/* INI LIBRARY Unit test for the INI library. Copyright (C) Dmitri Pal 2009 INI Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. INI Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with INI Library. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #define TRACE_HOME #include "ini_config.h" #include "collection.h" #include "collection_tools.h" int basic_test() { int error; struct collection_item *ini_config = NULL; struct collection_item *error_set = NULL; error = config_for_app("test", "./ini/ini.conf", "./ini/ini.d", &ini_config, INI_STOP_ON_NONE, &error_set); if (error) { printf("Attempt to read configuration returned error: %d\n",error); return error; } col_debug_collection(ini_config,COL_TRAVERSE_DEFAULT); col_print_collection(ini_config); col_print_collection(error_set); printf("\n\n----------------------\n"); /* Output parsing errors (if any) */ print_config_parsing_errors(stdout, error_set); printf("----------------------\n\n\n"); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); col_destroy_collection(error_set); return 0; } int single_file() { int error; struct collection_item *ini_config = NULL; struct collection_item *error_set = NULL; struct collection_item *lines = NULL; error = config_from_file("test", "./ini/not_exist_ini.conf", &ini_config, INI_STOP_ON_NONE, &error_set); if (error) { printf("Attempt to read configuration returned error: %d. EXPECTED.\n\n", error); if(error != ENOENT) return error; } error = config_from_file("test", "./ini/ini.conf", &ini_config, INI_STOP_ON_NONE, &error_set); if (error) { printf("Attempt to read configuration returned error: %d\n",error); return error; } col_debug_collection(ini_config, COL_TRAVERSE_DEFAULT); col_print_collection(ini_config); col_print_collection(error_set); printf("\n\n----------------------\n"); /* Output parsing errors (if any) */ print_file_parsing_errors(stdout, error_set); printf("----------------------\n\n\n"); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); col_destroy_collection(error_set); ini_config = NULL; error_set = NULL; printf("TEST WITH LINES\n"); error = config_from_file_with_lines("test", "./ini/ini.conf", &ini_config, INI_STOP_ON_NONE, &error_set, &lines); if (error) { printf("Attempt to read configuration returned error: %d\n",error); return error; } col_debug_collection(ini_config, COL_TRAVERSE_DEFAULT); col_debug_collection(lines, COL_TRAVERSE_DEFAULT); printf("\n\n----------------------\n"); /* Output parsing errors (if any) */ print_file_parsing_errors(stdout, error_set); printf("----------------------\n\n\n"); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); col_destroy_collection(error_set); col_destroy_collection(lines); return 0; } int negative_test() { int error; unsigned int count; struct collection_item *ini_config = NULL; /* App name is null - expect failure */ error = config_for_app(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, INI_STOP_ON_NONE, NULL); if (!error) { printf("Expected error: %d got success\n",EINVAL); return -1; } /* Config collection storage is NULL - expect failure */ error = config_for_app("real", NULL, NULL, NULL, INI_STOP_ON_NONE, NULL); if (!error) { printf("Expected error: %d got success\n",EINVAL); return -1; } /* Config collection storage is NULL - expect failure */ error = config_for_app("real", "real.conf", NULL, NULL, INI_STOP_ON_NONE, NULL); if (!error) { printf("Expected error: %d got success\n",EINVAL); return -1; } /* Expect success but empty config */ error = config_for_app("real", "real.conf", NULL, &ini_config, INI_STOP_ON_NONE, NULL); if (error) { printf("Expected success got error: %d\n",error); return error; } count = 0; (void)col_get_collection_count(ini_config, &count); if (count > 1) { printf("Expected empty collection but got contents with %d elements\n", count); col_print_collection(ini_config); return -1; } col_destroy_collection(ini_config); return 0; } int real_test(const char *file) { int error; struct collection_item *ini_config = NULL; struct collection_item *error_set = NULL; struct collection_iterator *iterator = NULL; struct collection_item *item = NULL; int type; printf("\n\n===== REAL TEST START ======\n"); printf("Reading collection\n"); error = config_for_app("real", file, "./ini/ini.d", &ini_config, INI_STOP_ON_NONE, &error_set); if (error) { printf("Attempt to read configuration returned error: %d\n", error); return error; } printf("Debugging the config collection:\n"); col_debug_collection(ini_config, COL_TRAVERSE_DEFAULT); printf("Debugging the error collection:\n"); col_debug_collection(error_set, COL_TRAVERSE_DEFAULT); printf("About to print parsing errors:\n"); printf("\n\n----------------------\n"); /* Output parsing errors (if any) */ print_config_parsing_errors(stdout, error_set); printf("----------------------\n\n\n"); printf("About to bind iterator to print the config file contents.\n"); /* Bind iterator */ error = col_bind_iterator(&iterator, ini_config, COL_TRAVERSE_DEFAULT|COL_TRAVERSE_END); if (error) { printf("Failed to bind iterator: %d\n",error); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); col_destroy_collection(error_set); return error; } printf("About to start iteration loop.\n"); do { /* Loop through a collection */ error = col_iterate_collection(iterator, &item); if (error) { printf("Error iterating collection: %d", error); col_unbind_iterator(iterator); return error; } /* Are we done ? */ if (item == (struct collection_item *)(NULL)) break; type = col_get_item_type(item); /* Start of the collection */ if (type == COL_TYPE_COLLECTION) printf("Contents of the configuration for application %s\n", col_get_item_property(item, NULL)); /* End of section */ else if (type == COL_TYPE_END) printf("\n"); /* Section header ? */ else if (type == COL_TYPE_COLLECTIONREF) printf("[%s]\n", col_get_item_property(item, NULL)); /* Anything else - we know they are all strings*/ else printf("%s = %s\n", col_get_item_property(item, NULL), (char *)col_get_item_data(item)); } while(1); /* Do not forget to unbind iterator - otherwise there will be a leak */ printf("About to clean up.\n"); col_unbind_iterator(iterator); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); col_destroy_collection(error_set); return 0; } int get_test() { int error; struct collection_item *ini_config = (struct collection_item *)(NULL); struct collection_item *error_set = (struct collection_item *)(NULL); struct collection_item *item = (struct collection_item *)(NULL); int number; long number_long; double number_double; unsigned number_unsigned; unsigned long number_ulong; unsigned char logical; char *str; const char *cstr; const char *cstrn; void *binary; int length; int i; char **strarray; char **strptr; int size; long *array; double *darray; char **prop_array; printf("\n\n===== GET TEST START ======\n"); printf("Reading collection\n"); error = config_for_app("real", NULL, "./ini/ini.d", &ini_config, INI_STOP_ON_NONE, &error_set); if (error) { printf("Attempt to read configuration returned error: %d\n", error); return error; } printf("Debugging the config collection:\n"); col_debug_collection(ini_config, COL_TRAVERSE_DEFAULT); printf("Debugging the error collection:\n"); col_debug_collection(error_set, COL_TRAVERSE_DEFAULT); col_destroy_collection(error_set); printf("Negtive test - trying to get non existing key-value pair.\n"); /* Negative test */ item = (struct collection_item *)(NULL); error = get_config_item("monitor1", "description1", ini_config, &item); if (error) { printf("Expected success but got error! %d\n", error); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); return error; } /* Item should not be found */ if (item != (struct collection_item *)(NULL)) { printf("Expected NULL but got something else!\n"); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); return -1; } /* Another negative test but section exists this time */ item = (struct collection_item *)(NULL); error = get_config_item("monitor", "description1", ini_config, &item); if (error) { printf("Expected success but got error! %d\n", error); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); return error; } /* Item should not be found */ if(item != (struct collection_item *)(NULL)) { printf("Expected NULL but got something else!\n"); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); return -1; } printf("Trying to get an item.\n"); /* Positive test */ item = (struct collection_item *)(NULL); error = get_config_item("monitor", "description", ini_config, &item); if (error) { printf("Expected success but got error! %d\n", error); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); return error; } /* Item should be found */ if (item == (struct collection_item *)(NULL)) { printf("Expected item but got something NULL!\n"); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); return -1; } col_debug_item(item); printf("Get item as string without duplication from NULL item.\n"); /* Get a string without duplicication */ /* Negative test */ cstrn = get_const_string_config_value(NULL, NULL); if (cstrn != NULL) { printf("Expected error got success.\n"); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); return -1; } printf("Get item as string without duplication from correct item.\n"); /* Now get string from the right item */ error = 0; cstr = get_const_string_config_value(item, &error); if (error) { printf("Expected success got error %d.\n", error); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); return error; } printf("Value: [%s]\n", cstr); /* Same thing but create a dup */ printf("Get item as string with duplication from correct item.\n"); error = 0; str = get_string_config_value(item, &error); if (error) { printf("Expected success got error %d.\n", error); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); return error; } printf("Value: [%s]\n", str); free(str); /* Get a badly formated number */ printf("Convert item to number with strict conversion.\n"); item = (struct collection_item *)(NULL); error = get_config_item("monitor", "bad_number", ini_config, &item); if (error) { printf("Expected success but got error! %d\n", error); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); return error; } /* Item should be found */ if (item == (struct collection_item *)(NULL)) { printf("Expected item but got something NULL!\n"); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); return -1; } col_debug_item(item); /* Now try to get value in different ways */ error = 0; number = get_int_config_value(item, 1, 10, &error); if (error) { /* We expected error in this case */ printf("Expected error.\n"); if(number != 10) { printf("It failed to set default value.\n"); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); return -1; } } printf("Convert item to number without strict conversion.\n"); error = 0; number = 1; number = get_int_config_value(item, 0, 10, &error); if (error) { /* We expected error in this case */ printf("Did not expect error.\n"); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); return error; } if (number != 5) { /* We expected error in this case */ printf("We expected that the conversion will return 5.\n"); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); return -1; } /* Get real integer */ printf("Fetch another item from section \"domains/LOCAL\" named \"enumerate\".\n"); item = (struct collection_item *)(NULL); error = get_config_item("domains/LOCAL","enumerate", ini_config, &item); if (error) { printf("Expected success but got error! %d\n", error); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); return error; } /* Item should be found */ if (item == (struct collection_item *)(NULL)) { printf("Expected success but got NULL.\n"); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); return -1; } printf("Convert item to integer.\n"); /* Take number out of it */ error = 0; number = get_int_config_value(item, 1, 100, &error); if (error) { printf("Did not expect error. Got %d\n", error); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); return error; } /* It is 3 in the file */ if (number != 3) { printf("We expected that the conversion will return 3.\n"); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); return -1; } printf("Expected 3 got %d\n", number); printf("Convert item to long.\n"); /* Take number out of it */ error = 0; number_long = get_long_config_value(item, 1, 100, &error); if (error) { printf("Did not expect error. Got %d\n", error); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); return error; } /* It is 3 in the file */ if (number_long != 3) { printf("We expected that the conversion will return 3.\n"); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); return -1; } printf("Expected 3 got %ld\n", number_long); printf("Convert item to unsigned.\n"); /* Take number out of it */ error = 0; number_unsigned = get_unsigned_config_value(item, 1, 100, &error); if (error) { printf("Did not expect error. Got %d\n", error); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); return error; } /* It is 3 in the file */ if(number_unsigned != 3) { printf("We expected that the conversion will return 3.\n"); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); return -1; } printf("Expected 3 got %d\n", number_unsigned); printf("Convert item to unsigned long.\n"); /* Take number out of it */ error = 0; number_ulong = get_ulong_config_value(item, 1, 100, &error); if (error) { printf("Did not expect error. Got %d\n", error); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); return error; } /* It is 3 in the file */ if (number_ulong != 3) { printf("We expected that the conversion will return 3.\n"); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); return -1; } printf("Expected 3 got %lu\n", number_ulong); printf("Convert item to double.\n"); /* Take number out of it */ error = 0; number_double = get_double_config_value(item, 1, 100., &error); if (error) { printf("Did not expect error. Got %d\n", error); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); return error; } /* It is 3 in the file */ if (number_double != 3.) { printf("We expected that the conversion will return 3.\n"); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); return -1; } printf("Expected 3 got %e\n", number_double); printf("Convert item to bool.\n"); /* Take number out of it */ error = 0; logical = get_bool_config_value(item, 1, &error); if (!error) { printf("Expect error. Got success.\n"); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); return -1; } /* Get real bool item and convert it */ printf("Get real bool item \"legacy\" and convert it.\n"); item = (struct collection_item *)(NULL); error = get_config_item("domains/LOCAL","legacy", ini_config, &item); if (error) { printf("Expected success but got error! %d\n",error); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); return error; } /* Item should be found */ if (item == (struct collection_item *)(NULL)) { printf("Expected success but got NULL.\n"); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); return -1; } printf("Convert item to bool.\n"); error = 0; logical = get_bool_config_value(item, 1, &error); if (error) { printf("Expect success got error %d.\n", error); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); return error; } if (logical) { printf("Expected false but got true - bad.\n"); return -1; } printf("In the files it is FALSE so we got false.\n"); printf("Get binary item\n"); item = (struct collection_item *)(NULL); error = get_config_item("domains/EXAMPLE.COM","binary_test", ini_config, &item); if (error) { printf("Expected success but got error! %d\n", error); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); return error; } /* Item should be found */ if (item == (struct collection_item *)(NULL)) { printf("Expected success but got NULL.\n"); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); return -1; } col_debug_item(item); error = 0; binary = get_bin_config_value(item, &length, &error); if (error) { printf("Expect success got error %d.\n", error); col_destroy_collection(ini_config); return error; } printf("Binary value (expect 123) = "); for (i=0;i