AC_SUBST(CARES_OBJ) AC_SUBST(CARES_LIBS) AC_SUBST(CARES_CFLAGS) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(ares.h, [AC_CHECK_LIB([cares], [ares_init], [ CARES_LIBS="-lcares" ], [AC_MSG_ERROR([No usable c-ares library found])])], [AC_MSG_ERROR([c-ares header files are not installed])] ) dnl Check if this particular version of c-ares supports the generic ares_free_data function AC_CHECK_LIB([cares], [ares_free_data], [AC_DEFINE([HAVE_ARES_DATA], 1, [Does c-ares have ares_free_data()?]) ], [ ares_data=1 ] ) AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_ARES_DATA, test x$ares_data = x1) dnl Check if this particular version of c-ares support the new TTL structures AC_CHECK_TYPES([struct ares_addrttl, struct ares_addr6ttl], [], [], [#include <ares.h>])