AC_INIT([sssd], m4_esyscmd([cat VERSION |head -n1 | tr -d '\n']), []) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([BUILD.txt]) AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR([build]) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([-Wall -Werror foreign]) AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([m4]) AC_PROG_INSTALL AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS([replace common server sss_client]) # If the VERSION file has a second line, we'll append it # to the release tag when creating an RPM or SRPM # This is intended for build systems to create snapshot # RPMs. The format should be something like: # .20090915gitf1bcde7 # and would result in an SRPM looking like: # sssd-0.5.0-0.20090915gitf1bcde7.fc11.src.rpm AC_SUBST([PRERELEASE_VERSION], m4_esyscmd([cat VERSION |tail --lines=+2 |head -n1 | tr -d '\n'])) AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile contrib/sssd.spec]) AC_OUTPUT