/* SSSD Async resolver tests Authors: Martin Nagy <mnagy@redhat.com> Jakub Hrozek <jhrozek@redhat.com> Copyright (C) Red Hat, Inc 2009 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <check.h> #include <string.h> #include <talloc.h> #include <tevent.h> #include <popt.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include "tests/common.h" #include "util/util.h" /* Interface under test */ #include "resolv/async_resolv.h" static int use_net_test; static char *txt_host; static char *srv_host; struct resolv_test_ctx { struct tevent_context *ev; struct resolv_ctx *resolv; enum { TESTING_HOSTNAME, TESTING_TXT, TESTING_SRV, } tested_function; int error; bool done; }; static int setup_resolv_test(struct resolv_test_ctx **ctx) { struct resolv_test_ctx *test_ctx; int ret; test_ctx = talloc_zero(global_talloc_context, struct resolv_test_ctx); if (test_ctx == NULL) { fail("Could not allocate memory for test context"); return ENOMEM; } test_ctx->ev = tevent_context_init(test_ctx); if (test_ctx->ev == NULL) { fail("Could not init tevent context"); talloc_free(test_ctx); return EFAULT; } ret = resolv_init(test_ctx, test_ctx->ev, 5, &test_ctx->resolv); if (ret != EOK) { fail("Could not init resolv context"); talloc_free(test_ctx); return ret; } *ctx = test_ctx; return EOK; } static int test_loop(struct resolv_test_ctx *data) { while (!data->done) tevent_loop_once(data->ev); return data->error; } START_TEST(test_copy_hostent) { void *ctx; struct hostent *new_he; char name[] = "foo.example.com"; char alias_1[] = "bar.example.com"; char alias_2[] = "baz.example.com"; char *aliases[] = { alias_1, alias_2, NULL }; char addr_1[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; char addr_2[] = { 4, 3, 2, 1 }; char *addr_list[] = { addr_1, addr_2, NULL }; struct hostent he = { name, aliases, 123 /* Whatever. */, sizeof(addr_1), addr_list }; ctx = talloc_new(global_talloc_context); fail_if(ctx == NULL); check_leaks_push(ctx); new_he = resolv_copy_hostent(ctx, &he); fail_if(new_he == NULL); fail_if(strcmp(new_he->h_name, name)); fail_if(strcmp(new_he->h_aliases[0], alias_1)); fail_if(strcmp(new_he->h_aliases[1], alias_2)); fail_if(new_he->h_aliases[2] != NULL); fail_if(new_he->h_addrtype != 123); fail_if(new_he->h_length != sizeof(addr_1)); fail_if(memcmp(new_he->h_addr_list[0], addr_1, sizeof(addr_1))); fail_if(memcmp(new_he->h_addr_list[1], addr_2, sizeof(addr_1))); fail_if(new_he->h_addr_list[2] != NULL); talloc_free(new_he); check_leaks_pop(ctx); } END_TEST static void test_ip_addr(struct tevent_req *req) { int recv_status; int status; struct hostent *hostent; int i; struct resolv_test_ctx *test_ctx = tevent_req_callback_data(req, struct resolv_test_ctx); test_ctx->done = true; recv_status = resolv_gethostbyname_recv(req, test_ctx, &status, NULL, &hostent); talloc_zfree(req); if (recv_status != EOK) { DEBUG(2, ("resolv_gethostbyname_recv failed: %d\n", recv_status)); test_ctx->error = recv_status; return; } DEBUG(7, ("resolv_gethostbyname_recv status: %d\n", status)); test_ctx->error = ENOENT; for (i = 0; hostent->h_addr_list[i]; i++) { char addr_buf[256]; inet_ntop(hostent->h_addrtype, hostent->h_addr_list[i], addr_buf, sizeof(addr_buf)); if (strcmp(addr_buf, "") == 0) { test_ctx->error = EOK; } } talloc_free(hostent); } START_TEST(test_resolv_ip_addr) { struct resolv_test_ctx *test_ctx; int ret = EOK; struct tevent_req *req; const char *hostname = ""; ret = setup_resolv_test(&test_ctx); if (ret != EOK) { fail("Could not set up test"); return; } check_leaks_push(test_ctx); req = resolv_gethostbyname_send(test_ctx, test_ctx->ev, test_ctx->resolv, hostname, IPV4_ONLY); DEBUG(7, ("Sent resolv_gethostbyname\n")); if (req == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; } if (ret == EOK) { tevent_req_set_callback(req, test_ip_addr, test_ctx); ret = test_loop(test_ctx); } check_leaks_pop(test_ctx); fail_unless(ret == EOK); talloc_zfree(test_ctx); } END_TEST static void test_localhost(struct tevent_req *req) { int recv_status; int status; struct hostent *hostent; int i; struct resolv_test_ctx *test_ctx = tevent_req_callback_data(req, struct resolv_test_ctx); test_ctx->done = true; recv_status = resolv_gethostbyname_recv(req, test_ctx, &status, NULL, &hostent); talloc_zfree(req); if (recv_status != EOK) { DEBUG(2, ("resolv_gethostbyname_recv failed: %d\n", recv_status)); test_ctx->error = recv_status; return; } DEBUG(7, ("resolv_gethostbyname_recv status: %d\n", status)); test_ctx->error = ENOENT; for (i = 0; hostent->h_addr_list[i]; i++) { char addr_buf[256]; inet_ntop(hostent->h_addrtype, hostent->h_addr_list[i], addr_buf, sizeof(addr_buf)); /* test that localhost resolves to or ::1 */ if (strcmp(addr_buf, "") == 0 || strcmp(addr_buf, "::1") == 0) { test_ctx->error = EOK; } } talloc_free(hostent); } START_TEST(test_resolv_localhost) { struct resolv_test_ctx *test_ctx; int ret = EOK; struct tevent_req *req; const char *hostname = "localhost.localdomain"; ret = setup_resolv_test(&test_ctx); if (ret != EOK) { fail("Could not set up test"); return; } check_leaks_push(test_ctx); req = resolv_gethostbyname_send(test_ctx, test_ctx->ev, test_ctx->resolv, hostname, IPV4_FIRST); DEBUG(7, ("Sent resolv_gethostbyname\n")); if (req == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; } if (ret == EOK) { tevent_req_set_callback(req, test_localhost, test_ctx); ret = test_loop(test_ctx); } check_leaks_pop(test_ctx); fail_unless(ret == EOK); talloc_zfree(test_ctx); } END_TEST static void test_negative(struct tevent_req *req) { int recv_status; int status; struct hostent *hostent; struct resolv_test_ctx *test_ctx; test_ctx = tevent_req_callback_data(req, struct resolv_test_ctx); test_ctx->done = true; recv_status = resolv_gethostbyname_recv(req, test_ctx, &status, NULL, &hostent); talloc_zfree(req); if (recv_status == EOK) { DEBUG(7, ("resolv_gethostbyname_recv succeeded in a negative test\n")); return; } test_ctx->error = status; DEBUG(2, ("resolv_gethostbyname_recv status: %d: %s\n", status, resolv_strerror(status))); } START_TEST(test_resolv_negative) { int ret = EOK; struct tevent_req *req; const char *hostname = "sssd.foo"; struct resolv_test_ctx *test_ctx; ret = setup_resolv_test(&test_ctx); if (ret != EOK) { fail("Could not set up test"); return; } check_leaks_push(test_ctx); req = resolv_gethostbyname_send(test_ctx, test_ctx->ev, test_ctx->resolv, hostname, IPV4_FIRST); DEBUG(7, ("Sent resolv_gethostbyname\n")); if (req == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; } if (ret == EOK) { tevent_req_set_callback(req, test_negative, test_ctx); ret = test_loop(test_ctx); } check_leaks_pop(test_ctx); fail_unless(ret != EOK); fail_unless(test_ctx->error == ARES_ENOTFOUND); talloc_zfree(test_ctx); } END_TEST static void test_internet(struct tevent_req *req) { int recv_status; int status; struct resolv_test_ctx *test_ctx; void *tmp_ctx; struct hostent *hostent = NULL; struct ares_txt_reply *txt_replies = NULL, *txtptr; struct ares_srv_reply *srv_replies = NULL, *srvptr; test_ctx = tevent_req_callback_data(req, struct resolv_test_ctx); test_ctx->done = true; tmp_ctx = talloc_new(test_ctx); check_leaks_push(tmp_ctx); switch (test_ctx->tested_function) { case TESTING_HOSTNAME: recv_status = resolv_gethostbyname_recv(req, tmp_ctx, &status, NULL, &hostent); test_ctx->error = (hostent->h_length == 0) ? ENOENT : EOK; break; case TESTING_TXT: recv_status = resolv_gettxt_recv(tmp_ctx, req, &status, NULL, &txt_replies); test_ctx->error = (txt_replies == NULL) ? ENOENT : EOK; for (txtptr = txt_replies; txtptr != NULL; txtptr = txtptr->next) { DEBUG(2, ("TXT Record: %s\n", txtptr->txt)); } break; case TESTING_SRV: recv_status = resolv_getsrv_recv(tmp_ctx, req, &status, NULL, &srv_replies); test_ctx->error = (srv_replies == NULL) ? ENOENT : EOK; for (srvptr = srv_replies; srvptr != NULL; srvptr = srvptr->next) { DEBUG(2, ("SRV Record: %d %d %d %s\n", srvptr->weight, srvptr->priority, srvptr->port, srvptr->host)); } break; default: recv_status = EINVAL; break; } talloc_zfree(req); fail_if(recv_status != EOK, "The recv function failed: %d", recv_status); DEBUG(7, ("recv status: %d\n", status)); if (hostent != NULL) { talloc_free(hostent); } else if (txt_replies != NULL) { talloc_free(txt_replies); } else if (srv_replies != NULL) { talloc_free(srv_replies); } check_leaks_pop(tmp_ctx); } START_TEST(test_resolv_internet) { int ret = EOK; struct tevent_req *req; const char *hostname = "redhat.com"; struct resolv_test_ctx *test_ctx; ret = setup_resolv_test(&test_ctx); if (ret != EOK) { fail("Could not set up test"); return; } test_ctx->tested_function = TESTING_HOSTNAME; check_leaks_push(test_ctx); req = resolv_gethostbyname_send(test_ctx, test_ctx->ev, test_ctx->resolv, hostname, IPV4_FIRST); DEBUG(7, ("Sent resolv_gethostbyname\n")); if (req == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; } if (ret == EOK) { tevent_req_set_callback(req, test_internet, test_ctx); ret = test_loop(test_ctx); } fail_unless(ret == EOK); check_leaks_pop(test_ctx); talloc_zfree(test_ctx); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_resolv_internet_txt) { int ret; struct tevent_req *req; struct resolv_test_ctx *test_ctx; ret = setup_resolv_test(&test_ctx); fail_if(ret != EOK, "Could not set up test"); test_ctx->tested_function = TESTING_TXT; check_leaks_push(test_ctx); req = resolv_gettxt_send(test_ctx, test_ctx->ev, test_ctx->resolv, txt_host); fail_if(req == NULL, "Function resolv_gettxt_send failed"); tevent_req_set_callback(req, test_internet, test_ctx); ret = test_loop(test_ctx); fail_unless(ret == EOK); check_leaks_pop(test_ctx); talloc_zfree(test_ctx); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_resolv_internet_srv) { int ret; struct tevent_req *req; struct resolv_test_ctx *test_ctx; ret = setup_resolv_test(&test_ctx); fail_if(ret != EOK, "Could not set up test"); test_ctx->tested_function = TESTING_SRV; check_leaks_push(test_ctx); req = resolv_getsrv_send(test_ctx, test_ctx->ev, test_ctx->resolv, srv_host); fail_if(req == NULL, "Function resolv_getsrv_send failed"); tevent_req_set_callback(req, test_internet, test_ctx); ret = test_loop(test_ctx); fail_unless(ret == EOK); check_leaks_pop(test_ctx); talloc_zfree(test_ctx); } END_TEST static void resolv_free_context(struct tevent_context *ev, struct tevent_timer *te, struct timeval t, void *ptr) { struct resolv_ctx *rctx = talloc_get_type(ptr, struct resolv_ctx); DEBUG(7, ("freeing the context\n")); talloc_free(rctx); } static void resolv_free_done(struct tevent_context *ev, struct tevent_timer *te, struct timeval t, void *ptr) { struct resolv_test_ctx *tctx = talloc_get_type(ptr, struct resolv_test_ctx); DEBUG(7, ("marking test as done\n")); tctx->error = EOK; tctx->done = true; } START_TEST(test_resolv_free_context) { int ret = EOK; struct tevent_req *req; const char *hostname = "redhat.com"; struct resolv_test_ctx *test_ctx; struct tevent_timer *free_timer, *terminate_timer; struct timeval free_tv, terminate_tv; ret = setup_resolv_test(&test_ctx); if (ret != EOK) { fail("Could not set up test"); return; } req = resolv_gethostbyname_send(test_ctx, test_ctx->ev, test_ctx->resolv, hostname, IPV4_FIRST); DEBUG(7, ("Sent resolv_gethostbyname\n")); if (req == NULL) { fail("Error calling resolv_gethostbyname_send"); goto done; } gettimeofday(&free_tv, NULL); free_tv.tv_sec += 1; free_tv.tv_usec = 0; terminate_tv.tv_sec = free_tv.tv_sec + 1; terminate_tv.tv_usec = 0; free_timer = tevent_add_timer(test_ctx->ev, test_ctx, free_tv, resolv_free_context, test_ctx->resolv); if (free_timer == NULL) { fail("Error calling tevent_add_timer"); goto done; } terminate_timer = tevent_add_timer(test_ctx->ev, test_ctx, terminate_tv, resolv_free_done, test_ctx); if (terminate_timer == NULL) { fail("Error calling tevent_add_timer"); goto done; } ret = test_loop(test_ctx); fail_unless(ret == EOK); done: talloc_zfree(test_ctx); } END_TEST static void resolv_free_req(struct tevent_context *ev, struct tevent_timer *te, struct timeval t, void *ptr) { struct tevent_req *req = talloc_get_type(ptr, struct tevent_req); DEBUG(7, ("freeing the request\n")); talloc_free(req); } START_TEST(test_resolv_sort_srv_reply) { int ret; struct ares_srv_reply *replies = NULL; struct ares_srv_reply *r, *prev = NULL; struct resolv_test_ctx *test_ctx; int num_replies = 3; int i; ret = setup_resolv_test(&test_ctx); if (ret != EOK) { fail("Could not set up test"); return; } check_leaks_push(test_ctx); /* prepare linked list with reversed values */ for (i = 0; i<num_replies; i++) { r = talloc_zero(test_ctx, struct ares_srv_reply); fail_if(r == NULL); r->priority = num_replies-i; r->weight = i; if (!replies) { replies = r; prev = r; } else { prev->next = r; prev = prev->next; } } /* do the sort */ ret = resolv_sort_srv_reply(test_ctx, &replies); fail_if(ret != EOK); /* check if the list is sorted */ prev = NULL; for (i = 1, r = replies; r; r=r->next, i++) { talloc_zfree(prev); prev = r; fail_unless(r->priority == i); } talloc_zfree(prev); /* check if the list is complete */ fail_unless(i-1 == num_replies); /* test if the weighting algorithm runs..not much do * deterministically test here since it is based on * random weight-selection */ replies = NULL; for (i = 0; i<num_replies; i++) { r = talloc_zero(test_ctx, struct ares_srv_reply); fail_if(r == NULL); r->priority = i % 2 + 1; r->weight = i; if (!replies) { replies = r; prev = r; } else { prev->next = r; prev = prev->next; } } /* do the sort */ ret = resolv_sort_srv_reply(test_ctx, &replies); fail_if(ret != EOK); /* clean up */ prev = NULL; for (i = 1, r = replies; r; r=r->next, i++) { talloc_zfree(prev); prev = r; } talloc_zfree(prev); /* check for leaks */ check_leaks_pop(test_ctx); talloc_zfree(test_ctx); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_resolv_free_req) { int ret = EOK; struct tevent_req *req; const char *hostname = "redhat.com"; struct resolv_test_ctx *test_ctx; struct tevent_timer *free_timer, *terminate_timer; struct timeval free_tv, terminate_tv; ret = setup_resolv_test(&test_ctx); if (ret != EOK) { fail("Could not set up test"); return; } check_leaks_push(test_ctx); req = resolv_gethostbyname_send(test_ctx, test_ctx->ev, test_ctx->resolv, hostname, IPV4_FIRST); DEBUG(7, ("Sent resolv_gethostbyname\n")); if (req == NULL) { fail("Error calling resolv_gethostbyname_send"); goto done; } gettimeofday(&free_tv, NULL); free_tv.tv_sec += 1; free_tv.tv_usec = 0; terminate_tv.tv_sec = free_tv.tv_sec + 1; terminate_tv.tv_usec = 0; free_timer = tevent_add_timer(test_ctx->ev, test_ctx, free_tv, resolv_free_req, req); if (free_timer == NULL) { fail("Error calling tevent_add_timer"); goto done; } terminate_timer = tevent_add_timer(test_ctx->ev, test_ctx, terminate_tv, resolv_free_done, test_ctx); if (terminate_timer == NULL) { fail("Error calling tevent_add_timer"); goto done; } ret = test_loop(test_ctx); check_leaks_pop(test_ctx); fail_unless(ret == EOK); done: talloc_zfree(test_ctx); } END_TEST Suite *create_resolv_suite(void) { Suite *s = suite_create("resolv"); TCase *tc_resolv = tcase_create("RESOLV Tests"); tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc_resolv, leak_check_setup, leak_check_teardown); /* Do some testing */ tcase_add_test(tc_resolv, test_copy_hostent); tcase_add_test(tc_resolv, test_resolv_ip_addr); tcase_add_test(tc_resolv, test_resolv_sort_srv_reply); if (use_net_test) { tcase_add_test(tc_resolv, test_resolv_internet); tcase_add_test(tc_resolv, test_resolv_negative); tcase_add_test(tc_resolv, test_resolv_localhost); if (txt_host != NULL) { tcase_add_test(tc_resolv, test_resolv_internet_txt); } if (srv_host != NULL) { tcase_add_test(tc_resolv, test_resolv_internet_srv); } } tcase_add_test(tc_resolv, test_resolv_free_context); tcase_add_test(tc_resolv, test_resolv_free_req); /* Add all test cases to the test suite */ suite_add_tcase(s, tc_resolv); return s; } int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { int opt; poptContext pc; int failure_count; Suite *resolv_suite; SRunner *sr; int debug = 0; struct poptOption long_options[] = { POPT_AUTOHELP { "debug-level", 'd', POPT_ARG_INT, &debug, 0, "Set debug level", NULL }, { "use-net-test", 'n', POPT_ARG_NONE, 0, 'n', "Run tests that need an active internet connection", NULL }, { "txt-host", 't', POPT_ARG_STRING, 0, 't', "Specify the host used for TXT record testing", NULL }, { "srv-host", 's', POPT_ARG_STRING, 0, 's', "Specify the host used for SRV record testing", NULL }, POPT_TABLEEND }; pc = poptGetContext(argv[0], argc, argv, long_options, 0); while((opt = poptGetNextOpt(pc)) != -1) { switch(opt) { case 'n': use_net_test = 1; break; case 't': txt_host = poptGetOptArg(pc); break; case 's': srv_host = poptGetOptArg(pc); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "\nInvalid option %s: %s\n\n", poptBadOption(pc, 0), poptStrerror(opt)); poptPrintUsage(pc, stderr, 0); return 1; } } poptFreeContext(pc); debug_level = debug; if (!use_net_test) { printf("Network tests disabled. Rerun with the \"-n\" " "option to run the full suite of tests\n"); } resolv_suite = create_resolv_suite(); sr = srunner_create(resolv_suite); /* If CK_VERBOSITY is set, use that, otherwise it defaults to CK_NORMAL */ srunner_run_all(sr, CK_ENV); failure_count = srunner_ntests_failed(sr); srunner_free(sr); return (failure_count==0 ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE); }