path: root/.config/vim/syntax/matlab.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.config/vim/syntax/matlab.vim')
1 files changed, 359 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.config/vim/syntax/matlab.vim b/.config/vim/syntax/matlab.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fdce0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/vim/syntax/matlab.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Matlab
+" Maintainer: Fabrice Guy <fabrice.guy at gmail dot com>
+" Original authors: Mario Eusebio and Preben Guldberg
+" Last Change: 2008 Oct 16 : added try/catch/rethrow and class statements
+" 2008 Oct 28 : added highlighting for most of Matlab functions
+" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
+" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if version < 600
+ syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+syn keyword matlabStatement return function
+syn keyword matlabConditional switch case else elseif end if otherwise break continue
+syn keyword matlabRepeat do for while
+syn keyword matlabStorageClass classdef methods properties events persistent global
+syn keyword matlabExceptions try catch rethrow throw
+syn keyword matlabTodo contained TODO NOTE FIXME XXX
+syn keyword matlabImport import
+" If you do not want these operators lit, uncommment them and the "hi link" below
+syn match matlabRelationalOperator "\(==\|\~=\|>=\|<=\|=\~\|>\|<\|=\)"
+syn match matlabArithmeticOperator "[-+]"
+syn match matlabArithmeticOperator "\.\=[*/\\^]"
+syn match matlabLogicalOperator "[&|~]"
+syn keyword matlabBoolean true false
+syn match matlabLineContinuation "\.\{3}"
+" String
+syn region matlabString start=+'+ end=+'+ oneline
+" If you don't like tabs
+syn match matlabTab "\t"
+" Standard numbers
+syn match matlabNumber "\<\d\+[ij]\=\>"
+" floating point number, with dot, optional exponent
+syn match matlabFloat "\<\d\+\(\.\d*\)\=\([edED][-+]\=\d\+\)\=[ij]\=\>"
+" floating point number, starting with a dot, optional exponent
+syn match matlabFloat "\.\d\+\([edED][-+]\=\d\+\)\=[ij]\=\>"
+syn keyword matlabConstant eps Inf NaN pi
+" Transpose character and delimiters: Either use just [...] or (...) aswell
+syn match matlabDelimiter "[][]"
+"syn match matlabDelimiter "[][()]"
+syn match matlabTransposeOperator "[])a-zA-Z0-9.]'"lc=1
+syn match matlabSemicolon ";"
+syn match matlabComment "%.*$" contains=matlabTodo,matlabTab
+syn region matlabBlockComment start=+%{+ end=+%}+
+" trigonometric
+syn keyword matlabFunc acos acosd acosh acot acotd acoth acsc acscd acsch asec asecd asech asin asind asinh
+syn keyword matlabFunc atan atan2 atand atanh cos cosd cosh cot cotd coth csc cscd csch hypot sec secd
+syn keyword matlabFunc sech sin sind sinh tan tand tanh
+" exponential
+syn keyword matlabFunc exp expm1 log log10 log1p log2 nextpow2 nthroot pow2 reallog realpow realsqrt sqrt
+" Complex
+syn keyword matlabFunc abs angle complex conj cplxpair imag real sign unwrap
+" Rounding and Remainder
+syn keyword matlabFunc ceil fix floor idivide mod rem round
+"Discrete Math (e.g., Prime Factors)
+syn keyword matlabFunc factor factorial gcd isprime lcm nchoosek perms primes rat rats
+syn keyword matlabFunc conv deconv poly polyder polyeig polyfit polyint polyval polyvalm residue roots
+"Numeric Types
+syn keyword matlabFunc arrayfun cast cat class find intmax intmin intwarning ipermute isa isequal isequalwithequalnans isfinite isinf isnan isnumeric isreal isscalar isvector permute realmax realmin reshape squeeze zeros
+"Characters and Strings
+syn keyword matlabFunc cellstr char eval findstr isstr regexp sprintf sscanf strcat strcmp strcmpi strings strjust strmatch strread strrep strtrim strvcat
+syn keyword matlabFunc cell2struct deal fieldnames getfield isfield isstruct orderfields rmfield setfield struct struct2cell structfun
+"Cell Arrays
+syn keyword matlabFunc cell cell2mat celldisp cellfun cellplot iscell iscellstr mat2cell num2cell
+"Function Handles
+syn keyword matlabFunc feval func2str functions str2func
+"Java Classes and Objects
+syn keyword matlabFunc clear depfun exist im2java inmem javaaddpath javaArray javachk Generate javaclasspath javaMethod javaObject javarmpath methodsview usejava which
+"Data Type Identification
+syn keyword matlabFunc ischar isfloat isinteger isjava islogical isobject validateattributes who whos
+"Data type conversion
+syn keyword matlabFunc double int8 int16 int32 int64 single typecast uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64
+"String to Numeric
+syn keyword matlabFunc base2dec bin2dec hex2dec hex2num str2double str2num unicode2native
+"Numeric to String
+syn keyword matlabFunc dec2base dec2bin dec2hex int2str mat2str native2unicode num2str
+"Other Conversions
+syn keyword matlabFunc datestr logical num2hex str2mat
+"String Creation
+syn keyword matlabFunc blanks
+"String Identification
+syn keyword matlabFunc isletter isspace isstrprop validatestring
+"String Manipulation
+syn keyword matlabFunc deblank lower upper
+"String Parsing
+syn keyword matlabFunc regexpi regexprep regexptranslate strfind strtok
+"String Evaluation
+syn keyword matlabFunc evalc evalin
+"String Comparison
+syn keyword matlabFunc strncmp strncmpi
+"Bit-wise Functions
+syn keyword matlabFunc bitand bitcmp bitget bitmax bitor bitset bitshift bitxor swapbytes
+"Logical Functions
+syn keyword matlabFunc all and any iskeyword isvarname not or xor
+"Predefined Dialog Boxes
+syn keyword matlabFunc dialog errordlg export2wsdlg helpdlg inputdlg listdlg msgbox printdlg printpreview questdlg uigetdir uigetfile uigetpref uiopen uiputfile uisave uisetcolor uisetfont waitbar warndlg
+"Deploying User Interfaces
+syn keyword matlabFunc guidata guihandles movegui openfig
+"Developing User Interfaces
+syn keyword matlabFunc addpref getappdata getpref ginput guide inspect isappdata ispref rmappdata rmpref setappdata setpref uisetpref waitfor waitforbuttonpress
+"User Interface Objects
+syn keyword matlabFunc uibuttongroup uicontextmenu uicontrol uimenu uipanel uipushtool uitoggletool uitoolbar menu
+"Finding Objects from Callbacks
+syn keyword matlabFunc findall findfigs findobj gcbf gcbo
+"GUI Utility Functions
+syn keyword matlabFunc align getpixelposition listfonts selectmoveresize setpixelposition textwrap uistack
+"Controlling Program Execution
+syn keyword matlabFunc uiresume uiwait
+"Basic Plots and Graphs
+syn keyword matlabFunc box errorbar hold loglog plot plot3 plotyy polar semilogx semilogy subplot
+"Plotting Tools
+syn keyword matlabFunc figurepalette pan plotbrowser plotedit plottools propertyeditor rotate3d showplottool zoom
+"Annotating Plots
+syn keyword matlabFunc annotation clabel datacursormode datetick gtext legend line rectangle texlabel title xlabel ylabel zlabel
+"Area, Bar, and Pie Plots
+syn keyword matlabFunc area bar barh bar3 bar3h pareto pie pie3
+"Contour Plots
+syn keyword matlabFunc contour contour3 contourc contourf ezcontour ezcontourf
+"Direction and Velocity Plots
+syn keyword matlabFunc comet comet3 compass feather quiver quiver3
+"Discrete Data Plots
+syn keyword matlabFunc stairs stem stem3
+"Function Plots
+syn keyword matlabFunc ezmesh ezmeshc ezplot ezplot3 ezpolar ezsurf ezsurfc fplot
+syn keyword matlabFunc hist histc rose
+"Polygons and Surfaces
+syn keyword matlabFunc convhull cylinder delaunay delaunay3 delaunayn dsearch dsearchn ellipsoid fill fill3 inpolygon pcolor polyarea rectint ribbon slice sphere tsearch tsearchn voronoi waterfall
+"Scatter/Bubble Plots
+syn keyword matlabFunc plotmatrix scatter scatter3
+syn keyword matlabFunc getframe im2frame movie noanimate
+"Bit-Mapped Images
+syn keyword matlabFunc frame2im image imagesc imfinfo imformats imread imwrite ind2rgb
+syn keyword matlabFunc frameedit hgexport orient print printopt saveas
+"Handle Graphics
+syn keyword matlabFunc allchild ancestor copyobj delete gca gco get ishandle propedit set
+syn keyword matlabFunc axes figure hggroup hgtransform light patch
+"root object
+syn keyword matlabFunc surface text
+"Plot Objects
+syn keyword matlabFunc clf close closereq drawnow gcf hgload hgsave newplot opengl refresh
+"Axes Operations
+syn keyword matlabFunc axis cla grid ishold makehgtform
+"Operating on Object Properties
+syn keyword matlabFunc linkaxes linkprop refreshdata
+"Data analysis
+"Basic Operations
+syn keyword matlabFunc brush cumprod cumsum linkdata prod sort sortrows sum
+"Descriptive Statistics
+syn keyword matlabFunc corrcoef cov max mean median min mode std var
+"Filtering and Convolution
+syn keyword matlabFunc conv2 convn detrend filter filter2
+"Interpolation and Regression
+syn keyword matlabFunc interp1 interp2 interp3 interpn mldivide mrdivide
+"Fourier Transforms
+syn keyword matlabFunc fft fft2 fftn fftshift fftw ifft ifft2 ifftn ifftshift
+"Derivatives and Integrals
+syn keyword matlabFunc cumtrapz del2 diff gradient trapz
+"File Operations
+syn keyword matlabFunc cd copyfile dir fileattrib filebrowser isdir lookfor ls matlabroot mkdir movefile pwd recycle rehash rmdir toolboxdir type what
+"Operating System Interface
+syn keyword matlabFunc clipboard computer dos getenv hostid maxNumCompThreads perl setenv system unix winqueryreg
+"MATLAB Version and License
+syn keyword matlabFunc ismac ispc isstudent isunix javachk license prefdir usejava ver verLessThan version
+"Basic Information
+syn keyword matlabFunc disp display isempty issparse length ndims numel size
+"Elementary Matrices and Arrays
+syn keyword matlabFunc blkdiag diag eye freqspace ind2sub linspace logspace meshgrid ndgrid ones rand randn sub2ind
+"Array Operations
+syn keyword matlabFunc accumarray bsxfun cross dot kron tril triu
+"Array Manipulation
+syn keyword matlabFunc circshift flipdim fliplr flipud horzcat inline repmat rot90 shiftdim vectorize vertcat
+"Specialized Matrices
+syn keyword matlabFunc compan gallery hadamard hankel hilb invhilb magic pascal rosser toeplitz vander wilkinson
+"Matrix Analysis
+syn keyword matlabFunc cond condeig det norm normest null orth rank rcond rref subspace trace
+"Linear Equations
+syn keyword matlabFunc chol cholinc condest funm ilu inv linsolve lscov lsqnonneg lu luinc pinv qr
+"Eigenvalues and Singular Values
+syn keyword matlabFunc balance cdf2rdf eig eigs gsvd hess ordeig ordqz ordschur rsf2csf schur sqrtm ss2tf svd svds
+"Matrix Logarithms and Exponentials
+syn keyword matlabFunc expm logm
+syn keyword matlabFunc cholupdate planerot qrdelete qrinsert qrupdate qz
+syn keyword matlabFunc griddata griddata3 griddatan interp1q interpft mkpp padecoef pchip ppval spline unmkpp
+"Delaunay Triangulation and Tessellation
+syn keyword matlabFunc tetramesh trimesh triplot trisurf
+"Convex Hull
+syn keyword matlabFunc convhulln
+"Voronoi Diagrams
+syn keyword matlabFunc voronoin
+"Cartesian Coordinate System Conversion
+syn keyword matlabFunc cart2pol cart2sph pol2cart sph2cart
+"Ordinary Differential Equations (IVP)
+syn keyword matlabFunc decic deval ode15i ode23 ode45 ode113 ode15s ode23s ode23t ode23tb odefile odeget odeset odextend
+"Delay Differential Equations
+syn keyword matlabFunc dde23 ddeget ddesd ddeset
+"Boundary Value Problems
+syn keyword matlabFunc bvp4c bvp5c bvpget bvpinit bvpset bvpxtend
+"Partial Differential Equations
+syn keyword matlabFunc pdepe pdeval
+syn keyword matlabFunc fminbnd fminsearch fzero optimget optimset
+"Numerical Integration (Quadrature)
+syn keyword matlabFunc dblquad quad quadgk quadl quadv triplequad
+"Specialized Math
+syn keyword matlabFunc airy besselh besseli besselj besselk bessely beta betainc betaln ellipj ellipke erf erfc erfcx erfinv erfcinv expint gamma gammainc gammaln legendre psi
+"Elementary Sparse Matrices
+syn keyword matlabFunc spdiags speye sprand sprandn sprandsym
+"Full to Sparse Conversion
+syn keyword matlabFunc full sparse spconvert
+"Working with Sparse Matrices
+syn keyword matlabFunc nnz nonzeros nzmax spalloc spfun spones spparms spy
+"Reordering Algorithms
+syn keyword matlabFunc amd colamd colperm dmperm ldl randperm symamd symrcm
+"Linear Algebra
+syn keyword matlabFunc spaugment sprank
+"Linear Equations (Iterative Methods)
+syn keyword matlabFunc bicg bicgstab cgs gmres lsqr minres pcg qmr symmlq
+"Tree Operations
+syn keyword matlabFunc etree etreeplot gplot symbfact treelayout treeplot
+"General Purpose
+syn keyword matlabFunc getdatasamplesize getqualitydesc timeseries tsprops tstool
+"Data Manipulation
+syn keyword matlabFunc addsample ctranspose delsample getabstime getinterpmethod getsampleusingtime idealfilter resample setabstime setinterpmethod synchronize transpose
+"Event Data
+syn keyword matlabFunc addevent delevent gettsafteratevent gettsafterevent gettsatevent gettsbeforeatevent gettsbeforeevent gettsbetweenevents
+"Descriptive Statistics
+syn keyword matlabFunc iqr
+"Time Series Collections
+"General Purpose
+syn keyword matlabFunc tscollection
+"Data Manipulation
+syn keyword matlabFunc addsampletocollection addts delsamplefromcollection gettimeseriesnames removets settimeseriesnames
+"Set Functions
+syn keyword matlabFunc intersect ismember issorted setdiff setxor union unique
+"Date and Time Functions
+syn keyword matlabFunc addtodate calendar clock cputime date datenum datevec eomday etime now weekday
+"M-File Functions and Scripts
+syn keyword matlabFunc addOptional addParamValue addRequired createCopy depdir echo input inputname inputParser mfilename namelengthmax nargchk nargin nargout nargoutchk parse pcode
+"script Script M-file description
+syn keyword matlabFunc varargin varargout
+"Evaluation of Expressions and Functions
+syn keyword matlabFunc ans assert builtin pause run script symvar
+"Timer Functions
+syn keyword matlabFunc isvalid start startat stop timer timerfind timerfindall wait
+"Variables and Functions in Memory
+syn keyword matlabFunc assignin datatipinfo genvarname isglobal memory mislocked mlock munlock pack
+"Control Flow
+syn keyword matlabFunc parfor
+"Error Handling
+syn keyword matlabFunc addCause error ferror getReport last lasterr lasterror lastwarn warning
+"Classes and Objects
+syn keyword matlabFunc addlistener addprop dynamicprops
+"events Display class event names
+syn keyword matlabFunc findprop getdisp handle hgsetget inferiorto loadobj metaclass notify saveobj setdisp subsasgn subsindex subsref substruct superiorto
+"File Name Construction
+syn keyword matlabFunc filemarker fileparts filesep fullfile tempdir tempname
+"Opening, Loading, Saving Files
+syn keyword matlabFunc daqread filehandle importdata load open save uiimport winopen
+"Memory Mapping
+syn keyword matlabFunc memmapfile
+"Low-Level File I/O
+syn keyword matlabFunc fclose feof fgetl fgets fopen fprintf fread frewind fscanf fseek ftell fwrite
+"Text Files
+syn keyword matlabFunc csvread csvwrite dlmread dlmwrite textread textscan
+"XML Documents
+syn keyword matlabFunc xmlread xmlwrite xslt
+"Microsoft Excel Functions
+syn keyword matlabFunc xlsfinfo xlsread xlswrite
+"Lotus 1-2-3 Functions
+syn keyword matlabFunc wk1finfo wk1read wk1write
+"Common Data Format (CDF)
+syn keyword matlabFunc cdfepoch cdfinfo cdfread cdfwrite todatenum
+"Flexible Image Transport System
+syn keyword matlabFunc fitsinfo fitsread
+"Hierarchical Data Format (HDF)
+syn keyword matlabFunc hdf hdf5 hdf5info hdf5read hdf5write hdfinfo hdfread hdftool
+"Band-Interleaved Data
+syn keyword matlabFunc multibandread multibandwrite
+syn match matlabError "-\=\<\d\+\.\d\+\.[^*/\\^]"
+syn match matlabError "-\=\<\d\+\.\d\+[eEdD][-+]\=\d\+\.\([^*/\\^]\)"
+" Define the default highlighting.
+" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
+" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
+if version >= 508 || !exists("did_matlab_syntax_inits")
+ if version < 508
+ let did_matlab_syntax_inits = 1
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
+ else
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+ endif
+ HiLink matlabTransposeOperator matlabOperator
+ HiLink matlabLineContinuation Special
+ HiLink matlabLabel Label
+ HiLink matlabConditional Conditional
+ HiLink matlabRepeat Repeat
+ HiLink matlabTodo Todo
+ HiLink matlabString String
+ HiLink matlabDelimiter Identifier
+ HiLink matlabTransposeOther Identifier
+ HiLink matlabNumber Number
+ HiLink matlabFloat Float
+ HiLink matlabConstant Constant
+ HiLink matlabError Error
+ HiLink matlabImplicit matlabStatement
+ HiLink matlabStatement Statement
+ HiLink matlabSemicolon SpecialChar
+ HiLink matlabComment Comment
+ HiLink matlabBlockComment Comment
+ HiLink matlabImport Include
+ HiLink matlabBoolean Boolean
+ HiLink matlabStorageClass StorageClass
+ HiLink matlabArithmeticOperator matlabOperator
+ HiLink matlabRelationalOperator matlabOperator
+ HiLink matlabLogicalOperator matlabOperator
+ HiLink matlabOperator Operator
+ HiLink matlabExceptions Exception
+ HiLink matlabFunc Function
+"optional highlighting
+ "HiLink matlabIdentifier Identifier
+ "HiLink matlabTab Error
+ delcommand HiLink
+let b:current_syntax = "matlab"
+"EOF vim: ts=8 noet tw=100 sw=8 sts=0