/* COLLECTION LIBRARY Additional functions for printing and debugging collections. Copyright (C) Dmitri Pal <dpal@redhat.com> 2009 Collection Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Collection Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with Collection Library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #include "trace.h" #include "collection_priv.h" #include "collection.h" #include "collection_tools.h" /* Debug handle */ int col_debug_handle(const char *property, int property_len, int type, void *data, int length, void *custom_data, int *dummy) { int i; int nest_level; TRACE_FLOW_STRING("col_debug_handle", "Entry."); nest_level = *(int *)(custom_data); TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("We are getting this pointer:", custom_data); TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Nest level:", nest_level); switch (type) { case COL_TYPE_STRING: printf("%*s %s[%d] str: %s (%d)\n", (nest_level -1) * 4, "", property, length, (char *)(data), nest_level); break; case COL_TYPE_BINARY: printf("%*s %s[%d] bin: ", (nest_level -1) * 4, "", property, length); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) printf("%02X", ((unsigned char *)(data))[i]); printf(" (%d)\n", nest_level); break; case COL_TYPE_INTEGER: printf("%*s %s[%d] int: %d (%d)\n", (nest_level -1) * 4, "", property, length, *((int *)(data)), nest_level); break; case COL_TYPE_UNSIGNED: printf("%*s %s[%d] uint: %u (%d)\n", (nest_level -1) * 4, "", property, length, *((unsigned int *)(data)), nest_level); break; case COL_TYPE_LONG: printf("%*s %s[%d] long: %ld (%d)\n", (nest_level -1) * 4, "", property, length, *((long *)(data)), nest_level); break; case COL_TYPE_ULONG: printf("%*s %s[%d] ulong: %lu (%d)\n", (nest_level -1) * 4, "", property, length, *((unsigned long *)(data)), nest_level); break; case COL_TYPE_DOUBLE: printf("%*s %s[%d] double: %.4f (%d)\n", (nest_level -1) * 4, "", property, length, *((double *)(data)), nest_level); break; case COL_TYPE_BOOL: printf("%*s %s[%d] bool: %s (%d)\n", (nest_level -1) * 4, "", property, length, (*((unsigned char *)(data)) == '\0') ? "flase" : "true", nest_level); break; case COL_TYPE_COLLECTION: nest_level++; printf("%*s %s[%d] header: count %d, ref_count %d class %d data: ", (nest_level -1) * 4, "", property, length, ((struct collection_header *)(data))->count, ((struct collection_header *)(data))->reference_count, ((struct collection_header *)(data))->cclass); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) printf("%02X", ((unsigned char *)(data))[i]); printf(" (%d)\n", nest_level); break; case COL_TYPE_COLLECTIONREF: printf("%*s %s[%d] external link: ", (nest_level -1) * 4, "", property, length); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) printf("%02X", ((unsigned char *)(data))[i]); printf(" (%d)\n", nest_level); break; case COL_TYPE_END: nest_level--; /* printf("Reduced nest level\n");*/ break; default: printf("Not implemented yet.\n"); break; } *(int *)(custom_data) = nest_level; TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Nest level at the end:", nest_level); TRACE_FLOW_STRING("col_debug_handle", "Success exit."); return EOK; } /* Convenience function to debug an item */ inline int col_debug_item(struct collection_item *item) { int dummy = 0; int nest_level = 0; return col_debug_handle(item->property, item->property_len, item->type, item->data, item->length, (void *)(&nest_level), &dummy); } /* Print collection for debugging purposes */ int col_debug_collection(struct collection_item *handle, int flag) { int error = EOK; int nest_level = 0; TRACE_FLOW_STRING("col_debug_collection", "Entry."); printf("DEBUG COLLECTION %s\n", handle->property); flag |= COL_TRAVERSE_END; printf("Traverse flags %d\n", flag); /* Traverse collection */ error = col_traverse_collection(handle, flag, col_debug_handle, (void *)(&nest_level)); if (error) printf("Error debuging collection %d\n", error); TRACE_FLOW_STRING("col_debug_collection", "Exit."); return error; } /* Return a static string based on type of the element */ static inline const char *col_get_type(int type) { switch (type) { case COL_TYPE_STRING: return COL_TYPE_NAME_STRING; case COL_TYPE_INTEGER: return COL_TYPE_NAME_INTEGER; case COL_TYPE_UNSIGNED: return COL_TYPE_NAME_UNSIGNED; case COL_TYPE_LONG: return COL_TYPE_NAME_LONG; case COL_TYPE_ULONG: return COL_TYPE_NAME_ULONG; case COL_TYPE_BINARY: return COL_TYPE_NAME_BINARY; case COL_TYPE_DOUBLE: return COL_TYPE_NAME_DOUBLE; case COL_TYPE_BOOL: return COL_TYPE_NAME_BOOL; default: return COL_TYPE_NAME_UNKNOWN; } } /* Calculate the potential size of the item */ int col_get_data_len(int type, int length) { int len = 0; TRACE_FLOW_STRING("col_get_data_len", "Entry point"); switch (type) { case COL_TYPE_INTEGER: case COL_TYPE_UNSIGNED: case COL_TYPE_LONG: case COL_TYPE_ULONG: len = 15; break; case COL_TYPE_STRING: case COL_TYPE_BINARY: len = length * 2 + 2; break; case COL_TYPE_DOUBLE: len = 64; break; case COL_TYPE_BOOL: len = 6; break; default: len = 0; break; } TRACE_FLOW_STRING("col_get_data_len","Exit point"); return len; } /* Copy data escaping characters */ static int col_copy_esc(char *dest, const char *source, char esc) { int i = 0; int j = 0; dest[j] = esc; j++; while (source[i]) { if ((source[i] == '\\') || (source[i] == esc)) { dest[j] = '\\'; j++; } dest[j] = source[i]; i++; j++; } dest[j] = esc; j++; return j; } /* Grow buffer to accomodate more space */ int col_grow_buffer(struct col_serial_data *buf_data, int len) { char *tmp; TRACE_FLOW_STRING("col_grow_buffer", "Entry point"); TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Current length: ", buf_data->length); TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Increment length: ", len); TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Expected length: ", buf_data->length+len); TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Current size: ", buf_data->size); /* Grow buffer if needed */ while (buf_data->length+len >= buf_data->size) { errno = 0; tmp = realloc(buf_data->buffer, buf_data->size + BLOCK_SIZE); if (tmp == NULL) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Error. Failed to allocate memory. Errno: ", errno); return errno; } buf_data->buffer = tmp; buf_data->size += BLOCK_SIZE; TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("New size: ", buf_data->size); } TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Final size: ", buf_data->size); TRACE_FLOW_STRING("col_grow_buffer", "Success Exit."); return EOK; } /* Specail function to add different formatting symbols to the output */ int col_put_marker(struct col_serial_data *buf_data, const void *data, int len) { int error = EOK; TRACE_FLOW_STRING("col_put_marker", "Entry point"); TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Marker length: ", len); error = col_grow_buffer(buf_data, len); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("col_grow_buffer failed with: ", error); return error; } memcpy(buf_data->buffer + buf_data->length, data, len); buf_data->length += len; buf_data->buffer[buf_data->length] = '\0'; TRACE_FLOW_STRING("col_put_marker","Success exit"); return error; } /* Add item's data */ int col_serialize(const char *property_in, int property_len_in, int type, void *data_in, int length_in, void *custom_data, int *dummy) { int len; struct col_serial_data *buf_data; const char *property; const void *data; int property_len; int length; int error = EOK; int i; TRACE_FLOW_STRING("col_serialize","Entry point"); *dummy = 0; /* Check is there is buffer. If not allocate */ buf_data = (struct col_serial_data *)custom_data; if (buf_data == NULL) { TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Error.", "Storage data is not passed in!"); return EINVAL; } if (buf_data->buffer == NULL) { TRACE_INFO_STRING("First time use.", "Allocating buffer."); errno = 0; buf_data->buffer = malloc(BLOCK_SIZE); if (buf_data->buffer == NULL) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Error. Failed to allocate memory. Errno: ", errno); return errno; } buf_data->buffer[0] = '\0'; buf_data->length = 0; buf_data->size = BLOCK_SIZE; } TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Buffer len: ", buf_data->length); TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Buffer size: ", buf_data->size); TRACE_INFO_STRING("Buffer: ", buf_data->buffer); /* Check the beginning of the collection */ if (type == COL_TYPE_COLLECTION) { TRACE_INFO_STRING("Serializing collection: ", property_in); TRACE_INFO_STRING("First header. ", ""); error = col_put_marker(buf_data, "(", 1); if (error != EOK) return error; property = TEXT_COLLECTION; property_len = TEXT_COLLEN; data = property_in; length = property_len_in + 1; type = COL_TYPE_STRING; buf_data->nest_level++; } /* Check for subcollections */ else if (type == COL_TYPE_COLLECTIONREF) { /* Skip */ TRACE_FLOW_STRING("col_serialize", "skip reference return"); return EOK; } /* Check for the end of the collection */ else if (type == COL_TYPE_END) { if ((buf_data->length > 0) && (buf_data->buffer[buf_data->length-1] == ',')) { buf_data->length--; buf_data->buffer[buf_data->length] = '\0'; } if (buf_data->nest_level > 0) { buf_data->nest_level--; error = col_put_marker(buf_data, ")", 1); if (error != EOK) return error; } TRACE_FLOW_STRING("col_serialize", "end collection item processed returning"); return EOK; } else { property = property_in; property_len = property_len_in; data = data_in; length = length_in; } TRACE_INFO_STRING("Property: ", property); TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Property length: ", property_len); /* Start with property and "=" */ if ((error = col_put_marker(buf_data, property, property_len)) || (error = col_put_marker(buf_data, "=", 1))) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("put_marker returned error: ", error); return error; } /* Get projected length of the item */ len = col_get_data_len(type,length); TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Expected data length: ",len); TRACE_INFO_STRING("Buffer so far: ", buf_data->buffer); /* Make sure we have enough space */ if ((error = col_grow_buffer(buf_data, len))) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("grow_buffer returned error: ", error); return error; } /* Add the value */ switch (type) { case COL_TYPE_STRING: /* Escape double quotes */ len = col_copy_esc(&buf_data->buffer[buf_data->length], (const char *)(data), '"'); break; case COL_TYPE_BINARY: buf_data->buffer[buf_data->length] = '\''; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) sprintf(&buf_data->buffer[buf_data->length + i *2] + 1, "%02X", (unsigned int)(((const unsigned char *)(data))[i])); len = length * 2 + 1; buf_data->buffer[buf_data->length + len] = '\''; len++; break; case COL_TYPE_INTEGER: len = sprintf(&buf_data->buffer[buf_data->length], "%d", *((const int *)(data))); break; case COL_TYPE_UNSIGNED: len = sprintf(&buf_data->buffer[buf_data->length], "%u", *((const unsigned int *)(data))); break; case COL_TYPE_LONG: len = sprintf(&buf_data->buffer[buf_data->length], "%ld", *((const long *)(data))); break; case COL_TYPE_ULONG: len = sprintf(&buf_data->buffer[buf_data->length], "%lu", *((const unsigned long *)(data))); break; case COL_TYPE_DOUBLE: len = sprintf(&buf_data->buffer[buf_data->length], "%.4f", *((const double *)(data))); break; case COL_TYPE_BOOL: len = sprintf(&buf_data->buffer[buf_data->length], "%s", (*((const unsigned char *)(data))) ? "true" : "false"); break; default: buf_data->buffer[buf_data->length] = '\0'; len = 0; break; } /* Adjust length */ buf_data->length += len; buf_data->buffer[buf_data->length] = '\0'; /* Always put a comma at the end */ error = col_put_marker(buf_data, ",", 1); if (error != EOK) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("put_marker returned error: ", error); return error; } TRACE_INFO_STRING("Data: ", buf_data->buffer); TRACE_FLOW_STRING("col_serialize", "Exit point"); return EOK; } /* Print the collection using default serialization */ int col_print_collection(struct collection_item *handle) { struct col_serial_data buf_data; int error = EOK; TRACE_FLOW_STRING("col_print_collection", "Entry"); printf("COLLECTION:\n"); buf_data.buffer = NULL; buf_data.length = 0; buf_data.size = 0; buf_data.nest_level = 0; /* Traverse collection */ error = col_traverse_collection(handle, COL_TRAVERSE_DEFAULT | COL_TRAVERSE_END , col_serialize, (void *)(&buf_data)); if (error) printf("Error traversing collection %d\n", error); else printf("%s\n", buf_data.buffer); free(buf_data.buffer); TRACE_FLOW_NUMBER("col_print_collection returning", error); return error; } /* Print the collection using iterator */ int col_print_collection2(struct collection_item *handle) { struct collection_iterator *iterator = NULL; int error = EOK; struct collection_item *item = NULL; int nest_level = 0; int dummy = 0; int line = 1; TRACE_FLOW_STRING("col_print_collection2", "Entry"); /* If we have something to print print it */ if (handle == NULL) { TRACE_ERROR_STRING("No error list", ""); return EINVAL; } /* Bind iterator */ error = col_bind_iterator(&iterator, handle, COL_TRAVERSE_DEFAULT | COL_TRAVERSE_END | COL_TRAVERSE_SHOWSUB); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Error (bind):", error); return error; } do { /* Loop through a collection */ error = col_iterate_collection(iterator, &item); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Error (iterate):", error); col_unbind_iterator(iterator); return error; } /* Are we done ? */ if (item == NULL) break; if (item->type != COL_TYPE_END) printf("%05d", line); col_debug_handle(item->property, item->property_len, item->type, item->data, item->length, (void *)(&nest_level), &dummy); line++; } while(1); /* Do not forget to unbind iterator - otherwise there will be a leak */ col_unbind_iterator(iterator); TRACE_INFO_STRING("col_print_collection2", "Exit"); return EOK; } /* Find and print one item using default serialization */ int col_print_item(struct collection_item *handle, const char *name) { struct col_serial_data buf_data; int error = EOK; TRACE_FLOW_STRING("col_print_item", "Entry"); printf("PRINT ITEM:\n"); buf_data.buffer = NULL; buf_data.length = 0; buf_data.size = 0; buf_data.nest_level = 0; error = col_get_item_and_do(handle, name, COL_TYPE_ANY, COL_TRAVERSE_DEFAULT, col_serialize, &buf_data); if(error) printf("Error searching collection %d\n", error); else { if (buf_data.buffer != NULL) { if (buf_data.length > 0) buf_data.length--; buf_data.buffer[buf_data.length] = '\0', printf("%s\n", buf_data.buffer); free(buf_data.buffer); } else { printf("Name %s is not found in the collection %s.\n", name, handle->property); } } TRACE_FLOW_NUMBER("col_print_item returning", error); return error; } /* Function to free the list of properties. */ void col_free_property_list(char **str_list) { int current = 0; TRACE_FLOW_STRING("col_free_property_list","Entry"); if (str_list != NULL) { while(str_list[current]) { free(str_list[current]); current++; } free(str_list); } TRACE_FLOW_STRING("col_free_property_list","Exit"); } /* Convert collection to list of properties */ char **col_collection_to_list(struct collection_item *handle, int *size, int *error) { struct collection_iterator *iterator; struct collection_item *item = NULL; char **list; unsigned count; int err; int current = 0; TRACE_FLOW_STRING("col_collection_to_list","Entry"); /* Get number of the subsections */ err = col_get_collection_count(handle, &count); if (err) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to get count of items from collection.", err); if (error) *error = err; return NULL; } /* Allocate memory for the sections */ errno = 0; list = (char **)calloc(count, sizeof(char *)); if (list == NULL) { err = errno; TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to get allocate memory.", err); if (error) *error = ENOMEM; return NULL; } /* Now iterate to fill in the sections */ /* Bind iterator */ err = col_bind_iterator(&iterator, handle, COL_TRAVERSE_ONELEVEL); if (err) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to bind.", err); if (error) *error = err; free(list); return NULL; } while(1) { /* Loop through a collection */ err = col_iterate_collection(iterator, &item); if (err) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to iterate collection", err); if (error) *error = err; col_free_property_list(list); col_unbind_iterator(iterator); return NULL; } /* Are we done ? */ if (item == NULL) break; TRACE_INFO_STRING("Property:", col_get_item_property(item, NULL)); /* Skip head */ if(col_get_item_type(item) == COL_TYPE_COLLECTION) continue; /* Allocate memory for the new string */ errno = 0; list[current] = strdup(col_get_item_property(item, NULL)); if (list[current] == NULL) { err = errno; TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to dup string.", err); if (error) *error = ENOMEM; col_free_property_list(list); return NULL; } current++; } /* Do not forget to unbind iterator - otherwise there will be a leak */ col_unbind_iterator(iterator); if (size) *size = (int)(count - 1); if (error) *error = EOK; TRACE_FLOW_STRING("col_collection_to_list returning", list == NULL ? "NULL" : list[0]); return list; }