        Bit mask that indicates which debug levels will be visible. 0x0010 is the default value as well
        as the lowest allowed value, 0xFFF0 is the most verbose mode. This setting
        overrides the settings from config file.
        Currently supported debug levels:
         Fatal failures. Anything that would prevent SSSD from starting up or causes it to cease running.
         Critical failures. An error that doesn't kill the SSSD, but one that indicates
         that at least one major feature is not going to work properly.
         <emphasis>0x0040</emphasis>: Serious failures. An error announcing that a particular request or
         operation has failed.
         <emphasis>0x0080</emphasis>: Minor failures. These are the errors that would percolate down to
         cause the operation failure of 2.
         <emphasis>0x0100</emphasis>: Configuration settings.
         <emphasis>0x0200</emphasis>: Function data.
         <emphasis>0x0400</emphasis>: Trace messages for operation functions.
         <emphasis>0x1000</emphasis>: Trace messages for internal control functions.
         <emphasis>0x2000</emphasis>: Contents of function-internal variables that may be interesting.
         <emphasis>0x4000</emphasis>: Extremely low-level tracing information.
        To log required debug levels, simply add their numbers together as shown in following examples:
        <emphasis>Example</emphasis>: To log fatal failures, critical failures,
        serious failures and function data use 0x0270.
        <emphasis>Example</emphasis>: To log fatal failures, configuration settings, function data,
        trace messages for internal control functions use 0x1310.
        <emphasis>Note</emphasis>: This is new format of debug levels introduced in 1.7.0.
        Older format (numbers from 0-10) is compatible but deprecated.