% Gradual Killer: % In the first five rounds it defects, than it cooperates in two rounds. % If the opponent has defected in rounds 6 and 7, than the Gradual Killer % keeps defecting forever, otherwise he keeps cooperation forever. % Syntax: gradual_killer(+history, -choice, +state_in, -state_out) gradual_killer(_, d, [], [1]). gradual_killer(_, d, [1], [2]). gradual_killer(_, d, [2], [3]). gradual_killer(_, d, [3], [4]). gradual_killer(_, d, [4], [5]). gradual_killer(_, c, [5], [6]). gradual_killer(_, c, [6], [7]). gradual_killer([d,d|_], d, [7], [8,d]):-!. gradual_killer(_, c, [7], [8,c]). gradual_killer(_, Choice, [8,Choice], [8,Choice]).