if [ "${SSH_USER}x" = "x" ]; then export SSH_USER=$USER fi #export PAGER="col -b 2>/dev/null | view -c 'set ft=man' -c 'set titlestring=[view]man' -c 'set number!' -" #export PAGER="sed 's/\[[^m]*m//g; s/.//g' | view -c 'set ft=man' -c 'set titlestring=[view]man' -c 'set number!' -" #export MANWIDTH=4294967296 #export PAGER="sed 's/\[[^m]*m//g' | view -c 'set ft=man' -c 'set titlestring=[view]man' -c 'set number!' -" # from dell-notebook # \x1b = \e ; \x08 = ^H (backspace) #PAGER="sed 's/\\x1b\[[^m]*m//g; s/\\x08.//g' | \ # view -c 'set ft=man' -c 'set titlestring=man' -c 'set number!' -" # since vim has support - use built in ones.. if [ `type -P vimpager 2>&-` ]; then export MANPAGER="vimmanpager" export PAGER="vimpager" fi # dont like the automatic pager spawning for ctl aps export SYSTEMD_PAGER=cat if [[ ${EUID} == 0 ]]; then DELIM_COL='\[\e[0;31m\]' DIR_COL='\[\e[0;34m\]' UNAME_COL='\[\e[0;31m\]' else DELIM_COL='\[\e[0;34m\]' DIR_COL='\[\e[0;32m\]' UNAME_COL='\[\e[1;32m\]' fi NOR_COL='\[\e[0m\]' PS1="${DELIM_COL}[${DIR_COL}\W${DELIM_COL}] \\\$ ${NOR_COL}" [[ -n $SSH_CLIENT ]] && PS1="${UNAME_COL}`[[ ${EUID} != 0 ]] && echo '\u@'`\h $PS1" unset BRACKET_COL DIR_COL PROMPT_COL NOR_COL UNAME_COL #if [[ ${EUID} == 0 ]] ; then # PS1='\[\e[0;31m\][\[\e[0;34m\]\W\[\e[0;31m\]] \$\[\e[0m\] ' # [[ -n $SSH_CLIENT ]] && PS1="\[\e[0;31m\]\h\[\e[0m\] $PS1" #else # PS1='\[\e[0;34m\][\[\e[0;32m\]\W\[\e[0;34m\]] \$\[\e[0m\] ' # [[ -n $SSH_CLIENT ]] && PS1="\[\e[1;32m\]\u@\h\[\e[0m\] $PS1" #fi ##PS1="\$(test \$(~/coding/c/get_cursor_pos) -gt 1 && echo '\[\n\]')${PS1}" ##PS1="\$([[ \$(get_cursor_y) -gt 1 ]] && echo -n '\[\n\]')$PS1" ##PS1="\$(prompt_nl_needed && echo '\[\n\]')${PS1}" #PS1="\$(print_prompt_nl_if_needed)${PS1}" #PS1="\$(~/coding/c/nl_if_needed)$PS1" #inspired by http://www.xfce-look.org/content/show.php/My+Destkop+(December)?content=50362 #PS1="\[\e[\$((COLUMNS-\$(echo -n '\W' | wc -c)-2))G\] [\W]\[\e[0G\]\$ " CMD="\$(date +%H:%M)" #PS1="\[\e[\$((COLUMNS-\$(echo -n $CMD | wc -c)-2))G\] \[\e[0;34m\][\[\e[0;32m\]$CMD\[\e[0;34m\]]\[\e[0G\]${PS1}" #PS1="$PS1\[\e[s\[\e[\$((COLUMNS-\$(echo -n $CMD | wc -c)-2))G\]abc\[\e[u\]" #if [[ ${EUID} != 0 ]] ; then #PS1='\[\033[1;34m\]\W \$\[\033[00m\] ' #PS1='[\[\e[0;31m\]\W\[\e[0m\]] \$ ' #PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]\u\[\033[00m\]@\[\033[01;31m\]\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]$ ' #PS1='\[\e[1;31m\][\[\e[1;32m\]\W\[\e[1;31m\]]\[\e[1;34m\] \$\[\e[0m\] ' #PS1='\[\e[0;34m\][\[\e[0;32m\]\W\[\e[0;34m\]] \$\[\e[0m\] ' #PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]\u\[\033[00m\]@\[\033[01;31m\]\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]$ ' #PS1='[\[\e[36;40m\]\u\[\e[0m\]] \[\e[32;40m\]\W \[\e[0m\]\$ ' #PS1='[\u \w]\$ ' #PS1="\[\033[0;36m\]\t\[\033[1;35m\]^\ #\[\033[0;32m\]\u\[\033[1;34m\]@\[\033[0;32m\]\ #\h\[\033[1;35m\]:\[\033[1;33m\]\w\[\033[0m\]\ #\[\033[1;34m\]$\[\033[0m\] " #fi # configure audio export SDL_AUDIODRIVER=pulse #export SDL_AUDIODRIVER=alsa #export AUDIODEV=plug:upmix # set XDG corresponding variables export XDG_DATA_HOME="${HOME}/.config" export XDG_CONFIG_HOME="${HOME}/.config" export XDG_CACHE_HOME="${HOME}/.cache" # openal config in ~/.config/openal/alsoft.conf instead of ~/.alsoftrc export ALSOFT_CONF="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/openal/alsoft.conf" # readline should read its user config from this path instead ~/.inputrc export INPUTRC="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/readline/inputrc" # manually set vim's vimrc variable and then source that file on vim startup export VIMINIT='let $MYVIMRC="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vim/vimrc" | source $MYVIMRC' export GTK2_RC_FILES="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/gtk-2.0/gtkrc" export EIXRC="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/eixrc/eixrc" # matlow wont start on some system without this export LIBXCB_ALLOW_SLOPPY_LOCK=true export BROWSER=luakit