path: root/Source/SaWMan/include/sawman.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'Source/SaWMan/include/sawman.h')
1 files changed, 519 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Source/SaWMan/include/sawman.h b/Source/SaWMan/include/sawman.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fa0fbbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/SaWMan/include/sawman.h
@@ -0,0 +1,519 @@
+ (c) Copyright 2006-2007
+ All rights reserved.
+ Written by Denis Oliver Kropp <>.
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License along with this library; if not, write to the
+ Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef __SAWMAN_H__
+#define __SAWMAN_H__
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+#include <directfb.h>
+#include <direct/list.h>
+#include <fusion/ref.h>
+#include <fusion/vector.h>
+#include "sawman_types.h"
+ * Main SaWMan interface for all executables including start/stop of other applications.
+ */
+ * Manager interface to be created only once for the application manager executable.
+ */
+DirectResult SaWManInit ( int *argc,
+ char ***argv );
+DirectResult SaWManCreate( ISaWMan **ret_sawman );
+ * Public SaWMan types
+ */
+typedef enum {
+ SWMWF_NONE = 0x00000000,
+ SWMWF_INSERTED = 0x00000001,
+ SWMWF_FOCUSED = 0x00000002, /* only used for GetWindowInfo */
+ SWMWF_ENTERED = 0x00000004, /* only used for GetWindowInfo */
+ SWMWF_UPDATING = 0x00000010,
+ SWMWF_ALL = 0x00000017
+} SaWManWindowFlags;
+typedef enum {
+ SWMSM_SMOOTH_SW, /* Smooth scaling algorithm in software */
+ SWMSM_STANDARD /* As provided by hardware, otherwise software (nearest neighbor) */
+} SaWManScalingMode;
+typedef enum {
+ SWMPF_NONE = 0x00000000,
+ SWMPF_MASTER = 0x00000001,
+ SWMPF_MANAGER = 0x00000002,
+ SWMPF_EXITING = 0x00000010,
+ SWMPF_ALL = 0x00000013
+} SaWManProcessFlags;
+/* defines stacking relation.
+ * If 2 valid window handles are passed, defines relative order of 1st towards 2nd
+ * If only 1 handle is valid (2nd is WINDOW_NONE), defines location in complete stack */
+typedef enum {
+} SaWManWindowRelation;
+typedef struct {
+ DirectLink link;
+ int magic;
+ pid_t pid;
+ FusionID fusion_id;
+ SaWManProcessFlags flags;
+ FusionRef ref;
+} SaWManProcess;
+typedef unsigned long SaWManWindowHandle;
+#define SAWMAN_WINDOW_NONE ((SaWManWindowHandle) 0)
+typedef enum {
+ SWMCF_NONE = 0x00000000,
+ SWMCF_POSITION = 0x00000001,
+ SWMCF_SIZE = 0x00000002,
+ SWMCF_OPACITY = 0x00000004,
+ SWMCF_STACKING = 0x00000008,
+ SWMCF_OPTIONS = 0x00000010,
+ SWMCF_EVENTS = 0x00000020,
+ SWMCF_COLOR_KEY = 0x00000100,
+ SWMCF_OPAQUE = 0x00000200,
+ SWMCF_COLOR = 0x00000400,
+ SWMCF_KEY_SELECTION = 0x00001000,
+ SWMCF_ASSOCIATION = 0x00002000,
+ SWMCF_CURSOR_FLAGS = 0x00004000,
+ SWMCF_SRC_GEOMETRY = 0x00010000,
+ SWMCF_DST_GEOMETRY = 0x00020000,
+ SWMCF_ALL = 0x0003F73F
+} SaWManWindowConfigFlags;
+typedef struct {
+ DFBRectangle bounds; /* position and size */
+ int opacity; /* global alpha factor */
+ DFBWindowStackingClass stacking; /* level boundaries */
+ DFBWindowOptions options; /* flags for appearance/behaviour */
+ DFBWindowEventType events; /* mask of enabled events */
+ DFBColor color; /* constant color (no surface needed) */
+ u32 color_key; /* transparent pixel */
+ DFBRegion opaque; /* region of the window forced to be opaque */
+ DFBWindowKeySelection key_selection; /* how to filter keys in focus */
+ DFBInputDeviceKeySymbol *keys; /* list of keys for DWKS_LIST */
+ unsigned int num_keys; /* number of entries in key array */
+ DFBWindowID association; /* ID of window which this is associated to */
+ DFBWindowGeometry src_geometry; /* advanced source geometry */
+ DFBWindowGeometry dst_geometry; /* advanced destination geometry */
+ DFBWindowCursorFlags cursor_flags;
+ DFBDimension cursor_resolution;
+} SaWManWindowConfig;
+typedef struct {
+ SaWManWindowHandle handle;
+ DFBWindowCapabilities caps;
+ SaWManWindowConfig config;
+ unsigned long resource_id;
+ DFBWindowID win_id;
+ SaWManWindowFlags flags;
+} SaWManWindowInfo;
+typedef struct {
+ SaWManWindowHandle handle;
+ DFBWindowCapabilities caps; /* window capabilities, RO */
+ SaWManWindowConfigFlags flags; /* applicability of below values */
+ SaWManWindowConfig current;
+ SaWManWindowConfig request;
+} SaWManWindowReconfig;
+typedef struct {
+ DFBDisplayLayerID layer_id;
+ SaWManWindowHandle single;
+ DFBDisplayLayerConfig config;
+} SaWManLayerReconfig;
+ * Callbacks, to be used together with the SaWMan Manager interface
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ DirectResult (*Start) ( void *context,
+ const char *name,
+ pid_t *ret_pid );
+ DirectResult (*Stop) ( void *context,
+ pid_t pid,
+ FusionID caller );
+ DirectResult (*ProcessAdded) ( void *context,
+ SaWManProcess *process );
+ DirectResult (*ProcessRemoved) ( void *context,
+ SaWManProcess *process );
+ DirectResult (*InputFilter) ( void *context,
+ DFBInputEvent *event );
+ DirectResult (*WindowPreConfig)( void *context,
+ SaWManWindowConfig *config );
+ DirectResult (*WindowAdded) ( void *context,
+ SaWManWindowInfo *info );
+ DirectResult (*WindowRemoved) ( void *context,
+ SaWManWindowInfo *info );
+ DirectResult (*WindowReconfig) ( void *context,
+ SaWManWindowReconfig *reconfig );
+ DirectResult (*WindowRestack) ( void *context,
+ SaWManWindowHandle handle,
+ SaWManWindowHandle relative,
+ SaWManWindowRelation relation );
+ DirectResult (*SwitchFocus) ( void *context,
+ SaWManWindowHandle handle );
+ DirectResult (*StackResized) ( void *context,
+ const DFBDimension *size );
+ DirectResult (*LayerReconfig) ( void *context,
+ SaWManLayerReconfig *reconfig );
+} SaWManCallbacks;
+ * ISaWMan *
+ ***********/
+ * Main entry point for clients of SaWMan.
+ * Can be used to start/stop external applications and return not-wanted keys to the key collector.
+ * Also used to create the singleton Window Manager interface.
+ */
+ /** Applications **/
+ /*
+ * Start an application.
+ */
+ DirectResult (*Start) (
+ ISaWMan *thiz,
+ const char *name,
+ pid_t *ret_pid
+ );
+ /*
+ * Stop an application.
+ *
+ * Use 0 pid to indicate to kill all but me
+ */
+ DirectResult (*Stop) (
+ ISaWMan *thiz,
+ pid_t pid
+ );
+ /** Event handling **/
+ /*
+ * Returns a received key event.
+ *
+ * This sends the key event to the key collector.
+ * In the flags field of the event structure DWEF_RETURNED will be set.
+ */
+ DirectResult (*ReturnKeyEvent) (
+ ISaWMan *thiz,
+ DFBWindowEvent *event
+ );
+ /** Manager **/
+ /*
+ * Create the manager interface.
+ *
+ * This only works once and is called by the application manager executable.
+ */
+ DirectResult (*CreateManager) (
+ ISaWMan *thiz,
+ const SaWManCallbacks *callbacks,
+ void *context,
+ ISaWManManager **ret_manager
+ );
+ /** Updates **/
+ /*
+ * Get updates.
+ */
+ DirectResult (*GetUpdates) (
+ ISaWMan *thiz,
+ DFBWindowStackingClass stacking_class,
+ DFBRegion *ret_updates,
+ unsigned int *ret_num
+ );
+ * ISaWManManager *
+ ******************/
+ * Manages SaWMan.
+ * used to request and deny regular window activties like close, remove, switch focus.
+ * To be used together with the callbacks given to ISaWMan::CreateManager().
+ */
+ /** Updates **/
+ /*
+ * Queue an update of the screen, e.g. due to layout changes.
+ *
+ * If <b>region</b> is NULL the whole screen will be updated.
+ */
+ DirectResult (*QueueUpdate) (
+ ISaWManManager *thiz,
+ DFBWindowStackingClass stacking,
+ const DFBRegion *region
+ );
+ /*
+ * Process queued updates.
+ */
+ DirectResult (*ProcessUpdates) (
+ ISaWManManager *thiz,
+ DFBSurfaceFlipFlags flags
+ );
+ /** Windows **/
+ /*
+ * Send a close request to a window.
+ */
+ DirectResult (*CloseWindow) (
+ ISaWManManager *thiz,
+ SaWManWindowHandle handle
+ );
+ /*
+ * Show or hide a window.
+ */
+ DirectResult (*SetVisible) (
+ ISaWManManager *thiz,
+ SaWManWindowHandle handle,
+ DFBBoolean visible
+ );
+ /*
+ * Switches focus to a window.
+ */
+ DirectResult (*SwitchFocus) (
+ ISaWManManager *thiz,
+ SaWManWindowHandle handle
+ );
+ /** Stack **/
+ /*
+ * Get the dimensions of the stack.
+ */
+ DirectResult (*GetSize) (
+ ISaWManManager *thiz,
+ DFBWindowStackingClass stacking,
+ DFBDimension *ret_size
+ );
+ /*
+ * Insert a window that has been added.
+ *
+ * If no <b>relative</b> is specified, the window will be inserted at the <b>top</b> or bottom most
+ * position in its stacking class. Otherwise the window will be inserted on <b>top</b> of or below the
+ * <b>relative</b>.
+ */
+ DirectResult (*InsertWindow) (
+ ISaWManManager *thiz,
+ SaWManWindowHandle handle,
+ SaWManWindowHandle relative,
+ SaWManWindowRelation relation
+ );
+ /*
+ * Remove a window.
+ */
+ DirectResult (*RemoveWindow) (
+ ISaWManManager *thiz,
+ SaWManWindowHandle handle
+ );
+ /** Configuration **/
+ /*
+ * Choose scaling quality.
+ */
+ DirectResult (*SetScalingMode) (
+ ISaWManManager *thiz,
+ SaWManScalingMode mode
+ );
+ DirectResult (*SetWindowConfig) (
+ ISaWManManager *thiz,
+ SaWManWindowHandle handle,
+ SaWManWindowConfigFlags flags,
+ SaWManWindowConfig *config
+ );
+ /** Event handling **/
+ /*
+ * Send an event to a window.
+ *
+ * This sends an event to the window specified by the <b>handle</b>.
+ */
+ DirectResult (*SendWindowEvent) (
+ ISaWManManager *thiz,
+ SaWManWindowHandle handle,
+ const DFBWindowEvent *event
+ );
+ /** Locking **/
+ /*
+ * Lock SaWMan for calls to this interface and access to data structures.
+ */
+ DirectResult (*Lock) (
+ ISaWManManager *thiz
+ );
+ /*
+ * Unlock SaWMan.
+ */
+ DirectResult (*Unlock) (
+ ISaWManManager *thiz
+ );
+ /** Information retrieval **/
+ /*
+ * Returns window information of the requested window.
+ *
+ * The window information will be copied into the provided structure,
+ * except info->config.keys which will be a pointer to the internal table,
+ * so do not change the content of this table with this function.
+ */
+ DirectResult (*GetWindowInfo) (
+ ISaWManManager *thiz,
+ SaWManWindowHandle handle,
+ SaWManWindowInfo *ret_info
+ );
+ /*
+ * Returns process information of the requested window.
+ *
+ * The process information will be copied into the provided structure.
+ */
+ DirectResult (*GetProcessInfo) (
+ ISaWManManager *thiz,
+ SaWManWindowHandle handle,
+ SaWManProcess *ret_process
+ );
+ /*
+ * Determines visibility of a window.
+ */
+ DirectResult (*IsWindowShowing) (
+ ISaWManManager *thiz,
+ SaWManWindowHandle handle,
+ DFBBoolean *ret_showing
+ );
+#ifdef __cplusplus