/* SSSD Authors: Stephen Gallagher <sgallagh@redhat.com> Copyright (C) 2011 Red Hat This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "util/util.h" #include "providers/ipa/ipa_hbac_private.h" #include "providers/ldap/sdap_async.h" struct hbac_update_groups_state { struct hbac_ctx *hbac_ctx; struct sysdb_ctx *sysdb; struct sss_domain_info *domain; }; /* Returns EOK and populates groupname if * the group_dn is actually a group. * Returns ENOENT if group_dn does not point * at a a group. * Returns EINVAL if there is a parsing error. * Returns ENOMEM as appropriate */ errno_t get_ipa_groupname(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct sysdb_ctx *sysdb, const char *group_dn, const char **groupname) { errno_t ret; struct ldb_dn *dn; const char *rdn_name; const char *group_comp_name; const char *account_comp_name; const struct ldb_val *rdn_val; const struct ldb_val *group_comp_val; const struct ldb_val *account_comp_val; /* This is an IPA-specific hack. It may not * work for non-IPA servers and will need to * be changed if SSSD ever supports HBAC on * a non-IPA server. */ *groupname = NULL; dn = ldb_dn_new(mem_ctx, sysdb_ctx_get_ldb(sysdb), group_dn); if (dn == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto done; } if (!ldb_dn_validate(dn)) { ret = EINVAL; goto done; } if (ldb_dn_get_comp_num(dn) < 4) { /* RDN, groups, accounts, and at least one DC= */ /* If it's fewer, it's not a group DN */ ret = ENOENT; goto done; } /* If the RDN name is 'cn' */ rdn_name = ldb_dn_get_rdn_name(dn); if (rdn_name == NULL) { /* Shouldn't happen if ldb_dn_validate() * passed, but we'll be careful. */ ret = EINVAL; goto done; } if (strcasecmp("cn", rdn_name) != 0) { /* RDN has the wrong attribute name. * It's not a group. */ ret = ENOENT; goto done; } /* and the second component is "cn=groups" */ group_comp_name = ldb_dn_get_component_name(dn, 1); if (strcasecmp("cn", group_comp_name) != 0) { /* The second component name is not "cn" */ ret = ENOENT; goto done; } group_comp_val = ldb_dn_get_component_val(dn, 1); if (strncasecmp("groups", (const char *) group_comp_val->data, group_comp_val->length) != 0) { /* The second component value is not "groups" */ ret = ENOENT; goto done; } /* and the third component is "accounts" */ account_comp_name = ldb_dn_get_component_name(dn, 2); if (strcasecmp("cn", account_comp_name) != 0) { /* The third component name is not "cn" */ ret = ENOENT; goto done; } account_comp_val = ldb_dn_get_component_val(dn, 2); if (strncasecmp("accounts", (const char *) account_comp_val->data, account_comp_val->length) != 0) { /* The third component value is not "accounts" */ ret = ENOENT; goto done; } /* Then the value of the RDN is the group name */ rdn_val = ldb_dn_get_rdn_val(dn); *groupname = talloc_strndup(mem_ctx, (const char *)rdn_val->data, rdn_val->length); if (*groupname == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto done; } ret = EOK; done: talloc_free(dn); return ret; } errno_t hbac_user_attrs_to_rule(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct sysdb_ctx *sysdb, struct sss_domain_info *domain, const char *rule_name, struct sysdb_attrs *rule_attrs, struct hbac_rule_element **users) { errno_t ret; TALLOC_CTX *tmp_ctx = NULL; struct hbac_rule_element *new_users = NULL; struct ldb_message_element *el = NULL; struct ldb_message **msgs = NULL; char *filter; char *member_dn; const char *member_user; const char *attrs[] = { SYSDB_NAME, NULL }; size_t num_users = 0; size_t num_groups = 0; const char *name; size_t count; size_t i; tmp_ctx = talloc_new(mem_ctx); if (tmp_ctx == NULL) return ENOMEM; new_users = talloc_zero(tmp_ctx, struct hbac_rule_element); if (new_users == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto done; } DEBUG(7, ("Processing users for rule [%s]\n", rule_name)); ret = hbac_get_category(rule_attrs, IPA_USER_CATEGORY, &new_users->category); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(1, ("Could not identify user categories\n")); goto done; } if (new_users->category & HBAC_CATEGORY_ALL) { /* Short-cut to the exit */ ret = EOK; goto done; } ret = sysdb_attrs_get_el(rule_attrs, IPA_MEMBER_USER, &el); if (ret != EOK && ret != ENOENT) { DEBUG(1, ("sysdb_attrs_get_el failed.\n")); goto done; } if (ret == ENOENT || el->num_values == 0) { el->num_values = 0; DEBUG(4, ("No user specified, rule will never apply.\n")); } new_users->names = talloc_array(new_users, const char *, el->num_values + 1); if (new_users->names == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto done; } new_users->groups = talloc_array(new_users, const char *, el->num_values + 1); if (new_users->groups == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto done; } for (i = 0; i < el->num_values; i++) { member_user = (const char *)el->values[i].data; ret = sss_filter_sanitize(tmp_ctx, member_user, &member_dn); if (ret != EOK) goto done; filter = talloc_asprintf(member_dn, "(%s=%s)", SYSDB_ORIG_DN, member_dn); if (filter == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto done; } /* First check if this is a user */ ret = sysdb_search_users(tmp_ctx, sysdb, filter, attrs, &count, &msgs); if (ret != EOK && ret != ENOENT) goto done; if (ret == EOK && count == 0) { ret = ENOENT; } if (ret == EOK) { if (count > 1) { DEBUG(1, ("Original DN matched multiple users. Skipping \n")); talloc_zfree(member_dn); continue; } /* Original DN matched a single user. Get the username */ name = ldb_msg_find_attr_as_string(msgs[0], SYSDB_NAME, NULL); if (name == NULL) { DEBUG(1, ("Attribute is missing!\n")); ret = EFAULT; goto done; } new_users->names[num_users] = talloc_strdup(new_users->names, name); if (new_users->names[num_users] == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto done; } DEBUG(8, ("Added user [%s] to rule [%s]\n", name, rule_name)); num_users++; } else { /* Check if it is a group instead */ ret = sysdb_search_groups(tmp_ctx, sysdb, filter, attrs, &count, &msgs); if (ret != EOK && ret != ENOENT) goto done; if (ret == EOK && count == 0) { ret = ENOENT; } if (ret == EOK) { if (count > 1) { DEBUG(1, ("Original DN matched multiple groups. " "Skipping\n")); talloc_zfree(member_dn); continue; } /* Original DN matched a single group. Get the groupname */ name = ldb_msg_find_attr_as_string(msgs[0], SYSDB_NAME, NULL); if (name == NULL) { DEBUG(1, ("Attribute is missing!\n")); ret = EFAULT; goto done; } new_users->groups[num_groups] = talloc_strdup(new_users->groups, name); if (new_users->groups[num_groups] == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto done; } DEBUG(8, ("Added POSIX group [%s] to rule [%s]\n", name, rule_name)); num_groups++; } else { /* If the group still matches the group pattern, * we can assume it is a non-POSIX group. */ ret = get_ipa_groupname(new_users->groups, sysdb, member_user, &new_users->groups[num_groups]); if (ret == EOK) { DEBUG(8, ("Added non-POSIX group [%s] to rule [%s]\n", new_users->groups[num_groups], rule_name)); num_groups++; } else { /* Not a group, so we don't care about it */ DEBUG(1, ("[%s] does not map to either a user or group. " "Skipping\n", member_dn)); } } } talloc_zfree(member_dn); } new_users->names[num_users] = NULL; new_users->groups[num_groups] = NULL; /* Shrink the arrays down to their real sizes */ new_users->names = talloc_realloc(new_users, new_users->names, const char *, num_users + 1); if (new_users->names == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto done; } new_users->groups = talloc_realloc(new_users, new_users->groups, const char *, num_groups + 1); if (new_users->groups == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto done; } ret = EOK; done: if (ret == EOK) { *users = talloc_steal(mem_ctx, new_users); } talloc_free(tmp_ctx); return ret; }