(element) > 0: # print "PUBLIC NAME: %s" % content obj = { "type" : "name", "detail" : "public", "source" : element, "line" : parseLine, "column" : parseColumn, "id" : parseUniqueId } parseColumn += len(element) return obj def parsePart(part): global parseUniqueId global parseLine global parseColumn tokens = [] element = "" for line in R_NEWLINE.split(part): if line == "\n": tokens.append({ "type" : "eol", "source" : "", "detail" : "", "line" : parseLine, "column" : parseColumn, "id" : parseUniqueId }) parseColumn = 1 parseLine += 1 else: for item in R_WHITESPACE.split(line): if item == "": continue if not R_NONWHITESPACE.search(item): parseColumn += len(item) continue # print "ITEM: '%s'" % item for char in item: # work on single character tokens, otherwise concat to a bigger element if config.JSTOKENS.has_key(char): # convert existing element if element != "": if R_NONWHITESPACE.search(element): tokens.append(parseElement(element)) element = "" # add character to token list tokens.append({ "type" : "token", "detail" : config.JSTOKENS[char], "source" : char, "line" : parseLine, "column" : parseColumn, "id" : parseUniqueId }) parseColumn += 1 else: element += char # convert remaining stuff to tokens if element != "": if R_NONWHITESPACE.search(element): tokens.append(parseElement(element)) element = "" return tokens def parseFragmentLead(content, fragment, tokens): pos = content.find(fragment) if pos > 0: tokens.extend(parsePart(recoverEscape(content[0:pos]))) return content[pos+len(fragment):] def hasLeadingContent(tokens): pos = len(tokens) - 1 while pos > 0: if tokens[pos]["type"] == "eol": break else: return True return False def parseStream(content, uniqueId=""): # make global variables available global parseLine global parseColumn global parseUniqueId # reset global stuff parseColumn = 1 parseLine = 1 parseUniqueId = uniqueId # prepare storage tokens = [] content = protectEscape(content) # print " * searching for patterns..." all = R_ALL.findall(content) # print " * structuring..." for item in all: fragment = item[0] # print "Found: '%s'" % fragment if comment.R_BLOCK_COMMENT.match(fragment): source = recoverEscape(fragment) format = comment.getFormat(source) multiline = comment.isMultiLine(source) # print "Type:MultiComment" content = parseFragmentLead(content, fragment, tokens) atBegin = not hasLeadingContent(tokens) if re.compile("^\s*\n").search(content): atEnd = True else: atEnd = False # print "Begin: %s, End: %s" % (atBegin, atEnd) # Fixing source content if atBegin: source = comment.outdent(source, parseColumn - 1) source = comment.correct(source) connection = "before" if atEnd and not atBegin: connection = "after" else: connection = "before" tokens.append({ "type" : "comment", "detail" : format, "multiline" : multiline, "connection" : connection, "source" : source, "id" : parseUniqueId, "line" : parseLine, "column" : parseColumn, "begin" : atBegin, "end" : atEnd }) parseLine += len(fragment.split("\n")) - 1 elif comment.R_INLINE_COMMENT.match(fragment): # print "Type:SingleComment" source = recoverEscape(fragment) content = parseFragmentLead(content, fragment, tokens) atBegin = hasLeadingContent(tokens) atEnd = True if atBegin: connection = "after" else: connection = "before" source = comment.correct(source) tokens.append({ "type" : "comment", "detail" : "inline", "multiline" : False, "connection" : connection, "source" : source, "id" : parseUniqueId, "line" : parseLine, "column" : parseColumn, "begin" : atBegin, "end" : atEnd }) elif R_STRING_A.match(fragment): # print "Type:StringA: %s" % fragment content = parseFragmentLead(content, fragment, tokens) source = recoverEscape(fragment)[1:-1] tokens.append({ "type" : "string", "detail" : "singlequotes", "source" : source.replace("\\\n",""), "id" : parseUniqueId, "line" : parseLine, "column" : parseColumn }) parseLine += source.count("\\\n"); elif R_STRING_B.match(fragment): # print "Type:StringB: %s" % fragment content = parseFragmentLead(content, fragment, tokens) source = recoverEscape(fragment)[1:-1] tokens.append({ "type" : "string", "detail" : "doublequotes", "source" : source.replace("\\\n",""), "id" : parseUniqueId, "line" : parseLine, "column" : parseColumn }) parseLine += source.count("\\\n"); elif R_FLOAT.match(fragment): # print "Type:Float: %s" % fragment content = parseFragmentLead(content, fragment, tokens) tokens.append({ "type" : "number", "detail" : "float", "source" : fragment, "id" : parseUniqueId, "line" : parseLine, "column" : parseColumn }) elif R_OPERATORS.match(fragment): # print "Type:Operator: %s" % fragment content = parseFragmentLead(content, fragment, tokens) tokens.append({ "type" : "token", "detail" : config.JSTOKENS[fragment], "source" : fragment, "id" : parseUniqueId, "line" : parseLine, "column" : parseColumn }) else: fragresult = R_REGEXP.search(fragment) if fragresult: # print "Type:RegExp: %s" % fragresult.group(0) if R_REGEXP_A.match(fragment) or R_REGEXP_B.match(fragment) or R_REGEXP_C.match(fragment) or R_REGEXP_D.match(fragment): content = parseFragmentLead(content, fragresult.group(0), tokens) tokens.append({ "type" : "regexp", "detail" : "", "source" : recoverEscape(fragresult.group(0)), "id" : parseUniqueId, "line" : parseLine, "column" : parseColumn }) else: print "Bad regular expression: %s" % fragresult.group(0) else: print "Type:None!" tokens.extend(parsePart(recoverEscape(content))) tokens.append({ "type" : "eof", "source" : "", "detail" : "", "id" : parseUniqueId, "line" : parseLine, "column" : parseColumn }) return tokens def parseFile(fileName, uniqueId="", encoding="utf-8"): return parseStream(filetool.read(fileName, encoding), uniqueId) def convertTokensToString(tokens): tokenizedString = "" for token in tokens: tokenizedString += "%s%s" % (token, "\n") return tokenizedString def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option("-w", "--write", action="store_true", dest="write", default=False, help="Writes file to incoming fileName + EXTENSION.") parser.add_option("-e", "--extension", dest="extension", metavar="EXTENSION", help="The EXTENSION to use", default=".tokenized") parser.add_option("--encoding", dest="encoding", default="utf-8", metavar="ENCODING", help="Defines the encoding expected for input files.") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) == 0: print "Needs one or more arguments (files) to tokenize!" sys.exit(1) for fileName in args: if options.write: print "Compiling %s => %s%s" % (fileName, fileName, options.extension) else: print "Compiling %s => stdout" % fileName tokenString = convertTokensToString(parseFile(fileName, "", options.encoding)) if options.write: filetool.save(fileName + options.extension, tokenString, options.encoding) else: try: print tokenString except UnicodeEncodeError: print " * Could not encode result to ascii. Use '-w' instead." sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: print print " * Keyboard Interrupt" sys.exit(1)