" Description: Omni completion debug functions " Maintainer: Vissale NEANG " Last Change: 26 sept. 2007 let s:CACHE_DEBUG_TRACE = [] " Start debug, clear the debug file function! omni#common#debug#Start() let s:CACHE_DEBUG_TRACE = [] call extend(s:CACHE_DEBUG_TRACE, ['============ Debug Start ============']) call writefile(s:CACHE_DEBUG_TRACE, "Omni.dbg") endfunc " End debug, write to debug file function! omni#common#debug#End() call extend(s:CACHE_DEBUG_TRACE, ["============= Debug End ============="]) call extend(s:CACHE_DEBUG_TRACE, [""]) call writefile(s:CACHE_DEBUG_TRACE, "Omni.dbg") endfunc " Debug trace function function! omni#common#debug#Trace(szFuncName, ...) let szTrace = a:szFuncName let paramNum = a:0 if paramNum>0 let szTrace .= ':' endif for i in range(paramNum) let szTrace = szTrace .' ('. string(eval('a:'.string(i+1))).')' endfor call extend(s:CACHE_DEBUG_TRACE, [szTrace]) endfunc