/* SSSD InfoPipe Copyright (C) Stephen Gallagher <sgallagh@redhat.com> 2009 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <dbus/dbus.h> #include <ldb.h> #include <time.h> #include "util/util.h" #include "util/btreemap.h" #include "confdb/confdb.h" #include "infopipe/infopipe.h" #include "infopipe/infopipe_private.h" #include "infopipe/sysbus.h" #include "db/sysdb.h" #include "responder/common/responder.h" static int attr_comparator(const void *key1, const void *key2); static int username_comparator(const void *key1, const void *key2); struct infp_getcached_ctx { struct infp_req_ctx *infp_req; struct sysdb_handle *handle; char **usernames; uint64_t min_last_login; }; static void infp_users_get_cached_callback(void *ptr, int status, struct ldb_result *res) { DBusMessage *reply; DBusMessageIter iter, array_iter; dbus_bool_t dbret; int i; char *username; struct infp_getcached_ctx *infp_getcached_req = talloc_get_type(ptr, struct infp_getcached_ctx); if (status != LDB_SUCCESS) { DEBUG(0, ("Failed to enumerate users in the cache db.\n")); infp_return_failure(infp_getcached_req->infp_req, NULL); talloc_free(infp_getcached_req); return; } /* Construct a reply */ reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(infp_getcached_req->infp_req->req_message); if(reply == NULL) { infp_return_failure(infp_getcached_req->infp_req, NULL); talloc_free(infp_getcached_req); return; } dbus_message_iter_init_append(reply, &iter); dbret = dbus_message_iter_open_container(&iter, DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, "s", &array_iter); if (!dbret) goto error; for (i = 0; i < res->count; i++) { username = talloc_strdup(infp_getcached_req, ldb_msg_find_attr_as_string(res->msgs[i], SYSDB_NAME, NULL)); if (username != NULL) { dbret = dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&array_iter, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &username); if (!dbret) goto error; } } dbret = dbus_message_iter_close_container(&iter, &array_iter); if(!dbret) goto error; sbus_conn_send_reply(infp_getcached_req->infp_req->sconn, reply); dbus_message_unref(reply); talloc_free(infp_getcached_req); return; error: DEBUG(0, ("Critical error constructing reply message for %s\n", INFP_USERS_GET_CACHED)); dbus_message_unref(reply); infp_return_failure(infp_getcached_req->infp_req, NULL); talloc_free(infp_getcached_req); return; } int infp_users_get_cached(DBusMessage *message, struct sbus_conn_ctx *sconn) { DBusMessage *reply; DBusError error; dbus_bool_t dbret; char *einval_msg; char *search_expression; struct infp_getcached_ctx *infp_getcached_req; int ret; /* Arguments */ const char *arg_domain; const uint64_t arg_minlastlogin; infp_getcached_req = talloc_zero(NULL, struct infp_getcached_ctx); if (infp_getcached_req == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } /* Create an infp_req_ctx */ infp_getcached_req->infp_req = infp_req_init(infp_getcached_req, message, sconn); if (infp_getcached_req->infp_req == NULL) { ret = EIO; goto error; } dbus_error_init(&error); dbret = dbus_message_get_args(message, &error, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &arg_domain, DBUS_TYPE_UINT64, &arg_minlastlogin, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID); if(!dbret) { DEBUG(0, ("Parsing arguments to %s failed: %s:%s\n", INFP_USERS_GET_CACHED, error.name, error.message)); einval_msg = talloc_strdup(infp_getcached_req, error.message); dbus_error_free(&error); goto einval; } infp_getcached_req->min_last_login = arg_minlastlogin; infp_getcached_req->infp_req->domain = infp_get_domain_obj(infp_getcached_req->infp_req->infp, arg_domain); /* Check for a valid domain */ if (infp_getcached_req->infp_req->domain == NULL) { einval_msg = talloc_strdup(infp_getcached_req, "Invalid domain."); goto einval; } /* NOTE: not checking permissions since the * information here is all visible in NSS as well */ /* Call sysdb_enumpwent with special search parameters */ search_expression = talloc_asprintf(infp_getcached_req, SYSDB_GETCACHED_FILTER, infp_getcached_req->min_last_login); ret = sysdb_enumpwent(infp_getcached_req, infp_getcached_req->infp_req->infp->sysdb, infp_getcached_req->infp_req->domain, search_expression, infp_users_get_cached_callback, infp_getcached_req); if(ret != EOK) { DEBUG(0, ("Could not read from the cache database.\n")); goto error; } return EOK; einval: reply = dbus_message_new_error(message, DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, einval_msg); if(reply == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } sbus_conn_send_reply(sconn, reply); dbus_message_unref(reply); talloc_free(infp_getcached_req); return EOK; error: if (infp_getcached_req) infp_return_failure(infp_getcached_req->infp_req, NULL); talloc_free(infp_getcached_req); return ret; } struct infp_createuser_ctx { struct infp_req_ctx *infp_req; struct sysdb_handle *handle; char *username; char *fullname; char *homedir; char *shell; }; static void infp_do_user_create_callback(void *pvt, int status, struct ldb_result *res) { char *error_msg = NULL; DBusMessage *reply = NULL; struct infp_createuser_ctx *infp_createuser_req = talloc_get_type(pvt, struct infp_createuser_ctx); /* Commit the transaction if it we got a successful response, or cancel it if we did not */ sysdb_transaction_done(infp_createuser_req->handle, status); /* Verify that the addition completed successfully * If LDB returned an error, run a search to determine * if it was due the requested username already being * in use */ if (status == EOK) { /* Return reply ack */ infp_return_success(infp_createuser_req->infp_req); } else if (status == EEXIST) { /* Return error, user already exists */ error_msg = talloc_asprintf(infp_createuser_req, "User [%s] already exists on domain [%s]", infp_createuser_req->username, infp_createuser_req->infp_req->domain->name); reply = dbus_message_new_error(infp_createuser_req->infp_req->req_message, DBUS_ERROR_FILE_EXISTS, error_msg); if (reply) { sbus_conn_send_reply(infp_createuser_req->infp_req->sconn, reply); dbus_message_unref(reply); } } else { /* Unknown error occurred. Print DEBUG message */ DEBUG(0, ("Failed to create user in the sysdb. Error code %d\n", status)); infp_return_failure(infp_createuser_req->infp_req, NULL); } talloc_free(infp_createuser_req); } static void infp_do_user_create(struct sysdb_handle *handle, void *pvt) { int ret; struct infp_createuser_ctx *infp_createuser_req = talloc_get_type(pvt, struct infp_createuser_ctx); infp_createuser_req->handle = handle; ret = sysdb_add_user(infp_createuser_req->handle, infp_createuser_req->infp_req->domain, infp_createuser_req->username, 0, 0, infp_createuser_req->fullname, infp_createuser_req->homedir, infp_createuser_req->shell, infp_do_user_create_callback, infp_createuser_req); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(0, ("Could not invoke sysdb_add_user\n")); sysdb_transaction_done(infp_createuser_req->handle, ret); infp_return_failure(infp_createuser_req->infp_req, NULL); talloc_free(infp_createuser_req); return; } } int infp_users_create(DBusMessage *message, struct sbus_conn_ctx *sconn) { DBusMessage *reply; DBusError error; dbus_bool_t dbret; char *einval_msg; struct infp_createuser_ctx *infp_createuser_req; int ret; /* Arguments */ const char *arg_domain; const char *arg_username; const char *arg_fullname; const char *arg_homedir; const char *arg_shell; infp_createuser_req = talloc_zero(NULL, struct infp_createuser_ctx); if (infp_createuser_req == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } /* Create an infp_req_ctx */ infp_createuser_req->infp_req = infp_req_init(infp_createuser_req, message, sconn); if (infp_createuser_req->infp_req == NULL) { ret = EIO; goto error; } dbus_error_init(&error); dbret = dbus_message_get_args(message, &error, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &arg_username, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &arg_domain, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &arg_fullname, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &arg_homedir, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &arg_shell, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID); if (!dbret) { DEBUG(0, ("Parsing arguments to %s failed: %s:%s\n", INFP_USERS_CREATE, error.name, error.message)); einval_msg = talloc_strdup(infp_createuser_req, error.message); dbus_error_free(&error); goto einval; } /* FIXME: Allow creating users on domains other than LOCAL */ if (strcasecmp(arg_domain, "LOCAL") != 0) { goto denied; } infp_createuser_req->infp_req->domain = infp_get_domain_obj(infp_createuser_req->infp_req->infp, arg_domain); /* Check for a valid domain */ if (infp_createuser_req->infp_req->domain == NULL) { einval_msg = talloc_strdup(infp_createuser_req, "Invalid domain."); goto einval; } if (strlen(arg_username)) { infp_createuser_req->username = talloc_strdup(infp_createuser_req, arg_username); if (infp_createuser_req->username == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } } else { einval_msg = talloc_strdup(infp_createuser_req, "No username provided"); goto einval; } infp_createuser_req->fullname = NULL; if (strlen(arg_fullname)) { infp_createuser_req->fullname = talloc_strdup(infp_createuser_req, arg_fullname); if(infp_createuser_req->fullname == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } } infp_createuser_req->homedir = NULL; if (strlen(arg_homedir)) { infp_createuser_req->homedir = talloc_strdup(infp_createuser_req, arg_homedir); if(infp_createuser_req->homedir == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } } infp_createuser_req->shell = NULL; if (strlen(arg_shell)) { infp_createuser_req->shell = talloc_strdup(infp_createuser_req, arg_shell); if(infp_createuser_req->shell == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } } /* Check permissions */ if(!infp_get_permissions(infp_createuser_req->infp_req->caller, infp_createuser_req->infp_req->domain, INFP_OBJ_TYPE_USER, NULL, INFP_ACTION_TYPE_CREATE, INFP_ATTR_TYPE_INVALID)) goto denied; ret = sysdb_transaction(infp_createuser_req, infp_createuser_req->infp_req->infp->sysdb, infp_do_user_create, infp_createuser_req); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(0,("Unable to start transaction to create user\n")); goto error; } return EOK; denied: reply = dbus_message_new_error(message, DBUS_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, NULL); if(reply == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } /* send reply */ sbus_conn_send_reply(sconn, reply); dbus_message_unref(reply); talloc_free(infp_createuser_req); return EOK; einval: reply = dbus_message_new_error(message, DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, einval_msg); if (reply == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } sbus_conn_send_reply(sconn, reply); dbus_message_unref(reply); talloc_free(infp_createuser_req); return EOK; error: if(infp_createuser_req) infp_return_failure(infp_createuser_req->infp_req, NULL); talloc_free(infp_createuser_req); return ret; } struct infp_deleteuser_ctx { struct infp_req_ctx *infp_req; char *username; struct sysdb_handle *handle; struct ldb_dn *user_dn; }; static void infp_do_user_delete_callback(void *pvt, int status, struct ldb_result *res) { struct infp_deleteuser_ctx *infp_deleteuser_req = talloc_get_type(pvt, struct infp_deleteuser_ctx); /* Commit the transaction if it we got a successful response, or cancel it if we did not */ sysdb_transaction_done(infp_deleteuser_req->handle, status); if (status != EOK) { DEBUG(0, ("Failed to delete user from sysdb. Error code %d\n", status)); infp_return_failure(infp_deleteuser_req->infp_req, NULL); talloc_free(infp_deleteuser_req); return; } infp_return_success(infp_deleteuser_req->infp_req); talloc_free(infp_deleteuser_req); } static void infp_do_user_delete(struct sysdb_handle *req, void *pvt) { int ret; struct infp_deleteuser_ctx *infp_deleteuser_req = talloc_get_type(pvt, struct infp_deleteuser_ctx); infp_deleteuser_req->handle = handle; infp_deleteuser_req->user_dn = sysdb_user_dn(infp_deleteuser_req->infp_req->infp->sysdb, infp_deleteuser_req, infp_deleteuser_req->infp_req->domain->name, infp_deleteuser_req->username); if(infp_deleteuser_req->user_dn == NULL) { DEBUG(0, ("Could not construct a user_dn for deletion.\n")); infp_return_failure(infp_deleteuser_req->infp_req, NULL); talloc_free(infp_deleteuser_req); return; } ret = sysdb_delete_entry(infp_deleteuser_req->handle, infp_deleteuser_req->user_dn, infp_do_user_delete_callback, infp_deleteuser_req); if(ret != EOK) { DEBUG(0,("Could not delete user entry.\n")); infp_return_failure(infp_deleteuser_req->infp_req, NULL); talloc_free(infp_deleteuser_req); return; } } int infp_users_delete(DBusMessage *message, struct sbus_conn_ctx *sconn) { DBusMessage *reply = NULL; DBusError error; dbus_bool_t dbret; char *einval_msg = NULL; struct infp_deleteuser_ctx *infp_deleteuser_req; int ret; /* Arguments */ const char *arg_username; const char *arg_domain; infp_deleteuser_req = talloc_zero(NULL, struct infp_deleteuser_ctx); if (infp_deleteuser_req == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } /* Create an infp_req_ctx */ infp_deleteuser_req->infp_req = infp_req_init(infp_deleteuser_req, message, sconn); if (infp_deleteuser_req->infp_req == NULL) { ret = EIO; goto error; } /* Process the arguments */ dbus_error_init(&error); dbret = dbus_message_get_args(message, &error, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &arg_username, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &arg_domain, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID); if (!dbret) { DEBUG(0, ("Parsing arguments to %s failed: %s:%s\n", INFP_USERS_DELETE, error.name, error.message)); einval_msg = talloc_strdup(infp_deleteuser_req, error.message); dbus_error_free(&error); goto einval; } /* FIXME: Allow deleting users from domains other than local */ if(strcasecmp(arg_domain, "LOCAL") != 0) { goto denied; } infp_deleteuser_req->infp_req->domain = infp_get_domain_obj(infp_deleteuser_req->infp_req->infp, arg_domain); /* Check for a valid domain */ if (infp_deleteuser_req->infp_req->domain == NULL) { einval_msg = talloc_strdup(infp_deleteuser_req, "Invalid domain."); goto einval; } if (strlen(arg_username)) { infp_deleteuser_req->username = talloc_strdup(infp_deleteuser_req, arg_username); if (infp_deleteuser_req->username == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } } else { einval_msg = talloc_strdup(infp_deleteuser_req, "No username provided"); goto einval; } /* Check permissions */ if(!infp_get_permissions(infp_deleteuser_req->infp_req->caller, infp_deleteuser_req->infp_req->domain, INFP_OBJ_TYPE_USER, NULL, INFP_ACTION_TYPE_DELETE, INFP_ACTION_TYPE_INVALID)) goto denied; ret = sysdb_transaction(infp_deleteuser_req, infp_deleteuser_req->infp_req->infp->sysdb, infp_do_user_delete, infp_deleteuser_req); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(0, ("Unable to start transaction to delete user\n")); goto error; } return EOK; denied: reply = dbus_message_new_error(message, DBUS_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, NULL); if(reply == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } /* send reply */ sbus_conn_send_reply(sconn, reply); dbus_message_unref(reply); talloc_free(infp_deleteuser_req); return EOK; einval: reply = dbus_message_new_error(message, DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, einval_msg); if (reply == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } sbus_conn_send_reply(sconn, reply); dbus_message_unref(reply); talloc_free(infp_deleteuser_req); return EOK; error: if(infp_deleteuser_req) infp_return_failure(infp_deleteuser_req->infp_req, NULL); talloc_free(infp_deleteuser_req); return ret; } struct infp_getattr_ctx { struct infp_req_ctx *infp_req; char **usernames; uint32_t username_count; const char **attributes; uint32_t attr_count; uint32_t index; bool check_provider; /* The results array must have username_count elements */ struct btreemap **results; }; static int infp_get_attr_lookup(struct infp_getattr_ctx *infp_getattr_req); struct infp_attr_variant { int dbus_type; int subtype; int count; void *data; }; /* We are restricting variants to three basic types: * Fixed (Numeric) types * Strings * Arrays of fixed (numeric) types */ static int infp_user_getattr_append_dict(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, DBusMessageIter *iter, struct btreemap *map) { int ret, i; char **attrs; struct infp_attr_variant *value; char *vartype; char *subtype; int attr_count; DBusMessageIter array_iter; DBusMessageIter dict_iter; DBusMessageIter variant_iter; DBusMessageIter fixed_array_iter; dbus_bool_t dbret; ret = btreemap_get_keys(mem_ctx, map, (const void ***)&attrs, &attr_count); if (ret != EOK) { return ret; } /* DICTs are an array of dict pairs */ dbret = dbus_message_iter_open_container(iter, DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, "{sv}", &array_iter); if (!dbret) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } i = 0; while (i < attr_count) { if (strcasecmp(attrs[i], SYSDB_LAST_UPDATE) == 0) { /* Skip lastUpdate. We shouldn't be returning this */ i++; continue; } /* Create the variant value */ value = talloc_get_type(btreemap_get_value(map, attrs[i]), struct infp_attr_variant); if (value == NULL) { /* Skip any entries that returned an empty value */ i++; continue; } /* Open a dict container for this pair */ dbret = dbus_message_iter_open_container(&array_iter, DBUS_TYPE_DICT_ENTRY, NULL, &dict_iter); if (!dbret) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } /* Write the dict key */ dbret = dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&dict_iter, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &attrs[i]); if (!dbret) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } vartype = NULL; subtype = NULL; if (sbus_is_dbus_string_type(value->dbus_type)) { /* String types are strings, object paths and signatures */ vartype = talloc_asprintf(mem_ctx, "%c", value->dbus_type); if (vartype == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } dbret = dbus_message_iter_open_container(&dict_iter, DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT, vartype, &variant_iter); if (!dbret) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } dbret = dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&variant_iter, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &value->data); if (!dbret) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } talloc_free(vartype); vartype = NULL; } else if (sbus_is_dbus_fixed_type(value->dbus_type)) { /* Fixed types are booleans, bytes, the integral types and the floating-point types */ vartype = talloc_asprintf(mem_ctx, "%c", value->dbus_type); if (vartype == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } dbret = dbus_message_iter_open_container(&dict_iter, DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT, vartype, &variant_iter); if (!dbret) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } dbret = dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&variant_iter, value->dbus_type, value->data); if (!dbret) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } talloc_free(vartype); vartype = NULL; } else if (value->dbus_type == DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY) { if(sbus_is_dbus_fixed_type(value->subtype)) { /* Only support adding arrays of fixed types or strings for now */ subtype = talloc_asprintf(mem_ctx, "a%c", value->subtype); if (subtype == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } dbret = dbus_message_iter_open_container(&dict_iter, DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT, subtype, &variant_iter); if (!dbret) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } dbret = dbus_message_iter_open_container(&variant_iter, DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, subtype, &fixed_array_iter); if (!dbret) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } dbret = dbus_message_iter_append_fixed_array(&fixed_array_iter, value->subtype, &value->data, value->count); if(!dbret) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } dbret = dbus_message_iter_close_container(&variant_iter, &fixed_array_iter); if(!dbret) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } } else { ret = EINVAL; goto error; } } else { /* Value type not yet supported */ DEBUG(0, ("Attempted to create DICT value for something not a basic type or fixed array [%d]\n", value->dbus_type)); ret = EINVAL; goto error; } /* Close the variant */ dbret = dbus_message_iter_close_container(&dict_iter, &variant_iter); if(!dbret) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } /* Close the dict */ dbret = dbus_message_iter_close_container(&array_iter, &dict_iter); if(!dbret) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } i++; } /* Close the dict array */ dbret = dbus_message_iter_close_container(iter, &array_iter); if(!dbret) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } return EOK; error: talloc_free(attrs); talloc_free(vartype); talloc_free(subtype); return ret; } static int create_getattr_result_map(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct infp_getattr_ctx *infp_getattr_req, struct ldb_result *res, struct btreemap **results) { int i, ret; int attr_type; struct infp_attr_variant *variant; const struct ldb_val *val; /* Iterate through the requested attributes */ for (i=0; i < infp_getattr_req->attr_count; i++) { /* Ignore any attributes we don't care about */ attr_type = infp_get_attribute_type(infp_getattr_req->attributes[i]); if (attr_type != INFP_ATTR_TYPE_INVALID) { variant = talloc_zero(mem_ctx, struct infp_attr_variant); if (variant == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto end; } variant->dbus_type = infp_get_user_attr_dbus_type(attr_type, &variant->subtype); if (sbus_is_dbus_string_type(variant->dbus_type)) { variant->data = (void *)talloc_strdup(variant, ldb_msg_find_attr_as_string(res->msgs[0], infp_getattr_req->attributes[i], NULL)); if (variant->data == NULL) { talloc_free(variant); continue; } } else if (sbus_is_dbus_fixed_type(variant->dbus_type)) { /* We'll treat all fixed(numeric) types as UINT64 internally * These will be correctly converted to their true types * when being marshalled on the wire. */ variant->data = (void *)talloc(variant, uint64_t); if (variant->data == NULL) { talloc_free(variant); continue; } *(uint64_t *)variant->data = ldb_msg_find_attr_as_uint64(res->msgs[0], infp_getattr_req->attributes[i], 0); } else if (variant->dbus_type == DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY) { switch(variant->subtype) { case DBUS_TYPE_BYTE: /* Byte array (binary data) */ val = ldb_msg_find_ldb_val(res->msgs[0], infp_getattr_req->attributes[i]); if (val == NULL || val->length <= 0) { talloc_free(variant); continue; } variant->data = talloc_memdup(variant, val->data, val->length); if (variant->data == NULL) { talloc_free(variant); continue; } variant->count = val->length; break; default: /* Unsupported array type */ talloc_free(variant); continue; } } else { /* Unsupported type */ talloc_free(variant); continue; } /* Add the variant to the map */ ret = btreemap_set_value(mem_ctx, results, (const void *)infp_getattr_req->attributes[i], variant, attr_comparator); if (ret != EOK) { talloc_free(variant); } } } ret = EOK; end: return ret; } static void infp_get_attr_lookup_callback(void *ptr, int ldb_status, struct ldb_result *res) { int ret; int i; bool call_provider = false; int timeout; uint64_t lastUpdate; DBusMessage *reply = NULL; DBusMessageIter iter; DBusMessageIter array_iter; struct infp_getattr_ctx *infp_getattr_req = talloc_get_type(ptr, struct infp_getattr_ctx); DEBUG(9, ("Processing results for user [%s]\n", infp_getattr_req->usernames[infp_getattr_req->index])); /* Process the current results */ if (ldb_status != LDB_SUCCESS) { DEBUG(0, ("Critical error reading from sysdb.\n")); infp_return_failure(infp_getattr_req->infp_req, NULL); goto done; } if(infp_getattr_req->check_provider) { switch(res->count) { case 0: call_provider = true; break; case 1: timeout = infp_getattr_req->infp_req->infp->cache_timeout; lastUpdate = ldb_msg_find_attr_as_uint64(res->msgs[0], SYSDB_LAST_UPDATE, 0); if (lastUpdate + timeout < time(NULL)) { call_provider = true; } break; default: DEBUG(0, ("GetUser call returned more than one result. This probably means the sysdb is corrupt!\n")); infp_return_failure(infp_getattr_req->infp_req, NULL); goto done; } } if (call_provider) { /* FIXME call the provider */ } switch (res->count) { case 0: DEBUG(2, ("No results for GetUser")); infp_getattr_req->results[infp_getattr_req->index] = NULL; break; case 1: /* Create the result map */ ret = create_getattr_result_map(infp_getattr_req, infp_getattr_req, res, &infp_getattr_req->results[infp_getattr_req->index]); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(0, ("Unable to create result map!\n")); infp_return_failure(infp_getattr_req->infp_req, NULL); goto done; } break; default: /* We received more than one result. This is bad */ DEBUG(0, ("GetUser call returned more than one result. This probably means the sysdb is corrupt!\n")); infp_return_failure(infp_getattr_req->infp_req, NULL); goto done; } /* If there are more usernames remaining in the list, re-enter the loop */ infp_getattr_req->index++; if (infp_getattr_req->index < infp_getattr_req->username_count) { ret = infp_get_attr_lookup(infp_getattr_req); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(0, ("Could not read from cache database\n")); infp_return_failure(infp_getattr_req->infp_req, NULL); goto done; } return; } /* No more names remain, return the result DICTs */ reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(infp_getattr_req->infp_req->req_message); if (reply == NULL) { infp_return_failure(infp_getattr_req->infp_req, NULL); goto done; } dbus_message_iter_init_append(reply, &iter); dbus_message_iter_open_container(&iter, DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, "a{sv}", &array_iter); i = 0; while (i < infp_getattr_req->username_count) { ret = infp_user_getattr_append_dict(infp_getattr_req, &array_iter, infp_getattr_req->results[i]); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(0, ("Unable to append response DICT\n")); goto done; } i++; } dbus_message_iter_close_container(&iter, &array_iter); sbus_conn_send_reply(infp_getattr_req->infp_req->sconn, reply); done: if(reply) dbus_message_unref(reply); talloc_free(infp_getattr_req); } int infp_get_user_attr_dbus_type(int attr_type, int *subtype) { int dbus_type; *subtype = DBUS_TYPE_INVALID; switch(attr_type) { case INFP_ATTR_TYPE_DEFAULTGROUP: case INFP_ATTR_TYPE_GECOS: case INFP_ATTR_TYPE_HOMEDIR: case INFP_ATTR_TYPE_SHELL: case INFP_ATTR_TYPE_FULLNAME: case INFP_ATTR_TYPE_LOCALE: case INFP_ATTR_TYPE_KEYBOARD: case INFP_ATTR_TYPE_SESSION: dbus_type = DBUS_TYPE_STRING; break; case INFP_ATTR_TYPE_LAST_LOGIN: dbus_type = DBUS_TYPE_UINT64; break; case INFP_ATTR_TYPE_USERPIC: dbus_type = DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY; *subtype = DBUS_TYPE_BYTE; break; default: dbus_type = DBUS_TYPE_INVALID; } return dbus_type; } static int attr_comparator(const void *key1, const void *key2) { return strcmp((const char *)key1, (const char *)key2); } static int infp_get_attr_lookup(struct infp_getattr_ctx *infp_getattr_req) { uint32_t i; int ret; char **attributes; const char *last_update; int attr_count; DEBUG(9, ("Processing lookup for user [%s]\n", infp_getattr_req->usernames[infp_getattr_req->index])); if (infp_getattr_req->index >= infp_getattr_req->username_count) { /* Avoid index bound issues */ return EINVAL; } /* Check permissions */ i=0; infp_getattr_req->results[infp_getattr_req->index] = NULL; while(i < infp_getattr_req->attr_count) { if(infp_get_permissions(infp_getattr_req->infp_req->caller, infp_getattr_req->infp_req->domain, INFP_OBJ_TYPE_USER, infp_getattr_req->usernames[infp_getattr_req->index], INFP_ACTION_TYPE_READ, infp_get_attribute_type(infp_getattr_req->attributes[i])) ) { /* Add this attribute as a key to the result map * This will guarantee that we are requesting only unique attributes * that we have permission to read */ ret = btreemap_set_value(infp_getattr_req, &infp_getattr_req->results[infp_getattr_req->index], infp_getattr_req->attributes[i], NULL, attr_comparator); if (ret != EOK) { return ret; } } i++; } /* Always add SYSDB_LAST_UPDATE to the list, we won't return it */ last_update = talloc_strdup(infp_getattr_req, SYSDB_LAST_UPDATE); ret = btreemap_set_value(infp_getattr_req, &infp_getattr_req->results[infp_getattr_req->index], last_update, NULL, attr_comparator); if (ret != EOK) { return ret; } /* Prepare the list of attributes to request from the sysdb */ attr_count = 0; ret = btreemap_get_keys(infp_getattr_req, infp_getattr_req->results[infp_getattr_req->index], (const void ***)&attributes, &attr_count); if (ret != EOK) { return ret; } if (attr_count == 1) { /* There were zero authorized attributes in the list * No need to call sysdb, just move to the next username * The single attribute was SYSDB_LAST_UPDATE which we * added manually. */ infp_getattr_req->index++; return infp_get_attr_lookup(infp_getattr_req); } /* Add a trailing NULL entry (required for sysdb) */ attributes = talloc_realloc(infp_getattr_req, attributes, char *, attr_count+1); if (attributes == NULL) { return ENOMEM; } attributes[attr_count] = NULL; /* Call into the sysdb for the requested attributes */ ret = sysdb_get_user_attr(infp_getattr_req, infp_getattr_req->infp_req->infp->sysdb, infp_getattr_req->infp_req->domain, infp_getattr_req->usernames[infp_getattr_req->index], (const char **)attributes, infp_get_attr_lookup_callback, infp_getattr_req); return EOK; } static const char **infp_get_all_attributes(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, uint32_t *attr_count) { const char **attributes; int offset = 0; *attr_count = 10; attributes = talloc_array(mem_ctx, const char *, *attr_count); if (attributes == NULL) { return NULL; } attributes[offset++] = SYSDB_DEFAULTGROUP; attributes[offset++] = SYSDB_GECOS; attributes[offset++] = SYSDB_HOMEDIR; attributes[offset++] = SYSDB_SHELL; attributes[offset++] = SYSDB_FULLNAME; attributes[offset++] = SYSDB_LOCALE; attributes[offset++] = SYSDB_KEYBOARD; attributes[offset++] = SYSDB_SESSION; attributes[offset++] = SYSDB_LAST_LOGIN; attributes[offset++] = SYSDB_USERPIC; return attributes; } /* GetUserAttributes(ARRAY(STRING) usernames, * STRING domain, * ARRAY(STRING) filter) */ int infp_users_get_attr(DBusMessage *message, struct sbus_conn_ctx *sconn) { int ret, i; DBusMessage *reply; DBusError error; dbus_bool_t dbret; char **usernames; uint32_t username_count; char *domain; char **attributes; uint32_t attr_count; struct infp_getattr_ctx *infp_getattr_req; usernames = NULL; attributes = NULL; /* Get the arguments to GetAttributes */ dbus_error_init(&error); dbret = dbus_message_get_args(message, &error, DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &usernames, &username_count, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &domain, DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &attributes, &attr_count, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID); if(!dbret) { DEBUG(0, ("Parsing arguments failed: %s:%s\n", error.name, error.message)); dbus_free_string_array(usernames); dbus_free_string_array(attributes); reply = dbus_message_new_error(message, DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, error.message); if (reply == NULL) { return ENOMEM; } sbus_conn_send_reply(sconn, reply); dbus_message_unref(reply); dbus_error_free(&error); return EOK; } if (username_count < 1) { /* No usernames received. Return an error */ reply = dbus_message_new_error(message, DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "No usernames specified."); if (reply == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto end; } sbus_conn_send_reply(sconn, reply); dbus_free_string_array(usernames); dbus_free_string_array(attributes); dbus_message_unref(reply); ret = EOK; goto end; } /* Create a infp_getattr_ctx */ infp_getattr_req = talloc_zero(NULL, struct infp_getattr_ctx); if (infp_getattr_req == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto end; } /* Create an infp_req_ctx */ infp_getattr_req->infp_req = infp_req_init(infp_getattr_req, message, sconn); if (infp_getattr_req->infp_req == NULL) { ret = EIO; goto end; } infp_getattr_req->infp_req->domain = infp_get_domain_obj(infp_getattr_req->infp_req->infp, domain); infp_getattr_req->check_provider = NEED_CHECK_PROVIDER(infp_getattr_req->infp_req->domain->provider); /* Copy the username list */ infp_getattr_req->usernames = talloc_array(infp_getattr_req, char *, username_count); if (infp_getattr_req->usernames == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto end; } i = 0; while (i < username_count) { DEBUG(9, ("Request for user [%s]\n", usernames[i])); infp_getattr_req->usernames[i] = talloc_strdup(infp_getattr_req->usernames, usernames[i]); if (infp_getattr_req == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto end; } i++; } infp_getattr_req->username_count = username_count; /* Copy the attribute list */ if (attr_count > 0) { infp_getattr_req->attributes = talloc_array(infp_getattr_req, const char *, attr_count); if (infp_getattr_req->attributes == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto end; } i = 0; while (i < attr_count) { infp_getattr_req->attributes[i] = talloc_strdup(infp_getattr_req, attributes[i]); if (infp_getattr_req == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto end; } i++; } infp_getattr_req->attr_count = attr_count; } else { /* No attributes specified in the call means retrieve all possible */ infp_getattr_req->attributes = infp_get_all_attributes(infp_getattr_req, &infp_getattr_req->attr_count); if (infp_getattr_req->attributes == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto end; } } infp_getattr_req->index = 0; /* Prepare the result list */ infp_getattr_req->results = talloc_array(infp_getattr_req, struct btreemap *, attr_count); if (infp_getattr_req->results == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto end; } /* Look up the first username and start the async loop */ ret = infp_get_attr_lookup(infp_getattr_req); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(0, ("Could not read from cache database\n")); } end: dbus_free_string_array(usernames); dbus_free_string_array(attributes); if (ret != EOK) { infp_return_failure(infp_getattr_req->infp_req, NULL); talloc_free(infp_getattr_req); } return ret; } static int username_comparator(const void *key1, const void *key2) { return strcmp((const char *)key1, (const char *)key2); } struct infp_setattr_ctx { struct infp_req_ctx *infp_req; const char **usernames; int username_count; uint32_t index; struct sysdb_handle *handle; /* Array of sysdb_attrs objects * The number of elements in this array * is equal to the username count; */ struct sysdb_attrs **changes; }; static void infp_do_user_set_attr(struct sysdb_handle *req, void *pvt); static void infp_do_user_set_attr_callback(void *ptr, int ldb_status, struct ldb_result *res) { struct infp_setattr_ctx *infp_setattr_req; infp_setattr_req = talloc_get_type(ptr, struct infp_setattr_ctx); /* Check the ldb_result */ if (ldb_status != LDB_SUCCESS) { DEBUG(0, ("Failed to store user attributes to the sysdb\n")); /* Cancel the transaction */ sysdb_transaction_done(infp_setattr_req->handle, sysdb_error_to_errno(ldb_status)); infp_return_failure(infp_setattr_req->infp_req, NULL); talloc_free(infp_setattr_req); return; } /* Process any remaining users */ infp_setattr_req->index++; if(infp_setattr_req->index < infp_setattr_req->username_count) { infp_do_user_set_attr(infp_setattr_req->handle, infp_setattr_req); return; } /* This was the last user. Commit the transaction */ sysdb_transaction_done(infp_setattr_req->handle, EOK); /* Send reply ack */ infp_return_success(infp_setattr_req->infp_req); talloc_free(infp_setattr_req); } static void infp_do_user_set_attr(struct sysdb_handle *handle, void *pvt) { int ret; struct infp_setattr_ctx *infp_setattr_req; infp_setattr_req = talloc_get_type(pvt, struct infp_setattr_ctx); infp_setattr_req->handle = handle; DEBUG(9, ("Setting attributes for user [%s]\n", infp_setattr_req->usernames[infp_setattr_req->index])); ret = sysdb_set_user_attr(infp_setattr_req->handle, infp_setattr_req->infp_req->domain, infp_setattr_req->usernames[infp_setattr_req->index], infp_setattr_req->changes[infp_setattr_req->index], infp_do_user_set_attr_callback, infp_setattr_req); if(ret != EOK) { DEBUG(0, ("Failed to set attributes for user [%s]. Cancelling transaction\n", infp_setattr_req->usernames[infp_setattr_req->index])); sysdb_transaction_done(req, ret); infp_return_failure(infp_setattr_req->infp_req, NULL); talloc_free(infp_setattr_req); } } int infp_users_set_attr(DBusMessage *message, struct sbus_conn_ctx *sconn) { TALLOC_CTX *dict_ctx; DBusMessage *reply; DBusMessageIter iter, array_iter, dict_array_iter; DBusMessageIter dict_iter, variant_iter; dbus_bool_t dbret; char *domain_name; char *einval_msg; const char *recv_username; const char *dict_key; char *username; char *val_key; char *values; char **attributes; int user_count, change_count; int change_map_count, dict_entry_count; int added_entries; int current_type; int attr_type, variant_type; int subtype; struct infp_setattr_ctx *infp_setattr_req; struct btreemap *username_map; struct btreemap *value_map; struct btreemap *change_map; struct btreemap **change_array; struct btreemap **tmp_array; struct ldb_val *val; int ret, i, j; /* Create a infp_setattr_ctx */ infp_setattr_req = talloc_zero(NULL, struct infp_setattr_ctx); if(infp_setattr_req == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } /* Create an infp_req_ctx */ infp_setattr_req->infp_req = infp_req_init(infp_setattr_req, message, sconn); if (infp_setattr_req->infp_req == NULL) { ret = EIO; goto error; } /* Process the arguments to SetUserAttributes */ dbret = dbus_message_iter_init(message, &iter); if (!dbret) { einval_msg = talloc_strdup(infp_setattr_req, "No arguments received."); goto einval; } /* Get the list of usernames to process */ current_type = dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&iter); if (current_type != DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY) { einval_msg = talloc_strdup(infp_setattr_req, "Expected username list."); goto einval; } if(dbus_message_iter_get_element_type(&iter) != DBUS_TYPE_STRING) { einval_msg = talloc_strdup(infp_setattr_req, "Expected username list."); goto einval; } /* Recurse into the array */ user_count = 0; dbus_message_iter_recurse(&iter, &array_iter); username_map = NULL; while((current_type=dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&array_iter)) != DBUS_TYPE_INVALID) { dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&array_iter, &recv_username); username = talloc_strdup(infp_setattr_req, recv_username); if (username == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } ret = btreemap_set_value(infp_setattr_req, &username_map, (const void *)username, NULL, username_comparator); if (ret != EOK) goto error; user_count++; dbus_message_iter_next(&array_iter); } if (user_count == 0) { /* No users passed in */ einval_msg = talloc_strdup(infp_setattr_req, "No usernames provided."); goto einval; } ret = btreemap_get_keys(infp_setattr_req, username_map, (const void ***)&infp_setattr_req->usernames, &infp_setattr_req->username_count); if (ret != EOK) goto error; /* Verify that the usernames were all unique. * If the count of usernames we added differs from the count we're * getting back, then at least one was a duplicate. */ if (infp_setattr_req->username_count != user_count) { einval_msg = talloc_strdup(infp_setattr_req, "Usernames were not unique."); goto einval; } /* Get the domain name */ dbus_message_iter_next(&iter); if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&iter) != DBUS_TYPE_STRING) { einval_msg = talloc_strdup(infp_setattr_req, "No domain provided.\n"); goto einval; } dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&iter, &domain_name); infp_setattr_req->infp_req->domain = infp_get_domain_obj(infp_setattr_req->infp_req->infp, domain_name); if (infp_setattr_req->infp_req->domain == NULL) { einval_msg = talloc_strdup(infp_setattr_req, "Invalid domain."); goto einval; } /* Get the array of change DICT entries */ dbus_message_iter_next(&iter); current_type = dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&iter); if (current_type != DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY) { einval_msg = talloc_strdup(infp_setattr_req, "Expected change list."); goto einval; } if(dbus_message_iter_get_element_type(&iter) != DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY) { einval_msg = talloc_strdup(infp_setattr_req, "Expected array of DICT entry arrays."); goto einval; } change_count = 0; change_array = NULL; dbus_message_iter_recurse(&iter, &array_iter); if(dbus_message_iter_get_element_type(&array_iter) != DBUS_TYPE_DICT_ENTRY) { einval_msg = talloc_strdup(infp_setattr_req, "Expected array of DICT entries."); goto einval; } while((current_type=dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&array_iter)) != DBUS_TYPE_INVALID) { /* Descend into the DICT array */ dbus_message_iter_recurse(&array_iter, &dict_array_iter); /* Create a new talloc context to contain the values from this DICT array */ dict_ctx = talloc_new(infp_setattr_req); if(dict_ctx == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } value_map = NULL; dict_entry_count = 0; while((current_type=dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&dict_array_iter)) != DBUS_TYPE_INVALID) { change_count++; /* Descend into the DICT entry */ dbus_message_iter_recurse(&dict_array_iter, &dict_iter); /* Key must be a string */ if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&dict_iter) != DBUS_TYPE_STRING) { einval_msg = talloc_strdup(infp_setattr_req, "DICT entries must be keyed on strings."); goto einval; } dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&dict_iter, &dict_key); if((attr_type = infp_get_attribute_type(dict_key)) == INFP_ATTR_TYPE_INVALID) { /* Continue to the next DICT entry (ignoring unrecognized attributes) */ change_count--; /* Don't include ignored values in the count */ dbus_message_iter_next(&dict_array_iter); continue; } val_key = talloc_strdup(dict_ctx, dict_key); if(val_key == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } /* Value is a variant */ variant_type = infp_get_user_attr_dbus_type(attr_type, &subtype); if(variant_type == DBUS_TYPE_INVALID) { /* This shouldn't happen since the attr_type is valid. * If this failed, it's a coding error. */ DEBUG(0, ("Critical error, valid attribute type could not be paired with a D-BUS type.\n")); ret = EIO; goto error; } dbus_message_iter_next(&dict_iter); if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&dict_iter) != DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT) { einval_msg = talloc_strdup(infp_setattr_req, "DICT value must be a variant."); goto einval; } dbus_message_iter_recurse(&dict_iter, &variant_iter); if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&variant_iter) != variant_type) { einval_msg = talloc_asprintf(infp_setattr_req, "DICT value did not match required type of key [%s]. Expected [%c], received [%c]\n", dict_key, variant_type, dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&dict_iter)); goto einval; } if(variant_type == DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY) { current_type=dbus_message_iter_get_element_type(&variant_iter); if (!sbus_is_dbus_fixed_type(current_type)) { /* We only support fixed-type arrays right now */ einval_msg = talloc_asprintf(infp_setattr_req, "Invalid array type."); } } ret = infp_get_ldb_val_from_dbus(dict_ctx, &variant_iter, &val, variant_type, subtype); if (ret != EOK) { /* Could not create an LDB val from this variant */ DEBUG(0, ("Error, valid attribute type could not be converted to an ldb_val.\n")); goto error; } ret = btreemap_set_value(dict_ctx, &value_map, (const void *)val_key, val, attr_comparator); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(0, ("Could not add change value to the value map.\n")); goto error; } dict_entry_count++; dbus_message_iter_next(&dict_array_iter); } /* Verify that all of the dict entries were unique */ ret = btreemap_get_keys(dict_ctx, value_map, (const void ***)&values, &added_entries); if (ret != EOK) goto error; if (added_entries != dict_entry_count) { einval_msg = talloc_strdup(infp_setattr_req, "Attributes to change were not unique."); goto einval; } /* Add the map to an array */ tmp_array = talloc_realloc(infp_setattr_req, change_array, struct btreemap *, change_count); if(tmp_array == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } change_array = tmp_array; change_array[change_count-1] = value_map; dbus_message_iter_next(&array_iter); } if (change_count != infp_setattr_req->username_count && change_count != 1) { /* Change counts must be one-to-one with the number of users, * or else exactly one for all users. */ einval_msg = talloc_strdup(infp_setattr_req, "Count of change DICTs not equal to one or count of usernames."); goto einval; } /* Check permissions and create the sysdb_attrs change list */ infp_setattr_req->changes = talloc_array(infp_setattr_req, struct sysdb_attrs *, infp_setattr_req->username_count); for (i = 0; i < infp_setattr_req->username_count; i++) { if (change_count == 1) change_map = change_array[0]; else change_map = change_array[i]; ret = btreemap_get_keys(dict_ctx, change_map, (const void ***)&attributes, &change_map_count); if (ret != EOK) goto error; infp_setattr_req->changes[i] = sysdb_new_attrs(infp_setattr_req); if (infp_setattr_req->changes[i] == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } for (j = 0; j < change_map_count; j++) { /* Add it to the sydb_attrs change list if permission is granted */ if (infp_get_permissions(infp_setattr_req->infp_req->caller, infp_setattr_req->infp_req->domain, INFP_OBJ_TYPE_USER, infp_setattr_req->usernames[i], INFP_ACTION_TYPE_MODIFY, infp_get_attribute_type(attributes[j]))) { ret = sysdb_attrs_add_val(infp_setattr_req->changes[i], attributes[j], btreemap_get_value(change_map, attributes[j])); if (ret != EOK) { goto error; } } } } infp_setattr_req->index = 0; ret = sysdb_transaction(infp_setattr_req, infp_setattr_req->infp_req->infp->sysdb, infp_do_user_set_attr, infp_setattr_req); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(0, ("Could not write to the cache database.\n")) goto error; } return EOK; einval: reply = dbus_message_new_error(message, DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, einval_msg); if(reply == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } sbus_conn_send_reply(sconn, reply); dbus_message_unref(reply); talloc_free(infp_setattr_req); return EOK; error: if(infp_setattr_req) infp_return_failure(infp_setattr_req->infp_req, NULL); talloc_free(infp_setattr_req); return ret; } struct infp_setuid_ctx { struct infp_req_ctx *infp_req; struct sysdb_handle *handle; struct sysdb_attrs *uid_attr; char *username; }; static void infp_do_user_set_uid_callback(void *ptr, int ldb_status, struct ldb_result *res) { struct infp_setuid_ctx *infp_setuid_req = talloc_get_type(ptr, struct infp_setuid_ctx); /* Commit or cancel the transaction, based on the ldb_status */ sysdb_transaction_done(infp_setuid_req->handle, sysdb_error_to_errno(ldb_status)); /* Check the LDB result */ if (ldb_status != LDB_SUCCESS) { DEBUG(0, ("Failed to store user uid to the sysdb\n")); infp_return_failure(infp_setuid_req->infp_req, NULL); talloc_free(infp_setuid_req); return; } /* Send reply ack */ infp_return_success(infp_setuid_req->infp_req); talloc_free(infp_setuid_req); } static void infp_do_user_set_uid(struct sysdb_handle *handle, void *pvt) { int ret; struct infp_setuid_ctx *infp_setuid_req; infp_setuid_req = talloc_get_type(pvt, struct infp_setuid_ctx); infp_setuid_req->handle = handle; DEBUG(9, ("Setting UID for user [%s]\n", infp_setuid_req->username)); ret = sysdb_set_user_attr(infp_setuid_req->handle, infp_setuid_req->infp_req->domain, infp_setuid_req->username, infp_setuid_req->uid_attr, infp_do_user_set_uid_callback, infp_setuid_req); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(0, ("Could not invoke sysdb_set_user_attr")); sysdb_transaction_done(infp_setuid_req->handle, ret); infp_return_failure(infp_setuid_req->infp_req, NULL); talloc_free(infp_setuid_req); return; } } int infp_users_set_uid(DBusMessage *message, struct sbus_conn_ctx *sconn) { DBusMessage *reply; DBusError error; dbus_bool_t dbret; char *einval_msg; struct infp_setuid_ctx *infp_setuid_req; int ret; /* Arguments */ const char *arg_username; const char *arg_domain; const int arg_uid; infp_setuid_req = talloc_zero(NULL, struct infp_setuid_ctx); if (infp_setuid_req == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } /* Create an infp_req_ctx */ infp_setuid_req->infp_req = infp_req_init(infp_setuid_req, message, sconn); if (infp_setuid_req->infp_req == NULL) { ret = EIO; goto error; } dbus_error_init(&error); dbret = dbus_message_get_args(message, &error, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &arg_username, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &arg_domain, DBUS_TYPE_UINT32, &arg_uid, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID); if (!dbret) { DEBUG(0, ("Parsing arguments to SetUserUID failed: %s:%s\n", error.name, error.message)); einval_msg = talloc_strdup(infp_setuid_req, error.message); dbus_error_free(&error); goto einval; } infp_setuid_req->username = talloc_strdup(infp_setuid_req, arg_username); infp_setuid_req->infp_req->domain = infp_get_domain_obj(infp_setuid_req->infp_req->infp, arg_domain); /* Check for a valid domain */ if (infp_setuid_req->infp_req->domain == NULL) { einval_msg = talloc_strdup(infp_setuid_req, "Invalid domain."); goto einval; } /* Check the domain MIN and MAX */ if((arg_uid < infp_setuid_req->infp_req->domain->id_min) || /* Requested UID < than minimum */ ((infp_setuid_req->infp_req->domain->id_max > infp_setuid_req->infp_req->domain->id_min) && /* Maximum exists and is greater than minimum */ (arg_uid > infp_setuid_req->infp_req->domain->id_max))) { /* Requested UID > maximum */ einval_msg = talloc_asprintf(infp_setuid_req, "UID out of range for this domain. Minimum: %u Maximum: %u\n", infp_setuid_req->infp_req->domain->id_min, infp_setuid_req->infp_req->domain->id_max?infp_setuid_req->infp_req->domain->id_max:(uid_t)-1); goto einval; } /* Check permissions */ if(!infp_get_permissions(infp_setuid_req->infp_req->caller, infp_setuid_req->infp_req->domain, INFP_OBJ_TYPE_USER, infp_setuid_req->username, INFP_ACTION_TYPE_MODIFY, INFP_ATTR_TYPE_USERID)) { reply = dbus_message_new_error(message, DBUS_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, NULL); if(reply == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } /* send reply */ sbus_conn_send_reply(sconn, reply); dbus_message_unref(reply); talloc_free(infp_setuid_req); return EOK; } infp_setuid_req->uid_attr = sysdb_new_attrs(infp_setuid_req); if (infp_setuid_req->uid_attr == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } sysdb_attrs_add_long(infp_setuid_req->uid_attr, SYSDB_UIDNUM, arg_uid); ret = sysdb_transaction(infp_setuid_req, infp_setuid_req->infp_req->infp->sysdb, infp_do_user_set_uid, infp_setuid_req); if(ret != EOK) { DEBUG(0, ("Could not write to the cache database.\n")); goto error; } return EOK; einval: reply = dbus_message_new_error(message, DBUS_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, einval_msg); if(reply == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto error; } /* send reply */ sbus_conn_send_reply(sconn, reply); dbus_message_unref(reply); talloc_free(infp_setuid_req); return EOK; error: if(infp_setuid_req) infp_return_failure(infp_setuid_req->infp_req, NULL); talloc_free(infp_setuid_req); return ret; }