path: root/.config/uzbl/scripts/
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Diffstat (limited to '.config/uzbl/scripts/')
1 files changed, 1474 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.config/uzbl/scripts/ b/.config/uzbl/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cd5ef4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/uzbl/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,1474 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Uzbl tabbing wrapper using a fifo socket interface
+# Copyright (c) 2009, Tom Adams <>
+# Copyright (c) 2009, Chris van Dijk <>
+# Copyright (c) 2009, Mason Larobina <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# Author(s):
+# Tom Adams <>
+# Wrote the original as a proof of concept.
+# Chris van Dijk (quigybo) <>
+# Made signifigant headway on the old script on the
+# uzbl wiki <>
+# Mason Larobina <>
+# Rewrite of the script to use a fifo socket interface
+# and inherit configuration options from the user's uzbl config.
+# Contributor(s):
+# mxey <>
+# uzbl_config path now honors XDG_CONFIG_HOME if it exists.
+# Romain Bignon <>
+# Fix for session restoration code.
+# Jake Probst <>
+# Wrote a patch that overflows tabs in the tablist on to new lines when
+# running of room.
+# Devon Jones <>
+# Fifo command bring_to_front which brings the gtk window to focus.
+# Dependencies:
+# pygtk - python bindings for gtk.
+# pango - python bindings needed for text rendering & layout in gtk widgets.
+# pygobject - GLib's GObject bindings for python.
+# Optional dependencies:
+# simplejson - save sessions & presets in json.
+# Note: I haven't included version numbers with this dependency list because
+# I've only ever tested on the latest stable versions of these
+# packages in Gentoo's portage. Package names may vary on different systems.
+# Configuration:
+# Because this version of uzbl_tabbed is able to inherit options from your main
+# uzbl configuration file you may wish to configure uzbl tabbed from there.
+# Here is a list of configuration options that can be customised and some
+# example values for each:
+# General tabbing options:
+# show_tablist = 1
+# show_gtk_tabs = 0
+# tablist_top = 1
+# gtk_tab_pos = (top|left|bottom|right)
+# gtk_refresh = 1000
+# switch_to_new_tabs = 1
+# capture_new_windows = 1
+# multiline_tabs = 1
+# Tab title options:
+# tab_titles = 1
+# new_tab_title = Loading
+# max_title_len = 50
+# show_ellipsis = 1
+# Session options:
+# save_session = 1
+# json_session = 0
+# session_file = $HOME/.local/share/uzbl/session
+# Inherited uzbl options:
+# fifo_dir = /tmp
+# socket_dir = /tmp
+# icon_path = $HOME/.local/share/uzbl/uzbl.png
+# status_background = #303030
+# Misc options:
+# window_size = 800,800
+# verbose = 0
+# And the key bindings:
+# bind_new_tab = gn
+# bind_tab_from_clip = gY
+# bind_tab_from_uri = go _
+# bind_close_tab = gC
+# bind_next_tab = gt
+# bind_prev_tab = gT
+# bind_goto_tab = gi_
+# bind_goto_first = g<
+# bind_goto_last = g>
+# bind_clean_slate = gQ
+# bind_exit = gZ
+# Session preset key bindings:
+# bind_save_preset = gsave _
+# bind_load_preset = gload _
+# bind_del_preset = gdel _
+# bind_list_presets = glist
+# And takes care of the actual binding of the commands via each
+# instances fifo socket.
+# Custom tab styling:
+# tab_colours = foreground = "#888" background = "#303030"
+# tab_text_colours = foreground = "#bbb"
+# selected_tab = foreground = "#fff"
+# selected_tab_text = foreground = "green"
+# tab_indicate_https = 1
+# https_colours = foreground = "#888"
+# https_text_colours = foreground = "#9c8e2d"
+# selected_https = foreground = "#fff"
+# selected_https_text = foreground = "gold"
+# How these styling values are used are soley defined by the syling policy
+# handler below (the function in the config section). So you can for example
+# turn the tab text colour Firetruck-Red in the event "error" appears in the
+# tab title or some other arbitrary event. You may wish to make a trusted
+# hosts file and turn tab titles of tabs visiting trusted hosts purple.
+# Issues:
+# - new windows are not caught and opened in a new tab.
+# - when crashes it takes all the children with it.
+# - when a new tab is opened when using gtk tabs the tab button itself
+# grabs focus from its child for a few seconds.
+# - when switch_to_new_tabs is not selected the notebook page is
+# maintained but the new window grabs focus (try as I might to stop it).
+# Todo:
+# - add command line options to use a different session file, not use a
+# session file and or open a uri on starup.
+# - ellipsize individual tab titles when the tab-list becomes over-crowded
+# - add "<" & ">" arrows to tablist to indicate that only a subset of the
+# currently open tabs are being displayed on the tablist.
+# - add the small tab-list display when both gtk tabs and text vim-like
+# tablist are hidden (I.e. [ 1 2 3 4 5 ])
+# - check spelling.
+# - pass a uzbl socketid to and have it assimilated into
+# the collective. Resistance is futile!
+import pygtk
+import gtk
+import subprocess
+import os
+import re
+import time
+import getopt
+import pango
+import select
+import sys
+import gobject
+import socket
+import random
+import hashlib
+import atexit
+import types
+from gobject import io_add_watch, source_remove, timeout_add, IO_IN, IO_HUP
+from signal import signal, SIGTERM, SIGINT
+from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
+_SCRIPTNAME = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
+def error(msg):
+ sys.stderr.write("%s: error: %s\n" % (_SCRIPTNAME, msg))
+# ============================================================================
+# ::: Default configuration section ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
+# ============================================================================
+def xdghome(key, default):
+ '''Attempts to use the environ XDG_*_HOME paths if they exist otherwise
+ use $HOME and the default path.'''
+ xdgkey = "XDG_%s_HOME" % key
+ if xdgkey in os.environ.keys() and os.environ[xdgkey]:
+ return os.environ[xdgkey]
+ return os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], default)
+# Setup xdg paths.
+DATA_DIR = os.path.join(xdghome('DATA', '.local/share/'), 'uzbl/')
+CONFIG_DIR = os.path.join(xdghome('CONFIG', '.config/'), 'uzbl/')
+# Ensure uzbl xdg paths exist
+for path in [DATA_DIR, CONFIG_DIR]:
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ os.makedirs(path)
+# Path to uzbl config
+UZBL_CONFIG = os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR, 'config')
+if not os.path.exists(UZBL_CONFIG):
+ error("cannot find uzbl config file at %r" % UZBL_CONFIG)
+ sys.exit(1)
+# All of these settings can be inherited from your uzbl config file.
+config = {
+ # Tab options
+ 'show_tablist': True, # Show text uzbl like statusbar tab-list
+ 'show_gtk_tabs': False, # Show gtk notebook tabs
+ 'tablist_top': True, # Display tab-list at top of window
+ 'gtk_tab_pos': 'top', # Gtk tab position (top|left|bottom|right)
+ 'gtk_refresh': 1000, # Tablist refresh millisecond interval
+ 'switch_to_new_tabs': True, # Upon opening a new tab switch to it
+ 'capture_new_windows': True, # Use uzbl_tabbed to catch new windows
+ 'multiline_tabs': True, # Tabs overflow onto new tablist lines.
+ # Tab title options
+ 'tab_titles': True, # Display tab titles (else only tab-nums)
+ 'new_tab_title': 'Loading', # New tab title
+ 'max_title_len': 50, # Truncate title at n characters
+ 'show_ellipsis': True, # Show ellipsis when truncating titles
+ # Session options
+ 'save_session': True, # Save session in file when quit
+ 'json_session': False, # Use json to save session.
+ 'saved_sessions_dir': os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'sessions/'),
+ 'session_file': os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'session'),
+ # Inherited uzbl options
+ 'fifo_dir': '/tmp', # Path to look for uzbl fifo.
+ 'socket_dir': '/tmp', # Path to look for uzbl socket.
+ 'icon_path': os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'uzbl.png'),
+ 'status_background': "#303030", # Default background for all panels.
+ # Misc options
+ 'window_size': "800,800", # width,height in pixels.
+ 'verbose': False, # Print verbose output.
+ # Key bindings
+ 'bind_new_tab': 'gn', # Open new tab.
+ 'bind_tab_from_clip': 'gY', # Open tab from clipboard.
+ 'bind_tab_from_uri': 'go _', # Open new tab and goto entered uri.
+ 'bind_close_tab': 'gC', # Close tab.
+ 'bind_next_tab': 'gt', # Next tab.
+ 'bind_prev_tab': 'gT', # Prev tab.
+ 'bind_goto_tab': 'gi_', # Goto tab by tab-number (in title).
+ 'bind_goto_first': 'g<', # Goto first tab.
+ 'bind_goto_last': 'g>', # Goto last tab.
+ 'bind_clean_slate': 'gQ', # Close all tabs and open new tab.
+ 'bind_exit': 'gZ', # Exit nicely.
+ # Session preset key bindings
+ 'bind_save_preset': 'gsave _', # Save session to file %s.
+ 'bind_load_preset': 'gload _', # Load preset session from file %s.
+ 'bind_del_preset': 'gdel _', # Delete preset session %s.
+ 'bind_list_presets': 'glist', # List all session presets.
+ # Add custom tab style definitions to be used by the tab colour policy
+ # handler here. Because these are added to the config dictionary like
+ # any other uzbl_tabbed configuration option remember that they can
+ # be superseeded from your main uzbl config file.
+ 'tab_colours': 'foreground = "#888" background = "#303030"',
+ 'tab_text_colours': 'foreground = "#bbb"',
+ 'selected_tab': 'foreground = "#fff"',
+ 'selected_tab_text': 'foreground = "green"',
+ 'tab_indicate_https': True,
+ 'https_colours': 'foreground = "#888"',
+ 'https_text_colours': 'foreground = "#9c8e2d"',
+ 'selected_https': 'foreground = "#fff"',
+ 'selected_https_text': 'foreground = "gold"',
+} # End of config dict.
+# This is the tab style policy handler. Every time the tablist is updated
+# this function is called to determine how to colourise that specific tab
+# according the simple/complex rules as defined here. You may even wish to
+# move this function into another python script and import it using:
+# from mycustomtabbingconfig import colour_selector
+# Remember to rename, delete or comment out this function if you do that.
+def colour_selector(tabindex, currentpage, uzbl):
+ '''Tablist styling policy handler. This function must return a tuple of
+ the form (tab style, text style).'''
+ # Just as an example:
+ # if 'error' in uzbl.title:
+ # if tabindex == currentpage:
+ # return ('foreground="#fff"', 'foreground="red"')
+ # return ('foreground="#888"', 'foreground="red"')
+ # Style tabs to indicate connected via https.
+ if config['tab_indicate_https'] and uzbl.uri.startswith("https://"):
+ if tabindex == currentpage:
+ return (config['selected_https'], config['selected_https_text'])
+ return (config['https_colours'], config['https_text_colours'])
+ # Style to indicate selected.
+ if tabindex == currentpage:
+ return (config['selected_tab'], config['selected_tab_text'])
+ # Default tab style.
+ return (config['tab_colours'], config['tab_text_colours'])
+# ============================================================================
+# ::: End of configuration section :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
+# ============================================================================
+def echo(msg):
+ if config['verbose']:
+ sys.stderr.write("%s: %s\n" % (_SCRIPTNAME, msg))
+def readconfig(uzbl_config, config):
+ '''Loads relevant config from the users uzbl config file into the global
+ config dictionary.'''
+ if not os.path.exists(uzbl_config):
+ error("Unable to load config %r" % uzbl_config)
+ return None
+ # Define parsing regular expressions
+ isint = re.compile("^(\-|)[0-9]+$").match
+ findsets = re.compile("^set\s+([^\=]+)\s*\=\s*(.+)$",\
+ re.MULTILINE).findall
+ h = open(os.path.expandvars(uzbl_config), 'r')
+ rawconfig =
+ h.close()
+ configkeys, strip = config.keys(), str.strip
+ for (key, value) in findsets(rawconfig):
+ key, value = strip(key), strip(value)
+ if key not in configkeys: continue
+ if isint(value): value = int(value)
+ config[key] = value
+ # Ensure that config keys that relate to paths are expanded.
+ pathkeys = ['fifo_dir', 'socket_dir', 'session_file', 'icon_path',
+ 'saved_sessions_dir']
+ for key in pathkeys:
+ config[key] = os.path.expandvars(config[key])
+def counter():
+ '''To infinity and beyond!'''
+ i = 0
+ while True:
+ i += 1
+ yield i
+def escape(s):
+ '''Replaces html markup in tab titles that screw around with pango.'''
+ for (split, glue) in [('&','&amp;'), ('<', '&lt;'), ('>', '&gt;')]:
+ s = s.replace(split, glue)
+ return s
+def gen_endmarker():
+ '''Generates a random md5 for socket message-termination endmarkers.'''
+ return hashlib.md5(str(random.random()*time.time())).hexdigest()
+class UzblTabbed:
+ '''A tabbed version of uzbl using gtk.Notebook'''
+ class UzblInstance:
+ '''Uzbl instance meta-data/meta-action object.'''
+ def __init__(self, parent, tab, fifo_socket, socket_file, pid,\
+ uri, title, switch):
+ self.parent = parent
+ = tab
+ self.fifo_socket = fifo_socket
+ self.socket_file = socket_file
+ = pid
+ self.title = title
+ self.uri = uri
+ self.timers = {}
+ self._lastprobe = 0
+ self._fifoout = []
+ self._socketout = []
+ self._socket = None
+ self._buffer = ""
+ # Switch to tab after loading
+ self._switch = switch
+ # fifo/socket files exists and socket connected.
+ self._connected = False
+ # The kill switch
+ self._kill = False
+ # Message termination endmarker.
+ self._marker = gen_endmarker()
+ # Gen probe commands string
+ probes = []
+ probe = probes.append
+ probe('print uri %d @uri %s' % (, self._marker))
+ probe('print title %d @<document.title>@ %s' % (,\
+ self._marker))
+ self._probecmds = '\n'.join(probes)
+ # Enqueue keybinding config for child uzbl instance
+ self.parent.config_uzbl(self)
+ def flush(self, timer_call=False):
+ '''Flush messages from the socket-out and fifo-out queues.'''
+ if self._kill:
+ if self._socket:
+ self._socket.close()
+ self._socket = None
+ error("Flush called on dead tab.")
+ return False
+ if len(self._fifoout):
+ if os.path.exists(self.fifo_socket):
+ h = open(self.fifo_socket, 'w')
+ while len(self._fifoout):
+ msg = self._fifoout.pop(0)
+ h.write("%s\n"%msg)
+ h.close()
+ if len(self._socketout):
+ if not self._socket and os.path.exists(self.socket_file):
+ sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ sock.connect(self.socket_file)
+ self._socket = sock
+ if self._socket:
+ while len(self._socketout):
+ msg = self._socketout.pop(0)
+ self._socket.send("%s\n"%msg)
+ if not self._connected and timer_call:
+ if not len(self._fifoout + self._socketout):
+ self._connected = True
+ if timer_call in self.timers.keys():
+ source_remove(self.timers[timer_call])
+ del self.timers[timer_call]
+ if self._switch:
+ self.grabfocus()
+ return len(self._fifoout + self._socketout)
+ def grabfocus(self):
+ '''Steal parent focus and switch the notebook to my own tab.'''
+ tabs = list(self.parent.notebook)
+ tabid = tabs.index(
+ self.parent.goto_tab(tabid)
+ def probe(self):
+ '''Probes the client for information about its self.'''
+ if self._connected:
+ self.send(self._probecmds)
+ self._lastprobe = time.time()
+ def write(self, msg):
+ '''Child fifo write function.'''
+ self._fifoout.append(msg)
+ # Flush messages from the queue if able.
+ return self.flush()
+ def send(self, msg):
+ '''Child socket send function.'''
+ self._socketout.append(msg)
+ # Flush messages from queue if able.
+ return self.flush()
+ def __init__(self):
+ '''Create tablist, window and notebook.'''
+ # Store information about the applications fifo_socket.
+ self._fifo = None
+ self._timers = {}
+ self._buffer = ""
+ self._killed = False
+ # A list of the recently closed tabs
+ self._closed = []
+ # Holds metadata on the uzbl childen open.
+ self.tabs = {}
+ # Generates a unique id for uzbl socket filenames.
+ self.next_pid = counter().next
+ # Create main window
+ self.window = gtk.Window()
+ try:
+ window_size = map(int, config['window_size'].split(','))
+ self.window.set_default_size(*window_size)
+ except:
+ error("Invalid value for default_size in config file.")
+ self.window.set_title("Uzbl Browser")
+ self.window.set_border_width(0)
+ # Set main window icon
+ icon_path = config['icon_path']
+ if os.path.exists(icon_path):
+ self.window.set_icon(gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(icon_path))
+ else:
+ icon_path = '/usr/share/uzbl/examples/data/uzbl/uzbl.png'
+ if os.path.exists(icon_path):
+ self.window.set_icon(gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(icon_path))
+ # Attach main window event handlers
+ self.window.connect("delete-event", self.quitrequest)
+ # Create tab list
+ if config['show_tablist']:
+ vbox = gtk.VBox()
+ self.window.add(vbox)
+ ebox = gtk.EventBox()
+ self.tablist = gtk.Label()
+ self.tablist.set_use_markup(True)
+ self.tablist.set_justify(gtk.JUSTIFY_LEFT)
+ self.tablist.set_line_wrap(False)
+ self.tablist.set_selectable(False)
+ self.tablist.set_padding(2,2)
+ self.tablist.set_alignment(0,0)
+ self.tablist.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END)
+ self.tablist.set_text(" ")
+ ebox.add(self.tablist)
+ bgcolor = gtk.gdk.color_parse(config['status_background'])
+ ebox.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, bgcolor)
+ # Create notebook
+ self.notebook = gtk.Notebook()
+ self.notebook.set_show_tabs(config['show_gtk_tabs'])
+ # Set tab position
+ allposes = {'left': gtk.POS_LEFT, 'right':gtk.POS_RIGHT,
+ 'top':gtk.POS_TOP, 'bottom':gtk.POS_BOTTOM}
+ if config['gtk_tab_pos'] in allposes.keys():
+ self.notebook.set_tab_pos(allposes[config['gtk_tab_pos']])
+ self.notebook.set_show_border(False)
+ self.notebook.set_scrollable(True)
+ self.notebook.set_border_width(0)
+ self.notebook.connect("page-removed", self.tab_closed)
+ self.notebook.connect("switch-page", self.tab_changed)
+ self.notebook.connect("page-added", self.tab_opened)
+ if config['show_tablist']:
+ if config['tablist_top']:
+ vbox.pack_start(ebox, False, False, 0)
+ vbox.pack_end(self.notebook, True, True, 0)
+ else:
+ vbox.pack_start(self.notebook, True, True, 0)
+ vbox.pack_end(ebox, False, False, 0)
+ else:
+ self.window.add(self.notebook)
+ self.wid = self.notebook.window.xid
+ # Generate the fifo socket filename.
+ fifo_filename = 'uzbltabbed_%d' % os.getpid()
+ self.fifo_socket = os.path.join(config['fifo_dir'], fifo_filename)
+ # Now initialise the fifo socket at self.fifo_socket
+ self.init_fifo_socket()
+ # If we are using sessions then load the last one if it exists.
+ if config['save_session']:
+ self.load_session()
+ def run(self):
+ '''UzblTabbed main function that calls the gtk loop.'''
+ if not len(self.tabs):
+ self.new_tab()
+ gtk_refresh = int(config['gtk_refresh'])
+ if gtk_refresh < 100:
+ gtk_refresh = 100
+ # Update tablist timer
+ timerid = timeout_add(gtk_refresh, self.update_tablist)
+ self._timers["update-tablist"] = timerid
+ # Probe clients every second for window titles and location
+ timerid = timeout_add(gtk_refresh, self.probe_clients)
+ self._timers["probe-clients"] = timerid
+ # Make SIGTERM act orderly.
+ signal(SIGTERM, lambda signum, stack_frame: self.terminate(SIGTERM))
+ # Catch keyboard interrupts
+ signal(SIGINT, lambda signum, stack_frame: self.terminate(SIGINT))
+ try:
+ gtk.main()
+ except:
+ error("encounted error %r" % sys.exc_info()[1])
+ # Unlink fifo socket
+ self.unlink_fifo_socket()
+ # Attempt to close all uzbl instances nicely.
+ self.quitrequest()
+ # Allow time for all the uzbl instances to quit.
+ time.sleep(1)
+ raise
+ def terminate(self, termsig=None):
+ '''Handle termination signals and exit safely and cleanly.'''
+ # Not required but at least it lets the user know what killed his
+ # browsing session.
+ if termsig == SIGTERM:
+ error("caught SIGTERM signal")
+ elif termsig == SIGINT:
+ error("caught keyboard interrupt")
+ else:
+ error("caught unknown signal")
+ error("commencing infanticide!")
+ # Sends the exit signal to all uzbl instances.
+ self.quitrequest()
+ def init_fifo_socket(self):
+ '''Create interprocess communication fifo socket.'''
+ if os.path.exists(self.fifo_socket):
+ if not os.access(self.fifo_socket, os.F_OK | os.R_OK | os.W_OK):
+ os.mkfifo(self.fifo_socket)
+ else:
+ basedir = os.path.dirname(self.fifo_socket)
+ if not os.path.exists(basedir):
+ os.makedirs(basedir)
+ os.mkfifo(self.fifo_socket)
+ # Add event handlers for IO_IN & IO_HUP events.
+ self.setup_fifo_watchers()
+ echo("listening at %r" % self.fifo_socket)
+ # Add atexit register to destroy the socket on program termination.
+ atexit.register(self.unlink_fifo_socket)
+ def unlink_fifo_socket(self):
+ '''Unlink the fifo socket. Note: This function is called automatically
+ on exit by an atexit register.'''
+ # Make sure the fifo_socket fd is closed.
+ self.close_fifo()
+ # And unlink if the real fifo_socket exists.
+ if os.path.exists(self.fifo_socket):
+ os.unlink(self.fifo_socket)
+ echo("unlinked %r" % self.fifo_socket)
+ def close_fifo(self):
+ '''Remove all event handlers watching the fifo and close the fd.'''
+ # Already closed
+ if self._fifo is None: return
+ (fd, watchers) = self._fifo
+ os.close(fd)
+ # Stop all gobject io watchers watching the fifo.
+ for gid in watchers:
+ source_remove(gid)
+ self._fifo = None
+ def setup_fifo_watchers(self):
+ '''Open fifo socket fd and setup gobject IO_IN & IO_HUP event
+ handlers.'''
+ # Close currently open fifo_socket fd and kill all watchers
+ self.close_fifo()
+ fd =, os.O_RDONLY | os.O_NONBLOCK)
+ # Add gobject io event handlers to the fifo socket.
+ watchers = [io_add_watch(fd, IO_IN, self.main_fifo_read),\
+ io_add_watch(fd, IO_HUP, self.main_fifo_hangup)]
+ self._fifo = (fd, watchers)
+ def main_fifo_hangup(self, fd, cb_condition):
+ '''Handle main fifo socket hangups.'''
+ # Close old fd, open new fifo socket and add io event handlers.
+ self.setup_fifo_watchers()
+ # Kill the gobject event handler calling this handler function.
+ return False
+ def main_fifo_read(self, fd, cb_condition):
+ '''Read from main fifo socket.'''
+ self._buffer =, 1024)
+ temp = self._buffer.split("\n")
+ self._buffer = temp.pop()
+ cmds = [s.strip().split() for s in temp if len(s.strip())]
+ for cmd in cmds:
+ try:
+ #print cmd
+ self.parse_command(cmd)
+ except:
+ error("parse_command: invalid command %s" % ' '.join(cmd))
+ raise
+ return True
+ def probe_clients(self):
+ '''Probe all uzbl clients for up-to-date window titles and uri's.'''
+ save_session = config['save_session']
+ sockd = {}
+ tabskeys = self.tabs.keys()
+ notebooklist = list(self.notebook)
+ for tab in notebooklist:
+ if tab not in tabskeys: continue
+ uzbl = self.tabs[tab]
+ uzbl.probe()
+ if uzbl._socket:
+ sockd[uzbl._socket] = uzbl
+ sockets = sockd.keys()
+ (reading, _, errors) =, [], sockets, 0)
+ for sock in reading:
+ uzbl = sockd[sock]
+ uzbl._buffer = sock.recv(1024).replace('\n',' ')
+ temp = uzbl._buffer.split(uzbl._marker)
+ self._buffer = temp.pop()
+ cmds = [s.strip().split() for s in temp if len(s.strip())]
+ for cmd in cmds:
+ try:
+ #print cmd
+ self.parse_command(cmd)
+ except:
+ error("parse_command: invalid command %s" % ' '.join(cmd))
+ raise
+ return True
+ def parse_command(self, cmd):
+ '''Parse instructions from uzbl child processes.'''
+ # Commands ( [] = optional, {} = required )
+ # new [uri]
+ # open new tab and head to optional uri.
+ # close [tab-num]
+ # close current tab or close via tab id.
+ # next [n-tabs]
+ # open next tab or n tabs down. Supports negative indexing.
+ # prev [n-tabs]
+ # open prev tab or n tabs down. Supports negative indexing.
+ # goto {tab-n}
+ # goto tab n.
+ # first
+ # goto first tab.
+ # last
+ # goto last tab.
+ # title {pid} {document-title}
+ # updates tablist title.
+ # uri {pid} {document-location}
+ # updates tablist uri
+ # bring_to_front
+ # brings the gtk window to focus.
+ # exit
+ # exits
+ if cmd[0] == "new":
+ if len(cmd) == 2:
+ self.new_tab(cmd[1])
+ else:
+ self.new_tab()
+ elif cmd[0] == "newfromclip":
+ uri = subprocess.Popen(['xclip','-selection','clipboard','-o'],\
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
+ if uri:
+ self.new_tab(uri)
+ elif cmd[0] == "close":
+ if len(cmd) == 2:
+ self.close_tab(int(cmd[1]))
+ else:
+ self.close_tab()
+ elif cmd[0] == "next":
+ if len(cmd) == 2:
+ self.next_tab(int(cmd[1]))
+ else:
+ self.next_tab()
+ elif cmd[0] == "prev":
+ if len(cmd) == 2:
+ self.prev_tab(int(cmd[1]))
+ else:
+ self.prev_tab()
+ elif cmd[0] == "goto":
+ self.goto_tab(int(cmd[1]))
+ elif cmd[0] == "first":
+ self.goto_tab(0)
+ elif cmd[0] == "last":
+ self.goto_tab(-1)
+ elif cmd[0] in ["title", "uri"]:
+ if len(cmd) > 2:
+ uzbl = self.get_tab_by_pid(int(cmd[1]))
+ if uzbl:
+ old = getattr(uzbl, cmd[0])
+ new = ' '.join(cmd[2:])
+ setattr(uzbl, cmd[0], new)
+ if old != new:
+ self.update_tablist()
+ else:
+ error("parse_command: no uzbl with pid %r" % int(cmd[1]))
+ elif cmd[0] == "preset":
+ if len(cmd) < 3:
+ error("parse_command: invalid preset command")
+ elif cmd[1] == "save":
+ path = os.path.join(config['saved_sessions_dir'], cmd[2])
+ self.save_session(path)
+ elif cmd[1] == "load":
+ path = os.path.join(config['saved_sessions_dir'], cmd[2])
+ self.load_session(path)
+ elif cmd[1] == "del":
+ path = os.path.join(config['saved_sessions_dir'], cmd[2])
+ if os.path.isfile(path):
+ os.remove(path)
+ else:
+ error("parse_command: preset %r does not exist." % path)
+ elif cmd[1] == "list":
+ uzbl = self.get_tab_by_pid(int(cmd[2]))
+ if uzbl:
+ if not os.path.isdir(config['saved_sessions_dir']):
+ js = "js alert('No saved presets.');"
+ uzbl.send(js)
+ else:
+ listdir = os.listdir(config['saved_sessions_dir'])
+ listdir = "\\n".join(listdir)
+ js = "js alert('Session presets:\\n\\n%s');" % listdir
+ uzbl.send(js)
+ else:
+ error("parse_command: unknown tab pid.")
+ else:
+ error("parse_command: unknown parse command %r"\
+ % ' '.join(cmd))
+ elif cmd[0] == "bring_to_front":
+ self.window.present()
+ elif cmd[0] == "clean":
+ self.clean_slate()
+ elif cmd[0] == "exit":
+ self.quitrequest()
+ else:
+ error("parse_command: unknown command %r" % ' '.join(cmd))
+ def get_tab_by_pid(self, pid):
+ '''Return uzbl instance by pid.'''
+ for (tab, uzbl) in self.tabs.items():
+ if == pid:
+ return uzbl
+ return False
+ def new_tab(self, uri='', title='', switch=None):
+ '''Add a new tab to the notebook and start a new instance of uzbl.
+ Use the switch option to negate config['switch_to_new_tabs'] option
+ when you need to load multiple tabs at a time (I.e. like when
+ restoring a session from a file).'''
+ pid = self.next_pid()
+ tab = gtk.Socket()
+ self.notebook.append_page(tab)
+ sid = tab.get_id()
+ uri = uri.strip()
+ fifo_filename = 'uzbl_fifo_%s_%0.2d' % (self.wid, pid)
+ fifo_socket = os.path.join(config['fifo_dir'], fifo_filename)
+ socket_filename = 'uzbl_socket_%s_%0.2d' % (self.wid, pid)
+ socket_file = os.path.join(config['socket_dir'], socket_filename)
+ if switch is None:
+ switch = config['switch_to_new_tabs']
+ if not title:
+ title = config['new_tab_title']
+ uzbl = self.UzblInstance(self, tab, fifo_socket, socket_file, pid,\
+ uri, title, switch)
+ if len(uri):
+ uri = "--uri %r" % uri
+ self.tabs[tab] = uzbl
+ cmd = 'uzbl -s %s -n %s_%0.2d %s &' % (sid, self.wid, pid, uri)
+ subprocess.Popen([cmd], shell=True) # TODO: do i need close_fds=True ?
+ # Add gobject timer to make sure the config is pushed when fifo socket
+ # has been created.
+ timerid = timeout_add(100, uzbl.flush, "flush-initial-config")
+ uzbl.timers['flush-initial-config'] = timerid
+ self.update_tablist()
+ def clean_slate(self):
+ '''Close all open tabs and open a fresh brand new one.'''
+ self.new_tab()
+ tabs = self.tabs.keys()
+ for tab in list(self.notebook)[:-1]:
+ if tab not in tabs: continue
+ uzbl = self.tabs[tab]
+ uzbl.send("exit")
+ def config_uzbl(self, uzbl):
+ '''Send bind commands for tab new/close/next/prev to a uzbl
+ instance.'''
+ binds = []
+ bind_format = r'bind %s = sh "echo \"%s\" > \"%s\""'
+ bind = lambda key, action: binds.append(bind_format % (key, action,\
+ self.fifo_socket))
+ sets = []
+ set_format = r'set %s = sh \"echo \\"%s\\" > \\"%s\\""'
+ set = lambda key, action: binds.append(set_format % (key, action,\
+ self.fifo_socket))
+ # Bind definitions here
+ # bind(key, command back to fifo)
+ bind(config['bind_new_tab'], 'new')
+ bind(config['bind_tab_from_clip'], 'newfromclip')
+ bind(config['bind_tab_from_uri'], 'new %s')
+ bind(config['bind_close_tab'], 'close')
+ bind(config['bind_next_tab'], 'next')
+ bind(config['bind_prev_tab'], 'prev')
+ bind(config['bind_goto_tab'], 'goto %s')
+ bind(config['bind_goto_first'], 'goto 0')
+ bind(config['bind_goto_last'], 'goto -1')
+ bind(config['bind_clean_slate'], 'clean')
+ bind(config['bind_save_preset'], 'preset save %s')
+ bind(config['bind_load_preset'], 'preset load %s')
+ bind(config['bind_del_preset'], 'preset del %s')
+ bind(config['bind_list_presets'], 'preset list %d' %
+ bind(config['bind_exit'], 'exit')
+ # Set definitions here
+ # set(key, command back to fifo)
+ if config['capture_new_windows']:
+ set("new_window", r'new $8')
+ # Send config to uzbl instance via its socket file.
+ uzbl.send("\n".join(binds+sets))
+ def goto_tab(self, index):
+ '''Goto tab n (supports negative indexing).'''
+ tabs = list(self.notebook)
+ if 0 <= index < len(tabs):
+ self.notebook.set_current_page(index)
+ self.update_tablist()
+ return None
+ try:
+ tab = tabs[index]
+ # Update index because index might have previously been a
+ # negative index.
+ index = tabs.index(tab)
+ self.notebook.set_current_page(index)
+ self.update_tablist()
+ except IndexError:
+ pass
+ def next_tab(self, step=1):
+ '''Switch to next tab or n tabs right.'''
+ if step < 1:
+ error("next_tab: invalid step %r" % step)
+ return None
+ ntabs = self.notebook.get_n_pages()
+ tabn = (self.notebook.get_current_page() + step) % ntabs
+ self.notebook.set_current_page(tabn)
+ self.update_tablist()
+ def prev_tab(self, step=1):
+ '''Switch to prev tab or n tabs left.'''
+ if step < 1:
+ error("prev_tab: invalid step %r" % step)
+ return None
+ ntabs = self.notebook.get_n_pages()
+ tabn = self.notebook.get_current_page() - step
+ while tabn < 0: tabn += ntabs
+ self.notebook.set_current_page(tabn)
+ self.update_tablist()
+ def close_tab(self, tabn=None):
+ '''Closes current tab. Supports negative indexing.'''
+ if tabn is None:
+ tabn = self.notebook.get_current_page()
+ else:
+ try:
+ tab = list(self.notebook)[tabn]
+ except IndexError:
+ error("close_tab: invalid index %r" % tabn)
+ return None
+ self.notebook.remove_page(tabn)
+ def tab_opened(self, notebook, tab, index):
+ '''Called upon tab creation. Called by page-added signal.'''
+ if config['switch_to_new_tabs']:
+ self.notebook.set_focus_child(tab)
+ else:
+ oldindex = self.notebook.get_current_page()
+ oldtab = self.notebook.get_nth_page(oldindex)
+ self.notebook.set_focus_child(oldtab)
+ def tab_closed(self, notebook, tab, index):
+ '''Close the window if no tabs are left. Called by page-removed
+ signal.'''
+ if tab in self.tabs.keys():
+ uzbl = self.tabs[tab]
+ for (timer, gid) in uzbl.timers.items():
+ error("tab_closed: removing timer %r" % timer)
+ source_remove(gid)
+ del uzbl.timers[timer]
+ if uzbl._socket:
+ uzbl._socket.close()
+ uzbl._socket = None
+ uzbl._fifoout = []
+ uzbl._socketout = []
+ uzbl._kill = True
+ self._closed.append((uzbl.uri, uzbl.title))
+ self._closed = self._closed[-10:]
+ del self.tabs[tab]
+ if self.notebook.get_n_pages() == 0:
+ if not self._killed and config['save_session']:
+ if os.path.exists(config['session_file']):
+ os.remove(config['session_file'])
+ self.quit()
+ self.update_tablist()
+ return True
+ def tab_changed(self, notebook, page, index):
+ '''Refresh tab list. Called by switch-page signal.'''
+ tab = self.notebook.get_nth_page(index)
+ self.notebook.set_focus_child(tab)
+ self.update_tablist(index)
+ return True
+ def update_tablist(self, curpage=None):
+ '''Upate tablist status bar.'''
+ show_tablist = config['show_tablist']
+ show_gtk_tabs = config['show_gtk_tabs']
+ tab_titles = config['tab_titles']
+ show_ellipsis = config['show_ellipsis']
+ multiline_tabs = config['multiline_tabs']
+ if multiline_tabs:
+ multiline = []
+ if not show_tablist and not show_gtk_tabs:
+ return True
+ tabs = self.tabs.keys()
+ if curpage is None:
+ curpage = self.notebook.get_current_page()
+ title_format = "%s - Uzbl Browser"
+ max_title_len = config['max_title_len']
+ if show_tablist:
+ pango = ""
+ normal = (config['tab_colours'], config['tab_text_colours'])
+ selected = (config['selected_tab'], config['selected_tab_text'])
+ if tab_titles:
+ tab_format = "<span %s> [ %d <span %s> %s</span> ] </span>"
+ else:
+ tab_format = "<span %s> [ <span %s>%d</span> ] </span>"
+ if show_gtk_tabs:
+ gtk_tab_format = "%d %s"
+ for index, tab in enumerate(self.notebook):
+ if tab not in tabs: continue
+ uzbl = self.tabs[tab]
+ if index == curpage:
+ self.window.set_title(title_format % uzbl.title)
+ # Unicode heavy strings do not like being truncated/sliced so by
+ # re-encoding the string sliced of limbs are removed.
+ tabtitle = uzbl.title[:max_title_len + int(show_ellipsis)]
+ if type(tabtitle) != types.UnicodeType:
+ tabtitle = unicode(tabtitle, 'utf-8', 'ignore')
+ tabtitle = tabtitle.encode('utf-8', 'ignore').strip()
+ if show_ellipsis and len(tabtitle) != len(uzbl.title):
+ tabtitle += "\xe2\x80\xa6"
+ if show_gtk_tabs:
+ if tab_titles:
+ self.notebook.set_tab_label_text(tab,
+ gtk_tab_format % (index, tabtitle))
+ else:
+ self.notebook.set_tab_label_text(tab, str(index))
+ if show_tablist:
+ style = colour_selector(index, curpage, uzbl)
+ (tabc, textc) = style
+ if multiline_tabs:
+ opango = pango
+ if tab_titles:
+ pango += tab_format % (tabc, index, textc,
+ escape(tabtitle))
+ else:
+ pango += tab_format % (tabc, textc, index)
+ self.tablist.set_markup(pango)
+ listwidth = self.tablist.get_layout().get_pixel_size()[0]
+ winwidth = self.window.get_size()[0]
+ if listwidth > (winwidth - 20):
+ multiline.append(opango)
+ pango = tab_format % (tabc, index, textc,
+ escape(tabtitle))
+ elif tab_titles:
+ pango += tab_format % (tabc, index, textc,
+ escape(tabtitle))
+ else:
+ pango += tab_format % (tabc, textc, index)
+ if show_tablist:
+ if multiline_tabs:
+ multiline.append(pango)
+ self.tablist.set_markup('&#10;'.join(multiline))
+ else:
+ self.tablist.set_markup(pango)
+ return True
+ def save_session(self, session_file=None):
+ '''Save the current session to file for restoration on next load.'''
+ strip = str.strip
+ if session_file is None:
+ session_file = config['session_file']
+ tabs = self.tabs.keys()
+ state = []
+ for tab in list(self.notebook):
+ if tab not in tabs: continue
+ uzbl = self.tabs[tab]
+ if not uzbl.uri: continue
+ state += [(uzbl.uri, uzbl.title),]
+ session = {'curtab': self.notebook.get_current_page(),
+ 'tabs': state}
+ if config['json_session']:
+ raw = json.dumps(session)
+ else:
+ lines = ["curtab = %d" % session['curtab'],]
+ for (uri, title) in session['tabs']:
+ lines += ["%s\t%s" % (strip(uri), strip(title)),]
+ raw = "\n".join(lines)
+ if not os.path.isfile(session_file):
+ dirname = os.path.dirname(session_file)
+ if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
+ os.makedirs(dirname)
+ h = open(session_file, 'w')
+ h.write(raw)
+ h.close()
+ def load_session(self, session_file=None):
+ '''Load a saved session from file.'''
+ default_path = False
+ strip = str.strip
+ json_session = config['json_session']
+ delete_loaded = False
+ if session_file is None:
+ default_path = True
+ delete_loaded = True
+ session_file = config['session_file']
+ if not os.path.isfile(session_file):
+ return False
+ h = open(session_file, 'r')
+ raw =
+ h.close()
+ if json_session:
+ if sum([1 for s in raw.split("\n") if strip(s)]) != 1:
+ error("Warning: The session file %r does not look json. "\
+ "Trying to load it as a non-json session file."\
+ % session_file)
+ json_session = False
+ if json_session:
+ try:
+ session = json.loads(raw)
+ curtab, tabs = session['curtab'], session['tabs']
+ except:
+ error("Failed to load jsonifed session from %r"\
+ % session_file)
+ return None
+ else:
+ tabs = []
+ strip = str.strip
+ curtab, tabs = 0, []
+ lines = [s for s in raw.split("\n") if strip(s)]
+ if len(lines) < 2:
+ error("Warning: The non-json session file %r looks invalid."\
+ % session_file)
+ return None
+ try:
+ for line in lines:
+ if line.startswith("curtab"):
+ curtab = int(line.split()[-1])
+ else:
+ uri, title = line.split("\t",1)
+ tabs += [(strip(uri), strip(title)),]
+ except:
+ error("Warning: failed to load session file %r" % session_file)
+ return None
+ session = {'curtab': curtab, 'tabs': tabs}
+ # Now populate notebook with the loaded session.
+ for (index, (uri, title)) in enumerate(tabs):
+ self.new_tab(uri=uri, title=title, switch=(curtab==index))
+ # A saved session has been loaded now delete it.
+ if delete_loaded and os.path.exists(session_file):
+ os.remove(session_file)
+ # There may be other state information in the session dict of use to
+ # other functions. Of course however the non-json session object is
+ # just a dummy object of no use to no one.
+ return session
+ def quitrequest(self, *args):
+ '''Attempt to close all uzbl instances nicely and exit.'''
+ self._killed = True
+ if config['save_session']:
+ if len(list(self.notebook)) > 1:
+ self.save_session()
+ else:
+ # Notebook has one page open so delete the session file.
+ if os.path.isfile(config['session_file']):
+ os.remove(config['session_file'])
+ for (tab, uzbl) in self.tabs.items():
+ uzbl.send("exit")
+ # Add a gobject timer to make sure the application force-quits after a
+ # reasonable period. Calling quit when all the tabs haven't had time to
+ # close should be a last resort.
+ timer = "force-quit"
+ timerid = timeout_add(5000, self.quit, timer)
+ self._timers[timer] = timerid
+ def quit(self, *args):
+ '''Cleanup and quit. Called by delete-event signal.'''
+ # Close the fifo socket, remove any gobject io event handlers and
+ # delete socket.
+ self.unlink_fifo_socket()
+ # Remove all gobject timers that are still ticking.
+ for (timerid, gid) in self._timers.items():
+ source_remove(gid)
+ del self._timers[timerid]
+ try:
+ gtk.main_quit()
+ except:
+ pass
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # Read from the uzbl config into the global config dictionary.
+ readconfig(UZBL_CONFIG, config)
+ # Build command line parser
+ usage = "usage: %prog [OPTIONS] {URIS}..."
+ parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
+ parser.add_option('-n', '--no-session', dest='nosession',
+ action='store_true', help="ignore session saving a loading.")
+ parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose',
+ action='store_true', help='print verbose output.')
+ # Parse command line options
+ (options, uris) = parser.parse_args()
+ if options.nosession:
+ config['save_session'] = False
+ if options.verbose:
+ config['verbose'] = True
+ if config['json_session']:
+ try:
+ import simplejson as json
+ except:
+ error("Warning: json_session set but cannot import the python "\
+ "module simplejson. Fix: \"set json_session = 0\" or "\
+ "install the simplejson python module to remove this warning.")
+ config['json_session'] = False
+ if config['verbose']:
+ import pprint
+ sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % pprint.pformat(config))
+ uzbl = UzblTabbed()
+ # All extra arguments given to are interpreted as
+ # web-locations to opened in new tabs.
+ lasturi = len(uris)-1
+ for (index,uri) in enumerate(uris):
+ uzbl.new_tab(uri, switch=(index==lasturi))