/* Authors: Jakub Hrozek <jhrozek@redhat.com> Copyright (C) 2011 Red Hat This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <Python.h> #include <structmember.h> #include "util/util.h" #include "util/sss_python.h" #include "providers/ipa/ipa_hbac.h" #define PYTHON_MODULE_NAME "pyhbac" #ifndef PYHBAC_ENCODING #define PYHBAC_ENCODING "UTF-8" #endif #define PYHBAC_ENCODING_ERRORS "strict" #define CHECK_ATTRIBUTE_DELETE(attr, attrname) do { \ if (attr == NULL) { \ PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, \ "Cannot delete the %s attribute", \ attrname); \ return -1; \ } \ } while(0) static PyObject *PyExc_HbacError; /* ==================== Utility functions ========================*/ static char * py_strdup(const char *string) { char *copy; copy = PyMem_New(char, strlen(string)+1); if (copy == NULL) { PyErr_NoMemory(); return NULL; } return strcpy(copy, string); } static char * py_strcat_realloc(char *first, const char *second) { char *new_first; new_first = PyMem_Realloc(first, strlen(first) + strlen(second) + 1); if (new_first == NULL) { PyErr_NoMemory(); return NULL; } return strcat(new_first, second); } static PyObject * get_utf8_string(PyObject *obj, const char *attrname) { const char *a = attrname ? attrname : "attribute"; PyObject *obj_utf8 = NULL; if (PyString_Check(obj)) { obj_utf8 = obj; Py_INCREF(obj_utf8); /* Make sure we can DECREF later */ } else if (PyUnicode_Check(obj)) { if ((obj_utf8 = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(obj)) == NULL) { return NULL; } } else { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "%s must be a string", a); return NULL; } return obj_utf8; } static void free_string_list(const char **list) { int i; if (!list) return; for (i=0; list[i]; i++) { PyMem_Free(discard_const_p(char, list[i])); } PyMem_Free(list); } static const char ** sequence_as_string_list(PyObject *seq, const char *paramname) { const char *p = paramname ? paramname : "attribute values"; const char **ret; PyObject *utf_item; int i; Py_ssize_t len; PyObject *item; if (!PySequence_Check(seq)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "The object must be a sequence\n"); return NULL; } len = PySequence_Size(seq); if (len == -1) return NULL; ret = PyMem_New(const char *, (len+1)); if (!ret) { PyErr_NoMemory(); return NULL; } for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { item = PySequence_GetItem(seq, i); if (item == NULL) { break; } utf_item = get_utf8_string(item, p); if (utf_item == NULL) { return NULL; } ret[i] = py_strdup(PyString_AsString(utf_item)); Py_DECREF(utf_item); if (!ret[i]) { return NULL; } } ret[i] = NULL; return ret; } static bool verify_sequence(PyObject *seq, const char *attrname) { const char *a = attrname ? attrname : "attribute"; if (!PySequence_Check(seq)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "%s must be a sequence", a); return false; } return true; } static int pyobject_to_category(PyObject *o) { int c; c = PyInt_AsLong(o); if (c == -1 && PyErr_Occurred()) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "Invalid type for category element - must be an int\n"); return -1; } switch (c) { case HBAC_CATEGORY_NULL: case HBAC_CATEGORY_ALL: return c; } PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "Invalid value %d for category\n", c); return -1; } static uint32_t native_category(PyObject *pycat) { PyObject *iterator; PyObject *item; uint32_t cat; int ret; iterator = PyObject_GetIter(pycat); if (iterator == NULL) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Cannot iterate category\n"); return -1; } cat = 0; while ((item = PyIter_Next(iterator))) { ret = pyobject_to_category(item); Py_DECREF(item); if (ret == -1) { Py_DECREF(iterator); return -1; } cat |= ret; } Py_DECREF(iterator); return cat; } static char * str_concat_sequence(PyObject *seq, const char *delim) { Py_ssize_t size; Py_ssize_t i; PyObject *item; char *s = NULL; char *part; size = PySequence_Size(seq); if (size == 0) { s = py_strdup(""); if (s == NULL) { return NULL; } return s; } for (i=0; i < size; i++) { item = PySequence_GetItem(seq, i); if (item == NULL) goto fail; part = PyString_AsString(item); if (part == NULL) { Py_DECREF(item); goto fail; } if (s) { s = py_strcat_realloc(s, delim); if (s == NULL) goto fail; s = py_strcat_realloc(s, part); if (s == NULL) goto fail; } else { s = py_strdup(part); if (s == NULL) goto fail; } Py_DECREF(item); } return s; fail: PyMem_Free(s); return NULL; } /* ================= HBAC Exception handling =====================*/ static void set_hbac_exception(PyObject *exc, struct hbac_info *error) { PyErr_SetObject(exc, Py_BuildValue(sss_py_const_p(char, "(i,s)"), error->code, error->rule_name ? \ error->rule_name : "no rule")); } /* ==================== HBAC Rule Element ========================*/ typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD PyObject *category; PyObject *names; PyObject *groups; } HbacRuleElement; static PyObject * HbacRuleElement_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { HbacRuleElement *self; self = (HbacRuleElement *) type->tp_alloc(type, 0); if (self == NULL) { PyErr_NoMemory(); return NULL; } self->category = sss_python_set_new(); self->names = PyList_New(0); self->groups = PyList_New(0); if (!self->names || !self->groups || !self->category) { Py_DECREF(self); PyErr_NoMemory(); return NULL; } return (PyObject *) self; } static int HbacRuleElement_clear(HbacRuleElement *self) { Py_CLEAR(self->names); Py_CLEAR(self->groups); Py_CLEAR(self->category); return 0; } static void HbacRuleElement_dealloc(HbacRuleElement *self) { HbacRuleElement_clear(self); self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*) self); } static int HbacRuleElement_traverse(HbacRuleElement *self, visitproc visit, void *arg) { Py_VISIT(self->groups); Py_VISIT(self->names); Py_VISIT(self->category); return 0; } static int hbac_rule_element_set_names(HbacRuleElement *self, PyObject *names, void *closure); static int hbac_rule_element_set_groups(HbacRuleElement *self, PyObject *groups, void *closure); static int hbac_rule_element_set_category(HbacRuleElement *self, PyObject *category, void *closure); static int HbacRuleElement_init(HbacRuleElement *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs) { const char * const kwlist[] = { "names", "groups", "category", NULL }; PyObject *names = NULL; PyObject *groups = NULL; PyObject *category = NULL; PyObject *tmp = NULL; if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, sss_py_const_p(char, "|OOO"), discard_const_p(char *, kwlist), &names, &groups, &category)) { return -1; } if (names) { if (hbac_rule_element_set_names(self, names, NULL) != 0) { return -1; } } if (groups) { if (hbac_rule_element_set_groups(self, groups, NULL) != 0) { return -1; } } if (category) { if (hbac_rule_element_set_category(self, category, NULL) != 0) { return -1; } } else { tmp = PyInt_FromLong(HBAC_CATEGORY_NULL); if (!tmp) { return -1; } if (sss_python_set_add(self->category, tmp) != 0) { Py_DECREF(tmp); return -1; } } return 0; } static int hbac_rule_element_set_names(HbacRuleElement *self, PyObject *names, void *closure) { CHECK_ATTRIBUTE_DELETE(names, "names"); if (!verify_sequence(names, "names")) { return -1; } SAFE_SET(self->names, names); return 0; } static PyObject * hbac_rule_element_get_names(HbacRuleElement *self, void *closure) { Py_INCREF(self->names); return self->names; } static int hbac_rule_element_set_groups(HbacRuleElement *self, PyObject *groups, void *closure) { CHECK_ATTRIBUTE_DELETE(groups, "groups"); if (!verify_sequence(groups, "groups")) { return -1; } SAFE_SET(self->groups, groups); return 0; } static PyObject * hbac_rule_element_get_groups(HbacRuleElement *self, void *closure) { Py_INCREF(self->groups); return self->groups; } static int hbac_rule_element_set_category(HbacRuleElement *self, PyObject *category, void *closure) { PyObject *iterator; PyObject *item; int ret; CHECK_ATTRIBUTE_DELETE(category, "category"); if (!sss_python_set_check(category)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "The category must be a set type\n"); return -1; } /* Check the values, too */ iterator = PyObject_GetIter(category); if (iterator == NULL) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Cannot iterate a set?\n"); return -1; } while ((item = PyIter_Next(iterator))) { ret = pyobject_to_category(item); Py_DECREF(item); if (ret == -1) { Py_DECREF(iterator); return -1; } } SAFE_SET(self->category, category); Py_DECREF(iterator); return 0; } static PyObject * hbac_rule_element_get_category(HbacRuleElement *self, void *closure) { Py_INCREF(self->category); return self->category; } static PyObject * HbacRuleElement_repr(HbacRuleElement *self) { char *strnames = NULL; char *strgroups = NULL; uint32_t category; PyObject *o, *format, *args; format = sss_python_unicode_from_string("<category %lu names [%s] groups [%s]>"); if (format == NULL) { return NULL; } strnames = str_concat_sequence(self->names, discard_const_p(char, ",")); strgroups = str_concat_sequence(self->groups, discard_const_p(char, ",")); category = native_category(self->category); if (strnames == NULL || strgroups == NULL || category == -1) { PyMem_Free(strnames); PyMem_Free(strgroups); Py_DECREF(format); return NULL; } args = Py_BuildValue(sss_py_const_p(char, "Kss"), (unsigned long long ) category, strnames, strgroups); if (args == NULL) { PyMem_Free(strnames); PyMem_Free(strgroups); Py_DECREF(format); return NULL; } o = PyUnicode_Format(format, args); PyMem_Free(strnames); PyMem_Free(strgroups); Py_DECREF(format); Py_DECREF(args); return o; } PyDoc_STRVAR(HbacRuleElement_names__doc__, "(sequence of strings) A list of object names this element applies to"); PyDoc_STRVAR(HbacRuleElement_groups__doc__, "(sequence of strings) A list of group names this element applies to"); PyDoc_STRVAR(HbacRuleElement_category__doc__, "(set) A set of categories this rule falls into"); static PyGetSetDef py_hbac_rule_element_getset[] = { { discard_const_p(char, "names"), (getter) hbac_rule_element_get_names, (setter) hbac_rule_element_set_names, HbacRuleElement_names__doc__, NULL }, { discard_const_p(char, "groups"), (getter) hbac_rule_element_get_groups, (setter) hbac_rule_element_set_groups, HbacRuleElement_groups__doc__, NULL }, { discard_const_p(char, "category"), (getter) hbac_rule_element_get_category, (setter) hbac_rule_element_set_category, HbacRuleElement_category__doc__, NULL }, { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL } /* Sentinel */ }; PyDoc_STRVAR(HbacRuleElement__doc__, "IPA HBAC Rule Element\n\n" "HbacRuleElement() -> new empty rule element\n" "HbacRuleElement([names], [groups], [category]) -> optionally, provide\n" "names and/or groups and/or category\n"); static PyTypeObject pyhbac_hbacrule_element_type = { PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL) .tp_name = sss_py_const_p(char, "pyhbac.HbacRuleElement"), .tp_basicsize = sizeof(HbacRuleElement), .tp_new = HbacRuleElement_new, .tp_dealloc = (destructor) HbacRuleElement_dealloc, .tp_traverse = (traverseproc) HbacRuleElement_traverse, .tp_clear = (inquiry) HbacRuleElement_clear, .tp_init = (initproc) HbacRuleElement_init, .tp_repr = (reprfunc) HbacRuleElement_repr, .tp_getset = py_hbac_rule_element_getset, .tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE | Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC, .tp_doc = HbacRuleElement__doc__ }; static void free_hbac_rule_element(struct hbac_rule_element *el) { if (!el) return; free_string_list(el->names); free_string_list(el->groups); PyMem_Free(el); } struct hbac_rule_element * HbacRuleElement_to_native(HbacRuleElement *pyel) { struct hbac_rule_element *el = NULL; /* check the type, None would wreak havoc here because for some reason * it would pass the sequence check */ if (!PyObject_IsInstance((PyObject *) pyel, (PyObject *) &pyhbac_hbacrule_element_type)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "The element must be of type HbacRuleElement\n"); goto fail; } el = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(struct hbac_rule_element)); if (!el) { PyErr_NoMemory(); goto fail; } el->category = native_category(pyel->category); el->names = sequence_as_string_list(pyel->names, "names"); el->groups = sequence_as_string_list(pyel->groups, "groups"); if (!el->names || !el->groups || el->category == -1) { goto fail; } return el; fail: free_hbac_rule_element(el); return NULL; } /* ==================== HBAC Rule ========================*/ typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD PyObject *name; bool enabled; HbacRuleElement *users; HbacRuleElement *services; HbacRuleElement *targethosts; HbacRuleElement *srchosts; } HbacRuleObject; static void free_hbac_rule(struct hbac_rule *rule); static struct hbac_rule * HbacRule_to_native(HbacRuleObject *pyrule); static PyObject * HbacRule_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { HbacRuleObject *self; self = (HbacRuleObject *) type->tp_alloc(type, 0); if (self == NULL) { PyErr_NoMemory(); return NULL; } self->name = sss_python_unicode_from_string(""); if (self->name == NULL) { Py_DECREF(self); PyErr_NoMemory(); return NULL; } self->enabled = false; self->services = (HbacRuleElement *) HbacRuleElement_new( &pyhbac_hbacrule_element_type, NULL, NULL); self->users = (HbacRuleElement *) HbacRuleElement_new( &pyhbac_hbacrule_element_type, NULL, NULL); self->targethosts = (HbacRuleElement *) HbacRuleElement_new( &pyhbac_hbacrule_element_type, NULL, NULL); self->srchosts = (HbacRuleElement *) HbacRuleElement_new( &pyhbac_hbacrule_element_type, NULL, NULL); if (self->services == NULL || self->users == NULL || self->targethosts == NULL || self->srchosts == NULL) { Py_XDECREF(self->services); Py_XDECREF(self->users); Py_XDECREF(self->targethosts); Py_XDECREF(self->srchosts); Py_DECREF(self->name); Py_DECREF(self); PyErr_NoMemory(); return NULL; } return (PyObject *) self; } static int HbacRule_clear(HbacRuleObject *self) { Py_CLEAR(self->name); Py_CLEAR(self->services); Py_CLEAR(self->users); Py_CLEAR(self->targethosts); Py_CLEAR(self->srchosts); return 0; } static void HbacRule_dealloc(HbacRuleObject *self) { HbacRule_clear(self); self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*) self); } static int HbacRule_traverse(HbacRuleObject *self, visitproc visit, void *arg) { Py_VISIT((PyObject *) self->name); Py_VISIT((PyObject *) self->services); Py_VISIT((PyObject *) self->users); Py_VISIT((PyObject *) self->targethosts); Py_VISIT((PyObject *) self->srchosts); return 0; } static int hbac_rule_set_enabled(HbacRuleObject *self, PyObject *enabled, void *closure); static int hbac_rule_set_name(HbacRuleObject *self, PyObject *name, void *closure); static int HbacRule_init(HbacRuleObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs) { const char * const kwlist[] = { "name", "enabled", NULL }; PyObject *name = NULL; PyObject *empty_tuple = NULL; PyObject *enabled=NULL; if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, sss_py_const_p(char, "O|O"), discard_const_p(char *, kwlist), &name, &enabled)) { return -1; } if (enabled) { if (hbac_rule_set_enabled(self, enabled, NULL) == -1) { return -1; } } if (hbac_rule_set_name(self, name, NULL) == -1) { return -1; } empty_tuple = PyTuple_New(0); if (!empty_tuple) { return -1; } if (HbacRuleElement_init(self->users, empty_tuple, NULL) == -1 || HbacRuleElement_init(self->services, empty_tuple, NULL) == -1 || HbacRuleElement_init(self->targethosts, empty_tuple, NULL) == -1 || HbacRuleElement_init(self->srchosts, empty_tuple, NULL) == -1) { Py_DECREF(empty_tuple); return -1; } Py_DECREF(empty_tuple); return 0; } static int hbac_rule_set_enabled(HbacRuleObject *self, PyObject *enabled, void *closure) { CHECK_ATTRIBUTE_DELETE(enabled, "enabled"); if (PyString_Check(enabled) || PyUnicode_Check(enabled)) { PyObject *utf8_str; char *str; utf8_str = get_utf8_string(enabled, "enabled"); if (!utf8_str) return -1; str = PyString_AsString(utf8_str); if (!str) { Py_DECREF(utf8_str); return -1; } if (strcasecmp(str, "true") == 0) { self->enabled = true; } else if (strcasecmp(str, "false") == 0) { self->enabled = false; } else { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "enabled only accepts 'true' of 'false' " "string literals"); Py_DECREF(utf8_str); return -1; } Py_DECREF(utf8_str); return 0; } else if (PyBool_Check(enabled)) { self->enabled = (enabled == Py_True); return 0; } else if (PyInt_Check(enabled)) { switch(PyInt_AsLong(enabled)) { case 0: self->enabled = false; break; case 1: self->enabled = true; break; default: PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "enabled only accepts '0' of '1' " "integer constants"); return -1; } return 0; } PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "enabled must be a boolean, an integer " "1 or 0 or a string constant true/false"); return -1; } static PyObject * hbac_rule_get_enabled(HbacRuleObject *self, void *closure) { if (self->enabled) { Py_RETURN_TRUE; } Py_RETURN_FALSE; } static int hbac_rule_set_name(HbacRuleObject *self, PyObject *name, void *closure) { CHECK_ATTRIBUTE_DELETE(name, "name"); if (!PyString_Check(name) && !PyUnicode_Check(name)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "name must be a string or Unicode"); return -1; } SAFE_SET(self->name, name); return 0; } static PyObject * hbac_rule_get_name(HbacRuleObject *self, void *closure) { if (PyUnicode_Check(self->name)) { Py_INCREF(self->name); return self->name; } else if (PyString_Check(self->name)) { return PyUnicode_FromEncodedObject(self->name, PYHBAC_ENCODING, PYHBAC_ENCODING_ERRORS); } /* setter does typechecking but let us be paranoid */ PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "name must be a string or Unicode"); return NULL; } static PyObject * HbacRule_repr(HbacRuleObject *self) { PyObject *users_repr; PyObject *services_repr; PyObject *targethosts_repr; PyObject *srchosts_repr; PyObject *o, *format, *args; format = sss_python_unicode_from_string("<name %s enabled %d " "users %s services %s " "targethosts %s srchosts %s>"); if (format == NULL) { return NULL; } users_repr = HbacRuleElement_repr(self->users); services_repr = HbacRuleElement_repr(self->services); targethosts_repr = HbacRuleElement_repr(self->targethosts); srchosts_repr = HbacRuleElement_repr(self->srchosts); if (users_repr == NULL || services_repr == NULL || targethosts_repr == NULL || srchosts_repr == NULL) { Py_XDECREF(users_repr); Py_XDECREF(services_repr); Py_XDECREF(targethosts_repr); Py_XDECREF(srchosts_repr); Py_DECREF(format); return NULL; } args = Py_BuildValue(sss_py_const_p(char, "OiOOOO"), self->name, self->enabled, users_repr, services_repr, targethosts_repr, srchosts_repr); if (args == NULL) { Py_DECREF(users_repr); Py_DECREF(services_repr); Py_DECREF(targethosts_repr); Py_DECREF(srchosts_repr); Py_DECREF(format); return NULL; } o = PyUnicode_Format(format, args); Py_DECREF(users_repr); Py_DECREF(services_repr); Py_DECREF(targethosts_repr); Py_DECREF(srchosts_repr); Py_DECREF(format); Py_DECREF(args); return o; } static PyObject * py_hbac_rule_validate(HbacRuleObject *self, PyObject *args) { struct hbac_rule *rule; bool is_valid; uint32_t missing; uint32_t attr; PyObject *ret = NULL; PyObject *py_is_valid = NULL; PyObject *py_missing = NULL; PyObject *py_attr = NULL; rule = HbacRule_to_native(self); if (!rule) { /* Make sure there is at least a generic exception */ if (!PyErr_Occurred()) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_IOError, "Could not convert HbacRule to native type\n"); } goto fail; } is_valid = hbac_rule_is_complete(rule, &missing); free_hbac_rule(rule); ret = PyTuple_New(2); if (!ret) { PyErr_NoMemory(); goto fail; } py_is_valid = PyBool_FromLong(is_valid); py_missing = sss_python_set_new(); if (!py_missing || !py_is_valid) { PyErr_NoMemory(); goto fail; } for (attr = HBAC_RULE_ELEMENT_USERS; attr <= HBAC_RULE_ELEMENT_SOURCEHOSTS; attr <<= 1) { if (!(missing & attr)) continue; py_attr = PyInt_FromLong(attr); if (!py_attr) { PyErr_NoMemory(); goto fail; } if (sss_python_set_add(py_missing, py_attr) != 0) { /* If the set-add succeeded, it would steal the reference */ Py_DECREF(py_attr); goto fail; } } PyTuple_SET_ITEM(ret, 0, py_is_valid); PyTuple_SET_ITEM(ret, 1, py_missing); return ret; fail: Py_XDECREF(ret); Py_XDECREF(py_missing); Py_XDECREF(py_is_valid); return NULL; } PyDoc_STRVAR(py_hbac_rule_validate__doc__, "validate() -> (valid, missing)\n\n" "Validate an HBAC rule\n" "Returns a tuple of (bool, set). The boolean value describes whether\n" "the rule is valid. If it is False, then the set lists all the missing " "rule elements as HBAC_RULE_ELEMENT_* constants\n"); static PyMethodDef py_hbac_rule_methods[] = { { sss_py_const_p(char, "validate"), (PyCFunction) py_hbac_rule_validate, METH_VARARGS, py_hbac_rule_validate__doc__, }, { NULL, NULL, 0, NULL } /* Sentinel */ }; PyDoc_STRVAR(HbacRuleObject_users__doc__, "(HbacRuleElement) Users and user groups for which this rule applies"); PyDoc_STRVAR(HbacRuleObject_services__doc__, "(HbacRuleElement) Services and service groups for which this rule applies"); PyDoc_STRVAR(HbacRuleObject_targethosts__doc__, "(HbacRuleElement) Target hosts for which this rule applies"); PyDoc_STRVAR(HbacRuleObject_srchosts__doc__, "(HbacRuleElement) Source hosts for which this rule applies"); static PyMemberDef py_hbac_rule_members[] = { { discard_const_p(char, "users"), T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(HbacRuleObject, users), 0, HbacRuleObject_users__doc__ }, { discard_const_p(char, "services"), T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(HbacRuleObject, services), 0, HbacRuleObject_services__doc__ }, { discard_const_p(char, "targethosts"), T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(HbacRuleObject, targethosts), 0, HbacRuleObject_targethosts__doc__}, { discard_const_p(char, "srchosts"), T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(HbacRuleObject, srchosts), 0, HbacRuleObject_srchosts__doc__}, { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL } /* Sentinel */ }; PyDoc_STRVAR(HbacRuleObject_enabled__doc__, "(bool) Is the rule enabled"); PyDoc_STRVAR(HbacRuleObject_name__doc__, "(string) The name of the rule"); static PyGetSetDef py_hbac_rule_getset[] = { { discard_const_p(char, "enabled"), (getter) hbac_rule_get_enabled, (setter) hbac_rule_set_enabled, HbacRuleObject_enabled__doc__, NULL }, { discard_const_p(char, "name"), (getter) hbac_rule_get_name, (setter) hbac_rule_set_name, HbacRuleObject_name__doc__, NULL }, {NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL} /* Sentinel */ }; PyDoc_STRVAR(HbacRuleObject__doc__, "IPA HBAC Rule\n\n" "HbacRule(name, [enabled]) -> instantiate an empty rule, optionally\n" "specify whether it is enabled. Rules are created disabled by default and\n" "contain empty HbacRuleElement instances in services, users, targethosts\n" "and srchosts attributes.\n"); static PyTypeObject pyhbac_hbacrule_type = { PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL) .tp_name = sss_py_const_p(char, "pyhbac.HbacRule"), .tp_basicsize = sizeof(HbacRuleObject), .tp_new = HbacRule_new, .tp_dealloc = (destructor) HbacRule_dealloc, .tp_traverse = (traverseproc) HbacRule_traverse, .tp_clear = (inquiry) HbacRule_clear, .tp_init = (initproc) HbacRule_init, .tp_repr = (reprfunc) HbacRule_repr, .tp_members = py_hbac_rule_members, .tp_methods = py_hbac_rule_methods, .tp_getset = py_hbac_rule_getset, .tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE | Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC, .tp_doc = HbacRuleObject__doc__ }; static void free_hbac_rule(struct hbac_rule *rule) { if (!rule) return; free_hbac_rule_element(rule->services); free_hbac_rule_element(rule->users); free_hbac_rule_element(rule->targethosts); free_hbac_rule_element(rule->srchosts); PyMem_Free(discard_const_p(char, rule->name)); PyMem_Free(rule); } static struct hbac_rule * HbacRule_to_native(HbacRuleObject *pyrule) { struct hbac_rule *rule = NULL; PyObject *utf_name; rule = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(struct hbac_rule)); if (!rule) { PyErr_NoMemory(); goto fail; } if (!PyObject_IsInstance((PyObject *) pyrule, (PyObject *) &pyhbac_hbacrule_type)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "The rule must be of type HbacRule\n"); goto fail; } utf_name = get_utf8_string(pyrule->name, "name"); if (utf_name == NULL) { return NULL; } rule->name = py_strdup(PyString_AsString(utf_name)); Py_DECREF(utf_name); if (rule->name == NULL) { goto fail; } rule->services = HbacRuleElement_to_native(pyrule->services); rule->users = HbacRuleElement_to_native(pyrule->users); rule->targethosts = HbacRuleElement_to_native(pyrule->targethosts); rule->srchosts = HbacRuleElement_to_native(pyrule->srchosts); if (!rule->services || !rule->users || !rule->targethosts || !rule->srchosts) { goto fail; } rule->enabled = pyrule->enabled; return rule; fail: free_hbac_rule(rule); return NULL; } /* ==================== HBAC Request Element ========================*/ typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD PyObject *name; PyObject *groups; } HbacRequestElement; static PyObject * HbacRequestElement_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { HbacRequestElement *self; self = (HbacRequestElement *) type->tp_alloc(type, 0); if (self == NULL) { PyErr_NoMemory(); return NULL; } self->name = sss_python_unicode_from_string(""); if (self->name == NULL) { PyErr_NoMemory(); Py_DECREF(self); return NULL; } self->groups = PyList_New(0); if (self->groups == NULL) { Py_DECREF(self->name); Py_DECREF(self); PyErr_NoMemory(); return NULL; } return (PyObject *) self; } static int HbacRequestElement_clear(HbacRequestElement *self) { Py_CLEAR(self->name); Py_CLEAR(self->groups); return 0; } static void HbacRequestElement_dealloc(HbacRequestElement *self) { HbacRequestElement_clear(self); self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*) self); } static int HbacRequestElement_traverse(HbacRequestElement *self, visitproc visit, void *arg) { Py_VISIT(self->name); Py_VISIT(self->groups); return 0; } static int hbac_request_element_set_groups(HbacRequestElement *self, PyObject *groups, void *closure); static int hbac_request_element_set_name(HbacRequestElement *self, PyObject *name, void *closure); static int HbacRequestElement_init(HbacRequestElement *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs) { const char * const kwlist[] = { "name", "groups", NULL }; PyObject *name = NULL; PyObject *groups = NULL; if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, sss_py_const_p(char, "|OO"), discard_const_p(char *, kwlist), &name, &groups)) { return -1; } if (name) { if (hbac_request_element_set_name(self, name, NULL) != 0) { return -1; } } if (groups) { if (hbac_request_element_set_groups(self, groups, NULL) != 0) { return -1; } } return 0; } static int hbac_request_element_set_name(HbacRequestElement *self, PyObject *name, void *closure) { CHECK_ATTRIBUTE_DELETE(name, "name"); if (!PyString_Check(name) && !PyUnicode_Check(name)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "name must be a string or Unicode"); return -1; } SAFE_SET(self->name, name); return 0; } static PyObject * hbac_request_element_get_name(HbacRequestElement *self, void *closure) { if (PyUnicode_Check(self->name)) { Py_INCREF(self->name); return self->name; } else if (PyString_Check(self->name)) { return PyUnicode_FromEncodedObject(self->name, PYHBAC_ENCODING, PYHBAC_ENCODING_ERRORS); } /* setter does typechecking but let us be paranoid */ PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "name must be a string or Unicode"); return NULL; } static int hbac_request_element_set_groups(HbacRequestElement *self, PyObject *groups, void *closure) { CHECK_ATTRIBUTE_DELETE(groups, "groups"); if (!verify_sequence(groups, "groups")) { return -1; } SAFE_SET(self->groups, groups); return 0; } static PyObject * hbac_request_element_get_groups(HbacRequestElement *self, void *closure) { Py_INCREF(self->groups); return self->groups; } static PyObject * HbacRequestElement_repr(HbacRequestElement *self) { char *strgroups; PyObject *o, *format, *args; format = sss_python_unicode_from_string("<name %s groups [%s]>"); if (format == NULL) { return NULL; } strgroups = str_concat_sequence(self->groups, discard_const_p(char, ",")); if (strgroups == NULL) { Py_DECREF(format); return NULL; } args = Py_BuildValue(sss_py_const_p(char, "Os"), self->name, strgroups); if (args == NULL) { PyMem_Free(strgroups); Py_DECREF(format); return NULL; } o = PyUnicode_Format(format, args); PyMem_Free(strgroups); Py_DECREF(format); Py_DECREF(args); return o; } PyDoc_STRVAR(HbacRequestElement_name__doc__, "(string) An object name this element applies to"); PyDoc_STRVAR(HbacRequestElement_groups__doc__, "(list of strings) A list of group names this element applies to"); static PyGetSetDef py_hbac_request_element_getset[] = { { discard_const_p(char, "name"), (getter) hbac_request_element_get_name, (setter) hbac_request_element_set_name, HbacRequestElement_name__doc__, NULL }, { discard_const_p(char, "groups"), (getter) hbac_request_element_get_groups, (setter) hbac_request_element_set_groups, HbacRequestElement_groups__doc__, NULL }, { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL } /* Sentinel */ }; PyDoc_STRVAR(HbacRequestElement__doc__, "IPA HBAC Request Element\n\n" "HbacRequestElement() -> new empty request element\n" "HbacRequestElement([name], [groups]) -> optionally, provide name and/or " "groups\n"); static PyTypeObject pyhbac_hbacrequest_element_type = { PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL) .tp_name = sss_py_const_p(char, "pyhbac.HbacRequestElement"), .tp_basicsize = sizeof(HbacRequestElement), .tp_new = HbacRequestElement_new, .tp_dealloc = (destructor) HbacRequestElement_dealloc, .tp_traverse = (traverseproc) HbacRequestElement_traverse, .tp_clear = (inquiry) HbacRequestElement_clear, .tp_init = (initproc) HbacRequestElement_init, .tp_repr = (reprfunc) HbacRequestElement_repr, .tp_getset = py_hbac_request_element_getset, .tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE | Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC, .tp_doc = HbacRequestElement__doc__ }; static void free_hbac_request_element(struct hbac_request_element *el) { if (!el) return; PyMem_Free(discard_const_p(char, el->name)); free_string_list(el->groups); PyMem_Free(el); } static struct hbac_request_element * HbacRequestElement_to_native(HbacRequestElement *pyel) { struct hbac_request_element *el = NULL; PyObject *utf_name; if (!PyObject_IsInstance((PyObject *) pyel, (PyObject *) &pyhbac_hbacrequest_element_type)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "The element must be of type HbacRequestElement\n"); goto fail; } el = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(struct hbac_request_element)); if (!el) { PyErr_NoMemory(); goto fail; } utf_name = get_utf8_string(pyel->name, "name"); if (utf_name == NULL) { return NULL; } el->name = py_strdup(PyString_AsString(utf_name)); Py_DECREF(utf_name); if (!el->name) { goto fail; } el->groups = sequence_as_string_list(pyel->groups, "groups"); if (!el->groups) { goto fail; } return el; fail: free_hbac_request_element(el); return NULL; } /* ==================== HBAC Request ========================*/ typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD HbacRequestElement *service; HbacRequestElement *user; HbacRequestElement *targethost; HbacRequestElement *srchost; PyObject *rule_name; } HbacRequest; static PyObject * HbacRequest_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { HbacRequest *self; self = (HbacRequest *) type->tp_alloc(type, 0); if (self == NULL) { PyErr_NoMemory(); return NULL; } self->service = (HbacRequestElement *) HbacRequestElement_new( &pyhbac_hbacrequest_element_type, NULL, NULL); self->user = (HbacRequestElement *) HbacRequestElement_new( &pyhbac_hbacrequest_element_type, NULL, NULL); self->targethost = (HbacRequestElement *) HbacRequestElement_new( &pyhbac_hbacrequest_element_type, NULL, NULL); self->srchost = (HbacRequestElement *) HbacRequestElement_new( &pyhbac_hbacrequest_element_type, NULL, NULL); if (self->service == NULL || self->user == NULL || self->targethost == NULL || self->srchost == NULL) { Py_XDECREF(self->service); Py_XDECREF(self->user); Py_XDECREF(self->targethost); Py_XDECREF(self->srchost); Py_DECREF(self); PyErr_NoMemory(); return NULL; } return (PyObject *) self; } static int HbacRequest_clear(HbacRequest *self) { Py_CLEAR(self->service); Py_CLEAR(self->user); Py_CLEAR(self->targethost); Py_CLEAR(self->srchost); Py_CLEAR(self->rule_name); return 0; } static void HbacRequest_dealloc(HbacRequest *self) { HbacRequest_clear(self); self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*) self); } static int HbacRequest_traverse(HbacRequest *self, visitproc visit, void *arg) { Py_VISIT((PyObject *) self->service); Py_VISIT((PyObject *) self->user); Py_VISIT((PyObject *) self->targethost); Py_VISIT((PyObject *) self->srchost); return 0; } static int HbacRequest_init(HbacRequest *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs) { PyObject *empty_tuple = NULL; empty_tuple = PyTuple_New(0); if (!empty_tuple) { PyErr_NoMemory(); return -1; } self->rule_name = NULL; if (HbacRequestElement_init(self->user, empty_tuple, NULL) == -1 || HbacRequestElement_init(self->service, empty_tuple, NULL) == -1 || HbacRequestElement_init(self->targethost, empty_tuple, NULL) == -1 || HbacRequestElement_init(self->srchost, empty_tuple, NULL) == -1) { Py_DECREF(empty_tuple); return -1; } Py_DECREF(empty_tuple); return 0; } PyDoc_STRVAR(py_hbac_evaluate__doc__, "evaluate(rules) -> int\n\n" "Evaluate a set of HBAC rules.\n" "rules is a sequence of HbacRule objects. The returned value describes\n" "the result of evaluation and will have one of HBAC_EVAL_* values.\n" "Use hbac_result_string() to get textual representation of the result\n" "On error, HbacError exception is raised.\n" "If HBAC_EVAL_ALLOW is returned, the class attribute rule_name would\n" "contain the name of the rule that matched. Otherwise, the attribute\n" "contains None\n"); static struct hbac_eval_req * HbacRequest_to_native(HbacRequest *pyreq); static void free_hbac_rule_list(struct hbac_rule **rules) { int i; if (!rules) return; for(i=0; rules[i]; i++) { free_hbac_rule(rules[i]); } PyMem_Free(rules); } static void free_hbac_eval_req(struct hbac_eval_req *req); static PyObject * py_hbac_evaluate(HbacRequest *self, PyObject *args) { PyObject *py_rules_list = NULL; PyObject *py_rule = NULL; Py_ssize_t num_rules; struct hbac_rule **rules = NULL; struct hbac_eval_req *hbac_req = NULL; enum hbac_eval_result eres; struct hbac_info *info = NULL; PyObject *ret = NULL; long i; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, sss_py_const_p(char, "O"), &py_rules_list)) { goto fail; } if (!PySequence_Check(py_rules_list)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "The parameter rules must be a sequence\n"); goto fail; } num_rules = PySequence_Size(py_rules_list); rules = PyMem_New(struct hbac_rule *, num_rules+1); if (!rules) { PyErr_NoMemory(); goto fail; } for (i=0; i < num_rules; i++) { py_rule = PySequence_GetItem(py_rules_list, i); if (!PyObject_IsInstance(py_rule, (PyObject *) &pyhbac_hbacrule_type)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "A rule must be of type HbacRule\n"); goto fail; } rules[i] = HbacRule_to_native((HbacRuleObject *) py_rule); if (!rules[i]) { /* Make sure there is at least a generic exception */ if (!PyErr_Occurred()) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_IOError, "Could not convert HbacRule to native type\n"); } goto fail; } } rules[num_rules] = NULL; hbac_req = HbacRequest_to_native(self); if (!hbac_req) { if (!PyErr_Occurred()) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_IOError, "Could not convert HbacRequest to native type\n"); } goto fail; } Py_XDECREF(self->rule_name); self->rule_name = NULL; eres = hbac_evaluate(rules, hbac_req, &info); switch (eres) { case HBAC_EVAL_ALLOW: self->rule_name = sss_python_unicode_from_string(info->rule_name); if (!self->rule_name) { PyErr_NoMemory(); goto fail; } /* FALLTHROUGH */ case HBAC_EVAL_DENY: ret = PyInt_FromLong(eres); break; case HBAC_EVAL_ERROR: set_hbac_exception(PyExc_HbacError, info); goto fail; case HBAC_EVAL_OOM: PyErr_NoMemory(); goto fail; } free_hbac_eval_req(hbac_req); free_hbac_rule_list(rules); hbac_free_info(info); return ret; fail: hbac_free_info(info); free_hbac_eval_req(hbac_req); free_hbac_rule_list(rules); return NULL; } static PyObject * hbac_request_element_get_rule_name(HbacRequest *self, void *closure) { if (self->rule_name == NULL) { Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } else if (PyUnicode_Check(self->rule_name)) { Py_INCREF(self->rule_name); return self->rule_name; } PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "rule_name is not Unicode"); return NULL; } static PyObject * HbacRequest_repr(HbacRequest *self) { PyObject *user_repr; PyObject *service_repr; PyObject *targethost_repr; PyObject *srchost_repr; PyObject *o, *format, *args; format = sss_python_unicode_from_string("<user %s service %s " "targethost %s srchost %s>"); if (format == NULL) { return NULL; } user_repr = HbacRequestElement_repr(self->user); service_repr = HbacRequestElement_repr(self->service); targethost_repr = HbacRequestElement_repr(self->targethost); srchost_repr = HbacRequestElement_repr(self->srchost); if (user_repr == NULL || service_repr == NULL || targethost_repr == NULL || srchost_repr == NULL) { Py_XDECREF(user_repr); Py_XDECREF(service_repr); Py_XDECREF(targethost_repr); Py_XDECREF(srchost_repr); Py_DECREF(format); return NULL; } args = Py_BuildValue(sss_py_const_p(char, "OOOO"), user_repr, service_repr, targethost_repr, srchost_repr); if (args == NULL) { Py_DECREF(user_repr); Py_DECREF(service_repr); Py_DECREF(targethost_repr); Py_DECREF(srchost_repr); Py_DECREF(format); } o = PyUnicode_Format(format, args); Py_DECREF(user_repr); Py_DECREF(service_repr); Py_DECREF(targethost_repr); Py_DECREF(srchost_repr); Py_DECREF(format); Py_DECREF(args); return o; } static PyMethodDef py_hbac_request_methods[] = { { sss_py_const_p(char, "evaluate"), (PyCFunction) py_hbac_evaluate, METH_VARARGS, py_hbac_evaluate__doc__ }, { NULL, NULL, 0, NULL } /* Sentinel */ }; PyDoc_STRVAR(HbacRequest_service__doc__, "(HbacRequestElement) This is a list of service DNs to check, it must\n" "consist of the actual service requested, as well as all parent groups\n" "containing that service"); PyDoc_STRVAR(HbacRequest_user__doc__, "(HbacRequestElement) This is a list of user DNs to check, it must consist\n" "of the actual user requested, as well as all parent groups containing\n" "that user."); PyDoc_STRVAR(HbacRequest_targethost__doc__, "(HbacRequestElement) This is a list of target hosts to check, it must\n" "consist of the actual target host requested, as well as all parent groups\n" "containing that target host."); PyDoc_STRVAR(HbacRequest_srchost__doc__, "(HbacRequestElement) This is a list of source hosts to check, it must\n" "consist of the actual source host requested, as well as all parent groups\n" "containing that source host."); static PyMemberDef py_hbac_request_members[] = { { discard_const_p(char, "service"), T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(HbacRequest, service), 0, HbacRequest_service__doc__ }, { discard_const_p(char, "user"), T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(HbacRequest, user), 0, HbacRequest_user__doc__ }, { discard_const_p(char, "targethost"), T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(HbacRequest, targethost), 0, HbacRequest_targethost__doc__ }, { discard_const_p(char, "srchost"), T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(HbacRequest, srchost), 0, HbacRequest_srchost__doc__ }, { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL } /* Sentinel */ }; PyDoc_STRVAR(HbacRequest_rule_name__doc__, "(string) If result of evaluation was to allow access, this member contains\n" "the name of the rule that allowed it. Otherwise, this attribute contains \n" "None. This attribute is read-only.\n"); static PyGetSetDef py_hbac_request_getset[] = { { discard_const_p(char, "rule_name"), (getter) hbac_request_element_get_rule_name, NULL, /* read only */ HbacRequest_rule_name__doc__, NULL }, { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL } /* Sentinel */ }; PyDoc_STRVAR(HbacRequest__doc__, "IPA HBAC Request\n\n" "HbacRequest() -> new empty HBAC request"); static PyTypeObject pyhbac_hbacrequest_type = { PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL) .tp_name = sss_py_const_p(char, "pyhbac.HbacRequest"), .tp_basicsize = sizeof(HbacRequest), .tp_new = HbacRequest_new, .tp_dealloc = (destructor) HbacRequest_dealloc, .tp_traverse = (traverseproc) HbacRequest_traverse, .tp_clear = (inquiry) HbacRequest_clear, .tp_init = (initproc) HbacRequest_init, .tp_repr = (reprfunc) HbacRequest_repr, .tp_methods = py_hbac_request_methods, .tp_members = py_hbac_request_members, .tp_getset = py_hbac_request_getset, .tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, .tp_doc = HbacRequest__doc__ }; static void free_hbac_eval_req(struct hbac_eval_req *req) { if (!req) return; free_hbac_request_element(req->service); free_hbac_request_element(req->user); free_hbac_request_element(req->targethost); free_hbac_request_element(req->srchost); PyMem_Free(req); } static struct hbac_eval_req * HbacRequest_to_native(HbacRequest *pyreq) { struct hbac_eval_req *req = NULL; req = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(struct hbac_eval_req)); if (!req) { PyErr_NoMemory(); goto fail; } if (!PyObject_IsInstance((PyObject *) pyreq, (PyObject *) &pyhbac_hbacrequest_type)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "The request must be of type HbacRequest\n"); goto fail; } req->service = HbacRequestElement_to_native(pyreq->service); req->user = HbacRequestElement_to_native(pyreq->user); req->targethost = HbacRequestElement_to_native(pyreq->targethost); req->srchost = HbacRequestElement_to_native(pyreq->srchost); if (!req->service || !req->user || !req->targethost || !req->srchost) { goto fail; } return req; fail: free_hbac_eval_req(req); return NULL; } /* =================== the pyhbac module initialization =====================*/ PyDoc_STRVAR(py_hbac_result_string__doc__, "hbac_result_string(code) -> string\n" "Returns a string representation of the HBAC result code"); static PyObject * py_hbac_result_string(PyObject *module, PyObject *args) { enum hbac_eval_result result; const char *str; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, sss_py_const_p(char, "i"), &result)) { return NULL; } str = hbac_result_string(result); if (str == NULL) { /* None needs to be referenced, too */ Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } return sss_python_unicode_from_string(str); } PyDoc_STRVAR(py_hbac_error_string__doc__, "hbac_error_string(code) -> string\n" "Returns a string representation of the HBAC error code"); static PyObject * py_hbac_error_string(PyObject *module, PyObject *args) { enum hbac_error_code code; const char *str; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, sss_py_const_p(char, "i"), &code)) { return NULL; } str = hbac_error_string(code); if (str == NULL) { /* None needs to be referenced, too */ Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } return sss_python_unicode_from_string(str); } static PyMethodDef pyhbac_module_methods[] = { { sss_py_const_p(char, "hbac_result_string"), (PyCFunction) py_hbac_result_string, METH_VARARGS, py_hbac_result_string__doc__, }, { sss_py_const_p(char, "hbac_error_string"), (PyCFunction) py_hbac_error_string, METH_VARARGS, py_hbac_error_string__doc__, }, {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} /* Sentinel */ }; PyDoc_STRVAR(HbacError__doc__, "An HBAC processing exception\n\n" "This exception is raised when there is an internal error during the\n" "HBAC processing, such as an Out-Of-Memory situation or unparseable\n" "rule. HbacError.args argument is a tuple that contains error code and\n" "the name of the rule that was being processed. Use hbac_error_string()\n" "to get the text representation of the HBAC error"); PyMODINIT_FUNC initpyhbac(void) { PyObject *m; int ret; m = Py_InitModule(sss_py_const_p(char, PYTHON_MODULE_NAME), pyhbac_module_methods); if (m == NULL) return; /* The HBAC module exception */ PyExc_HbacError = sss_exception_with_doc( discard_const_p(char, "hbac.HbacError"), HbacError__doc__, PyExc_EnvironmentError, NULL); Py_INCREF(PyExc_HbacError); ret = PyModule_AddObject(m, sss_py_const_p(char, "HbacError"), PyExc_HbacError); if (ret == -1) return; /* HBAC rule categories */ ret = PyModule_AddIntMacro(m, HBAC_CATEGORY_NULL); if (ret == -1) return; ret = PyModule_AddIntMacro(m, HBAC_CATEGORY_ALL); if (ret == -1) return; /* HBAC rule elements */ ret = PyModule_AddIntMacro(m, HBAC_RULE_ELEMENT_USERS); if (ret == -1) return; ret = PyModule_AddIntMacro(m, HBAC_RULE_ELEMENT_SERVICES); if (ret == -1) return; ret = PyModule_AddIntMacro(m, HBAC_RULE_ELEMENT_TARGETHOSTS); if (ret == -1) return; ret = PyModule_AddIntMacro(m, HBAC_RULE_ELEMENT_SOURCEHOSTS); if (ret == -1) return; /* enum hbac_eval_result */ ret = PyModule_AddIntMacro(m, HBAC_EVAL_ALLOW); if (ret == -1) return; ret = PyModule_AddIntMacro(m, HBAC_EVAL_DENY); if (ret == -1) return; ret = PyModule_AddIntMacro(m, HBAC_EVAL_ERROR); if (ret == -1) return; /* enum hbac_error_code */ ret = PyModule_AddIntMacro(m, HBAC_ERROR_UNKNOWN); if (ret == -1) return; ret = PyModule_AddIntMacro(m, HBAC_SUCCESS); if (ret == -1) return; ret = PyModule_AddIntMacro(m, HBAC_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); if (ret == -1) return; ret = PyModule_AddIntMacro(m, HBAC_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); if (ret == -1) return; ret = PyModule_AddIntMacro(m, HBAC_ERROR_UNPARSEABLE_RULE); if (ret == -1) return; TYPE_READY(m, pyhbac_hbacrule_type, "HbacRule"); TYPE_READY(m, pyhbac_hbacrule_element_type, "HbacRuleElement"); TYPE_READY(m, pyhbac_hbacrequest_element_type, "HbacRequestElement"); TYPE_READY(m, pyhbac_hbacrequest_type, "HbacRequest"); }