. /** * English strings for newmodule * * You can have a rather longer description of the file as well, * if you like, and it can span multiple lines. * * @package mod * @subpackage newmodule * @copyright 2011 Your Name * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); $string['modulename'] = 'newmodule'; $string['modulenameplural'] = 'newmodules'; $string['modulename_help'] = 'Use the newmodule module for... | The newmodule module allows...'; $string['newmodulefieldset'] = 'Custom example fieldset'; $string['newmodulename'] = 'newmodule name'; $string['newmodulename_help'] = 'This is the content of the help tooltip associated with the newmodulename field. Markdown syntax is supported.'; $string['newmodule'] = 'newmodule'; $string['pluginadministration'] = 'newmodule administration'; $string['pluginname'] = 'newmodule';