''' Created on Sep 18, 2009 @author: sgallagh ''' import os import exceptions from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser, NoSectionError # Exceptions class SSSDConfigException(Exception): pass class ParsingError(Exception): pass class AlreadyInitializedError(SSSDConfigException): pass class NotInitializedError(SSSDConfigException): pass class NoOutputFileError(SSSDConfigException): pass class NoServiceError(SSSDConfigException): pass class NoSectionError(SSSDConfigException): pass class NoOptionError(SSSDConfigException): pass class ServiceNotRecognizedError(SSSDConfigException): pass class ServiceAlreadyExists(SSSDConfigException): pass class NoDomainError(SSSDConfigException): pass class DomainNotRecognized(SSSDConfigException): pass class NoSuchProviderError(SSSDConfigException): pass class NoSuchProviderSubtypeError(SSSDConfigException): pass class ProviderSubtypeInUse(SSSDConfigException): pass class SSSDConfigSchema(RawConfigParser): def __init__(self, schemafile, schemaplugindir): #TODO: get these from a global setting if not schemafile: schemafile = '/etc/sssd/sssd.api.conf' if not schemaplugindir: schemaplugindir = '/etc/sssd/sssd.api.d' RawConfigParser.__init__(self, None, dict) try: #Read the primary config file fd = open(schemafile, 'r') self.readfp(fd) fd.close() # Read in the provider files for file in os.listdir(schemaplugindir): fd = open(schemaplugindir+ "/" + file) self.readfp(fd) fd.close() except IOError: raise except: raise ParsingError # Set up lookup table for types self.type_lookup = { 'bool' : bool, 'int' : int, 'long' : long, 'float': float, 'str' : str, 'list' : list, 'None' : None } # Lookup table for acceptable boolean values self.bool_lookup = { 'false' : False, 'true' : True, } def _striplist(self, l): return([x.strip() for x in l]) def get_options(self, section): if not self.has_section(section): raise NoSectionError options = self.options(section) # Parse values parsed_options = {} for option in options: unparsed_option = self.get(section, option) split_option = self._striplist(unparsed_option.split(',')) optionlen = len(split_option) primarytype = self.type_lookup[split_option[0]] subtype = self.type_lookup[split_option[1]] if optionlen == 2: # This option has no defaults parsed_options[option] = \ (primarytype, subtype, None) elif optionlen == 3: if type(split_option[2]) == primarytype: parsed_options[option] = \ (primarytype, subtype, split_option[2]) elif primarytype == list: if (type(split_option[2]) == subtype): parsed_options[option] = \ (primarytype, subtype, [split_option[2]]) else: try: parsed_options[option] = \ (primarytype, subtype, [subtype(split_option[2])]) except ValueError: raise ParsingError else: try: parsed_options[option] = \ (primarytype, subtype, primarytype(split_option[2])) except ValueError: raise ParsingError elif optionlen > 3: if (primarytype != list): raise ParsingError fixed_options = [] for x in split_option[2:]: if type(x) != subtype: try: fixed_options.extend([subtype(x)]) except ValueError: raise ParsingError else: fixed_options.extend([x]) parsed_options[option] = \ (primarytype, subtype, fixed_options) else: # Bad config file raise ParsingError return parsed_options def get_option(self, section, option): if not self.has_section(section): raise NoSectionError(section) if not self.has_option(section, option): raise NoOptionError("Section [%s] has no option [%s]" % (section, option)) return self.get_options(section)[option] def get_defaults(self, section): if not self.has_section(section): raise NoSectionError(section) schema_options = self.get_options(section) defaults = dict([(x,schema_options[x][2]) for x in schema_options.keys() if schema_options[x][2] != None]) return defaults def get_services(self): service_list = [x for x in self.sections() if x != 'service' and not x.startswith('domain') and not x.startswith('provider')] return service_list def get_providers(self): providers = {} for section in self._sections: splitsection = section.split('/') if (splitsection[0] == 'provider'): if(len(splitsection) == 3): if not providers.has_key(splitsection[1]): providers[splitsection[1]] = [] providers[splitsection[1]].extend([splitsection[2]]) for key in providers.keys(): providers[key] = tuple(providers[key]) return providers class SSSDService: ''' classdocs ''' def __init__(self, servicename, apischema): if not isinstance(apischema, SSSDConfigSchema) or type(servicename) != str: raise TypeError if not apischema.has_section(servicename): raise ServiceNotRecognizedError(servicename) self.name = servicename self.schema = apischema # Set up the service object with any known defaults self.options = {} # Include a list of hidden options self.hidden_options = [] # Set up default options for all services self.options.update(self.schema.get_defaults('service')) # Set up default options for this service self.options.update(self.schema.get_defaults(self.name)) # For the [sssd] service, force the config file version if servicename == 'sssd': self.options['config_file_version'] = 2 self.hidden_options.append('config_file_version') def get_name(self): return self.name def list_options(self): options = {} # Get the list of available options for all services schema_options = self.schema.get_options('service') options.update(schema_options) schema_options = self.schema.get_options(self.name) options.update(schema_options) return options def _striplist(self, l): return([x.strip() for x in l]) def set_option(self, optionname, value): if self.schema.has_option(self.name, optionname): option_schema = self.schema.get_option(self.name, optionname) elif self.schema.has_option('service', optionname): option_schema = self.schema.get_option('service', optionname) elif optionname in self.hidden_options: # Set this option and do not add it to the list of changeable values self.options[optionname] = value return else: raise NoOptionError('Section [%s] has no option [%s]' % (self.name, optionname)) if value == None: self.remove_option(optionname) return # If we were expecting a list and didn't get one, # Create a list with a single entry. If it's the # wrong subtype, it will fail below if option_schema[0] == list and type(value) != list: if type(value) == str: value = self._striplist(value.split(',')) else: value = [value] if type(value) != option_schema[0]: # If it's possible to convert it, do so try: value = option_schema[0](value) except ValueError: raise TypeError('Expected %s for %s, received %s' % (option_schema[0], optionname, type(value))) if type(value) == list: # Iterate through the list an ensure that all members # are of the appropriate subtype try: value = [option_schema[1](x) for x in value] except ValueError: raise TypeError('Expected %s' % option_schema[1]) self.options[optionname] = value def get_option(self, optionname): if optionname in self.options.keys(): return self.options[optionname] raise NoOptionError(optionname) def get_all_options(self): return self.options def remove_option(self, optionname): if self.options.has_key(optionname): del self.options[optionname] class SSSDDomain: def __init__(self, domainname, apischema): if not isinstance(apischema, SSSDConfigSchema) or type(domainname) != str: raise TypeError self.name = domainname self.schema = apischema self.active = False self.oldname = None self.providers = [] # Set up the domain object with any known defaults self.options = {} # Set up default options for all domains self.options.update(self.schema.get_defaults('provider')) self.options.update(self.schema.get_defaults('domain')) def get_name(self): return self.name def set_active(self, active): self.active = bool(active) def list_options(self): options = {} # Get the list of available options for all domains options.update(self.schema.get_options('provider')) options.update(self.schema.get_options('domain')) # Candidate for future optimization: will update primary type # for each subtype for (provider, providertype) in self.providers: schema_options = self.schema.get_options('provider/%s' % provider) options.update(schema_options) schema_options = self.schema.get_options('provider/%s/%s' % (provider, providertype)) options.update(schema_options) return options def list_provider_options(self, provider, provider_type=None): #TODO section checking options = self.schema.get_options('provider/%s' % provider) if(provider_type): options.update(self.schema.get_options('provider/%s/%s' % (provider, provider_type))) else: # Add options from all provider subtypes known_providers = self.list_providers() for provider_type in known_providers[provider]: options.update(self.list_provider_options(provider, provider_type)) return options def list_providers(self): return self.schema.get_providers() def set_option(self, option, value): options = self.list_options() if (option not in options.keys()): raise NoOptionError('Section [%s] has no option [%s]' % (self.name, option)) if value == None: self.remove_option(option) return option_schema = options[option] # If we were expecting a list and didn't get one, # Create a list with a single entry. If it's the # wrong subtype, it will fail below if option_schema[0] == list and type(value) != list: if type(value) == str: value = self._striplist(value.split(',')) else: value = [value] if type(value) != option_schema[0]: # If it's possible to convert it, do so try: value = option_schema[0](value) except ValueError: raise TypeError('Expected %s for %s, received %s' % (option_schema[0], option, type(value))) if type(value) == list: # Iterate through the list an ensure that all members # are of the appropriate subtype try: value = [option_schema[1](x) for x in value] except ValueError: raise TypeError('Expected %s' % option_schema[1]) # Check whether we're adding a provider entry. # This requires special handling is_provider = option.rfind('_provider') if (is_provider > 0): provider = option[:is_provider] self.add_provider(value, provider) else: self.options[option] = value def get_option(self, optionname): if optionname in self.options.keys(): return self.options[optionname] raise NoOptionError(optionname) def get_all_options(self): return self.options def remove_option(self, optionname): if optionname in self.options.keys(): del self.options[optionname] def add_provider(self, provider, provider_type): # Check that provider and provider_type are valid configured_providers = self.list_providers() if provider in configured_providers.keys(): if provider_type not in configured_providers[provider]: raise NoSuchProviderSubtypeError(provider_type) else: raise NoSuchProviderError # Don't add a provider twice with_this_type = [x for x in self.providers if x[1] == provider_type] if len(with_this_type) > 1: # This should never happen! raise ProviderSubtypeInUser if len(with_this_type) == 1: if with_this_type[0][0] != provider: raise ProviderSubtypeInUse(with_this_type[0][0]) else: self.providers.extend([(provider, provider_type)]) option_name = '%s_provider' % provider_type self.options[option_name] = provider # Add defaults for this provider self.options.update(self.schema.get_defaults('provider/%s' % provider)) self.options.update(self.schema.get_defaults('provider/%s/%s' % (provider, provider_type))) def remove_provider(self, provider, provider_type): if (provider,provider_type) not in self.providers: return # TODO: safely remove any unused options when removing # the provider. This will require modifying the schema # to account for multiple providers making use of the # same options (such ask krb5_realm) self.providers.remove((provider,provider_type)) class SSSDConfig(RawConfigParser): def __init__(self, schemafile=None, schemaplugindir=None): RawConfigParser.__init__(self, None, dict) self.schema = SSSDConfigSchema(schemafile, schemaplugindir) self.configfile = None self.initialized = False self.API_VERSION = 2 def import_config(self,configfile=None): if self.initialized: raise AlreadyInitializedError if not configfile: #TODO: get this from a global setting configfile = '/etc/sssd/sssd.conf' # open will raise an IOError if it fails fd = open(configfile, 'r') try: self.readfp(fd) except: raise ParsingError fd.close() self.configfile = configfile self.initialized = True try: if int(self.get('sssd', 'config_file_version')) != self.API_VERSION: raise ParsingError("Wrong config_file_version") except: # Either the 'sssd' section or the 'config_file_version' was not # present in the config file raise ParsingError("File contains no config_file_version") def new_config(self): if self.initialized: raise AlreadyInitializedError self.initialized = True #Initialize all services for servicename in self.schema.get_services(): service = self.new_service(servicename) def write(self, outputfile=None): if not self.initialized: raise NotInitializedError if outputfile == None: if(self.configfile == None): raise NoOutputFileError outputfile = self.configfile # open() will raise IOError if it fails of = open(outputfile, 'w') RawConfigParser.write(self, of) of.close() def list_services(self): if not self.initialized: raise NotInitializedError service_list = [x for x in self.sections() if not x.startswith('domain')] return service_list def get_service(self, name): if not self.initialized: raise NotInitializedError if not self.has_section(name): raise NoServiceError service = SSSDService(name, self.schema) [service.set_option(option, value) for (option,value) in self.items(name)] return service def new_service(self, name): if not self.initialized: raise NotInitializedError if (self.has_section(name)): raise ServiceAlreadyExists(name) service = SSSDService(name, self.schema) self.save_service(service) return service def delete_service(self, name): if not self.initialized: raise NotInitializedError self.remove_section(name) def save_service(self, service): if not self.initialized: raise NotInitializedError if not isinstance(service, SSSDService): raise TypeError name = service.get_name() # Ensure that the existing section is removed # This way we ensure that we are getting a # complete copy of the service. # remove_section() is a noop if the section # does not exist. self.remove_section(name) self.add_section(name) option_dict = service.get_all_options() for option in option_dict.keys(): value = option_dict[option] if (type(value) == list): value = ', '.join(value) self.set(name, option, value) def _striplist(self, l): return([x.strip() for x in l]) def list_active_domains(self): if not self.initialized: raise NotInitializedError if (self.has_option('sssd', 'domains')): active_domains = self._striplist(self.get('sssd', 'domains').split(',')) else: active_domains = [] domains = [x for x in self.list_domains() if x in active_domains] return domains def list_inactive_domains(self): if not self.initialized: raise NotInitializedError if (self.has_option('sssd', 'domains')): active_domains = self._striplist(self.get('sssd', 'domains').split(',')) else: active_domains = [] domains = [x for x in self.list_domains() if x not in active_domains] return domains def list_domains(self): if not self.initialized: raise NotInitializedError domains = [x[7:] for x in self.sections() if x.startswith('domain/')] return domains def get_domain(self, name): if not self.initialized: raise NotInitializedError if not self.has_section('domain/%s' % name): raise NoDomainError(name) domain = SSSDDomain(name, self.schema) # Read in the providers first or we may have type # errors trying to read in their options providers = [x for x in self.items('domain/%s' % name) if x[0].rfind('_provider') > 0] [domain.set_option(option, value) for (option, value) in providers] [domain.set_option(option, value) for (option,value) in self.items('domain/%s' % name) if (option,value) not in providers] return domain def new_domain(self, name): if not self.initialized: raise NotInitializedError if self.has_section('domain/%s' % name): raise DomainAlreadyExistsError domain = SSSDDomain(name, self.schema) self.save_domain(domain); return domain def delete_domain(self, name): if not self.initialized: raise NotInitializedError self.remove_section('domain/%s' % name) def save_domain(self, domain): if not self.initialized: raise NotInitializedError if not isinstance(domain, SSSDDomain): raise TypeError name = domain.get_name() sectionname = 'domain/%s' % name # Ensure that the existing section is removed # This way we ensure that we are getting a # complete copy of the service. # remove_section() is a noop if the section # does not exist. self.remove_section(sectionname) self.add_section(sectionname) option_dict = domain.get_all_options() [self.set(sectionname, option, option_dict[option]) for option in option_dict.keys()] if domain.active: if domain.get_name not in self.list_active_domains(): # Add it to the list of active domains if (self.has_option('sssd','domains')): active_domains = self.get('sssd', 'domains') active_domains += ", %s" % domain.get_name() else: active_domains = domain.get_name() self.set('sssd', 'domains', active_domains)