#!/usr/bin/env python ################################################################################ # # qooxdoo - the new era of web development # # http://qooxdoo.org # # Copyright: # 2006-2007 1&1 Internet AG, Germany, http://www.1and1.org # # License: # LGPL: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html # EPL: http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php # See the LICENSE file in the project's top-level directory for details. # # Authors: # * Sebastian Werner (wpbasti) # ################################################################################ import sys, optparse import tokenizer, tree, filetool, variableoptimizer SINGLE_LEFT_OPERATORS = [ "NOT", "BITNOT", "ADD", "SUB", "INC", "DEC" ] SINGLE_RIGHT_OPERATORS = [ "INC", "DEC" ] MULTI_TOKEN_OPERATORS = [ "HOOK", "ADD", "SUB", "MUL", "DIV", "MOD", \ "LT", "LE", "GT", "GE", "EQ", "NE", "SHEQ", "SHNE", \ "AND", "OR", "BITOR", "BITXOR", "BITAND", "POWEROF", \ "LSH", "RSH", "URSH" ] MULTI_PROTECTED_OPERATORS = [ "INSTANCEOF", "IN" ] ASSIGN_OPERATORS = [ "ASSIGN", "ASSIGN_ADD", "ASSIGN_SUB", "ASSIGN_MUL", \ "ASSIGN_DIV", "ASSIGN_MOD", "ASSIGN_BITOR", "ASSIGN_BITXOR", "ASSIGN_BITAND", \ "ASSIGN_LSH", "ASSIGN_RSH", "ASSIGN_URSH" ] LOOP_KEYWORDS = [ "WHILE", "IF", "FOR", "WITH" ] class TokenStream: def __init__ (self, tokens): self.tokens = tokens self.commentsBefore = None self.parsepos = -1 self.eolBefore = False def curr (self): """Returns the current token.""" return self.tokens[self.parsepos] def currType (self): return self.curr()["type"] def currDetail (self): return self.curr()["detail"] def currSource (self): return self.curr()["source"] def currLine (self): return self.curr()["line"] def currColumn (self): return self.curr()["column"] def currMultiline (self): return self.curr()["multiline"] def currConnection (self): return self.curr()["connection"] def currIsType (self, tokenType, tokenDetail = None): if self.currType() != tokenType: return False else: if tokenDetail == None: return True elif type(tokenDetail) == list: return self.currDetail() in tokenDetail else: return self.currDetail() == tokenDetail def expectCurrType (self, tokenType, tokenDetail = None): if not self.currIsType(tokenType, tokenDetail): expectedDesc = tokenType if type(tokenDetail) == str: expectedDesc += "/" + tokenDetail raiseSyntaxException(self.curr(), expectedDesc) def finished (self): # NOTE: the last token is end of file return self.parsepos >= len(self.tokens) - 1 def next (self, item=None, after=False): length = len(self.tokens) self.eolBefore = False self.breakBefore = False token = None while self.parsepos < length - 1: self.parsepos += 1 token = self.tokens[self.parsepos] if token["type"] == "eol": if self.eolBefore: self.breakBefore = True self.eolBefore = True # ignore end of line pass elif token["type"] == "comment": # After current item if token["connection"] == "after": if not token.has_key("inserted") or not token["inserted"]: if item: commentNode = tree.Node("comment") commentNode.set("line", token["line"]) commentNode.set("column", token["column"]) commentNode.set("text", token["source"]) commentNode.set("detail", token["detail"]) commentNode.set("multiline", token["multiline"]) commentNode.set("connection", token["connection"]) commentNode.set("begin", token["begin"]) commentNode.set("end", token["end"]) if after: item.addListChild("commentsAfter", commentNode) else: item.addChild(commentNode) self.eolBefore = False self.breakBefore = False else: print "Found unresolved after comment in line %s, column %s" % (token["line"], token["column"]) print token["source"] pass # Documentation and Block comments of next item else: if not self.commentsBefore: self.commentsBefore = [] commentNode = tree.Node("comment") commentNode.set("line", token["line"]) commentNode.set("column", token["column"]) commentNode.set("text", token["source"]) commentNode.set("detail", token["detail"]) commentNode.set("multiline", token["multiline"]) commentNode.set("connection", token["connection"]) commentNode.set("begin", token["begin"]) commentNode.set("end", token["end"]) self.commentsBefore.append(commentNode) self.eolBefore = False self.breakBefore = False else: break #print "next token: " + str(token) if token == None: # return end of file token return self.tokens[length - 1] else: return token # alternative to use, when we want to check if the next token # is a comment, but are not able to use next() because if there is # no comment we want to leave in our position def comment (self, item, after=False): length = len(self.tokens) token = None pos = self.parsepos while pos < length - 1: pos += 1 token = self.tokens[pos] if token["type"] == "comment" and token["connection"] == "after" and (not token.has_key("inserted") or not token["inserted"]): commentNode = tree.Node("comment") commentNode.set("line", token["line"]) commentNode.set("column", token["column"]) commentNode.set("text", token["source"]) commentNode.set("detail", token["detail"]) commentNode.set("multiline", token["multiline"]) commentNode.set("connection", token["connection"]) commentNode.set("begin", token["begin"]) commentNode.set("end", token["end"]) token["inserted"] = True if after: item.addListChild("commentsAfter", commentNode) else: item.addChild(commentNode) else: break def hadEolBefore(self): return self.eolBefore def hadBreakBefore(self): return self.breakBefore def clearCommentsBefore(self): commentsBefore = self.commentsBefore self.commentsBefore = None return commentsBefore class SyntaxException (Exception): pass def createItemNode(type, stream): # print "CREATE %s" % type node = tree.Node(type) node.set("line", stream.currLine()) node.set("column", stream.currColumn()) commentsBefore = stream.clearCommentsBefore() if commentsBefore: for comment in commentsBefore: node.addListChild("commentsBefore", comment) return node def raiseSyntaxException (token, expectedDesc = None): if expectedDesc: msg = "Expected " + expectedDesc + " but found " else: msg = "Unexpected " msg += token["type"] if token["detail"]: msg += "/" + token["detail"] msg += ": '" + token["source"] + "'. file:" + \ token["id"] + ", line:" + str(token["line"]) + \ ", column:" + str(token["column"]) raise SyntaxException(msg) def createSyntaxTree (tokenArr): """Creates a syntax tree from a token stream. tokens: the token stream.""" stream = TokenStream(tokenArr) stream.next() rootBlock = tree.Node("file") rootBlock.set("file", stream.curr()["id"]) while not stream.finished(): rootBlock.addChild(readStatement(stream)) return rootBlock def readExpression (stream): return readStatement(stream, True) def readStatement (stream, expressionMode = False, overrunSemicolon = True, inStatementList = False): item = None eolBefore = stream.hadEolBefore() breakBefore = stream.hadBreakBefore() # print "PROGRESS: %s - %s (%s) [expr=%s]" % (stream.currType(), stream.currDetail(), stream.currLine(), expressionMode) if currIsIdentifier(stream, True): # statement starts with an identifier variable = readVariable(stream, True) variable = readObjectOperation(stream, variable) if stream.currIsType("token", ASSIGN_OPERATORS): # This is an assignment item = createItemNode("assignment", stream) item.set("operator", stream.currDetail()) stream.next(item) item.addListChild("left", variable) item.addListChild("right", readExpression(stream)) elif stream.currIsType("token", "COLON") and not expressionMode: # This is a label item = variable item.type = "label" stream.next(variable) else: # Something else comes after the variable -> It's a sole variable item = variable # Any comments found for the variable belong to the extracted item commentsChild = variable.getChild("commentsBefore", False) if item and commentsChild != None: variable.removeChild(commentsChild) item.addChild(commentsChild, 0) elif stream.currIsType("protected", "FUNCTION"): item = createItemNode("function", stream) stream.next(item) # Read optional function name if stream.currIsType("name"): item.set("name", stream.currSource()) stream.next(item) readParamList(item, stream) item.addListChild("body", readBlock(stream)) # Check for direct execution: function() {}() if stream.currIsType("token", "LP"): # The function is executed directly functionItem = item item = createItemNode("call", stream) item.addListChild("operand", functionItem) readParamList(item, stream) item = readObjectOperation(stream, item) elif stream.currIsType("protected", "VOID"): stream.next(item) item = createItemNode("void", stream) stream.next(item) item.addChild(readStatement(stream, expressionMode)) stream.expectCurrType("token", "RP") stream.next(item, True) item = readObjectOperation(stream, item) elif stream.currIsType("token", "LP"): igroup = createItemNode("group", stream) stream.next(igroup) igroup.addChild(readStatement(stream, expressionMode)) stream.expectCurrType("token", "RP") stream.next(igroup, True) oper = readObjectOperation(stream, igroup) # supports e.g. (this.editor.object || this.editor.iframe).style.marginTop = null; if stream.currIsType("token", ASSIGN_OPERATORS): # This is an assignment item = createItemNode("assignment", stream) item.set("operator", stream.currDetail()) stream.next(item) item.addListChild("left", oper) item.addListChild("right", readExpression(stream)) else: # Something else comes after the variable -> It's a sole variable item = oper elif stream.currIsType("string"): item = createItemNode("constant", stream) item.set("constantType", "string") item.set("value", stream.currSource()) item.set("detail", stream.currDetail()) stream.next(item, True) # This is a member accessor (E.g. "bla.blubb") item = readObjectOperation(stream, item) elif stream.currIsType("number"): item = createItemNode("constant", stream) item.set("constantType", "number") item.set("value", stream.currSource()) item.set("detail", stream.currDetail()) stream.next(item, True) # This is a member accessor (E.g. "bla.blubb") item = readObjectOperation(stream, item) elif stream.currIsType("regexp"): item = createItemNode("constant", stream) item.set("constantType", "regexp") item.set("value", stream.currSource()) stream.next(item, True) # This is a member accessor (E.g. "bla.blubb") item = readObjectOperation(stream, item) elif expressionMode and (stream.currIsType("protected", "TRUE") or stream.currIsType("protected", "FALSE")): item = createItemNode("constant", stream) item.set("constantType", "boolean") item.set("value", stream.currSource()) stream.next(item, True) elif expressionMode and stream.currIsType("protected", "NULL"): item = createItemNode("constant", stream) item.set("constantType", "null") item.set("value", stream.currSource()) stream.next(item, True) elif expressionMode and stream.currIsType("token", "LC"): item = readMap(stream) elif expressionMode and stream.currIsType("token", "LB"): item = readArray(stream) elif stream.currIsType("token", SINGLE_LEFT_OPERATORS): item = createItemNode("operation", stream) item.set("operator", stream.currDetail()) item.set("left", True) stream.next(item) item.addListChild("first", readExpression(stream)) elif stream.currIsType("protected", "TYPEOF"): item = createItemNode("operation", stream) item.set("operator", "TYPEOF") item.set("left", True) stream.next(item) item.addListChild("first", readExpression(stream)) elif stream.currIsType("protected", "NEW"): item = readInstantiation(stream) item = readObjectOperation(stream, item) elif not expressionMode and stream.currIsType("protected", "VAR"): item = createItemNode("definitionList", stream) stream.next(item) finished = False while not finished: if not currIsIdentifier(stream, False): raiseSyntaxException(stream.curr(), "identifier") childitem = createItemNode("definition", stream) childitem.set("identifier", stream.currSource()) stream.next(childitem) if stream.currIsType("token", "ASSIGN"): assign = createItemNode("assignment", stream) childitem.addChild(assign) stream.next(assign) assign.addChild(readExpression(stream)) item.addChild(childitem) # Check whether anothe definition follows, e.g. "var a, b=1, c=4" if stream.currIsType("token", "COMMA"): stream.next(item) else: finished = True stream.comment(item, True) elif not expressionMode and stream.currIsType("protected", LOOP_KEYWORDS): item = readLoop(stream) elif not expressionMode and stream.currIsType("protected", "DO"): item = readDoWhile(stream) elif not expressionMode and stream.currIsType("protected", "SWITCH"): item = readSwitch(stream) elif not expressionMode and stream.currIsType("protected", "TRY"): item = readTryCatch(stream) elif not expressionMode and stream.currIsType("token", "LC"): item = readBlock(stream) elif not expressionMode and stream.currIsType("protected", "RETURN"): item = createItemNode("return", stream) stream.next(item) # NOTE: The expression after the return keyword is optional if not stream.currIsType("token", "SEMICOLON") and not stream.currIsType("token", "RC"): item.addListChild("expression", readExpression(stream)) stream.comment(item, True) elif not expressionMode and stream.currIsType("protected", "THROW"): item = createItemNode("throw", stream) stream.next(item) item.addListChild("expression", readExpression(stream)) stream.comment(item, True) elif not expressionMode and stream.currIsType("protected", "DELETE"): item = createItemNode("delete", stream) stream.next(item) item.addListChild("expression", readExpression(stream)) stream.comment(item, True) elif not expressionMode and stream.currIsType("protected", "BREAK"): item = createItemNode("break", stream) stream.next(item) # NOTE: The label after the break keyword is optional if not stream.hadEolBefore() and stream.currIsType("name"): item.set("label", stream.currSource()) # As the label is an attribute, we need to put following comments into after # to differenciate between comments before and after the label stream.next(item, True) elif not expressionMode and stream.currIsType("protected", "CONTINUE"): item = createItemNode("continue", stream) stream.next(item) # NOTE: The label after the continue keyword is optional if not stream.hadEolBefore() and stream.currIsType("name"): item.set("label", stream.currSource()) stream.next(item, True) if not item: if stream.currIsType("token", "SEMICOLON") and not expressionMode: # This is an empty statement item = createItemNode("emptyStatement", stream) stream.next(item) else: if expressionMode: expectedDesc = "expression" else: expectedDesc = "statement" raiseSyntaxException(stream.curr(), expectedDesc) # check whether this is an operation if stream.currIsType("token", MULTI_TOKEN_OPERATORS) or stream.currIsType("protected", MULTI_PROTECTED_OPERATORS) or (stream.currIsType("token", SINGLE_RIGHT_OPERATORS) and not stream.hadEolBefore()): # its an operation -> We've already parsed the first operand (in item) parsedItem = item oper = stream.currDetail() item = createItemNode("operation", stream) item.addListChild("first", parsedItem) item.set("operator", oper) stream.next(item) if oper in MULTI_TOKEN_OPERATORS or oper in MULTI_PROTECTED_OPERATORS: # It's a multi operator -> There must be a second argument item.addListChild("second", readExpression(stream)) if oper == "HOOK": # It's a "? :" operation -> There must be a third argument stream.expectCurrType("token", "COLON") stream.next(item) item.addListChild("third", readExpression(stream)) # Deep scan on single right operators e.g. if(i-- > 4) if oper in SINGLE_RIGHT_OPERATORS and stream.currIsType("token", MULTI_TOKEN_OPERATORS) and expressionMode: paroper = stream.currDetail() paritem = createItemNode("operation", stream) paritem.addListChild("first", item) paritem.set("operator", paroper) stream.next(item) if paroper in MULTI_TOKEN_OPERATORS or paroper in MULTI_PROTECTED_OPERATORS: # It's a multi operator -> There must be a second argument paritem.addListChild("second", readExpression(stream)) if paroper == "HOOK": # It's a "? :" operation -> There must be a third argument stream.expectCurrType("token", "COLON") stream.next(item) paritem.addListChild("third", readExpression(stream)) # return parent item item = paritem # check whether this is a combined statement, e.g. "bla(), i++" if not expressionMode and not inStatementList and stream.currIsType("token", "COMMA"): statementList = createItemNode("statementList", stream) statementList.addChild(item) while stream.currIsType("token", "COMMA"): stream.next(statementList) statementList.addChild(readStatement(stream, False, False, True)) item = statementList # go over the optional semicolon if not expressionMode and overrunSemicolon and stream.currIsType("token", "SEMICOLON"): stream.next(item, True) item.set("eolBefore", eolBefore) item.set("breakBefore", breakBefore) return item def currIsIdentifier (stream, allowThis): det = stream.currDetail() return stream.currIsType("name") or stream.currIsType("builtin") \ or (stream.currIsType("protected") and \ (det == "INFINITY" or det == "PROTOTYPE" or det == "CALL" or \ det == "APPLY" or (allowThis and det == "THIS"))) def readVariable (stream, allowArrays): # Note: keywords may be used as identifiers, too item = createItemNode("variable", stream) done = False firstIdentifier = True while not done: if not currIsIdentifier(stream, firstIdentifier): raiseSyntaxException(stream.curr(), "identifier") identifier = createItemNode("identifier", stream) identifier.set("name", stream.currSource()) stream.next(identifier) if allowArrays: while stream.currIsType("token", "LB"): accessor = createItemNode("accessor", stream) stream.next(accessor) accessor.addListChild("identifier", identifier) accessor.addListChild("key", readExpression(stream)) stream.expectCurrType("token", "RB") stream.next(accessor, True) identifier = accessor item.addChild(identifier) firstIdentifier = False if stream.currIsType("token", "DOT"): stream.next(item) else: done = True return item def readObjectOperation(stream, operand, onlyAllowMemberAccess = False): if stream.currIsType("token", "DOT"): # This is a member accessor (E.g. "bla.blubb") item = createItemNode("accessor", stream) stream.next(item) item.addListChild("left", operand) # special mode for constants which should be assigned to an accessor first if operand.type == "constant": item.addListChild("right", readVariable(stream, False)) item = readObjectOperation(stream, item) else: item.addListChild("right", readObjectOperation(stream, readVariable(stream, False))) elif stream.currIsType("token", "LP"): # This is a function call (E.g. "bla(...)") item = createItemNode("call", stream) item.addListChild("operand", operand) readParamList(item, stream) item = readObjectOperation(stream, item) elif stream.currIsType("token", "LB"): # This is an array access (E.g. "bla[...]") item = createItemNode("accessor", stream) stream.next(item) item.addListChild("identifier", operand) item.addListChild("key", readExpression(stream)) stream.expectCurrType("token", "RB") stream.next(item, True) item = readObjectOperation(stream, item) else: item = operand # Any comments found for the operand belong to the item if operand != item: commentsChild = operand.getChild("commentsBefore", False) if commentsChild != None: operand.removeChild(commentsChild) item.addChild(commentsChild, 0) return item def readParamList (node, stream): stream.expectCurrType("token", "LP") params = createItemNode("params", stream) node.addChild(params) stream.next(params) firstParam = True lastExpr = None while not stream.currIsType("token", "RP"): if firstParam: firstParam = False else: stream.expectCurrType("token", "COMMA") stream.next(lastExpr, True) lastExpr = readExpression(stream) params.addChild(lastExpr) # Has an end defined by the loop above # This means that all comments following are after item stream.next(params, True) def readBlock(stream): stream.expectCurrType("token", "LC") item = createItemNode("block", stream) # Iterate through children stream.next(item) while not stream.currIsType("token", "RC"): item.addChild(readStatement(stream)) # Has an end defined by the loop above # This means that all comments following are after item stream.next(item, True) return item def readMap(stream): stream.expectCurrType("token", "LC") item = createItemNode("map", stream) stream.next(item) # NOTE: We use our own flag for checking whether the array already has entries # and not item.hasChildren(), because item.hasChildren() is also true # when there are comments before the array hasEntries = False while not stream.currIsType("token", "RC"): if hasEntries: stream.expectCurrType("token", "COMMA") stream.next(item) if not currIsIdentifier(stream, True) and not stream.currIsType("string") and not stream.currIsType("number"): raiseSyntaxException(stream.curr(), "map key (identifier, string or number)") keyvalue = createItemNode("keyvalue", stream) keyvalue.set("key", stream.currSource()) if stream.currIsType("string"): keyvalue.set("quote", stream.currDetail()) stream.next(keyvalue) stream.expectCurrType("token", "COLON") stream.next(keyvalue, True) keyvalue.addListChild("value", readExpression(stream)) item.addChild(keyvalue) hasEntries = True # Has an end defined by the loop above # This means that all comments following are after item stream.next(item, True) return item def readArray(stream): stream.expectCurrType("token", "LB") item = createItemNode("array", stream) stream.next(item) # NOTE: We use our own flag for checking whether the array already has entries # and not item.hasChildren(), because item.hasChildren() is also true # when there are comments before the array hasEntries = False while not stream.currIsType("token", "RB"): if hasEntries: stream.expectCurrType("token", "COMMA") stream.next(item) item.addChild(readExpression(stream)) hasEntries = True # Has an end defined by the loop above # This means that all comments following are after item stream.next(item, True) # Support constructs like [ "foo", "bar" ].join("") item = readObjectOperation(stream, item) return item def readInstantiation(stream): stream.expectCurrType("protected", "NEW") item = createItemNode("instantiation", stream) stream.next(item) # Could be a simple variable or a just-in-time function declaration (closure) # Read this as expression stmnt = readStatement(stream, True, False) item.addListChild("expression", stmnt) return item def readLoop(stream): stream.expectCurrType("protected", LOOP_KEYWORDS) loopType = stream.currDetail() item = createItemNode("loop", stream) item.set("loopType", loopType) stream.next(item) stream.expectCurrType("token", "LP") if loopType == "FOR": stream.next(item) if not stream.currIsType("token", "SEMICOLON"): # Read the optional first statement first = createItemNode("first", stream) item.addChild(first) first.addChild(readStatement(stream, False, False)) stream.comment(first, True) if stream.currIsType("token", "SEMICOLON"): # It's a for (;;) loop item.set("forVariant", "iter") stream.next(item) if not stream.currIsType("token", "SEMICOLON"): # Read the optional second expression second = createItemNode("second", stream) item.addChild(second) second.addChild(readExpression(stream)) stream.comment(second, True) stream.expectCurrType("token", "SEMICOLON") stream.next(item) if not stream.currIsType("token", "RP"): # Read the optional third statement third = createItemNode("third", stream) item.addChild(third) third.addChild(readStatement(stream, False, False)) stream.comment(third, True) elif stream.currIsType("token", "RP"): # It's a for ( in ) loop item.set("forVariant", "in") pass else: raiseSyntaxException(stream.curr(), "semicolon or in") stream.expectCurrType("token", "RP") else: expr = createItemNode("expression", stream) stream.next(expr) expr.addChild(readExpression(stream)) item.addChild(expr) stream.comment(expr, True) stream.expectCurrType("token", "RP") # comments should be already completed from the above code stmnt = createItemNode("statement", stream) item.addChild(stmnt) stream.next() stmnt.addChild(readStatement(stream)) if loopType == "IF" and stream.currIsType("protected", "ELSE"): elseStmnt = createItemNode("elseStatement", stream) item.addChild(elseStmnt) stream.next(elseStmnt) elseStmnt.addChild(readStatement(stream)) return item def readDoWhile(stream): stream.expectCurrType("protected", "DO") item = createItemNode("loop", stream) item.set("loopType", "DO") stream.next(item) stmnt = createItemNode("statement", stream) item.addChild(stmnt) stmnt.addChild(readStatement(stream)) stream.expectCurrType("protected", "WHILE") stream.next(item) stream.expectCurrType("token", "LP") expr = createItemNode("expression", stream) item.addChild(expr) stream.next(expr) expr.addChild(readExpression(stream)) stream.expectCurrType("token", "RP") stream.next(item, True) return item def readSwitch(stream): stream.expectCurrType("protected", "SWITCH") item = createItemNode("switch", stream) item.set("switchType", "case") stream.next(item) stream.expectCurrType("token", "LP") expr = createItemNode("expression", stream) stream.next(expr) item.addChild(expr) expr.addChild(readExpression(stream)) stream.expectCurrType("token", "RP") stream.next(expr, True) stream.expectCurrType("token", "LC") stmnt = createItemNode("statement", stream) item.addChild(stmnt) stream.next(stmnt) while not stream.currIsType("token", "RC"): if stream.currIsType("protected", "CASE"): caseItem = createItemNode("case", stream) stream.next(caseItem) caseItem.addListChild("expression", readExpression(stream)) stmnt.addChild(caseItem) stream.expectCurrType("token", "COLON") stream.next(caseItem, True) elif stream.currIsType("protected", "DEFAULT"): defaultItem = createItemNode("default", stream) stmnt.addChild(defaultItem) stream.next(defaultItem) stream.expectCurrType("token", "COLON") stream.next(defaultItem, True) else: raiseSyntaxException(stream.curr(), "case or default") while not stream.currIsType("token", "RC") and not stream.currIsType("protected", "CASE") and not stream.currIsType("protected", "DEFAULT"): stmnt.addChild(readStatement(stream)) stream.next(stmnt, True) return item def readTryCatch(stream): stream.expectCurrType("protected", "TRY") item = createItemNode("switch", stream) item.set("switchType", "catch") stream.next(item) item.addListChild("statement", readStatement(stream)) while stream.currIsType("protected", "CATCH"): catchItem = createItemNode("catch", stream) stream.next(catchItem) stream.expectCurrType("token", "LP") exprItem = createItemNode("expression", stream) catchItem.addChild(exprItem) stream.next(exprItem) exprItem.addChild(readExpression(stream)) stream.expectCurrType("token", "RP") stream.next(exprItem, True) stmnt = createItemNode("statement", stream) catchItem.addChild(stmnt) stmnt.addChild(readStatement(stream)) item.addChild(catchItem) if stream.currIsType("protected", "FINALLY"): finallyItem = createItemNode("finally", stream) stream.next(finallyItem) stmnt = createItemNode("statement", stream) finallyItem.addChild(stmnt) stmnt.addChild(readStatement(stream)) item.addChild(finallyItem) return item def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option("-w", "--write", action="store_true", dest="write", default=False, help="Writes file to incoming fileName + EXTENSION.") parser.add_option("-e", "--extension", dest="extension", metavar="EXTENSION", help="The EXTENSION to use", default=".compiled") parser.add_option("--optimize-variables", action="store_true", dest="optimizeVariables", default=False, help="Optimize variables. Reducing size.") parser.add_option("--encoding", dest="encoding", default="utf-8", metavar="ENCODING", help="Defines the encoding expected for input files.") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) == 0: print "Needs one or more arguments (files) to compile!" sys.exit(1) for fileName in args: if options.write: print "Generating tree of %s => %s%s" % (fileName, fileName, options.extension) else: print "Generating tree of %s => stdout" % fileName restree = createSyntaxTree(tokenizer.parseFile(fileName, "", options.encoding)) if options.optimizeVariables: variableoptimizer.search(restree, [], 0, "$") compiledString = tree.nodeToXmlString(restree) if options.write: filetool.save(fileName + options.extension, compiledString) else: try: print compiledString except UnicodeEncodeError: print " * Could not encode result to ascii. Use '-w' instead." sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: print print " * Keyboard Interrupt" sys.exit(1)