/* SSSD Crypto tests Author: Jakub Hrozek <jhrozek@redhat.com> Copyright (C) Red Hat, Inc 2010 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <popt.h> #include <check.h> #include "util/util.h" #include "tests/common.h" /* interfaces under test */ #include "util/crypto/sss_crypto.h" #include "util/crypto/nss/nss_util.h" static TALLOC_CTX *test_ctx = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_NSS START_TEST(test_nss_init) { int ret; ret = nspr_nss_init(); fail_if(ret != EOK); ret = nspr_nss_cleanup(); fail_if(ret != EOK); } END_TEST #endif START_TEST(test_encrypt_decrypt) { const char *password[] = { "test123", /* general */ "12345678901234567", /* just above blocksize */ "", /* empty */ NULL}; /* sentinel */ int i; char *obfpwd = NULL; char *ctpwd = NULL; int ret; int expected; #if defined(HAVE_NSS) || defined(HAVE_LIBCRYPTO) expected = EOK; #else #error Unknown crypto back end #endif test_ctx = talloc_new(NULL); fail_if(test_ctx == NULL); check_leaks_push(test_ctx); for (i=0; password[i]; i++) { ret = sss_password_encrypt(test_ctx, password[i], strlen(password[i])+1, AES_256, &obfpwd); fail_if(ret != expected); ret = sss_password_decrypt(test_ctx, obfpwd, &ctpwd); fail_if(ret != expected); fail_if(ctpwd && strcmp(password[i], ctpwd) != 0); talloc_free(obfpwd); talloc_free(ctpwd); } check_leaks_pop(test_ctx); talloc_free(test_ctx); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_hmac_sha1) { const char *message = "test message"; const char *keys[] = { "short", "proper6789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123", "longlonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglong", NULL }; const char *results[] = { "\x2b\x27\x53\x07\x17\xd8\xc0\x8f\x97\x27\xdd\xb3\xec\x41\xd8\xa3\x94\x97\xaa\x35", "\x37\xe7\x0a\x6f\x71\x0b\xa9\x93\x81\x53\x8f\x5c\x06\x83\x44\x2f\xc9\x41\xe3\xed", "\xbd\x99\xa7\x7f\xfc\x5e\xde\x04\x32\x7f\x7b\x71\x4d\xc0\x3f\x51\x2d\x25\x01\x28", NULL }; unsigned char out[SSS_SHA1_LENGTH]; int ret, expected; int i; #if defined(HAVE_NSS) || defined(HAVE_LIBCRYPTO) expected = EOK; #else #error Unknown crypto back end #endif for (i = 0; keys[i]; i++) { ret = sss_hmac_sha1((const unsigned char *)keys[i], strlen(keys[i]), (const unsigned char *)message, strlen(message), out); fail_if(ret != expected); fail_if(ret == EOK && memcmp(out, results[i], SSS_SHA1_LENGTH) != 0); } } END_TEST START_TEST(test_base64_encode) { const unsigned char obfbuf[] = "test"; const char expected[] = "dGVzdA=="; char *obfpwd = NULL; test_ctx = talloc_new(NULL); fail_if(test_ctx == NULL); /* Base64 encode the buffer */ obfpwd = sss_base64_encode(test_ctx, obfbuf, strlen((const char*)obfbuf)); fail_if(obfpwd == NULL); fail_if(strcmp(obfpwd,expected) != 0); talloc_free(test_ctx); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_base64_decode) { unsigned char *obfbuf = NULL; size_t obflen; const char b64encoded[] = "dGVzdA=="; const unsigned char expected[] = "test"; test_ctx = talloc_new(NULL); fail_if(test_ctx == NULL); /* Base64 decode the buffer */ obfbuf = sss_base64_decode(test_ctx, b64encoded, &obflen); fail_if(!obfbuf); fail_if(obflen != strlen((const char*)expected)); fail_if(memcmp(obfbuf, expected, obflen) != 0); talloc_free(test_ctx); } END_TEST Suite *crypto_suite(void) { Suite *s = suite_create("sss_crypto"); TCase *tc = tcase_create("sss crypto tests"); tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc, leak_check_setup, leak_check_teardown); /* Do some testing */ #ifdef HAVE_NSS tcase_add_test(tc, test_nss_init); #endif tcase_add_test(tc, test_encrypt_decrypt); tcase_add_test(tc, test_hmac_sha1); tcase_add_test(tc, test_base64_encode); tcase_add_test(tc, test_base64_decode); /* Add all test cases to the test suite */ suite_add_tcase(s, tc); return s; } int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { int opt; poptContext pc; int number_failed; struct poptOption long_options[] = { POPT_AUTOHELP { "debug-level", 'd', POPT_ARG_INT, &debug_level, 0, "Set debug level", NULL }, POPT_TABLEEND }; /* Set debug level to invalid value so we can deside if -d 0 was used. */ debug_level = SSSDBG_INVALID; pc = poptGetContext(argv[0], argc, argv, long_options, 0); while((opt = poptGetNextOpt(pc)) != -1) { switch(opt) { default: fprintf(stderr, "\nInvalid option %s: %s\n\n", poptBadOption(pc, 0), poptStrerror(opt)); poptPrintUsage(pc, stderr, 0); return 1; } } poptFreeContext(pc); CONVERT_AND_SET_DEBUG_LEVEL(debug_level); tests_set_cwd(); Suite *s = crypto_suite(); SRunner *sr = srunner_create(s); srunner_run_all(sr, CK_ENV); number_failed = srunner_ntests_failed(sr); srunner_free(sr); return (number_failed == 0 ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE); }