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<title>SSSD Manual pages</title>
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        <refmiscinfo class="manual">File Formats and Conventions</refmiscinfo>

    <refnamediv id='name'>
        <refpurpose>the configuration file for SSSD</refpurpose>

    <refsect1 id='file-format'>
        <title>FILE FORMAT</title>

            The file has an ini-style syntax and consists of sections and
            parameters. A section begins with the name of the section in
            square brackets and continues until the next section begins. An
            example of section with single and multi-valued parameters:
                <replaceable>key</replaceable> = <replaceable>value</replaceable>
                <replaceable>key2</replaceable> = <replaceable>value2,value3</replaceable>

            The data types used are string (no quotes needed), integer
            and bool (with values of <quote>TRUE/FALSE</quote>).

            A line comment starts with a hash sign (<quote>#</quote>) or a
            semicolon (<quote>;</quote>)

            All sections can have an optional
            <replaceable>description</replaceable> parameter. Its function
            is only as a label for the section.

    <refsect1 id='special-sections'>
        <title>SPECIAL SECTIONS</title>

        <refsect2 id='services'>
            <title>The [services] section</title>
                Individual pieces of SSSD functionality are provided by special
                SSSD services that are started and stopped together with SSSD.
                The services are managed by a special service called
                    <title>Section parameters</title>
                                Comma separated list of services that are
                                started when sssd itself starts. Since Data
                                Provider (<quote>dp</quote>) is a required
                                service, it will be started even if omitted.
                                Default: dp
                                Supported services: dp, nss, pam
                                Number of times services should attempt to
                                reconnect in the event of a Data Provider
                                crash or restart before they give up
                                Default: 3

        <refsect2 id='domains'>
            <title>The [domains] section</title>
                A domain is a database containing user information. SSSD can
                use more domains at the same time, but at least one must
                be configured or SSSD won't start.
                <title>Section parameters</title>
                            The list of domains in the order you want them
                            to be queried

        <refsect2 id='names'>
            <title>The [names] section</title>
                This section allows to configure how a name, or a fully qualified
                name looks like. These settings are used by both the PAM and NSS
                <title>Section parameters</title>
                    <term>re-expression (string)</term>
                            Regular expression that describes how to parse the string
                            containing user name and domain into these components.
                            Default: <quote>(?&lt;name&gt;[^@]+)@?(?&lt;domain&gt;[^@]*$)</quote>
                            which translates to "the name is everything up to the
                            <quote>@</quote> sign, the domain everything after that"
                    <term>full-name-format (string)</term>
                            A <citerefentry>
                            </citerefentry>-compatible format that describes how to
                            translate a (name, domain) tuple into a fully qualified
                            Default: <quote>%1$s@%2$s</quote>.

        <refsect2 id='user_defaults'>
            <title>The [user_defaults] section</title>
                This section contains settings that alter default values used
                when adding a user with SSSD userspace tools (sss_useradd).
                <title>Section parameters</title>
                    <term>defaultShell (string)</term>
                            The default shell for users created
                            with SSSD userspace tools.
                            Default: <filename>/bin/bash</filename>
                    <term>baseDirectory (string)</term>
                            The tools append the login name to
                            <replaceable>baseDirectory</replaceable> and
                            use that as the home directory.
                            Default: <filename>/home</filename>


    <refsect1 id='services-sections'>
        <title>SERVICES SECTIONS</title>
            Settings that can be used to configure different services
            are described in this section. They should reside in the
            [services/<replaceable>NAME</replaceable>] section, for example,
            for NSS service, the section would be <quote>[services/nss]</quote>

        <refsect2 id='general'>
            <title>General service configuration options</title>
                These options can be used to configure any service.
                    <term>debug-level (integer)</term>
                            Sets the debug level for the service. The
                            value can be in range from 0 (only critical
                            messages) to 10 (very verbose).
                            Default: 0
                    <term>reconnection_retries (integer)</term>
                            Number of times services should attempt to
                            reconnect in the event of a Data Provider
                            crash or restart before they give up
                            Default: 3
                    <term>command (string)</term>
                            By default, the executable
                            representing this service is called
                            This directive allows to change the executable
                            name for the service. In the vast majority of
                            configurations, the default values should suffice.
                            Default: <command>sssd_${service_name}</command>

        <refsect2 id='Monitor'>
            <title>Monitor configuration options</title>
                Monitor is the central controller of the SSSD. It is
                responsible for running all the other services that provide
                specific pieces of functionality.
                    <term>sbusAddress (string)</term>
                            The services in sssd communicate over an internal
                            wrapper on top of D-Bus called S-Bus. This
                            directive can be used to specify the address
                            to connect to.  The vast majority of configurations
                            will not need to change this setting.
                    <term>sbusTimeout (string)</term>
                            Specifies the timeout for messages sent over the SBUS.
                            Default: -1  (implies a reasonable timeout as defined
                            by the D-BUS library)

        <refsect2 id='NSS'>
            <title>NSS configuration options</title>
                These options can be used to configure the
                Name Service Switch (NSS) service.
                    <term>EnumCacheTimeout (integer)</term>
                            How long should nss_sss cache enumerations
                            (requests for info about all users)
                            Default: 120
                    <term>EntryCacheTimeout (integer)</term>
                            How long should nss_sss cache positive cache hits
                            (that is, queries for valid database entries) before
                            asking the backend again
                            Default: 600
                    <term>EntryNegativeTimeout (integer)</term>
                            How long should nss_sss cache negative cache hits
                            (that is, queries for invalid database entries, like
                            nonexistent ones) before asking the backend again
                            Default: 15
                    <term>filterUsers, filterGroups (string)</term>
                            Exclude certain users from being fetched from the sss
                            NSS database. This is particulary useful for system
                            accounts like root.

    <refsect1 id='domain-sections'>
        <title>DOMAIN SECTIONS</title>
            These configuration options can be present in a domain
            configuration section, that is, in a section called
                    <term>minId,maxId (integer)</term>
                            UID limits for the domain. If a domain contains
                            entry that is outside these limits, it is ignored
                            Default: 0 (no limit)

                    <term>timeout (integer)</term>
                            Timeout in seconds for this particular domain.
                            Raising this timeout might prove useful for slower
                            backends like distant LDAP servers.
                            Default: 0 (no timeout)

                    <term>magicPrivateGroups (bool)</term>
                            By using the Magic Private Groups option, you
                            are imposing two limitations to the ID space
                            and name space:
                            1. Users and groups in the domain share a common
                            name space. There can never be an explicit group
                            with the same name as a user
                            2. Users and groups share a common ID
                            space, there can never be an explicit group with
                            a same ID as a user
                            Using Magic Private groups bring the benefit of
                            better Windows Interoperability (in Windows,
                            the ID and name spaces are unique) and also
                            avoids creating a group for every user,
                            thus cluttering the group space. Also, for
                            NSS calls, every user is actually returned
                            as user's private group without having to
                            explicitly create the group, thus having the
                            same effect as User Private Groups
                            Default: FALSE

                    <term>enumerate (integer)</term>
                            Determines if a domain can be enumerated. This
                            parameter can have one of the following values:
                            0 = No enumeration
                            1 = Enumerate users
                            2 = Enumerate groups
                            3 = Enumerate both
                            Default: 0

                    <term>cache-credentials (bool)</term>
                            Determines if user credentials are also cached
                            in the local LDB cache
                            Default: FALSE

                    <term>legacy (bool)</term>
                            A legacy domain is a strictly POSIX domain in
                            terms of attributes it supports. Groups in legacy
                            domains can't be nested.
                            Default: FALSE

                    <term>store-legacy-passwords (bool)</term>
                            Whether to also store passwords in a legacy domain
                            Default: FALSE

                    <term>provider (string)</term>
                            The Data Provider backend to use for this domain.
                            Supported backends:
                            proxy: Support a legacy NSS provider
                            local: SSSD internal local provider
                            ldap:  LDAP provider

                    <term>useFullyQualifiedNames (bool)</term>
                            If set to TRUE, all requests to this domain
                            must use fully qualified names. For example,
                            if used in LOCAL domain that contains a "test"
                            user, <command>getent passwd test</command>
                            wouldn't find the user while <command>getent
                            passwd test@LOCAL</command> would.
                            Default: FALSE

            Options valid for proxy domains.

                    <term>auth-module (string)</term>
                            The authentication module used. Two
                            authentication modules are provided -
                            <quote>ldap</quote> for native LDAP authentication
                            and <quote>proxy</quote>, used for relaying
                            authentication to some other PAM target.

                    <term>pam-target (string)</term>
                            The proxy target PAM proxies to.
                            Default: sssd_pam_proxy_default

                    <term>libName (string)</term>
                            The name of the NSS library to use in proxy
                            domains. The NSS functions searched for in the
                            library are in the form of
                            _nss_$(libName)_$(function), for example

    <refsect1 id='example'>
            The following example shows a typical SSSD config. It does
            not describe configuration of the domains themselves - refer to
            documentation on configuring domains for more details.
description =  Local Service Configuration
activeServices = nss, pam
reconnection_retries = 3

description = NSS Responder Configuration
filterGroups = root
filterUsers = root
debug-level = 4

description = Data Provider Configuration
debug-level = 4

description = PAM Responder Configuration

description = Service Monitor Configuration

description = Domains served by SSSD
domains = LOCAL

description = LOCAL Users domain
enumerate = 3
minId = 5000
maxId = 30000
legacy = FALSE
magicPrivateGroups = TRUE
provider = local

    <refsect1 id='see_also'>
        <title>SEE ALSO</title>