#!/usr/bin/env python '''automated testing library for testing Samba against windows''' import pexpect, subprocess import sys, os, time, re class wintest(): '''testing of Samba against windows VMs''' def __init__(self): self.vars = {} self.list_mode = False os.putenv('PYTHONUNBUFFERED', '1') def setvar(self, varname, value): '''set a substitution variable''' self.vars[varname] = value def setwinvars(self, vm, prefix='WIN'): '''setup WIN_XX vars based on a vm name''' for v in ['VM', 'HOSTNAME', 'USER', 'PASS', 'SNAPSHOT', 'BASEDN', 'REALM', 'DOMAIN']: vname = '%s_%s' % (vm, v) if vname in self.vars: self.setvar("%s_%s" % (prefix,v), self.substitute("${%s}" % vname)) else: self.vars.pop("%s_%s" % (prefix,v), None) def info(self, msg): '''print some information''' if not self.list_mode: print(self.substitute(msg)) def load_config(self, fname): '''load the config file''' f = open(fname) for line in f: line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0 or line[0] == '#': continue colon = line.find(':') if colon == -1: raise RuntimeError("Invalid config line '%s'" % line) varname = line[0:colon].strip() value = line[colon+1:].strip() self.setvar(varname, value) def list_steps_mode(self): '''put wintest in step listing mode''' self.list_mode = True def set_skip(self, skiplist): '''set a list of tests to skip''' self.skiplist = skiplist.split(',') def skip(self, step): '''return True if we should skip a step''' if self.list_mode: print("\t%s" % step) return True return step in self.skiplist def substitute(self, text): """Substitute strings of the form ${NAME} in text, replacing with substitutions from vars. """ if isinstance(text, list): ret = text[:] for i in range(len(ret)): ret[i] = self.substitute(ret[i]) return ret while True: var_start = text.find("${") if var_start == -1: return text var_end = text.find("}", var_start) if var_end == -1: return text var_name = text[var_start+2:var_end] if not var_name in self.vars: raise RuntimeError("Unknown substitution variable ${%s}" % var_name) text = text.replace("${%s}" % var_name, self.vars[var_name]) return text def have_var(self, varname): '''see if a variable has been set''' return varname in self.vars def putenv(self, key, value): '''putenv with substitution''' os.putenv(key, self.substitute(value)) def chdir(self, dir): '''chdir with substitution''' os.chdir(self.substitute(dir)) def del_files(self, dirs): '''delete all files in the given directory''' for d in dirs: self.run_cmd("find %s -type f | xargs rm -f" % d) def write_file(self, filename, text, mode='w'): '''write to a file''' f = open(self.substitute(filename), mode=mode) f.write(self.substitute(text)) f.close() def run_cmd(self, cmd, dir=".", show=None, output=False, checkfail=True): cmd = self.substitute(cmd) if isinstance(cmd, list): self.info('$ ' + " ".join(cmd)) else: self.info('$ ' + cmd) if output: return subprocess.Popen([cmd], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=dir).communicate()[0] if isinstance(cmd, list): shell=False else: shell=True if checkfail: return subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=shell, cwd=dir) else: return subprocess.call(cmd, shell=shell, cwd=dir) def cmd_output(self, cmd): '''return output from and command''' cmd = self.substitute(cmd) return self.run_cmd(cmd, output=True) def cmd_contains(self, cmd, contains, nomatch=False, ordered=False, regex=False, casefold=False): '''check that command output contains the listed strings''' if isinstance(contains, str): contains = [contains] out = self.cmd_output(cmd) self.info(out) for c in self.substitute(contains): if regex: m = re.search(c, out) if m is None: start = -1 end = -1 else: start = m.start() end = m.end() elif casefold: start = out.upper().find(c.upper()) end = start + len(c) else: start = out.find(c) end = start + len(c) if nomatch: if start != -1: raise RuntimeError("Expected to not see %s in %s" % (c, cmd)) else: if start == -1: raise RuntimeError("Expected to see %s in %s" % (c, cmd)) if ordered and start != -1: out = out[end:] def retry_cmd(self, cmd, contains, retries=30, delay=2, wait_for_fail=False, ordered=False, regex=False, casefold=False): '''retry a command a number of times''' while retries > 0: try: self.cmd_contains(cmd, contains, nomatch=wait_for_fail, ordered=ordered, regex=regex, casefold=casefold) return except: time.sleep(delay) retries = retries - 1 raise RuntimeError("Failed to find %s" % contains) def pexpect_spawn(self, cmd, timeout=60): '''wrapper around pexpect spawn''' cmd = self.substitute(cmd) self.info("$ " + cmd) ret = pexpect.spawn(cmd, logfile=sys.stdout, timeout=timeout) def sendline_sub(line): line = self.substitute(line).replace('\n', '\r\n') return ret.old_sendline(line + '\r') def expect_sub(line, timeout=ret.timeout): line = self.substitute(line) return ret.old_expect(line, timeout=timeout) ret.old_sendline = ret.sendline ret.sendline = sendline_sub ret.old_expect = ret.expect ret.expect = expect_sub return ret def vm_poweroff(self, vmname, checkfail=True): '''power off a VM''' self.setvar('VMNAME', vmname) self.run_cmd("${VM_POWEROFF}", checkfail=checkfail) def vm_restore(self, vmname, snapshot): '''restore a VM''' self.setvar('VMNAME', vmname) self.setvar('SNAPSHOT', snapshot) self.run_cmd("${VM_RESTORE}") def ping_wait(self, hostname): '''wait for a hostname to come up on the network''' hostname = self.substitute(hostname) loops=10 while loops > 0: try: self.run_cmd("ping -c 1 -w 10 %s" % hostname) break except: loops = loops - 1 if loops == 0: raise RuntimeError("Failed to ping %s" % hostname) self.info("Host %s is up" % hostname) def port_wait(self, hostname, port, retries=200, delay=3, wait_for_fail=False): '''wait for a host to come up on the network''' self.retry_cmd("nc -v -z -w 1 %s %u" % (hostname, port), ['succeeded'], retries=retries, delay=delay, wait_for_fail=wait_for_fail) def run_net_time(self, child): '''run net time on windows''' child.sendline("net time \\\\${HOSTNAME} /set") child.expect("Do you want to set the local computer") child.sendline("Y") child.expect("The command completed successfully") def run_date_time(self, child, time_tuple=None): '''run date and time on windows''' if time_tuple is None: time_tuple = time.localtime() child.sendline("date") child.expect("Enter the new date:") i = child.expect(["dd-mm-yy", "mm-dd-yy"]) if i == 0: child.sendline(time.strftime("%d-%m-%y", time_tuple)) else: child.sendline(time.strftime("%m-%d-%y", time_tuple)) child.expect("C:") child.sendline("time") child.expect("Enter the new time:") child.sendline(time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time_tuple)) child.expect("C:") def get_ipconfig(self, child): '''get the IP configuration of the child''' child.sendline("ipconfig") child.expect('Ethernet adapter ') child.expect("[\w\s]+") self.setvar("WIN_NIC", child.after) child.expect(['IPv4 Address', 'IP Address']) child.expect('\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+') self.setvar('WIN_IPV4_ADDRESS', child.after) child.expect('Subnet Mask') child.expect('\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+') self.setvar('WIN_SUBNET_MASK', child.after) child.expect('Default Gateway') child.expect('\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+') self.setvar('WIN_DEFAULT_GATEWAY', child.after) def disable_firewall(self, child): '''remove the annoying firewall''' child.sendline('netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off') i = child.expect(["Ok", "The following command was not found: advfirewall set allprofiles state off"]) child.expect("C:") if i == 1: child.sendline('netsh firewall set opmode mode = DISABLE profile = ALL') child.expect("Ok") child.expect("C:") def set_ip(self, child): '''fix the IP address to the same value it had when we connected, but don't use DHCP, and force the DNS server to our DNS server. This allows DNS updates to run''' self.get_ipconfig(child) child.sendline('netsh') child.sendline('offline') child.sendline('interface ip set dns "${WIN_NIC}" static ${DNSSERVER} primary') child.sendline('interface ip set address "${WIN_NIC}" static ${WIN_IPV4_ADDRESS} ${WIN_SUBNET_MASK} ${WIN_DEFAULT_GATEWAY} 1 store=persistent') i = child.expect(["The syntax supplied for this command is not valid. Check help for the correct syntax", pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout=5) if i == 0: child.sendline('interface ip set address "${WIN_NIC}" static ${WIN_IPV4_ADDRESS} ${WIN_SUBNET_MASK} ${WIN_DEFAULT_GATEWAY} 1') child.sendline('routing ip add persistentroute dest= mask= name="${WIN_NIC}" nhop=${WIN_DEFAULT_GATEWAY}') child.sendline('online') child.sendline('commit') child.sendline('exit') child.expect([pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout=5) def open_telnet(self, hostname, username, password, retries=60, delay=5, set_time=False, set_ip=False, disable_firewall=True): '''open a telnet connection to a windows server, return the pexpect child''' set_route = False while retries > 0: child = self.pexpect_spawn("telnet " + hostname + " -l '" + username + "'") i = child.expect(["Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Service", "Denying new connections due to the limit on number of connections", "No more connections are allowed to telnet server", "Unable to connect to remote host", "No route to host", "Connection refused"]) if i != 0: child.close() time.sleep(delay) retries -= 1 continue child.expect("password:") child.sendline(password) child.expect("C:") if set_route: child.sendline('route add mask ${WIN_DEFAULT_GATEWAY}') child.expect("C:") if set_time: self.run_date_time(child, None) if disable_firewall: self.disable_firewall(child) if set_ip: self.set_ip(child) set_ip = False set_time = False set_route = True continue return child raise RuntimeError("Failed to connect with telnet") def kinit(self, username, password): '''use kinit to setup a credentials cache''' self.run_cmd("kdestroy") self.putenv('KRB5CCNAME', "${PREFIX}/ccache.test") username = self.substitute(username) s = username.split('@') if len(s) > 0: s[1] = s[1].upper() username = '@'.join(s) child = self.pexpect_spawn('kinit -V ' + username) child.expect("Password for") child.sendline(password) child.expect("Authenticated to Kerberos")