#!/bin/bash # TODO: fail if the current directon is not under version control # TODO: fail if there are uncommitted changes # TODO: @required support # TODO: add relation with optional @lazy support model=$1 property=$2 typ=$3 extension=$(basename `pwd`) extension_normalize=`echo "$extension" | sed 's/_//g'` model_normalize=`echo "$model" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'` tablename="tx_${extension_normalize}_domain_model_${model_normalize}" model_file=Classes/Domain/Model/${model}.php tca_file=Configuration/TCA/${tablename}.php [[ -e "$tca_file" ]] || tca_file=Configuration/TCA/${model}.php # TODO: search backwards for ext_emconf.php and cd to that directory and use it as extension name # TODO: fail if ext_emconf.php is not found (probably the wrong directory) field=`echo $property | sed -r 's/([a-z]+)([A-Z][a-z]+)/\1_\l\2/g'` uproperty=`echo $property | sed -r 's/^./\u&/'` declare -A type_map=( ["int"]="int" ["string"]="string" ["text"]="string" ["rte"]="string" ) declare -A tca_types=( ["int"]="input" ["string"]="input" ["text"]="text" ["rte"]="text" ) declare -A tca_option_map=( ["int"]="'size' => 30" ["string"]="'size' => 30" ["text"]="'cols' => 40, 'rows' => 15" ["rte"]="'cols' => 40, 'rows' => 15" ) declare -A sql_types=( ["int"]="int(11) unsigned DEFAULT '0'" ["string"]="varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL" ["text"]="text NOT NULL" ["rte"]="text NOT NULL" ) declare -A default_values=( ["int"]="0" ["string"]="''" ["text"]="''" ["rte"]="''" ) php_type="${type_map["$typ"]}" tca_type="${tca_types["$typ"]}" tca_options="${tca_option_map["$typ"]}" sql_type="${sql_types["$typ"]}" default_value="${default_values["$typ"]}" ####################################################################################################################### # TCA # The first sed command is a fix for extension_builder's trailing comma in searchFields sed -i \ -e "s/\('searchFields' => .*\),',/\1',/" \ -e "s/\('searchFields.*\)',\$/\1,$field',/" \ -e "s/\('showRecordFieldList.*\)',\$/\1, $field',/" \ $tca_file # Place before the access tab, if that is available if grep --quiet -- '--div--;LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_ttc.xlf:tabs.access' $tca_file; then sed -i "s/\('showitem' => '..*\)--div/\1$field, --div/" $tca_file else sed -i "s/\('showitem' => '..*\)'),/\1, $field'),/" $tca_file fi sed -i "s#'columns'.*#&\n\n\ '${field}' => array(\n\ 'exclude' => 1,\n\ 'label' => 'LLL:EXT:${extension}/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:${tablename}.${field}',\n\ 'config' => array(\n\ 'type' => '${tca_type}',\n\ $tca_options,\n\ 'eval' => 'trim'\n\ ),\n\ ),#" \ $tca_file # Locallang fixes sed -i "s/.*<\/body>/\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t${uproperty}<\/source>\n\t\t\t<\/trans-unit>\n&/" \ Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf \ Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf sed -i "s/.*<\/body>/\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t${field}<\/source>\n\t\t\t<\/trans-unit>\n&/" \ Resources/Private/Language/locallang_csh_${tablename}.xlf #ext_tables.sql sed -i "s/CREATE TABLE ${tablename} (/&\n\n\t${field} ${sql_type},/" ext_tables.sql #if grep --quient function sed -i "\$s#^#\n\ /**\n\ * ${property}\n\ *\n\ * @var ${php_type}\n\ */\n\ protected \$${property} = ${default_value};\n\ \n\ /**\n\ * Returns the ${property}\n\ *\n\ * @return ${php_type} \$${property}\n\ */\n\ public function get${uproperty}()\n\ {\n\ return \$this->${property};\n\ }\n\ \n\ /**\n\ * Sets the ${property}\n\ *\n\ * @param ${php_type} \$${property}\n\ * @return void\n\ */\n\ public function set${uproperty}(\$${property})\n\ {\n\ \$this->${property} = \$${property};\n\ }\n#" \ $model_file echo "Created \$${property} in ${model}" echo echo "Edit Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf to edit the label shown in the TCA." echo "Edit Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf to edit the label shown in the Frontend." echo echo "You should edit ext_tables.sql, $tca_file and $model_file to move some definitions to the proper place."