# This shell script is run before Openbox launches. # Environment variables set here are passed to the Openbox session. # D-bus if which dbus-launch >/dev/null && [ -z "$DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS" ]; then eval `dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session` fi #xrandr --output VGA-0 --mode 1280x1024 --rate 60 # start compositing - shadows and fading #xcompmgr -cCfF -t-5 -l-5 -r4.2 -o0.55 -D6 & >> /dev/null 2>&1 # set background #eval $(cat ~/.fehbg) & nitrogen --restore & #Force OpenOffice.org to use GTK theme export OOO_FORCE_DESKTOP=gnome ~/.local/bin/swIcon.py & #volwheel & #trayer --widthtype request --height 24 --align right --margin 0 --padding 0 \ # --transparent true --alpha 256 --tint 0xffffff --SetDockType true & stalonetray --config ~/.config/stalonetray/stalonetrayrc & ~/.local/bin/voltray.py & #volwheel & # Run XDG autostart things. By default don't run anything desktop-specific # See xdg-autostart --help more info DESKTOP_ENV="" if which /usr/lib64/openbox/xdg-autostart >/dev/null; then /usr/lib64/openbox/xdg-autostart $DESKTOP_ENV & fi # start tray #trayer --widthtype request --height 22 \ # --align right --margin 0 --padding 3 \ # --transparent true --alpha 128 --tint 0x050505 & # start panel tint2 & urxvtd -q -o -f synergys start-pulseaudio-x11 & (sleep 2 ; pidgin) &