/* ELAPI Module implements a provider for sinks based on file. Copyright (C) Dmitri Pal <dpal@redhat.com> 2009 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <errno.h> /* for errors */ #include <stdlib.h> /* for free() */ #include <string.h> /* for strlen() */ #include <unistd.h> /* for close() */ #include "file_provider.h" #include "file_util.h" #include "file_fmt_csv.h" #include "ini_config.h" #include "trace.h" #include "config.h" /* NOTE: Each format module has its own header */ #include "file_fmt_csv.h" /* Add headers for new formats here... */ /*******************************************************************/ /* SECTION FOR INTERNAL CONDITIONALLY COMPILED DEBUGGING FUNCTIONS */ /*******************************************************************/ #ifdef ELAPI_VERBOSE #include "collection_tools.h" /* Function to debug format configurations */ void file_print_fmt_cfg(uint32_t mode, void *fmt_cfg) { switch(mode) { case FILE_MODE_CSV: file_print_fmt_csv(fmt_cfg); break; /* FIXME : add other formats later */ /* case FILE_MODE_FORMAT: error = file_print_fmt_format(fmt_cfg); break; case FILE_MODE_HTML: error = file_print_fmt_html(fmt_cfg); break; case FILE_MODE_XML: error = file_print_fmt_xml(fmt_cfg); break; case FILE_MODE_JSON: error = file_print_fmt_json(fmt_cfg); break; case FILE_MODE_KVP: error = file_print_fmt_kvp(fmt_cfg); break; */ default: printf("Unsupported mode!\n"); } } /* Function for debugging configuration */ void file_print_cfg(struct file_prvdr_cfg *cfg) { printf("File provider configuration\n"); printf(" File name: [%s]\n", ((cfg->filename != NULL) ? cfg->filename : "NULL")); printf(" Own file : [%s]\n", ((cfg->ownfile > 0) ? "yes" : "no")); printf(" Keep open: [%s]\n", ((cfg->keepopen > 0) ? "yes" : "no")); if (cfg->fsyncmode == 0) { printf(" Sync mode: [no flush]\n"); } else if (cfg->fsyncmode > 0) { printf(" Sync mode: every [%d] event\n", cfg->fsyncmode); } else { printf(" Sync mode: every [%d] second\n", 0 - cfg->fsyncmode); } if (cfg->set) { printf(" There is a set of predefined fields\n"); col_print_collection(cfg->set); printf(" Use leftovers: [%s]\n", ((cfg->use_leftovers > 0) ? "yes" : "no")); printf(" Jam leftovers: [%s]\n", ((cfg->jam_leftovers > 0) ? "yes" : "no")); if (cfg->use_leftovers > 0) { printf("Leftovers configuration:\n"); file_print_fmt_cfg(cfg->mode_leftovers, cfg->lo_fmt_cfg); printf("Leftovers configuration END\n"); } } else printf("All fields go into the output.\n"); printf("Main configuration:\n"); file_print_fmt_cfg(cfg->outmode, cfg->main_fmt_cfg); printf("Main configuration END:\n"); printf("File provider configuration END\n"); } /* Function to debug context */ void file_print_ctx(struct file_prvdr_ctx *ctx) { if (ctx == NULL) { printf("No file provider context!\n"); return; } printf("File Provider Context\n"); /* Print configuration */ file_print_cfg(&(ctx->config)); /* Print other parts of the context */ printf("File is currently: [%s]\n", ((ctx->outfile >= 0) ? "open" : "closed")); printf("File Provider Context END\n\n"); } #endif /*******************************************************************/ /* MAIN MODULE FUNCTIONS */ /*******************************************************************/ /* Function that reads the specific configuration * information about the format of the output */ static int file_read_fmt_cfg(void **storage, uint32_t mode, const char *name, struct collection_item *ini_config, const char *appname) { int error = EOK; TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_read_fmt_cfg", "Entry"); switch(mode) { case FILE_MODE_CSV: error = file_get_csv_cfg(storage, name, ini_config, appname); break; /* FIXME : add other formats later */ /* case FILE_MODE_FORMAT: error = file_get_format_cfg(storage, name, ini_config, appname); break; case FILE_MODE_HTML: error = file_get_html_cfg(storage, name, ini_config, appname); break; case FILE_MODE_XML: error = file_get_xml_cfg(storage, name, ini_config, appname); break; case FILE_MODE_JSON: error = file_get_json_cfg(storage, name, ini_config, appname); break; case FILE_MODE_KVP: error = file_get_kvp_cfg(storage, name, ini_config, appname); break; */ default: TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Unsupported mode", "Fatal error!"); error = EINVAL; } TRACE_FLOW_NUMBER("file_read_fmt_cfg. Exit. Returning:", error); return error; } /* Function to build the set object from the configuration data */ static int file_build_set(struct file_prvdr_cfg *file_cfg, struct collection_item *cfg_item) { int error = EOK; char **fields; char *field; int size; int count; struct collection_item *dummy = NULL; struct collection_item *set = NULL; TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_build_set", "Entry"); /* Get fields array from config field */ fields = get_string_config_array(cfg_item, NULL, &size, &error); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Attempt to get set items returned error", error); return error; } if (size > 0) { TRACE_INFO_STRING("We have the set of required fields", ""); /* Create collection */ error = col_create_collection(&set, FILE_FIELDSET_COL, FILE_FIELDSET_CLASS); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Attempt to create collection failed", error); return error; } for (count = 0; count < size; count++) { field = fields[count]; TRACE_INFO_STRING("FIELD:", field); if (field[0] == FILE_SET_END) { TRACE_INFO_STRING("Leftovers field found.", ""); if (count != (size - 1)) { /* We found an end list field in the middle - error */ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("More fields after end list field.", EINVAL); col_destroy_collection(set); free_string_config_array(fields); return EINVAL; } file_cfg->use_leftovers = 1; /* What format to use leftovers ? */ /* NOTE: Is we ever support more than 10 formats * this logic needs to change */ if ((field[1] >= '0') && (field[1] <= ('0' + FILE_MAXMODE)) && (field[2] == '\0')) { /* We have a format specifier */ file_cfg->mode_leftovers = (uint32_t)(field[1] - '0'); file_cfg->jam_leftovers = 1; TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Use mode for leftovers:", file_cfg->mode_leftovers); } else { /* Wrong format */ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Leftover field has invalid format.", EINVAL); col_destroy_collection(set); free_string_config_array(fields); return EINVAL; } } else { error = col_add_binary_property(set, NULL, field, &dummy, sizeof(struct collection_item *)); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Error adding item to the set.", error); col_destroy_collection(set); free_string_config_array(fields); return error; } } } file_cfg->set = set; } /* Free the list */ free_string_config_array(fields); TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_build_set", "Exit"); return error; } /* Function to read configuration */ static int file_read_cfg(struct file_prvdr_cfg *file_cfg, const char *name, struct collection_item *ini_config, const char *appname) { int error = EOK; struct collection_item *cfg_item = NULL; const char *filename; int use_default_name = 0; TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_read_cfg", "Entry point"); /*********** Filename *************/ /* Get file name */ error = get_config_item(name, FILE_OUTNAME, ini_config, &cfg_item); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Attempt to read \"filename\" attribute returned error", error); return error; } /* Do we have file name? */ if (cfg_item == NULL) use_default_name = 1; else { /* Get file name from configuration */ error = EOK; filename = get_const_string_config_value(cfg_item, &error); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Failed to get value from configuration.", "Fatal Error!"); return error; } /* Check if file name is empty */ if (filename[0] == '\0') use_default_name = 1; else { /* Now get a copy */ file_cfg->filename = get_string_config_value(cfg_item, &error); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Failed to copy value from configuration.", "Fatal Error!"); return error; } } } if (use_default_name) { /* There is no file name - use default */ file_cfg->filename = malloc(strlen(appname) + sizeof(FILE_SUFFIX)); if (file_cfg->filename == NULL) { TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Failed to allocate memory for file name.", "Fatal Error!"); return ENOMEM; } /* Appname is validated in the elapi_log.c */ /* This should be safe to do */ strcpy(file_cfg->filename, appname); strcat(file_cfg->filename, FILE_SUFFIX); file_cfg->ownfile = 1; } else if (strcmp(filename, FILE_STDERR) != 0) file_cfg->ownfile = 1; else file_cfg->ownfile = 0; /*********** Keep open *************/ /* Next is "keepopen" field */ cfg_item = NULL; error = get_config_item(name, FILE_KEEPOPEN, ini_config, &cfg_item); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Attempt to read \"keepopen\" attribute returned error", error); return error; } /* Do we have "keepopen"? */ if (cfg_item == NULL) { /* There is no attribute - assume default */ TRACE_INFO_STRING("No \"keepopen\" attribute.", "Assume open on each entry"); file_cfg->keepopen = 0; } else { file_cfg->keepopen = (uint32_t) get_bool_config_value(cfg_item, '\0', &error); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Invalid \"keepopen\" value", "Fatal Error!"); return EINVAL; } } /*********** Outmode *************/ /* Next is "outmode" field */ cfg_item = NULL; error = get_config_item(name, FILE_OUTMODE, ini_config, &cfg_item); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Attempt to read \"outmode\" attribute returned error", error); return error; } /* Do we have "outmode"? */ if (cfg_item == NULL) { /* There is no attribute - assume default */ TRACE_INFO_STRING("No \"outmode\" attribute.", "Assume CSV kind"); file_cfg->outmode = 0; } else { file_cfg->outmode = (uint32_t) get_unsigned_config_value(cfg_item, 1, 0, &error); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Invalid \"outmode\" value", "Fatal Error!"); return EINVAL; } /* Check for right range */ if (file_cfg->outmode > FILE_MAXMODE) { TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Invalid \"outmode\" value - out of range", "Fatal Error!"); return ERANGE; } } /*********** Sync mode *************/ /* Next is sync mode field */ cfg_item = NULL; error = get_config_item(name, FILE_FLUSH, ini_config, &cfg_item); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Attempt to read \"fsyncmode\" attribute returned error", error); return error; } /* Do we have "fsyncmode"? */ if (cfg_item == NULL) { /* There is no attribute - assume default */ TRACE_INFO_STRING("No \"fsyncmode\" attribute.", "Assume CSV kind"); file_cfg->fsyncmode = 0; } else { file_cfg->fsyncmode = (int32_t) get_int_config_value(cfg_item, 1, 0, &error); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Invalid \"fsyncmode\" value", "Fatal Error!"); return EINVAL; } } /*********** Set *************/ /* Next is the "set" field */ cfg_item = NULL; error = get_config_item(name, FILE_FIELDSET, ini_config, &cfg_item); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Attempt to read \"set\" attribute returned error", error); return error; } file_cfg->use_leftovers = 0; file_cfg->jam_leftovers = 0; file_cfg->mode_leftovers = file_cfg->outmode; /* Do we have "required"? */ if (cfg_item == NULL) { /* There is no attribute - assume default */ TRACE_INFO_STRING("No \"set\" attribute.", "Assume all fields as specified"); file_cfg->set = NULL; } else { error = file_build_set(file_cfg, cfg_item); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Invalid \"set\" value", "Fatal Error!"); return EINVAL; } } /*********** Format specific configurations *************/ /* Read the main format configuration details */ error = file_read_fmt_cfg((void **)(&(file_cfg->main_fmt_cfg)), file_cfg->outmode, name, ini_config, appname); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to read main format configuration", error); return error; } if (file_cfg->use_leftovers) { /* If we use same mode for leftovers and main do not read things again */ if (file_cfg->mode_leftovers == file_cfg->outmode) { TRACE_INFO_STRING("Output modes are the same", ""); file_cfg->lo_fmt_cfg = file_cfg->main_fmt_cfg; } else { TRACE_INFO_STRING("Output modes are the different", ""); TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Main mode", file_cfg->outmode); TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Left over's mode", file_cfg->mode_leftovers); /* Read the leftover's format configuration details */ error = file_read_fmt_cfg((void **)(&(file_cfg->lo_fmt_cfg)), file_cfg->mode_leftovers, name, ini_config, appname); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to read main format configuration", error); return error; } } } TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_read_cfg", "Exit"); return error; } /* Function to destroy the context */ static void file_destroy_ctx(struct file_prvdr_ctx **file_ctx) { TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_destroy_ctx", "Entry"); if ((file_ctx) && (*file_ctx)) { /* Close file if it is open */ if (((*file_ctx)->outfile >= 0) && ((*file_ctx)->config.ownfile)) { TRACE_INFO_STRING("File was open", ""); close((*file_ctx)->outfile); } /* Free file name if it is not NULL */ if ((*file_ctx)->config.filename) { TRACE_INFO_STRING("Freeing file name", (*file_ctx)->config.filename); free((*file_ctx)->config.filename); } /* Free set if any */ if ((*file_ctx)->config.set) { TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Freeing set", (*file_ctx)->config.set); col_destroy_collection((*file_ctx)->config.set); } /* Free main format configuration if it is not NULL */ if (((*file_ctx)->config.main_fmt_cfg) && ((*file_ctx)->config.main_fmt_cfg != (*file_ctx)->config.lo_fmt_cfg)) { TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Freeing main format config.", (*file_ctx)->config.main_fmt_cfg); free((*file_ctx)->config.main_fmt_cfg); } /* Free left over format configuration if it is not NULL */ if ((*file_ctx)->config.lo_fmt_cfg) { TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Freeing leftover format config.", (*file_ctx)->config.lo_fmt_cfg); free((*file_ctx)->config.lo_fmt_cfg); } TRACE_FLOW_STRING("Freeing file context", "Entry"); free(*file_ctx); *file_ctx = NULL; } TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_destroy_ctx", "Exit"); } /* Function to create context */ static int file_create_ctx(struct file_prvdr_ctx **file_ctx, const char *name, struct collection_item *ini_config, const char *appname) { int error = EOK; struct file_prvdr_ctx *ctx = NULL; TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_create_ctx", "Entry point"); ctx = (struct file_prvdr_ctx *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct file_prvdr_ctx)); if (ctx == NULL) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to allocate context", ENOMEM); return ENOMEM; } /* Init items */ ctx->outfile = -1; /* Read configuration data */ error = file_read_cfg(&(ctx->config), name, ini_config, appname); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Error reading sink configuration", error); file_destroy_ctx(&ctx); return error; } *file_ctx = ctx; TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_create_ctx", "Exit"); return error; } /* File init function */ int file_init(void **priv_ctx, const char *name, struct collection_item *ini_config, const char *appname) { int error = EOK; TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_init", "Entry point"); /* Start with creating context */ error = file_create_ctx((struct file_prvdr_ctx **)priv_ctx, name, ini_config, appname); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to create context", error); return error; } /* Open file */ /* FIXME: ... */ #ifdef ELAPI_VERBOSE printf("Initializaing file provider for sink: [%s]\n", name); file_print_ctx(*((struct file_prvdr_ctx **)priv_ctx)); #endif TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_init", "Exit"); return error; } /* File close function */ void file_close(void **priv_ctx) { struct file_prvdr_ctx **ctx = NULL; TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_close", "Entry point"); ctx = (struct file_prvdr_ctx **)priv_ctx; #ifdef ELAPI_VERBOSE file_print_ctx(*ctx); #endif file_destroy_ctx(ctx); TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_close", "Exit"); } /* File submit function */ int file_submit(void *priv_ctx, struct collection_item *event) { int error = EOK; struct file_prvdr_ctx *ctx = (struct file_prvdr_ctx *)priv_ctx; struct elapi_data_out *out_data; TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_submit", "Entry point"); #ifdef ELAPI_VERBOSE file_print_ctx(ctx); /* FIXME: Placeholder for now */ col_print_collection(event); #endif /* FIXME: Open file here if it is closed */ error = file_prep_data(&out_data, ctx, event); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to prepare data", error); return error; } /* FIXME: just print it for now!!! */ printf("EVENT: [%*s]\n", out_data->length, out_data->buffer); /* FIXME: write data base on the synch or not synch mode of the sink */ /* For now we will just assume synch */ /* This function will probably be a part of the common callbacks */ /* elapi_write_to_fd(out_data, ctx_>outfile); */ /* This one is temporary here too */ elapi_free_serialized_data(out_data); TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_sumbit", "Exit"); return error; } /* This is the equivalent of the get info function */ void file_ability(struct sink_cpb *cpb_block) { TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_ability", "Entry point"); cpb_block->init_cb = file_init; cpb_block->submit_cb = file_submit; cpb_block->close_cb = file_close; TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_ability", "Exit"); }