/* ELAPI Module contains functions related to outputting events in CSV format. Copyright (C) Dmitri Pal <dpal@redhat.com> 2009 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <errno.h> /* for errors */ #include <stdlib.h> /* for free() */ #include <string.h> /* for strcmp() */ #include "collection.h" #include "file_fmt_csv.h" #include "collection_tools.h" #include "ini_config.h" #include "trace.h" #include "config.h" /* Reasonable size for one event */ /* FIXME: may be it would make sense to make it configurable ? */ #define FILE_CSV_BLOCK 256 /* Calculate the potential size of the item */ static unsigned file_csv_data_len(struct file_csv_cfg *cfg, int type, int raw_len) { int serialized_len = 0; TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_csv_data_len", "Entry point"); switch (type) { case COL_TYPE_INTEGER: case COL_TYPE_UNSIGNED: case COL_TYPE_LONG: case COL_TYPE_ULONG: serialized_len = MAX_LONG_STRING_LEN; break; case COL_TYPE_STRING: if ((cfg->csvqualifier) && (cfg->csvescchar)) serialized_len = raw_len * 2; else serialized_len = raw_len; break; case COL_TYPE_BINARY: serialized_len = raw_len * 2; break; case COL_TYPE_DOUBLE: serialized_len = MAX_DOUBLE_STRING_LEN; break; case COL_TYPE_BOOL: serialized_len = MAX_BOOL_STRING_LEN; break; default: serialized_len = 0; break; } if (cfg->csvqualifier) serialized_len += 2; TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_csv_data_len", "Exit point"); return (uint32_t)serialized_len; } /* Copy data escaping characters */ int file_copy_esc(char *dest, const char *source, unsigned char what_to_esc, unsigned char what_to_use) { int i = 0; int j = 0; while (source[i]) { if ((source[i] == what_to_use) || (source[i] == what_to_esc)) { dest[j] = what_to_use; j++; } dest[j] = source[i]; i++; j++; } return j; } /* Serialize item into the csv format */ int file_serialize_csv(struct elapi_data_out *out_data, int type, int length, void *data, void *mode_cfg) { int error = EOK; struct file_csv_cfg *cfg; uint32_t projected_len; uint32_t used_len; int first = 1; int i; TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_serialize_csv", "Entry"); cfg = (struct file_csv_cfg *)mode_cfg; /* Get projected length of the item */ projected_len = file_csv_data_len(cfg, type, length); TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Expected data length: ", projected_len); /* Make sure we have enough space */ if (out_data->buffer != NULL) { TRACE_INFO_STRING("Not a first time use.", "Adding length overhead"); if (cfg->csvseparator) projected_len++; projected_len += cfg->csvnumsp; first = 0; } else { /* Add null terminating zero */ projected_len++; } /* Grow buffer if needed */ error = elapi_grow_data(out_data, projected_len, FILE_CSV_BLOCK); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Error. Failed to allocate memory.", error); return error; } /* Now everything should fit */ if (!first) { /* Add separator if any */ if (cfg->csvseparator) { out_data->buffer[out_data->length] = cfg->csvseparator; out_data->length++; } /* Add spaces if any */ memset(&out_data->buffer[out_data->length], cfg->csvspace, cfg->csvnumsp); } /* Add qualifier */ if (cfg->csvqualifier) { out_data->buffer[out_data->length] = cfg->csvqualifier; out_data->length++; } /* Add the value */ switch (type) { case COL_TYPE_STRING: if ((cfg->csvqualifier) && (cfg->csvescchar)) { /* Qualify and escape */ used_len = file_copy_esc((char *)&out_data->buffer[out_data->length], (const char *)(data), cfg->csvqualifier, cfg->csvescchar); } else { /* No escaping so just copy without trailing 0 */ /* Item's length includes trailing 0 for data items */ used_len = length - 1; memcpy(&out_data->buffer[out_data->length], (const char *)(data), used_len); } break; case COL_TYPE_BINARY: for (i = 0; i < length; i++) sprintf((char *)&out_data->buffer[out_data->length + i * 2], "%02X", (unsigned int)(((const unsigned char *)(data))[i])); used_len = length * 2; break; case COL_TYPE_INTEGER: used_len = sprintf((char *)&out_data->buffer[out_data->length], "%d", *((const int *)(data))); break; case COL_TYPE_UNSIGNED: used_len = sprintf((char *)&out_data->buffer[out_data->length], "%u", *((const unsigned int *)(data))); break; case COL_TYPE_LONG: used_len = sprintf((char *)&out_data->buffer[out_data->length], "%ld", *((const long *)(data))); break; case COL_TYPE_ULONG: used_len = sprintf((char *)&out_data->buffer[out_data->length], "%lu", *((const unsigned long *)(data))); break; case COL_TYPE_DOUBLE: used_len = sprintf((char *)&out_data->buffer[out_data->length], "%.4f", *((const double *)(data))); break; case COL_TYPE_BOOL: used_len = sprintf((char *)&out_data->buffer[out_data->length], "%s", (*((const unsigned char *)(data))) ? "true" : "false"); break; default: out_data->buffer[out_data->length] = '\0'; used_len = 0; break; } /* Adjust length */ out_data->length += used_len; /* Add qualifier */ if (cfg->csvqualifier) { out_data->buffer[out_data->length] = cfg->csvqualifier; out_data->length++; } /* The "length" member of the structure does not account * for the 0 symbol but we made sure that it fits * when we asked for the memory at the top. */ out_data->buffer[out_data->length] = '\0'; TRACE_INFO_STRING("Data: ", (char *)out_data->buffer); TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_serialize_csv.", "Exit"); return error; } /* Function that reads the specific configuration * information about the format of the output */ int file_get_csv_cfg(void **storage, const char *name, struct collection_item *ini_config, const char *appname) { int error = EOK; struct collection_item *cfg_item = NULL; struct file_csv_cfg *cfg= NULL; const char *qual; const char *sep; const char *esc; const char *space; TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_get_csv_cfg", "Entry"); /* Allocate memory for configuration */ cfg = (struct file_csv_cfg *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct file_csv_cfg)); if (cfg == NULL) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to allocate storage for CSV configuration", ENOMEM); return ENOMEM; } /*********** Qualifier *************/ /* Get qualifier */ error = get_config_item(name, FILE_CSV_QUAL, ini_config, &cfg_item); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Attempt to read qualifier attribute returned error", error); free(cfg); return error; } /* Do we have qualifier? */ if (cfg_item == NULL) { /* There is no qualifier - use default */ cfg->csvqualifier = FILE_CSV_DEF_QUAL; } else { /* Get qualifier from configuration */ error = EOK; qual = get_const_string_config_value(cfg_item, &error); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Failed to get value from configuration.", "Fatal Error!"); free(cfg); return error; } if (qual[0] == '\0') cfg->csvqualifier = '\0'; else if(qual[1] != '\0') { TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Qualifier has more than one symbol.", "Fatal Error!"); free(cfg); return EINVAL; } else cfg->csvqualifier = qual[0]; } /*********** Separator *************/ /* Get separator */ error = get_config_item(name, FILE_CSV_SEP, ini_config, &cfg_item); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Attempt to read separator attribute returned error", error); free(cfg); return error; } /* Do we have separator? */ if (cfg_item == NULL) { /* There is no separator - use default */ cfg->csvseparator = FILE_CSV_DEF_SEP; } else { /* Get separator from configuration */ error = EOK; sep = get_const_string_config_value(cfg_item, &error); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Failed to get value from configuration.", "Fatal Error!"); free(cfg); return error; } if (sep[0] == '\0') cfg->csvseparator = '\0'; else if(sep[1] != '\0') { TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Separator has more than one symbol.", "Fatal Error!"); free(cfg); return EINVAL; } else cfg->csvseparator = sep[0]; } /*********** Escape symbol *************/ /* Get escape symbol */ error = get_config_item(name, FILE_CSV_ESCSYM, ini_config, &cfg_item); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Attempt to read esc symbol attribute returned error", error); free(cfg); return error; } /* Do we have esc symbol? */ if (cfg_item == NULL) { /* There is no esc symbol - use default */ cfg->csvescchar = FILE_CSV_DEF_ESC; } else { /* Get esc symbol from configuration */ error = EOK; esc = get_const_string_config_value(cfg_item, &error); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Failed to get value from configuration.", "Fatal Error!"); free(cfg); return error; } if (esc[0] == '\0') cfg->csvescchar = '\0'; else if(esc[1] != '\0') { TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Esc symbol has more than one symbol.", "Fatal Error!"); free(cfg); return EINVAL; } else cfg->csvescchar = esc[0]; } /*********** Space *************/ /* Get space */ error = get_config_item(name, FILE_CSV_SPACE, ini_config, &cfg_item); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Attempt to read space attribute returned error", error); free(cfg); return error; } /* Do we have space? */ if (cfg_item == NULL) { /* There is no esc symbol - use default */ cfg->csvspace = FILE_CSV_DEF_SPC; } else { /* Get file name from configuration */ error = EOK; space = get_const_string_config_value(cfg_item, &error); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Failed to get value from configuration.", "Fatal Error!"); free(cfg); return error; } /* Determine what to use as a space symbol */ if (space[0] == '\0') cfg->csvspace = ' '; else if(strcmp(space, FILE_CSV_SP) == 0) cfg->csvspace = ' '; else if(strcmp(space, FILE_CSV_TAB) == 0) cfg->csvspace = '\t'; else if(strcmp(space, FILE_CSV_CR) == 0) cfg->csvspace = '\n'; else { TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Esc symbol has more than one symbol.", "Fatal Error!"); free(cfg); return EINVAL; } } /*********** Number of spaces *************/ /* Get number of spaces */ cfg_item = NULL; error = get_config_item(name, FILE_CSV_NUMSP, ini_config, &cfg_item); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Attempt to read number of spaces attribute returned error", error); free(cfg); return error; } /* Do we have number of spaces? */ if (cfg_item == NULL) { /* There is no attribute - assume default */ TRACE_INFO_STRING("No attribute.", "Assume no spaces"); cfg->csvnumsp = 0; } else { cfg->csvnumsp = (uint32_t) get_unsigned_config_value(cfg_item, 1, 0, &error); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Invalid number of spaces value", "Fatal Error!"); free(cfg); return EINVAL; } /* Check for right range */ if (cfg->csvnumsp > FILE_MAXSPACE) { TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Too many spaces - not allowed", "Fatal Error!"); free(cfg); return ERANGE; } } /*********** Header *************/ /* Next is header field */ cfg_item = NULL; error = get_config_item(name, FILE_CSV_HEADER, ini_config, &cfg_item); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Attempt to read header attribute returned error", error); free(cfg); return error; } /* Do we have header? */ if (cfg_item == NULL) { /* There is no attribute - assume default */ TRACE_INFO_STRING("No attribute.", "Assume no header"); cfg->csvheader = 0; } else { cfg->csvheader = (uint32_t) get_bool_config_value(cfg_item, '\0', &error); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Invalid csv header value", "Fatal Error!"); free(cfg); return EINVAL; } } *((struct file_csv_cfg **)storage) = cfg; TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_get_csv_cfg", "Entry"); return error; } #ifdef ELAPI_VERBOSE void file_print_fmt_csv(void *data) { struct file_csv_cfg *cfg; cfg = (struct file_csv_cfg *)(data); if (cfg == NULL) { printf("CSV Configuration is undefined!\n"); return; } printf("CSV Configuration:\n"); printf(" Qualifier: "); if (cfg->csvqualifier != '\0') printf("[%c]\n", cfg->csvqualifier); else printf("[undefined]\n"); printf(" Separator: "); if (cfg->csvseparator != '\0') printf("[%c]\n", cfg->csvseparator); else printf("[undefined]\n"); printf(" Escape: "); if (cfg->csvescchar != '\0') printf("[%c]\n", cfg->csvescchar); else printf("[undefined]\n"); printf(" Space: [%c] [ASCII: %d]\n", cfg->csvspace, (int)(cfg->csvspace)); printf(" Number of spaces: [%d]\n", cfg->csvnumsp); printf(" Header: [%s]\n", ((cfg->csvheader > 0) ? "yes" : "no")); printf("CSV Configuration END\n"); } #endif