path: root/Source/SaWMan/wm/sawman/sawman_wm.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'Source/SaWMan/wm/sawman/sawman_wm.c')
1 files changed, 3590 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Source/SaWMan/wm/sawman/sawman_wm.c b/Source/SaWMan/wm/sawman/sawman_wm.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a401f27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/SaWMan/wm/sawman/sawman_wm.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3590 @@
+ (c) Copyright 2001-2007
+ (c) Copyright 2000-2004 convergence (integrated) media GmbH.
+ All rights reserved.
+ Written by Denis Oliver Kropp <>,
+ Andreas Hundt <>,
+ Sven Neumann <> and
+ Ville Syrjälä <>.
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License along with this library; if not, write to the
+ Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include <config.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <directfb.h>
+#include <direct/debug.h>
+#include <direct/mem.h>
+#include <direct/memcpy.h>
+#include <direct/messages.h>
+#include <direct/trace.h>
+#include <direct/util.h>
+#include <fusion/shmalloc.h>
+#include <fusion/vector.h>
+#include <core/core.h>
+#include <core/coredefs.h>
+#include <core/coretypes.h>
+#include <core/gfxcard.h>
+#include <core/layer_context.h>
+#include <core/layer_region.h>
+#include <core/layers_internal.h>
+#include <core/screen.h>
+#include <core/surface.h>
+#include <core/surface_buffer.h>
+#include <core/palette.h>
+#include <core/windows.h>
+#include <core/windows_internal.h>
+#include <core/windowstack.h>
+#include <core/wm.h>
+#include <gfx/clip.h>
+#include <gfx/convert.h>
+#include <gfx/util.h>
+#include <misc/conf.h>
+#include <misc/gfx_util.h>
+#include <misc/util.h>
+#include <core/wm_module.h>
+#include <sawman_config.h>
+#include <sawman_internal.h>
+#include "sawman_draw.h"
+D_DEBUG_DOMAIN( SaWMan_WM , "SaWMan/WM", "SaWMan window manager module" );
+D_DEBUG_DOMAIN( SaWMan_Cursor, "SaWMan/Cursor", "SaWMan window manager cursor" );
+D_DEBUG_DOMAIN( SaWMan_Stacking, "SaWMan/Stacking", "SaWMan window manager stacking" );
+D_DEBUG_DOMAIN( SaWMan_FlipOnce, "SaWMan/FlipOnce", "SaWMan window manager flip once" );
+typedef struct {
+ CoreDFB *core;
+ FusionWorld *world;
+ SaWMan *sawman;
+ SaWManProcess *process;
+} WMData;
+static int
+keys_compare( const void *key1,
+ const void *key2 )
+ return *(DFBInputDeviceKeySymbol*) key1 - *(DFBInputDeviceKeySymbol*) key2;
+static void
+send_key_event( SaWMan *sawman,
+ SaWManWindow *sawwin,
+ const DFBInputEvent *event )
+ DFBWindowEvent we;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawwin, SaWManWindow );
+ D_ASSERT( event != NULL );
+ we.type = (event->type == DIET_KEYPRESS) ? DWET_KEYDOWN : DWET_KEYUP;
+ we.flags = 0;
+ we.key_code = event->key_code;
+ we.key_id = event->key_id;
+ we.key_symbol = event->key_symbol;
+ if (event->flags & DIEF_REPEAT)
+ we.flags |= DWEF_REPEAT;
+ sawman_post_event( sawman, sawwin, &we );
+static void
+send_button_event( SaWMan *sawman,
+ SaWManWindow *sawwin,
+ CoreWindowStack *stack,
+ const DFBInputEvent *event )
+ DFBWindowEvent we;
+ CoreWindow *window;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawwin, SaWManWindow );
+ D_ASSERT( stack != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( event != NULL );
+ window = sawwin->window;
+ D_ASSERT( window != NULL );
+ we.button = event->button;
+ sawman_window_get_cursor_position( sawman, stack, sawwin, &we.x, &we.y, &, & );
+ if (window->config.options & DWOP_SCALE) {
+ D_ASSERT( window->surface != NULL );
+ we.x = we.x * window->surface->config.size.w / sawwin->bounds.w;
+ we.y = we.y * window->surface->config.size.h / sawwin->bounds.h;
+ }
+ if (event->flags & DIEF_REPEAT)
+ we.flags |= DWEF_REPEAT;
+ sawman_post_event( sawman, sawwin, &we );
+static SaWManWindow *
+get_keyboard_window( StackData *data,
+ const DFBInputEvent *event )
+ SaWMan *sawman;
+ SaWManWindow *sawwin;
+ CoreWindow *window;
+ SaWManGrabbedKey *key;
+ D_ASSERT( data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( event != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( event->type == DIET_KEYPRESS || event->type == DIET_KEYRELEASE );
+ sawman = data->sawman;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ /* Check explicit key grabs first. */
+ direct_list_foreach (key, sawman->grabbed_keys) {
+ if (key->symbol == event->key_symbol &&
+ key->modifiers == sawman->modifiers)
+ return key->owner;
+ }
+ /* Key is not grabbed, check for explicit keyboard grab or focus. */
+ sawwin = sawman->keyboard_window ?
+ sawman->keyboard_window : sawman->focused_window;
+ if (!sawwin)
+ return NULL;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawwin, SaWManWindow );
+ window = sawwin->window;
+ D_ASSERT( window != NULL );
+ /* Check key selection. */
+ switch (window->config.key_selection) {
+ case DWKS_ALL:
+ break;
+ case DWKS_LIST:
+ D_ASSERT( window->config.keys != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( window->config.num_keys > 0 );
+ if (bsearch( &event->key_symbol,
+ window->config.keys, window->config.num_keys,
+ sizeof(DFBInputDeviceKeySymbol), keys_compare ))
+ break;
+ /* fall through */
+ case DWKS_NONE:
+ return sawman->unselkeys_window;
+ }
+ /* key is for this window */
+ /* only do implicit grabbing if we have a hardware key code */
+ if( event->key_code == -1 )
+ return sawwin;
+ /* do implicit grabbing */
+ if( event->type == DIET_KEYPRESS ) {
+ int i;
+ int free_key = -1;
+ for (i=0; i<SAWMAN_MAX_IMPLICIT_KEYGRABS; i++) {
+ /* Key is grabbed, send to owner (NULL if destroyed). */
+ if (sawman->keys[i].code == event->key_code)
+ return sawman->keys[i].owner;
+ /* Remember first free array item. */
+ if (free_key == -1 && sawman->keys[i].code == -1)
+ free_key = i;
+ }
+ /* Check if a free array item was found. */
+ if (free_key == -1) {
+ D_WARN( "maximum number of owned keys reached" );
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* Implicitly grab the key. */
+ sawman->keys[free_key].symbol = event->key_symbol;
+ sawman->keys[free_key].id = event->key_id;
+ sawman->keys[free_key].code = event->key_code;
+ sawman->keys[free_key].owner = sawwin;
+ return sawwin;
+ }
+ else {
+ int i;
+ /* Lookup owner and ungrab the key. */
+ for (i=0; i<SAWMAN_MAX_IMPLICIT_KEYGRABS; i++) {
+ if (sawman->keys[i].code == event->key_code) {
+ sawman->keys[i].code = -1;
+ /* Return owner (NULL if destroyed). */
+ return sawman->keys[i].owner;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* No owner for release event found, discard it. */
+ return NULL;
+static DFBResult
+move_window( SaWMan *sawman,
+ SaWManWindow *sawwin,
+ int dx,
+ int dy )
+ DFBWindowEvent evt;
+ DFBRectangle *bounds;
+ CoreWindow *window;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawwin, SaWManWindow );
+ window = sawwin->window;
+ D_ASSERT( window != NULL );
+ bounds = &window->config.bounds;
+ bounds->x += dx;
+ bounds->y += dy;
+ if (SAWMAN_VISIBLE_WINDOW(window) && (sawwin->flags & SWMWF_INSERTED)) {
+ DFBRegion region = { 0, 0, bounds->w - 1, bounds->h - 1 };
+ sawman_update_window( sawman, sawwin, &region, 0, SWMUF_UPDATE_BORDER );
+ dfb_region_translate( &region, -dx, -dy );
+ sawman_update_window( sawman, sawwin, &region, 0, SWMUF_UPDATE_BORDER );
+ }
+ /* Send new position */
+ evt.type = DWET_POSITION;
+ evt.x = bounds->x;
+ evt.y = bounds->y;
+ sawman_post_event( sawman, sawwin, &evt );
+ return DFB_OK;
+static DFBResult
+resize_window( SaWMan *sawman,
+ SaWManWindow *sawwin,
+ WMData *wm_data,
+ int width,
+ int height )
+ DFBResult ret;
+ DFBWindowEvent evt;
+ DFBRectangle *bounds;
+ CoreWindow *window;
+ int ow;
+ int oh;
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, "resize_window( %d, %d )\n", width, height );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawwin, SaWManWindow );
+ D_ASSERT( wm_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( width > 0 );
+ D_ASSERT( height > 0 );
+ if (width > 4096 || height > 4096)
+ window = sawwin->window;
+ D_ASSERT( window != NULL );
+ /* Resize the surface? */
+ if (window->surface && !(window->config.options & DWOP_SCALE)) {
+ ret = dfb_surface_reformat( window->surface,
+ width, height, window->surface->config.format );
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ }
+ bounds = &window->config.bounds;
+ ow = bounds->w;
+ oh = bounds->h;
+ bounds->w = width;
+ bounds->h = height;
+ dfb_region_intersect( &window->config.opaque, 0, 0, width - 1, height - 1 );
+ if (SAWMAN_VISIBLE_WINDOW (window) && (sawwin->flags & SWMWF_INSERTED)) {
+ if (ow > bounds->w) {
+ DFBRegion region = { bounds->w, 0, ow - 1, MIN(bounds->h, oh) - 1 };
+ sawman_update_window( sawman, sawwin, &region, 0, SWMUF_UPDATE_BORDER );
+ }
+ if (oh > bounds->h) {
+ DFBRegion region = { 0, bounds->h, MAX(bounds->w, ow) - 1, oh - 1 };
+ sawman_update_window( sawman, sawwin, &region, 0, SWMUF_UPDATE_BORDER );
+ }
+ }
+ /* Send new size */
+ if (!(window->config.options & DWOP_SCALE)) {
+ evt.type = DWET_SIZE;
+ evt.w = bounds->w;
+ evt.h = bounds->h;
+ sawman_post_event( sawman, sawwin, &evt );
+ }
+ return DFB_OK;
+static DFBResult
+set_window_bounds( SaWMan *sawman,
+ SaWManWindow *sawwin,
+ WMData *wm_data,
+ int x,
+ int y,
+ int width,
+ int height )
+ DFBResult ret;
+ DFBWindowEvent evt;
+ DFBRegion old_region;
+ DFBRegion new_region;
+ DFBRectangle *bounds;
+ CoreWindow *window;
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, "%s( %p [%d] %d, %d - %dx%d )\n", __FUNCTION__, sawwin, sawwin->id, x, y, width, height );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawwin, SaWManWindow );
+ D_ASSERT( wm_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( width > 0 );
+ D_ASSERT( height > 0 );
+ if (width > 4096 || height > 4096)
+ window = sawwin->window;
+ D_ASSERT( window != NULL );
+ /* Resize the surface? */
+ if (window->surface && !(window->config.options & DWOP_SCALE)) {
+ ret = dfb_surface_reformat( window->surface,
+ width, height, window->surface->config.format );
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ }
+ bounds = &window->config.bounds;
+ old_region.x1 = bounds->x - x;
+ old_region.y1 = bounds->y - y;
+ old_region.x2 = old_region.x1 + bounds->w - 1;
+ old_region.y2 = old_region.y1 + bounds->h - 1;
+ bounds->x = x;
+ bounds->y = y;
+ bounds->w = width;
+ bounds->h = height;
+ new_region.x1 = 0;
+ new_region.y1 = 0;
+ new_region.x2 = width - 1;
+ new_region.y2 = height - 1;
+ if (!dfb_region_region_intersect( &window->config.opaque, &new_region ))
+ window->config.opaque = new_region;
+ /* Update exposed area. */
+ if (SAWMAN_VISIBLE_WINDOW( window ) && (sawwin->flags & SWMWF_INSERTED)) {
+ if (dfb_region_region_intersect( &new_region, &old_region )) {
+ /* left */
+ if (new_region.x1 > old_region.x1) {
+ DFBRegion region = { old_region.x1, old_region.y1,
+ new_region.x1 - 1, new_region.y2 };
+ sawman_update_window( sawman, sawwin, &region, 0, SWMUF_UPDATE_BORDER );
+ }
+ /* upper */
+ if (new_region.y1 > old_region.y1) {
+ DFBRegion region = { old_region.x1, old_region.y1,
+ old_region.x2, new_region.y1 - 1 };
+ sawman_update_window( sawman, sawwin, &region, 0, SWMUF_UPDATE_BORDER );
+ }
+ /* right */
+ if (new_region.x2 < old_region.x2) {
+ DFBRegion region = { new_region.x2 + 1, new_region.y1,
+ old_region.x2, new_region.y2 };
+ sawman_update_window( sawman, sawwin, &region, 0, SWMUF_UPDATE_BORDER );
+ }
+ /* lower */
+ if (new_region.y2 < old_region.y2) {
+ DFBRegion region = { old_region.x1, new_region.y2 + 1,
+ old_region.x2, old_region.y2 };
+ sawman_update_window( sawman, sawwin, &region, 0, SWMUF_UPDATE_BORDER );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ sawman_update_window( sawman, sawwin, &old_region, 0, SWMUF_UPDATE_BORDER );
+ }
+ /* Send new position and size */
+ evt.type = DWET_POSITION_SIZE;
+ evt.x = bounds->x;
+ evt.y = bounds->y;
+ evt.w = bounds->w;
+ evt.h = bounds->h;
+ sawman_post_event( sawman, sawwin, &evt );
+ return DFB_OK;
+static DFBResult
+grab_keyboard( SaWMan *sawman,
+ SaWManWindow *sawwin )
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawwin, SaWManWindow );
+ if (sawman->keyboard_window)
+ return DFB_LOCKED;
+ sawman->keyboard_window = sawwin;
+ return DFB_OK;
+static DFBResult
+ungrab_keyboard( SaWMan *sawman,
+ SaWManWindow *sawwin )
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawwin, SaWManWindow );
+ if (sawman->keyboard_window == sawwin)
+ sawman->keyboard_window = NULL;
+ return DFB_OK;
+static DFBResult
+grab_pointer( SaWMan *sawman,
+ SaWManWindow *sawwin )
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawwin, SaWManWindow );
+ if (sawman->pointer_window)
+ return DFB_LOCKED;
+ sawman->pointer_window = sawwin;
+ return DFB_OK;
+static DFBResult
+ungrab_pointer( SaWMan *sawman,
+ SaWManWindow *sawwin )
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawwin, SaWManWindow );
+ if (sawman->pointer_window == sawwin)
+ sawman->pointer_window = NULL;
+ return DFB_OK;
+static DFBResult
+grab_key( SaWMan *sawman,
+ SaWManWindow *sawwin,
+ DFBInputDeviceKeySymbol symbol,
+ DFBInputDeviceModifierMask modifiers )
+ int i;
+ StackData *data;
+ SaWManGrabbedKey *key;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawwin, SaWManWindow );
+ data = sawwin->stack_data;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( data, StackData );
+ /* Reject if already grabbed. */
+ direct_list_foreach (key, sawman->grabbed_keys)
+ if (key->symbol == symbol && key->modifiers == modifiers)
+ return DFB_LOCKED;
+ /* Allocate grab information. */
+ key = SHCALLOC( sawwin->shmpool, 1, sizeof(SaWManGrabbedKey) );
+ /* Fill grab information. */
+ key->symbol = symbol;
+ key->modifiers = modifiers;
+ key->owner = sawwin;
+ /* Add to list of key grabs. */
+ direct_list_append( &sawman->grabbed_keys, &key->link );
+ /* Remove implicit grabs for this key. */
+ if (sawman->keys[i].code != -1 && sawman->keys[i].symbol == symbol)
+ sawman->keys[i].code = -1;
+ return DFB_OK;
+static DFBResult
+ungrab_key( SaWMan *sawman,
+ SaWManWindow *sawwin,
+ DFBInputDeviceKeySymbol symbol,
+ DFBInputDeviceModifierMask modifiers )
+ StackData *data;
+ SaWManGrabbedKey *key;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawwin, SaWManWindow );
+ data = sawwin->stack_data;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( data, StackData );
+ direct_list_foreach (key, sawman->grabbed_keys) {
+ if (key->symbol == symbol && key->modifiers == modifiers && key->owner == sawwin) {
+ direct_list_remove( &sawman->grabbed_keys, &key->link );
+ SHFREE( sawwin->shmpool, key );
+ return DFB_OK;
+ }
+ }
+static DFBResult
+request_focus( SaWMan *sawman,
+ SaWManWindow *sawwin )
+ DFBResult ret;
+ CoreWindowStack *stack;
+ SaWManWindow *entered;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawwin, SaWManWindow );
+ stack = sawwin->stack;
+ D_ASSERT( stack != NULL );
+ ret = sawman_switch_focus( sawman, sawwin );
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ entered = sawman->entered_window;
+ if (entered && entered != sawwin) {
+ DFBWindowEvent we;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( entered, SaWManWindow );
+ D_ASSERT( entered->window != NULL );
+ we.type = DWET_LEAVE;
+ sawman_window_get_cursor_position( sawman, stack, entered, &we.x, &we.y, &, & );
+ sawman_post_event( sawman, entered, &we );
+ sawman->entered_window = NULL;
+ }
+ return DFB_OK;
+static DFBResult
+handle_key_press( CoreWindowStack *stack,
+ StackData *data,
+ const DFBInputEvent *event )
+ SaWMan *sawman;
+ SaWManWindow *sawwin;
+ D_ASSERT( stack != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( event != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( event->type == DIET_KEYPRESS );
+ sawman = data->sawman;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ sawwin = get_keyboard_window( data, event );
+ if (sawwin)
+ send_key_event( sawman, sawwin, event );
+ return DFB_OK;
+static DFBResult
+handle_key_release( CoreWindowStack *stack,
+ StackData *data,
+ const DFBInputEvent *event )
+ SaWMan *sawman;
+ SaWManWindow *sawwin;
+ D_ASSERT( stack != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( event != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( event->type == DIET_KEYRELEASE );
+ sawman = data->sawman;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ sawwin = get_keyboard_window( data, event );
+ if (sawwin)
+ send_key_event( sawman, sawwin, event );
+ return DFB_OK;
+static DFBResult
+handle_button_press( CoreWindowStack *stack,
+ StackData *data,
+ const DFBInputEvent *event )
+ SaWMan *sawman;
+ SaWManWindow *sawwin;
+ D_ASSERT( stack != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( event != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( event->type == DIET_BUTTONPRESS );
+ sawman = data->sawman;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ if (!stack->cursor.enabled)
+ return DFB_OK;
+ if (sawman->focused_window && sawman->focused_window->window->config.cursor_flags & DWCF_EXPLICIT)
+ sawwin = sawman->focused_window;
+ else if (sawman->pointer_window)
+ sawwin = sawman->pointer_window;
+ else {
+ sawwin = sawman->entered_window;
+ }
+ if (sawwin)
+ send_button_event( sawman, sawwin, stack, event );
+ return DFB_OK;
+static DFBResult
+handle_button_release( CoreWindowStack *stack,
+ StackData *data,
+ const DFBInputEvent *event )
+ SaWMan *sawman;
+ SaWManWindow *sawwin;
+ D_ASSERT( stack != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( event != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( event->type == DIET_BUTTONRELEASE );
+ sawman = data->sawman;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ if (!stack->cursor.enabled)
+ return DFB_OK;
+ if (sawman->focused_window && sawman->focused_window->window->config.cursor_flags & DWCF_EXPLICIT)
+ sawwin = sawman->focused_window;
+ else if (sawman->pointer_window)
+ sawwin = sawman->pointer_window;
+ else {
+ sawwin = sawman->entered_window;
+ }
+ if (sawwin)
+ send_button_event( sawman, sawwin, stack, event );
+ return DFB_OK;
+static void
+post_motion_event( SaWMan *sawman,
+ SaWManWindow *sawwin,
+ int x, // SaWMan coordinates
+ int y,
+ DFBWindowEventFlags flags )
+ SaWManTier *tier;
+ DFBWindowEvent we;
+ int cx, cy;
+ int sx, sy;
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, "%s( %p, %p, %d,%d, 0x%04x )\n", __FUNCTION__, sawman, sawwin, x, y, flags );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawwin, SaWManWindow );
+ D_ASSERT( sawwin->window != NULL );
+ /* Retrieve corresponding SaWManTier. */
+ tier = sawman_tier_by_class( sawman, sawwin->window->config.stacking );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( tier, SaWManTier );
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, " -> Tier with resolution %dx%d\n", tier->size.w, tier->size.h );
+ /* Convert to Tier coordinates */
+ cx = (s64) x * (s64) tier->size.w / (s64) sawman->resolution.w;
+ cy = (s64) y * (s64) tier->size.h / (s64) sawman->resolution.h;
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, " => %d, %d\n", cx, cy );
+ /* Subtract offset of Window within layout (tier coordinates) */
+ if (!(flags & DWEF_RELATIVE)) {
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, " -> Window at offset %d,%d\n", sawwin->dst.x, sawwin->dst.y );
+ x = cx - sawwin->dst.x;
+ y = cy - sawwin->dst.y;
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, " => %d, %d\n", x, y );
+ }
+ else {
+ x = cx;
+ y = cy;
+ }
+ sx = sawwin->window->config.cursor_resolution.w ?: sawwin->src.w;
+ sy = sawwin->window->config.cursor_resolution.h ?: sawwin->src.h;
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, " -> Window with scaling %dx%d -> %dx%d\n", sawwin->dst.w, sawwin->dst.h, sx, sy );
+ /* Convert to Window coordinates */
+ x = x * sx / sawwin->dst.w;
+ y = y * sy / sawwin->dst.h;
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, " => %d, %d\n", x, y );
+ /* Fill event structure */
+ we.type = DWET_MOTION;
+ we.flags = flags;
+ we.x = x;
+ we.y = y;
+ = cx;
+ = cy;
+ sawman_post_event( sawman, sawwin, &we );
+static void
+handle_motion( CoreWindowStack *stack,
+ SaWMan *sawman,
+ int dx,
+ int dy )
+ SaWManWindow *sawwin = NULL;
+ DFBWindowCursorFlags flags = DWCF_NONE;
+ int cx, cy;
+ D_ASSERT( stack != NULL );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, "%s( %p, %p, %d,%d )\n", __FUNCTION__, stack, sawman, dx, dy );
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, " -> SaWMan with resolution %dx%d\n", sawman->resolution.w, sawman->resolution.h );
+ if (!stack->cursor.enabled)
+ return;
+ cx = stack->cursor.x + dx;
+ cy = stack->cursor.y + dy;
+ if (sawman->focused_window && sawman->focused_window->window->config.cursor_flags & DWCF_EXPLICIT)
+ sawwin = sawman->focused_window;
+ else if (sawman->pointer_window)
+ sawwin = sawman->pointer_window;
+ else {
+ sawman_update_focus( sawman, stack, cx, cy );
+ sawwin = sawman->entered_window;
+ }
+ if (sawwin)
+ flags = sawwin->window->config.cursor_flags;
+ if (flags & DWCF_TRAPPED) {
+ SaWManTier *tier;
+ int x1 = sawwin->dst.x;
+ int y1 = sawwin->dst.y;
+ int x2 = sawwin->dst.x + sawwin->dst.w;
+ int y2 = sawwin->dst.y + sawwin->dst.h;
+ /* Retrieve corresponding SaWManTier. */
+ tier = sawman_tier_by_class( sawman, sawwin->window->config.stacking );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( tier, SaWManTier );
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, " -> Tier with resolution %dx%d\n", tier->size.w, tier->size.h );
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, " -> Trapping in %d,%d-%dx%d\n", x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1 );
+ x1 = (s64) x1 * (s64) sawman_config->resolution.w / (s64) tier->size.w;
+ y1 = (s64) y1 * (s64) sawman_config->resolution.h / (s64) tier->size.h;
+ x2 = (s64) x2 * (s64) sawman_config->resolution.w / (s64) tier->size.w;
+ y2 = (s64) y2 * (s64) sawman_config->resolution.h / (s64) tier->size.h;
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, " -> Scaled to %d,%d-%dx%d\n", x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1 );
+ if (cx < x1)
+ cx = x1;
+ else if (cx > x2)
+ cx = x2;
+ if (cy < y1)
+ cy = y1;
+ else if (cy > y2)
+ cy = y2;
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, " -> Cursor trapped at %d,%d\n", cx, cy );
+ }
+ if (flags & DWCF_UNCLIPPED)
+ {
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, " -> Cursor unclipped at %d,%d\n", cx, cy );
+ }
+ else {
+ if (cx < 0)
+ cx = 0;
+ else if (cx >= sawman->resolution.w)
+ cx = sawman->resolution.w - 1;
+ if (cy < 0)
+ cy = 0;
+ else if (cy >= sawman->resolution.h)
+ cy = sawman->resolution.h - 1;
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, " -> Cursor clipped at %d,%d\n", cx, cy );
+ }
+ if (flags & DWCF_FIXED)
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, " -> Cursor is fixed at %d,%d\n", stack->cursor.x, stack->cursor.y );
+ else if (cx != stack->cursor.x || cy != stack->cursor.y) {
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, " -> Cursor moved %d,%d -> %d,%d\n", stack->cursor.x, stack->cursor.y, cx, cy );
+ stack->cursor.x = cx;
+ stack->cursor.y = cy;
+ dfb_wm_update_cursor( stack, CCUF_POSITION );
+ }
+ if (sawwin) {
+ if (flags & DWCF_RELATIVE)
+ post_motion_event( sawman, sawwin, dx, dy, DWEF_RELATIVE );
+ else
+ post_motion_event( sawman, sawwin, cx, cy, DWEF_NONE );
+ }
+static void
+handle_wheel( CoreWindowStack *stack,
+ SaWMan *sawman,
+ int dz )
+ DFBWindowEvent we;
+ SaWManWindow *sawwin;
+ D_ASSERT( stack != NULL );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ if (!stack->cursor.enabled)
+ return;
+ if (sawman->focused_window && sawman->focused_window->window->config.cursor_flags & DWCF_EXPLICIT)
+ sawwin = sawman->focused_window;
+ else if (sawman->pointer_window)
+ sawwin = sawman->pointer_window;
+ else {
+ sawwin = sawman->entered_window;
+ }
+ if (sawwin) {
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawwin, SaWManWindow );
+ D_ASSERT( sawwin->window != NULL );
+ we.type = DWET_WHEEL;
+ we.step = dz;
+ sawman_window_get_cursor_position( sawman, stack, sawwin, &we.x, &we.y, &, & );
+ sawman_post_event( sawman, sawwin, &we );
+ }
+static DFBResult
+handle_axis_motion( CoreWindowStack *stack,
+ SaWMan *sawman,
+ SaWManTier *tier,
+ const DFBInputEvent *event )
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, "%s( %p, %p )\n", __FUNCTION__, stack, sawman );
+ D_ASSERT( stack != NULL );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( tier, SaWManTier );
+ D_ASSERT( event != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( event->type == DIET_AXISMOTION );
+ if (event->flags & DIEF_AXISREL) {
+ int rel = event->axisrel;
+ /* handle cursor acceleration */
+ if (rel > stack->cursor.threshold)
+ rel += (rel - stack->cursor.threshold)
+ * stack->cursor.numerator
+ / stack->cursor.denominator;
+ else if (rel < -stack->cursor.threshold)
+ rel += (rel + stack->cursor.threshold)
+ * stack->cursor.numerator
+ / stack->cursor.denominator;
+ switch (event->axis) {
+ case DIAI_X:
+ sawman->cursor.dx += rel;
+ break;
+ case DIAI_Y:
+ sawman->cursor.dy += rel;
+ break;
+ case DIAI_Z:
+ handle_wheel( stack, sawman, - event->axisrel );
+ break;
+ default:
+ ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (event->flags & DIEF_AXISABS) {
+ int axismin = 0;
+ int axisabs = event->axisabs;
+ if (event->flags & DIEF_MIN) {
+ axismin = event->min;
+ axisabs -= axismin;
+ }
+ switch (event->axis) {
+ case DIAI_X:
+ if (event->flags & DIEF_MAX)
+ axisabs = (s64) axisabs * (s64) sawman->resolution.w / (s64) (event->max - axismin + 1);
+ sawman->cursor.dx = axisabs - stack->cursor.x;
+ break;
+ case DIAI_Y:
+ if (event->flags & DIEF_MAX)
+ axisabs = (s64) axisabs * (s64) sawman->resolution.h / (s64) (event->max - axismin + 1);
+ sawman->cursor.dy = axisabs - stack->cursor.y;
+ break;
+ default:
+ ;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!(event->flags & DIEF_FOLLOW) && (sawman->cursor.dx || sawman->cursor.dy)) {
+ handle_motion( stack, sawman, sawman->cursor.dx, sawman->cursor.dy );
+ sawman->cursor.dx = 0;
+ sawman->cursor.dy = 0;
+ }
+ return DFB_OK;
+static void
+wm_get_info( CoreWMInfo *info )
+ info->version.major = 0;
+ info->version.minor = 2;
+ info->version.binary = 1;
+ snprintf( info->name, DFB_CORE_WM_INFO_NAME_LENGTH, "SaWMan" );
+ snprintf( info->vendor, DFB_CORE_WM_INFO_VENDOR_LENGTH, "" );
+ info->wm_data_size = sizeof(WMData);
+ info->wm_shared_size = sizeof(SaWMan);
+ info->stack_data_size = sizeof(StackData);
+ info->window_data_size = sizeof(SaWManWindow);
+static DFBResult
+wm_initialize( CoreDFB *core, void *wm_data, void *shared_data )
+ WMData *data = wm_data;
+ SaWMan *sawman = shared_data;
+ data->core = core;
+ data->world = dfb_core_world( core );
+ data->sawman = sawman;
+ sawman_config_init( NULL, NULL );
+ return sawman_initialize( sawman, data->world, &data->process );
+static DFBResult
+wm_join( CoreDFB *core, void *wm_data, void *shared_data )
+ WMData *data = wm_data;
+ SaWMan *sawman = shared_data;
+ data->core = core;
+ data->world = dfb_core_world( core );
+ data->sawman = sawman;
+ sawman_config_init( NULL, NULL );
+ return sawman_join( sawman, data->world, &data->process );
+static DFBResult
+wm_shutdown( bool emergency, void *wm_data, void *shared_data )
+ WMData *data = wm_data;
+ SaWMan *sawman = shared_data;
+ return sawman_shutdown( sawman, data->world );
+static DFBResult
+wm_leave( bool emergency, void *wm_data, void *shared_data )
+ WMData *data = wm_data;
+ SaWMan *sawman = shared_data;
+ return sawman_leave( sawman, data->world );
+static DFBResult
+wm_suspend( void *wm_data, void *shared_data )
+ return DFB_OK;
+static DFBResult
+wm_resume( void *wm_data, void *shared_data )
+ return DFB_OK;
+static DFBResult
+wm_post_init( void *wm_data, void *shared_data )
+ DFBResult ret;
+ WMData *wmdata = wm_data;
+ SaWMan *sawman = shared_data;
+ SaWManTier *tier;
+ D_ASSERT( wm_data != NULL );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ /* Lock SaWMan. */
+ ret = sawman_lock( sawman );
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ sawman_post_init( sawman, wmdata->world );
+ direct_list_foreach (tier, sawman->tiers) {
+ const SaWManBorderInit *border;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( tier, SaWManTier );
+ tier->context->lock = sawman->lock;
+ ret = dfb_layer_context_get_configuration( tier->context, &tier->config );
+ if (ret)
+ D_DERROR( ret, "SaWMan/PostInit: Could not get configuration of layer context!\n" );
+ D_INFO( "SaWMan/Init: Layer %d: %dx%d, %s, options: %x\n",
+ tier->layer_id, tier->config.width, tier->config.height,
+ dfb_pixelformat_name( tier->config.pixelformat ), tier->config.options );
+ border = &sawman_config->borders[(tier->classes & SWMSC_LOWER) ? 0 :
+ (tier->classes & SWMSC_MIDDLE) ? 1 : 2];
+ tier->border_config = tier->config;
+ if (border->resolution.w && border->resolution.h) {
+ tier->border_config.width = border->resolution.w;
+ tier->border_config.height = border->resolution.h;
+ }
+ if (border->format)
+ tier->border_config.pixelformat = border->format;
+ tier->border_config.options = DLOP_SRC_COLORKEY;
+ D_INFO( "SaWMan/Init: Border %d: %dx%d, %s, options: %x\n",
+ tier->layer_id, tier->border_config.width, tier->border_config.height,
+ dfb_pixelformat_name( tier->border_config.pixelformat ), tier->border_config.options );
+ }
+ sawman_process_updates( sawman, DSFLIP_NONE );
+ /* Unlock SaWMan. */
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return DFB_OK;
+static DFBResult
+wm_init_stack( CoreWindowStack *stack,
+ void *wm_data,
+ void *stack_data )
+ DFBResult ret;
+ WMData *wmdata = wm_data;
+ StackData *data = stack_data;
+ SaWMan *sawman;
+ SaWManTier *tier;
+ CoreLayerContext *context;
+ D_ASSERT( stack != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( wm_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( stack_data != NULL );
+ sawman = wmdata->sawman;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ context = stack->context;
+ D_ASSERT( context != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( context->config.pixelformat != DSPF_UNKNOWN );
+ D_ASSERT( context->config.width > 0 );
+ D_ASSERT( context->config.height > 0 );
+ /* Lock SaWMan. */
+ ret = sawman_lock( sawman );
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ data->stack = stack;
+ data->sawman = sawman;
+ D_MAGIC_SET( data, StackData );
+ if (!sawman_tier_by_layer( sawman, context->layer_id, &tier ) || tier->stack) {
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return DFB_OK;
+ }
+ D_INFO( "SaWMan: Initializing stack %p for tier %p, %dx%d, layer %d, context %p [%d]...\n",
+ stack, tier, stack->width, stack->height, context->layer_id, context, context-> );
+ tier->stack = stack;
+ tier->context = context;
+ tier->size.w = stack->width;
+ tier->size.h = stack->height;
+ ret = dfb_layer_context_get_primary_region( context, true, &tier->region );
+ if (ret) {
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ D_MAGIC_CLEAR( data );
+ return ret;
+ }
+ dfb_layer_region_globalize( tier->region );
+ /* Unlock SaWMan. */
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return DFB_OK;
+static DFBResult
+wm_close_stack( CoreWindowStack *stack,
+ void *wm_data,
+ void *stack_data )
+ DFBResult ret;
+ StackData *data = stack_data;
+ SaWMan *sawman;
+ SaWManTier *tier;
+ D_ASSERT( stack != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( wm_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( stack_data != NULL );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( data, StackData );
+ sawman = data->sawman;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ /* Lock SaWMan. */
+ ret = sawman_lock( sawman );
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ if (!sawman_tier_by_stack( sawman, stack, &tier )) {
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return DFB_OK;
+ }
+ D_ASSERT( tier->context != NULL );
+ tier->stack = NULL;
+ tier->context = NULL;
+ tier->size.w = 0;
+ tier->size.h = 0;
+ dfb_layer_region_unlink( &tier->region );
+ /* Destroy backing store of software cursor. */
+ if (tier->cursor_bs)
+ dfb_surface_unlink( &tier->cursor_bs );
+ direct_list_remove( &sawman->tiers, &tier->link );
+ D_MAGIC_CLEAR( tier );
+ SHFREE( sawman->shmpool, tier );
+ /* Unlock SaWMan. */
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ D_MAGIC_CLEAR( data );
+ return DFB_OK;
+static DFBResult
+wm_set_active( CoreWindowStack *stack,
+ void *wm_data,
+ void *stack_data,
+ bool active )
+ DFBResult ret;
+ StackData *data = stack_data;
+ SaWMan *sawman;
+ SaWManTier *tier;
+ D_ASSERT( stack != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( wm_data != NULL );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( data, StackData );
+ sawman = data->sawman;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, "%s( %p, %p, %p, %s )\n", __FUNCTION__,
+ stack, wm_data, stack_data, active ? "active" : "inactive" );
+ /* Lock SaWMan. */
+ ret = sawman_lock( sawman );
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ /* Retrieve corresponding SaWManTier. */
+ if (!sawman_tier_by_stack( sawman, stack, &tier )) {
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return DFB_OK;
+ }
+ data->active = active;
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ if (active)
+ return dfb_windowstack_repaint_all( stack );
+ else {
+ tier->active = false;
+ tier->single_mode = false;
+ tier->single_window = NULL;
+ }
+ /* Force release of all pressed keys. */
+ return wm_flush_keys( stack, wm_data, stack_data );
+static DFBResult
+wm_resize_stack( CoreWindowStack *stack,
+ void *wm_data,
+ void *stack_data,
+ int width,
+ int height )
+ DFBResult ret;
+ StackData *data = stack_data;
+ SaWMan *sawman;
+ SaWManTier *tier;
+ D_ASSERT( stack != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( wm_data != NULL );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( data, StackData );
+ sawman = data->sawman;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, "%s( %p, %p, %p, %dx%d )\n", __FUNCTION__,
+ stack, wm_data, stack_data, width, height );
+ /* Lock SaWMan. */
+ ret = sawman_lock( sawman );
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ /* Retrieve corresponding SaWManTier. */
+ if (!sawman_tier_by_stack( sawman, stack, &tier ) || tier->single_mode) {
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return DFB_OK;
+ }
+ tier->size.w = width;
+ tier->size.h = height;
+ sawman_call( sawman, SWMCID_STACK_RESIZED, &tier->size );
+ /* Unlock SaWMan. */
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return DFB_OK;
+static DFBResult
+wm_process_input( CoreWindowStack *stack,
+ void *wm_data,
+ void *stack_data,
+ const DFBInputEvent *event )
+ DFBResult ret;
+ StackData *data = stack_data;
+ SaWMan *sawman;
+ SaWManTier *tier;
+ D_ASSERT( stack != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( stack->context != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( wm_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( stack_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( event != NULL );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( data, StackData );
+ sawman = data->sawman;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, "%s( device %d, type 0x%08x, flags 0x%08x )...\n",
+ __FUNCTION__, event->device_id, event->type, event->flags );
+ if (stack->context->layer_id != DLID_PRIMARY)
+ return DFB_OK;
+ /* Lock SaWMan. */
+ ret = sawman_lock( sawman );
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ /* Retrieve corresponding SaWManTier. */
+ if (sawman->cursor.context && stack == sawman->cursor.context->stack) {
+ direct_list_foreach (tier, sawman->tiers) {
+ if (tier->layer_id == sawman->cursor.context->layer_id)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!tier) {
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, " -> cursor tier not found!\n" );
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return DFB_OK;
+ }
+ stack = tier->stack;
+ }
+ else if (!sawman_tier_by_stack( sawman, stack, &tier ) || tier != (SaWManTier*)sawman->tiers) {
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, " -> not for me\n" );
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return DFB_OK;
+ }
+ /* FIXME: handle multiple devices */
+ if (event->flags & DIEF_BUTTONS)
+ sawman->buttons = event->buttons;
+ if (event->flags & DIEF_MODIFIERS)
+ sawman->modifiers = event->modifiers;
+ if (event->flags & DIEF_LOCKS)
+ sawman->locks = event->locks;
+ /* Store event in shared memory. */
+ sawman->manager.event = *event;
+ /* Call application manager executable. */
+ ret = sawman_call( sawman, SWMCID_INPUT_FILTER, &sawman->manager.event );
+ sawman_process_updates( sawman, DSFLIP_NONE );
+ switch (ret) {
+ case DFB_OK:
+ event = &sawman->manager.event;
+ break;
+ case DFB_NOIMPL:
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* filtered out */
+ /* Unlock SaWMan. */
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return DFB_OK;
+ }
+ switch (event->type) {
+ ret = handle_key_press( stack, data, event );
+ break;
+ ret = handle_key_release( stack, data, event );
+ break;
+ ret = handle_button_press( stack, data, event );
+ break;
+ ret = handle_button_release( stack, data, event );
+ break;
+ ret = handle_axis_motion( stack, sawman, tier, event );
+ break;
+ default:
+ D_ONCE( "unknown input event type" );
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Unlock SaWMan. */
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return ret;
+static DFBResult
+wm_flush_keys( CoreWindowStack *stack,
+ void *wm_data,
+ void *stack_data )
+ int i;
+ DFBResult ret;
+ StackData *data = stack_data;
+ SaWMan *sawman;
+ SaWManTier *tier;
+ D_ASSERT( stack != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( wm_data != NULL );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( data, StackData );
+ sawman = data->sawman;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ /* Lock SaWMan. */
+ ret = sawman_lock( sawman );
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ /* Retrieve corresponding SaWManTier. */
+ if (!sawman_tier_by_stack( sawman, stack, &tier )) {
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return DFB_OK;
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<SAWMAN_MAX_IMPLICIT_KEYGRABS; i++) {
+ if (sawman->keys[i].code != -1) {
+ DFBWindowEvent we;
+ we.type = DWET_KEYUP;
+ we.flags = 0;
+ we.key_code = sawman->keys[i].code;
+ we.key_id = sawman->keys[i].id;
+ we.key_symbol = sawman->keys[i].symbol;
+ sawman_post_event( sawman, sawman->keys[i].owner, &we );
+ sawman->keys[i].code = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Unlock SaWMan. */
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return DFB_OK;
+static DFBResult
+wm_window_at( CoreWindowStack *stack,
+ void *wm_data,
+ void *stack_data,
+ int x,
+ int y,
+ CoreWindow **ret_window )
+ DFBResult ret;
+ StackData *data = stack_data;
+ SaWMan *sawman;
+ SaWManWindow *sawwin;
+ SaWManTier *tier;
+ D_ASSERT( stack != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( wm_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( stack_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( ret_window != NULL );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( data, StackData );
+ sawman = data->sawman;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ /* Lock SaWMan. */
+ ret = sawman_lock( sawman );
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ /* Retrieve corresponding SaWManTier. */
+ if (!sawman_tier_by_stack( sawman, stack, &tier )) {
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ }
+ sawwin = sawman_window_at_pointer( data->sawman, stack, x, y );
+ *ret_window = sawwin ? sawwin->window : NULL;
+ /* Unlock SaWMan. */
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return DFB_OK;
+static DFBResult
+wm_window_lookup( CoreWindowStack *stack,
+ void *wm_data,
+ void *stack_data,
+ DFBWindowID window_id,
+ CoreWindow **ret_window )
+ DFBResult ret;
+ StackData *data = stack_data;
+ SaWMan *sawman;
+ SaWManWindow *window;
+ SaWManTier *tier;
+ D_ASSERT( stack != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( wm_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( stack_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( ret_window != NULL );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( data, StackData );
+ sawman = data->sawman;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ /* Lock SaWMan. */
+ ret = sawman_lock( sawman );
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ /* Retrieve corresponding SaWManTier. */
+ if (!sawman_tier_by_stack( sawman, stack, &tier )) {
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ }
+ direct_list_foreach (window, sawman->windows) {
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( window, SaWManWindow );
+ if (window->id == window_id)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (window) {
+ D_ASSERT( window->window != NULL );
+ *ret_window = window->window;
+ }
+ /* Unlock SaWMan. */
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return window ? DFB_OK : DFB_ITEMNOTFOUND;
+static DFBResult
+wm_enum_windows( CoreWindowStack *stack,
+ void *wm_data,
+ void *stack_data,
+ CoreWMWindowCallback callback,
+ void *callback_ctx )
+ DFBResult ret;
+ StackData *data = stack_data;
+ SaWMan *sawman;
+ SaWManWindow *window;
+ SaWManTier *tier;
+ D_ASSERT( stack != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( wm_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( stack_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( callback != NULL );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( data, StackData );
+ sawman = data->sawman;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ /* Lock SaWMan. */
+ ret = sawman_lock( sawman );
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ /* Retrieve corresponding SaWManTier. */
+ if (!sawman_tier_by_stack( sawman, stack, &tier )) {
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ }
+ direct_list_foreach (window, sawman->windows) {
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( window, SaWManWindow );
+ D_ASSERT( window->window != NULL );
+ if (callback( window->window, callback_ctx ) != DFENUM_OK)
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Unlock SaWMan. */
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return DFB_OK;
+static DFBResult
+wm_get_insets( CoreWindowStack *stack,
+ CoreWindow *window,
+ DFBInsets *insets )
+ insets->l = 0;
+ insets->t = 0;
+ insets->r = 0;
+ insets->b = 0;
+ return DFB_OK;
+static DFBResult
+wm_preconfigure_window( CoreWindowStack *stack,
+ void *wm_data,
+ void *stack_data,
+ CoreWindow *window,
+ void *window_data )
+ DFBResult ret;
+ WMData *wmdata = wm_data;
+ SaWMan *sawman;
+ SaWManTier *tier;
+ SaWManWindow *sawwin = window_data;
+ SaWManWindowInfo *info;
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, "%s( %p, %p, %p, %p, %p )\n", __FUNCTION__,
+ stack, wm_data, stack_data, window, window_data );
+ D_ASSERT( window != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( wm_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( window_data != NULL );
+ sawman = wmdata->sawman;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ /* Lock SaWMan. */
+ ret = sawman_lock( sawman );
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ /* Retrieve corresponding SaWManTier. */
+ if (!sawman_tier_by_stack( sawman, stack, &tier )) {
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return DFB_OK;
+ }
+ /* Override with our own ID which is unique among all tiers, not only each layer context. */
+ window->id = ++sawman->window_ids;
+ /* Lookup parent window. */
+ if (window->config.association) {
+ SaWManWindow *parent = NULL;
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, " -> parent win id %u\n", window->config.association );
+ direct_list_foreach (parent, sawman->windows) {
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( parent, SaWManWindow );
+ D_ASSERT( parent->window != NULL );
+ if (parent->id == window->config.association)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!parent) {
+ D_ERROR( "SaWMan/WM: Can't find parent window with ID %d!\n", window->config.association );
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ }
+ if (parent->window->toplevel != window->toplevel) {
+ D_ERROR( "SaWMan/WM: Can't associate windows with different toplevel!\n" );
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return DFB_INVARG;
+ }
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, " -> parent window %p\n", parent );
+ sawwin->parent = parent;
+ }
+ info = &sawman->;
+ SAWMANWINDOWCONFIG_COPY( &info->config, &window->config )
+ switch (ret = sawman_call( sawman, SWMCID_WINDOW_PRECONFIG, &info->config )) {
+ case DFB_OK:
+ break;
+ case DFB_NOIMPL:
+ ret = DFB_OK;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ SAWMANWINDOWCONFIG_COPY( &window->config, &info->config )
+ sawman_process_updates( wmdata->sawman, DSFLIP_NONE );
+ /* Unlock SaWMan. */
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return ret;
+static DFBResult
+wm_set_window_property( CoreWindowStack *stack,
+ void *wm_data,
+ void *stack_data,
+ CoreWindow *window,
+ void *window_data,
+ const char *key,
+ void *value,
+ void **ret_old_value )
+ D_ASSERT( stack != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( wm_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( stack_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( window != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( window_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( key != NULL );
+ fusion_object_set_property((FusionObject*)window,
+ key,value,ret_old_value);
+ return DFB_OK;
+static DFBResult
+wm_get_window_property( CoreWindowStack *stack,
+ void *wm_data,
+ void *stack_data,
+ CoreWindow *window,
+ void *window_data,
+ const char *key,
+ void **ret_value )
+ D_ASSERT( stack != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( wm_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( stack_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( window != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( window_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( key != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( ret_value != NULL );
+ *ret_value = fusion_object_get_property((FusionObject*)window,key);
+ return DFB_OK;
+static DFBResult
+wm_remove_window_property( CoreWindowStack *stack,
+ void *wm_data,
+ void *stack_data,
+ CoreWindow *window,
+ void *window_data,
+ const char *key,
+ void **ret_value )
+ D_ASSERT( stack != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( wm_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( stack_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( window != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( window_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( key != NULL );
+ fusion_object_remove_property((FusionObject*)window,key,ret_value);
+ return DFB_OK;
+static DFBResult
+wm_add_window( CoreWindowStack *stack,
+ void *wm_data,
+ void *stack_data,
+ CoreWindow *window,
+ void *window_data )
+ DFBResult ret;
+ WMData *wmdata = wm_data;
+ SaWManWindow *sawwin = window_data;
+ StackData *sdata = stack_data;
+ SaWMan *sawman;
+ SaWManTier *tier;
+ SaWManWindowInfo *info;
+ D_ASSERT( stack != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( wm_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( stack_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( window != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( window_data != NULL );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sdata, StackData );
+ sawman = sdata->sawman;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ /* Lock SaWMan. */
+ ret = sawman_lock( sawman );
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ /* Retrieve corresponding SaWManTier. */
+ if (!sawman_tier_by_stack( sawman, stack, &tier )) {
+ D_ERROR( "SaWMan/WM: Cannot add window to unknown stack!\n" );
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ }
+ /* Initialize window data. */
+ sawwin->sawman = sawman;
+ sawwin->shmpool = sawman->shmpool;
+ sawwin->process = wmdata->process;
+ sawwin->id = window->id;
+ sawwin->caps = window->caps;
+ sawwin->window = window;
+ sawwin->stack = stack;
+ sawwin->stack_data = stack_data;
+ D_MAGIC_SET( sawwin, SaWManWindow );
+ if (window->config.options & (DWOP_KEEP_ABOVE | DWOP_KEEP_UNDER)) {
+ if (!sawwin->parent) {
+ D_ERROR( "SaWMan/WM: Cannot use KEEP_ABOVE/UNDER without a parent!\n" );
+ D_MAGIC_CLEAR( sawwin );
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ }
+ if (window->config.options & DWOP_KEEP_ABOVE) {
+ if (sawman_window_priority(sawwin->parent) > sawman_window_priority(sawwin)) {
+ D_MAGIC_CLEAR( sawwin );
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return DFB_INVARG;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (sawman_window_priority(sawwin->parent) < sawman_window_priority(sawwin)) {
+ D_MAGIC_CLEAR( sawwin );
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return DFB_INVARG;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fusion_vector_init( &sawwin->children, 2, sawwin->shmpool );
+ sawwin->priority = sawman_window_priority( sawwin );
+ direct_list_append( &sawman->windows, &sawwin->link );
+ fusion_ref_up( &sawwin->process->ref, true );
+ //
+ // PR brg36mgr#135330: [550r2cr1][StressStab][CRASH]Alive hotboot timeout: process = /dvbt2App, after previous crash [DTR-BC-dvbt_mix_zap]
+ // The problem is that amapp does an assocation in the SWMCID_WINDOW_ADDED notification call and if the following block
+ // of code is executed after this notification, the parent window is referenced one time too many in dfb_window_link.
+ // As a result the window is not removed when the application is killed on a hotboot leading to a timeout and a fast cold boot.
+ // The solution is to move this code before the notification call so that the association is only done when
+ // the CreateWindow function specifies it.
+ if (ret == DFB_OK && sawwin->parent) {
+ SaWManWindow *parent = sawwin->parent;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( parent, SaWManWindow );
+ D_ASSERT( parent->window != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( parent->id == window->config.association );
+ ret = dfb_window_link( &sawwin->parent_window, parent->window );
+ if (ret) {
+ D_DERROR( ret, "SaWMan/WM: Can't link parent window with ID %d!\n", window->config.association );
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return ret;
+ }
+ ret = fusion_vector_add( &parent->children, sawwin );
+ if (ret) {
+ dfb_window_unlink( &sawwin->parent_window );
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Send notification to windows watchers */
+ dfb_wm_dispatch_WindowAdd( wmdata->core, window );
+ info = &sawman->;
+ info->handle = (SaWManWindowHandle)sawwin;
+ info->caps = sawwin->caps;
+ SAWMANWINDOWCONFIG_COPY( &info->config, &window->config )
+ info->config.key_selection = window->config.key_selection;
+ info->config.keys = window->config.keys;
+ info->config.num_keys = window->config.num_keys;
+ info->resource_id = window->resource_id;
+ info->win_id = window->id;
+ info->flags = sawwin->flags
+ | (window->flags & CWF_FOCUSED ? SWMWF_FOCUSED : 0)
+ | (window->flags & CWF_ENTERED ? SWMWF_ENTERED : 0);
+ switch (ret = sawman_call( sawman, SWMCID_WINDOW_ADDED, info )) {
+ case DFB_OK:
+ break;
+ case DFB_NOIMPL:
+ /* Actually add the window to the stack. */
+ ret = sawman_insert_window( sawman, sawwin, NULL, true );
+ break;
+ default:
+ direct_list_remove( &sawman->windows, &sawwin->link );
+ break;
+ }
+ sawman_update_geometry( sawwin );
+ sawman_process_updates( wmdata->sawman, DSFLIP_NONE );
+ /* Unlock SaWMan. */
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return DFB_OK;
+static DFBResult
+wm_remove_window( CoreWindowStack *stack,
+ void *wm_data,
+ void *stack_data,
+ CoreWindow *window,
+ void *window_data )
+ DFBResult ret;
+ WMData *wmdata = wm_data;
+ SaWManWindow *sawwin = window_data;
+ StackData *sdata = stack_data;
+ SaWMan *sawman;
+ SaWManTier *tier;
+ SaWManWindowInfo *info;
+ D_ASSERT( stack != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( wm_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( stack_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( window != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( window_data != NULL );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawwin, SaWManWindow );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sdata, StackData );
+ sawman = sdata->sawman;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ /* Lock SaWMan. */
+ ret = sawman_lock( sawman );
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ /* Check for valid stack. */
+ if (!sawman_tier_by_stack( sawman, stack, &tier )) {
+ D_ERROR( "SaWMan/WM: Cannot remove window from unknown stack!\n" );
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ }
+ /* Retrieve corresponding SaWManTier. */
+ tier = sawman_tier_by_class( sawman, window->config.stacking );
+ if (!tier) {
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return DFB_BUG;
+ }
+ direct_list_remove( &sawman->windows, &sawwin->link );
+ info = &sawman->;
+ info->handle = (SaWManWindowHandle)sawwin;
+ info->caps = sawwin->caps;
+ SAWMANWINDOWCONFIG_COPY( &info->config, &window->config )
+ info->config.key_selection = window->config.key_selection;
+ info->config.keys = window->config.keys;
+ info->config.num_keys = window->config.num_keys;
+ info->resource_id = window->resource_id;
+ info->win_id = window->id;
+ info->flags = sawwin->flags
+ | (window->flags & CWF_FOCUSED ? SWMWF_FOCUSED : 0)
+ | (window->flags & CWF_ENTERED ? SWMWF_ENTERED : 0);
+ switch (ret = sawman_call( sawman, SWMCID_WINDOW_REMOVED, info )) {
+ case DFB_NOIMPL:
+ ret = DFB_OK;
+ case DFB_OK:
+ D_ASSERT( sawwin->children.count == 0 );
+ /* Actually remove the window from the stack. */
+ if (sawwin->flags & SWMWF_INSERTED)
+ sawman_remove_window( sawman, sawwin );
+ else
+ sawman_withdraw_window(sawman,sawwin); // NDC - otherwise we have issues when focus is switched after window deletion
+ /* Remove from parent window. */
+ if (sawwin->parent) {
+ SaWManWindow *parent = sawwin->parent;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( parent, SaWManWindow );
+ fusion_vector_remove( &parent->children, fusion_vector_index_of( &parent->children, sawwin ) );
+ sawwin->parent = NULL;
+ dfb_window_unlink( &sawwin->parent_window );
+ }
+ fusion_ref_down( &sawwin->process->ref, true );
+ D_MAGIC_CLEAR( sawwin );
+ break;
+ default:
+ direct_list_append( &sawman->windows, &sawwin->link );
+ break;
+ }
+ if (tier->single_window == sawwin)
+ tier->single_window = NULL;
+ /* Send notification to windows watchers */
+ dfb_wm_dispatch_WindowRemove( wmdata->core, window );
+ sawman_process_updates( sdata->sawman, DSFLIP_NONE );
+ /* Unlock SaWMan. */
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return ret;
+static DFBResult
+wm_set_window_config( CoreWindow *window,
+ void *wm_data,
+ void *window_data,
+ const CoreWindowConfig *updated,
+ CoreWindowConfigFlags flags )
+ DFBResult ret;
+ WMData *wmdata = wm_data;
+ SaWMan *sawman;
+ SaWManWindow *sawwin = window_data;
+ SaWManTier *tier;
+ CoreWindowStack *stack;
+ SaWManWindowConfig *config;
+ SaWManWindowConfig *current;
+ SaWManWindowReconfig *reconfig;
+ DFBInputDeviceKeySymbol *shared_keys = 0;
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, "%s( window %p, flags 0x%08x )\n", __FUNCTION__, window, flags );
+ D_ASSERT( window != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( window->stack != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( wm_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( window_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( updated != NULL );
+ sawman = wmdata->sawman;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawwin, SaWManWindow );
+ stack = sawwin->stack;
+ D_ASSERT( stack != NULL );
+ if ((flags & CWCF_OPTIONS) && (updated->options & (DWOP_KEEP_ABOVE | DWOP_KEEP_UNDER))) {
+ if (!sawwin->parent)
+ if (updated->options & DWOP_KEEP_ABOVE) {
+ if (sawman_window_priority(sawwin->parent) > sawman_window_priority(sawwin))
+ return DFB_INVARG;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (sawman_window_priority(sawwin->parent) < sawman_window_priority(sawwin))
+ return DFB_INVARG;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Lock SaWMan. */
+ ret = sawman_lock( sawman );
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ /* Retrieve corresponding SaWManTier. */
+ if (!sawman_tier_by_stack( sawman, stack, &tier )) {
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ }
+ reconfig = &sawman->callback.reconfig;
+ reconfig->caps = sawwin->caps;
+ reconfig->handle = (SaWManWindowHandle)sawwin;
+ current = &reconfig->current;
+ config = &reconfig->request;
+ SAWMANWINDOWCONFIG_COPY( current, &window->config )
+ *config = *current; /* make sure that all fields in "request" are valid */
+ SAWMANWINDOWCONFIG_COPY_IF( config, updated, flags )
+ reconfig->flags = 0;
+ /* special consideration due to possibility of local pointer in request */
+ current->key_selection = window->config.key_selection;
+ current->keys = window->config.keys;
+ current->num_keys = window->config.num_keys;
+ if( flags & CWCF_KEY_SELECTION )
+ {
+ config->key_selection = updated->key_selection;
+ config->keys = 0;
+ config->num_keys = updated->num_keys;
+ if( config->key_selection == DWKS_LIST ) {
+ unsigned int bytes = sizeof(DFBInputDeviceKeySymbol) * config->num_keys;
+ shared_keys = SHMALLOC( sawwin->shmpool, bytes );
+ if (!shared_keys) {
+ D_ERROR( "SaWMan/WM: Could not allocate %d bytes for list "
+ "of selected keys (%d)!\n", bytes, config->num_keys );
+ return D_OOSHM();
+ }
+ config->keys = shared_keys;
+ direct_memcpy( config->keys, updated->keys, bytes );
+ }
+ /* ..and add the flag */
+ reconfig->flags = SWMCF_KEY_SELECTION;
+ }
+ reconfig->flags =
+ | (flags & CWCF_SIZE ? SWMCF_SIZE : 0)
+ | (flags & CWCF_OPACITY ? SWMCF_OPACITY : 0)
+ | (flags & CWCF_OPTIONS ? SWMCF_OPTIONS : 0)
+ | (flags & CWCF_EVENTS ? SWMCF_EVENTS : 0)
+ | (flags & CWCF_COLOR ? SWMCF_COLOR : 0)
+ | (flags & CWCF_COLOR_KEY ? SWMCF_COLOR_KEY : 0)
+ | (flags & CWCF_OPAQUE ? SWMCF_OPAQUE : 0)
+ switch (ret = sawman_call( sawman, SWMCID_WINDOW_RECONFIG, reconfig )) {
+ case DFB_OK: {
+ SaWManWindowConfigFlags f = reconfig->flags;
+ flags =
+ ( flags & ~( CWCF_POSITION
+ | (f & SWMCF_SIZE ? CWCF_SIZE : 0)
+ | (f & SWMCF_COLOR ? CWCF_COLOR : 0)
+ }
+ break;
+ case DFB_NOIMPL:
+ break;
+ default:
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return ret;
+ }
+ if (flags & CWCF_OPTIONS) {
+ if ((window->config.options & DWOP_SCALE) && !(config->options & DWOP_SCALE) && window->surface) {
+ if (window->config.bounds.w != window->surface->config.size.w ||
+ window->config.bounds.h != window->surface->config.size.h)
+ {
+ ret = dfb_surface_reformat( window->surface,
+ window->config.bounds.w,
+ window->config.bounds.h,
+ window->surface->config.format );
+ if (ret) {
+ D_DERROR( ret, "WM/Default: Could not resize surface "
+ "(%dx%d -> %dx%d) to remove DWOP_SCALE!\n",
+ window->surface->config.size.w,
+ window->surface->config.size.h,
+ window->config.bounds.w,
+ window->config.bounds.h );
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (config->options & (DWOP_KEEP_ABOVE | DWOP_KEEP_UNDER)) {
+ D_ASSERT( sawwin->parent );
+ if (config->options & DWOP_KEEP_ABOVE) {
+ D_ASSERT( sawman_window_priority(sawwin->parent) <= sawman_window_priority(sawwin) );
+ sawman_insert_window( sawman, sawwin, sawwin->parent, true );
+ }
+ else {
+ D_ASSERT( sawman_window_priority(sawwin->parent) >= sawman_window_priority(sawwin) );
+ sawman_insert_window( sawman, sawwin, sawwin->parent, false );
+ }
+ sawman_update_window( sawman, sawwin, NULL, DSFLIP_NONE, SWMUF_UPDATE_BORDER | SWMUF_FORCE_COMPLETE );
+ }
+ if ( (config->options ^ window->config.options) & DWOP_INPUTONLY ) {
+ window->config.options = config->options;
+ sawman_update_window( sawman, sawwin, NULL, DSFLIP_NONE, SWMUF_NONE );
+ }
+ window->config.options = config->options;
+ }
+ if (flags & CWCF_EVENTS)
+ window-> = config->events;
+ if (flags & CWCF_COLOR)
+ window->config.color = config->color;
+ if (flags & CWCF_COLOR_KEY)
+ window->config.color_key = config->color_key;
+ if (flags & CWCF_OPAQUE)
+ window->config.opaque = config->opaque;
+ if (flags & CWCF_OPACITY && !config->opacity)
+ sawman_set_opacity( sawman, sawwin, config->opacity );
+ if (flags == (CWCF_POSITION | CWCF_SIZE)) {
+ ret = set_window_bounds( sawman, sawwin, wm_data,
+ config->bounds.x, config->bounds.y,
+ config->bounds.w, config->bounds.h);
+ if (ret) {
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (flags & CWCF_POSITION) {
+ ret = move_window( sawman, sawwin,
+ config->bounds.x - window->config.bounds.x,
+ config->bounds.y - window->config.bounds.y );
+ if (ret) {
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ if (flags & CWCF_SIZE) {
+ ret = resize_window( sawman, sawwin, wm_data, config->bounds.w, config->bounds.h );
+ if (ret) {
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (flags & CWCF_STACKING)
+ sawman_restack_window( sawman, sawwin, sawwin, 0, config->stacking );
+ if (flags & CWCF_OPACITY && config->opacity) {
+ sawman_set_opacity( sawman, sawwin, config->opacity );
+ /* Possibly switch focus to window now under the cursor */
+ sawman_update_focus( sawman, stack, stack->cursor.x, stack->cursor.y );
+ }
+ if (flags & CWCF_KEY_SELECTION) {
+ if (config->key_selection == DWKS_LIST) {
+ unsigned int bytes = sizeof(DFBInputDeviceKeySymbol) * config->num_keys;
+ DFBInputDeviceKeySymbol *keys = config->keys;
+ D_ASSERT( config->keys != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( config->num_keys > 0 );
+ if( shared_keys != config->keys) {
+ /* buffer difference, MUST reserve new area */
+ /* If old request buffer: must free */
+ if( shared_keys )
+ SHFREE( sawwin->shmpool, shared_keys );
+ keys = SHMALLOC( sawwin->shmpool, bytes );
+ if (!keys) {
+ D_ERROR( "SaWMan/WM: Could not allocate %d bytes for list "
+ "of selected keys (%d)!\n", bytes, config->num_keys );
+ return D_OOSHM();
+ }
+ direct_memcpy( keys, config->keys, bytes );
+ }
+ /* sort always, also when buffer was reused */
+ qsort( keys, config->num_keys, sizeof(DFBInputDeviceKeySymbol), keys_compare );
+ if (window->config.keys)
+ SHFREE( sawwin->shmpool, window->config.keys );
+ window->config.keys = keys;
+ window->config.num_keys = config->num_keys;
+ }
+ else if (window->config.keys) {
+ SHFREE( sawwin->shmpool, window->config.keys );
+ window->config.keys = NULL;
+ window->config.num_keys = 0;
+ }
+ window->config.key_selection = config->key_selection;
+ }
+ if (flags & CWCF_SRC_GEOMETRY)
+ window->config.src_geometry = config->src_geometry;
+ if (flags & CWCF_DST_GEOMETRY)
+ window->config.dst_geometry = config->dst_geometry;
+ if (flags & CWCF_ASSOCIATION && window->config.association != config->association) {
+ SaWManWindow *parent = NULL;
+ /* Dissociate first */
+ if (sawwin->parent_window) {
+ int index;
+ dfb_window_unlink( &sawwin->parent_window );
+ index = fusion_vector_index_of( &parent->children, sawwin );
+ D_ASSERT( index >= 0 );
+ D_ASSERT( index < parent->children.count );
+ fusion_vector_remove( &parent->children, index );
+ sawwin->parent = NULL;
+ window->config.association = 0;
+ }
+ /* Lookup new parent window. */
+ if (config->association) {
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, " -> new parent win id %u\n", config->association );
+ direct_list_foreach (parent, sawman->windows) {
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( parent, SaWManWindow );
+ D_ASSERT( parent->window != NULL );
+ if (parent->id == config->association)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!parent) {
+ D_ERROR( "SaWMan/WM: Can't find parent window with ID %d!\n", config->association );
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ }
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( parent, SaWManWindow );
+ D_ASSERT( parent->window != NULL );
+ if (parent->window->toplevel != window->toplevel) {
+ D_ERROR( "SaWMan/WM: Can't associate windows with different toplevel!\n" );
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return DFB_INVARG;
+ }
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, " -> parent window %p\n", parent );
+ ret = dfb_window_link( &sawwin->parent_window, parent->window );
+ if (ret) {
+ D_DERROR( ret, "SaWMan/WM: Can't link parent window with ID %d!\n", config->association );
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return ret;
+ }
+ ret = fusion_vector_add( &parent->children, sawwin );
+ if (ret) {
+ dfb_window_unlink( &sawwin->parent_window );
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return ret;
+ }
+ sawwin->parent = parent;
+ /* Write back new association */
+ window->config.association = config->association;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Update geometry? */
+ sawman_update_geometry( sawwin );
+ /* Update cursor flags? */
+ if (flags & CWCF_CURSOR_FLAGS)
+ sawman_window_set_cursor_flags( sawman, sawwin, config->cursor_flags );
+ window->config.cursor_resolution = config->cursor_resolution;
+ /* Send notification to windows watchers */
+ dfb_wm_dispatch_WindowConfig( wmdata->core, window, flags );
+ sawman_process_updates( sawman, DSFLIP_NONE );
+ /* Unlock SaWMan. */
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return DFB_OK;
+static DFBResult
+wm_restack_window( CoreWindow *window,
+ void *wm_data,
+ void *window_data,
+ CoreWindow *relative,
+ void *relative_data,
+ int relation )
+ DFBResult ret;
+ SaWMan *sawman;
+ SaWManWindow *sawwin = window_data;
+ SaWManTier *tier;
+ CoreWindowStack *stack;
+ StackData *data;
+ SaWManWindowRelation r;
+ D_ASSERT( window != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( wm_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( window_data != NULL );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawwin, SaWManWindow );
+ D_ASSERT( relative == NULL || relative_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( relative == NULL || relative == window || relation != 0);
+ data = sawwin->stack_data;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( data, StackData );
+ sawman = data->sawman;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ stack = sawwin->stack;
+ D_ASSERT( stack != NULL );
+ /* Lock SaWMan. */
+ ret = sawman_lock( sawman );
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ /* Retrieve corresponding SaWManTier. */
+ if (!sawman_tier_by_stack( sawman, stack, &tier )) {
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ }
+ sawman->callback.handle = (SaWManWindowHandle)sawwin;
+ sawman->callback.relative = (SaWManWindowHandle)relative_data;
+ r = (relation==1) ? SWMWR_TOP : SWMWR_BOTTOM;
+ switch (ret = sawman_call( sawman, SWMCID_WINDOW_RESTACK, (void*)r ) ) {
+ case DFB_OK:
+ case DFB_NOIMPL:
+ break;
+ default:
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return ret;
+ }
+ ret = sawman_restack_window( sawman, sawwin, relative_data, relation, window->config.stacking );
+ if (ret) {
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /* Possibly switch focus to window now under the cursor */
+ sawman_update_focus( sawman, stack, stack->cursor.x, stack->cursor.y );
+ sawman_process_updates( data->sawman, DSFLIP_NONE );
+ /* Unlock SaWMan. */
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return DFB_OK;
+static DFBResult
+wm_grab( CoreWindow *window,
+ void *wm_data,
+ void *window_data,
+ CoreWMGrab *grab )
+ DFBResult ret;
+ WMData *wmdata = wm_data;
+ SaWMan *sawman;
+ SaWManTier *tier;
+ SaWManWindow *sawwin = window_data;
+ CoreWindowStack *stack;
+ D_ASSERT( window != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( wm_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( window_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( grab != NULL );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawwin, SaWManWindow );
+ sawman = wmdata->sawman;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ stack = sawwin->stack;
+ D_ASSERT( stack != NULL );
+ /* Lock SaWMan. */
+ ret = sawman_lock( sawman );
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ /* Retrieve corresponding SaWManTier. */
+ if (!sawman_tier_by_stack( sawman, stack, &tier )) {
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ }
+ switch (grab->target) {
+ ret = grab_keyboard( wmdata->sawman, window_data );
+ break;
+ ret = grab_pointer( wmdata->sawman, window_data );
+ break;
+ case CWMGT_KEY:
+ ret = grab_key( wmdata->sawman, window_data, grab->symbol, grab->modifiers );
+ break;
+ if (sawman->unselkeys_window)
+ ret = DFB_LOCKED;
+ else
+ sawman->unselkeys_window = sawwin;
+ break;
+ default:
+ D_BUG( "unknown grab target" );
+ ret = DFB_BUG;
+ }
+ sawman_process_updates( wmdata->sawman, DSFLIP_NONE );
+ /* Unlock SaWMan. */
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return ret;
+static DFBResult
+wm_ungrab( CoreWindow *window,
+ void *wm_data,
+ void *window_data,
+ CoreWMGrab *grab )
+ DFBResult ret;
+ WMData *wmdata = wm_data;
+ SaWMan *sawman;
+ SaWManTier *tier;
+ SaWManWindow *sawwin = window_data;
+ CoreWindowStack *stack;
+ D_ASSERT( window != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( wm_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( window_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( grab != NULL );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawwin, SaWManWindow );
+ sawman = wmdata->sawman;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ stack = sawwin->stack;
+ D_ASSERT( stack != NULL );
+ /* Lock SaWMan. */
+ ret = sawman_lock( sawman );
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ /* Retrieve corresponding SaWManTier. */
+ if (!sawman_tier_by_stack( sawman, stack, &tier )) {
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ }
+ switch (grab->target) {
+ ret = ungrab_keyboard( wmdata->sawman, window_data );
+ break;
+ ret = ungrab_pointer( wmdata->sawman, window_data );
+ break;
+ case CWMGT_KEY:
+ ret = ungrab_key( wmdata->sawman, window_data, grab->symbol, grab->modifiers );
+ break;
+ if (sawman->unselkeys_window == sawwin)
+ sawman->unselkeys_window = NULL;
+ default:
+ D_BUG( "unknown grab target" );
+ ret = DFB_BUG;
+ }
+ sawman_process_updates( wmdata->sawman, DSFLIP_NONE );
+ /* Unlock SaWMan. */
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return ret;
+static DFBResult
+wm_request_focus( CoreWindow *window,
+ void *wm_data,
+ void *window_data )
+ DFBResult ret;
+ WMData *wmdata = wm_data;
+ SaWMan *sawman;
+ SaWManTier *tier;
+ SaWManWindow *sawwin = window_data;
+ CoreWindowStack *stack;
+ D_ASSERT( window != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( wm_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( window_data != NULL );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawwin, SaWManWindow );
+ sawman = wmdata->sawman;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ stack = sawwin->stack;
+ D_ASSERT( stack != NULL );
+ /* Lock SaWMan. */
+ ret = sawman_lock( sawman );
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ /* Retrieve corresponding SaWManTier. */
+ if (!sawman_tier_by_stack( sawman, stack, &tier )) {
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ }
+ ret = request_focus( wmdata->sawman, window_data );
+ sawman_process_updates( wmdata->sawman, DSFLIP_NONE );
+ /* Unlock SaWMan. */
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return ret;
+static DFBResult
+wm_begin_updates( CoreWindow *window,
+ void *wm_data,
+ void *window_data,
+ const DFBRegion *update )
+ WMData *wmdata = wm_data;
+ SaWMan *sawman;
+ SaWManWindow *sawwin = window_data;
+ D_ASSERT( window != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( wm_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( window_data != NULL );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawwin, SaWManWindow );
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_FlipOnce, "%s( %p ) <- window id %u\n", __FUNCTION__, window, window->id );
+ sawman = wmdata->sawman;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ sawwin->flags |= SWMWF_UPDATING;
+ sawwin->update_ms = direct_clock_get_millis();
+ return DFB_OK;
+static DFBResult
+wm_set_cursor_position( CoreWindow *window,
+ void *wm_data,
+ void *window_data,
+ int x,
+ int y )
+ DFBResult ret;
+ WMData *wmdata = wm_data;
+ SaWMan *sawman;
+ SaWManTier *tier;
+ SaWManWindow *sawwin = window_data;
+ CoreWindowStack *stack;
+ int sx, sy;
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, "%s( %p, %p, %p, %d,%d )\n", __FUNCTION__, window, wm_data, window_data, x, y );
+ D_ASSERT( window != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( wm_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( window_data != NULL );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawwin, SaWManWindow );
+ sawman = wmdata->sawman;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ stack = sawwin->stack;
+ D_ASSERT( stack != NULL );
+ /* Lock SaWMan. */
+ ret = sawman_lock( sawman );
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ /* Retrieve corresponding SaWManTier. */
+ if (!sawman_tier_by_stack( sawman, stack, &tier )) {
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ }
+ sx = sawwin->window->config.cursor_resolution.w ?: sawwin->src.w;
+ sy = sawwin->window->config.cursor_resolution.h ?: sawwin->src.h;
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, " -> Window with scaling %dx%d -> %dx%d\n", sawwin->dst.w, sawwin->dst.h, sx, sy );
+ /* Convert to Tier coordinates */
+ x = x * sawwin->dst.w / sx + sawwin->dst.x;
+ y = y * sawwin->dst.h / sy + sawwin->dst.y;
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, " => %d, %d\n", x, y );
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, " -> Tier with resolution %dx%d\n", tier->size.w, tier->size.h );
+ /* Convert to SaWMan coordinates */
+ x = (s64) x * (s64) sawman->resolution.w / (s64) tier->size.w;
+ y = (s64) y * (s64) sawman->resolution.h / (s64) tier->size.h;
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, " => %d, %d\n", x, y );
+ if (x < 0)
+ x = 0;
+ else if (x >= sawman->resolution.w)
+ x = sawman->resolution.w - 1;
+ if (y < 0)
+ y = 0;
+ else if (y >= sawman->resolution.h)
+ y = sawman->resolution.h - 1;
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, " -> Cursor clipped at %d,%d\n", x, y );
+ if (x != stack->cursor.x || y != stack->cursor.y) {
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, " -> Cursor moved %d,%d -> %d,%d\n", stack->cursor.x, stack->cursor.y, x, y );
+ stack->cursor.x = x;
+ stack->cursor.y = y;
+ dfb_wm_update_cursor( stack, CCUF_POSITION );
+ }
+ /* Unlock SaWMan. */
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return ret;
+static DFBResult
+wm_update_stack( CoreWindowStack *stack,
+ void *wm_data,
+ void *stack_data,
+ const DFBRegion *region,
+ DFBSurfaceFlipFlags flags )
+ DFBResult ret;
+ StackData *data = stack_data;
+ SaWMan *sawman;
+ SaWManTier *tier;
+ D_ASSERT( stack != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( wm_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( stack_data != NULL );
+ DFB_REGION_ASSERT( region );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( data, StackData );
+ sawman = data->sawman;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, "%s( %p, %p, %p, %d,%d-%dx%d )\n", __FUNCTION__,
+ stack, wm_data, stack_data, DFB_RECTANGLE_VALS_FROM_REGION( region ) );
+ /* Lock SaWMan. */
+ ret = sawman_lock( sawman );
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ /* Retrieve corresponding SaWManTier. */
+ if (!sawman_tier_by_stack( sawman, stack, &tier )) {
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ }
+ if (!tier->single_mode) {
+ dfb_updates_add( &tier->updates, region );
+ ret = sawman_process_updates( sawman, flags );
+ }
+ /* Unlock SaWMan. */
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return ret;
+static DFBResult
+wm_update_window( CoreWindow *window,
+ void *wm_data,
+ void *window_data,
+ const DFBRegion *region, /* surface coordinates! */
+ DFBSurfaceFlipFlags flags )
+ DFBResult ret;
+ WMData *wmdata = wm_data;
+ SaWMan *sawman;
+ SaWManWindow *sawwin = window_data;
+ SaWManTier *tier;
+ CoreWindowStack *stack;
+ DFBWindowEvent event;
+ D_ASSERT( window != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( wm_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( window_data != NULL );
+ sawman = wmdata->sawman;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawwin, SaWManWindow );
+ stack = sawwin->stack;
+ D_ASSERT( stack != NULL );
+ if (region)
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, "%s( %p, %p, %p, %d,%d-%dx%d )\n", __FUNCTION__,
+ window, wm_data, window_data, DFB_RECTANGLE_VALS_FROM_REGION( region ) );
+ else
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, "%s( %p, %p, %p, <0,0-%dx%d> )\n", __FUNCTION__,
+ window, wm_data, window_data, sawwin->bounds.w, sawwin->bounds.h );
+ event.flags = DWEF_NONE;
+ event.type = DWET_UPDATE;
+ event.x = region->x1;
+ event.y = region->y1;
+ event.w = region->x2 - region->x1;
+ event.h = region->y2 - region->y1;
+ sawman_post_event( sawman, sawwin, &event );
+ return DFB_OK;
+ /* Lock SaWMan. */
+ ret = sawman_lock( sawman );
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ /* Check for window being inserted. */
+ if (!(sawwin->flags & SWMWF_INSERTED)) {
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_WM, " -> window %d not inserted!\n", window->id );
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return DFB_OK;
+ }
+ sawwin->flags &= ~SWMWF_UPDATING;
+ /* Retrieve corresponding SaWManTier. */
+ tier = sawman_tier_by_class( sawman, window->config.stacking );
+ if (!tier) {
+ D_ERROR( "SaWMan/WM: Cannot update window on unknown stack!\n" );
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return DFB_BUG;
+ }
+ if (tier->single_mode && tier->single_window != NULL) {
+ D_ASSERT( tier->region != NULL );
+ if (tier->single_window == sawwin) {
+ DFBRectangle tmp = tier->single_src;
+ if (!region || dfb_rectangle_intersect_by_region( &tmp, region )) {
+ DFBRegion reg;
+ DFBRectangle src = tmp;
+ DFBRegion cursor_visible;
+ tmp.x -= tier->single_src.x;
+ tmp.y -= tier->single_src.y;
+ D_ASSERT( window->surface != NULL );
+ dfb_gfx_copy_to( window->surface, tier->region->surface, &src, tmp.x, tmp.y, false );
+ dfb_region_from_rectangle( &reg, &tmp );
+ /* Update cursor? */
+ cursor_visible = tier->cursor_region;
+ if (tier->cursor_drawn && dfb_region_region_intersect( &cursor_visible, &reg )) {
+ DFBRectangle rect = DFB_RECTANGLE_INIT_FROM_REGION( &cursor_visible );
+ CoreLayer *layer = dfb_layer_at( tier->layer_id );
+ CardState *state = &layer->state;
+ int x;
+ int y;
+ DFBDimension size;
+ if (tier->single_mode) {
+ size.w = tier->single_width;
+ size.h = tier->single_height;
+ }
+ else {
+ size = tier->size;
+ }
+ x = (s64) stack->cursor.x * (s64) size.w / (s64) sawman_config->resolution.w;
+ y = (s64) stack->cursor.y * (s64) size.h / (s64) sawman_config->resolution.h;
+ D_ASSUME( tier->cursor_bs_valid );
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_Cursor, " -> saving background under cursor (%d,%d-%dx%d)\n",
+ dfb_gfx_copy_to( tier->region->surface, tier->cursor_bs, &rect,
+ rect.x - tier->cursor_region.x1,
+ rect.y - tier->cursor_region.y1, true );
+ /* Set destination. */
+ state->destination = tier->region->surface;
+ state->modified |= SMF_DESTINATION;
+ /* Set clipping region. */
+ dfb_state_set_clip( state, &cursor_visible );
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_Cursor, " -> drawing cursor (%d,%d-%dx%d) at %d,%d\n",
+ DFB_RECTANGLE_VALS_FROM_REGION(&cursor_visible), x, y );
+ /* draw cursor */
+ sawman_draw_cursor( stack, state, &tier->cursor_region, x, y );
+ /* Reset destination. */
+ state->destination = NULL;
+ state->modified |= SMF_DESTINATION;
+ }
+ dfb_layer_region_flip_update( tier->region, &reg, flags );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ sawman_update_window( sawman, sawwin,
+ sawwin->parent ? NULL : region, /* FIXME? */
+ if (flags & DSFLIP_ONCE) {
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_FlipOnce, " -> flip once for window id %u\n", window->id );
+ tier->update_once = true;
+ }
+ sawman_process_updates( sawman, flags );
+ if (flags & DSFLIP_ONCE) {
+ while (tier->updates.num_regions) {
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_FlipOnce, " -> waiting for updates...\n" );
+ switch (fusion_skirmish_wait( &sawman->lock,
+ sawman_config->flip_once_timeout ?
+ sawman_config->flip_once_timeout + 10 : 0 ))
+ {
+ case DR_TIMEOUT:
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_FlipOnce, " -> timeout waiting for updates!\n" );
+ sawman_process_updates( sawman, flags );
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_FlipOnce, " -> updates done.\n" );
+ }
+ }
+ /* Unlock SaWMan. */
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return DFB_OK;
+static DFBResult
+update_hw_cursor( SaWMan *sawman,
+ CoreWindowStack *stack,
+ CoreCursorUpdateFlags flags )
+ DFBResult ret;
+ int x, y;
+ int mx, my;
+ CoreLayer *layer;
+ CoreLayerRegionConfig config;
+ CoreLayerRegionConfigFlags config_flags = CLRCF_NONE;
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_Cursor, "%s( %p, %p, 0x%08x )\n", __FUNCTION__, sawman, stack, flags );
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ D_ASSERT( stack != NULL );
+ layer = dfb_layer_at( stack->context->layer_id );
+ dfb_screen_get_layer_dimension( layer->screen, layer, &mx, &my );
+ x = (s64) stack->cursor.x * (s64) mx / (s64) sawman_config->resolution.w;
+ y = (s64) stack->cursor.y * (s64) my / (s64) sawman_config->resolution.h;
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_Cursor, " -> position %4d,%4d (%d,%d)\n", x, y, stack->cursor.x, stack->cursor.y );
+ // FIXME: initial update flags from DirectFB are CCUF_ENABLE only!
+ if (!sawman->cursor.region->surface) {
+ config_flags = CLRCF_ALL;
+ config = sawman->cursor.context->primary.config;
+ }
+ if (flags & CCUF_OPACITY) {
+ if (stack->cursor.opacity) {
+ if (!(sawman->cursor.region->state & CLRSF_ENABLED)) {
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_Cursor, " -> OPACITY %d, enabling region\n", stack->cursor.opacity );
+ flags |= CCUF_ENABLE;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (sawman->cursor.region->state & CLRSF_ENABLED) {
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_Cursor, " -> OPACITY %d, disabling region\n", stack->cursor.opacity );
+ flags |= CCUF_DISABLE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (flags & CCUF_DISABLE) {
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_Cursor, " -> DISABLE\n" );
+ dfb_layer_region_disable( sawman->cursor.region );
+ }
+ DFBRegion clip = { 0, 0, mx-1, my-1 };
+ if (flags & CCUF_POSITION)
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_Cursor, " -> POSITION %4d,%4d (hot %d,%d)\n",
+ x, y, stack->, stack-> );
+ if (flags & CCUF_SIZE)
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_Cursor, " -> SIZE %4dx%4d\n",
+ stack->cursor.size.w, stack->cursor.size.h );
+ config_flags |= CLRCF_DEST | CLRCF_SOURCE;
+ config.dest.x = x - stack->;
+ config.dest.y = y - stack->;
+ config.dest.w = stack->cursor.size.w;
+ config.dest.h = stack->cursor.size.h;
+ config.source.x = 0;
+ config.source.y = 0;
+ config.source.w = stack->cursor.surface->config.size.w;
+ config.source.h = stack->cursor.surface->config.size.h;
+ if (!dfb_clip_blit_precheck( &clip, config.dest.w, config.dest.h, config.dest.x, config.dest.y )) {
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_Cursor, " -> PRECHECK against %d,%d-%dx%d failed!\n", DFB_RECTANGLE_VALS_FROM_REGION(&clip) );
+ return DFB_INVAREA;
+ }
+ dfb_clip_blit( &clip, &config.source, &config.dest.x, &config.dest.y );
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_Cursor, " -> CLIPPED %4d,%4d-%4dx%4d -> %4d,%4d\n",
+ DFB_RECTANGLE_VALS( &config.source ), config.dest.x, config.dest.y );
+ config.dest.w = config.source.w;
+ config.dest.h = config.source.h;
+ }
+ if (flags & CCUF_OPACITY) {
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_Cursor, " -> OPACITY %d\n", stack->cursor.opacity );
+ config_flags |= CLRCF_OPACITY;
+ config.opacity = stack->cursor.opacity;
+ if (config.opacity) {
+ dfb_layer_region_enable( sawman->cursor.region );
+ }
+ else
+ dfb_layer_region_disable( sawman->cursor.region );
+ }
+ if (flags & CCUF_SHAPE) {
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_Cursor, " -> SHAPE (%dx%d %s, caps 0x%08x)\n",
+ stack->cursor.surface->config.size.w,
+ stack->cursor.surface->config.size.h,
+ dfb_pixelformat_name( stack->cursor.surface->config.format ),
+ stack->cursor.surface->config.caps );
+ config.width = config.source.w;
+ config.height = config.source.h;
+ config.format = stack->cursor.surface->config.format;
+ config.surface_caps = stack->cursor.surface->config.caps;
+ config.options = DLOP_OPACITY |
+ (DFB_PIXELFORMAT_HAS_ALPHA( stack->cursor.surface->config.format ) ? DLOP_ALPHACHANNEL : DLOP_NONE);
+ }
+ if (config_flags) {
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_Cursor, " -> reconfiguring... (flags 0x%08x)\n", config_flags );
+ ret = dfb_layer_region_set_configuration( sawman->cursor.region, &config, config_flags );
+ if (ret) {
+ D_DERROR( ret, "SaWMan/Cursor: Failed to reconfigure HW Cursor layer region!\n" );
+ return ret;
+ }
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_Cursor, " -> reconfiguring done.\n" );
+ }
+ if (flags & CCUF_SHAPE) {
+ ret = dfb_layer_region_set_surface( sawman->cursor.region, stack->cursor.surface );
+ if (ret) {
+ D_DERROR( ret, "SaWMan/Cursor: Failed to set HW Cursor layer surface!\n" );
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ if (flags & CCUF_ENABLE) {
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_Cursor, " -> ENABLE\n" );
+ dfb_layer_region_enable( sawman->cursor.region );
+ }
+ if (flags & (CCUF_SHAPE | CCUF_ENABLE)) {
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_Cursor, " -> updating region...\n" );
+ dfb_layer_region_flip_update( sawman->cursor.region, NULL, DSFLIP_NONE );
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_Cursor, " -> updating region done.\n" );
+ }
+ return DFB_OK;
+static DFBResult
+wm_update_cursor( CoreWindowStack *stack,
+ void *wm_data,
+ void *stack_data,
+ CoreCursorUpdateFlags flags )
+ DFBResult ret;
+ DFBRegion old_region;
+ WMData *wmdata = wm_data;
+ bool restored = false;
+ CoreLayerContext *context;
+ CoreLayerRegion *primary;
+ CoreSurface *surface;
+ SaWMan *sawman;
+ SaWManTier *tier;
+ int x;
+ int y;
+ DFBDimension size;
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_Cursor, "%s( %p, %p, %p, 0x%08x )\n", __FUNCTION__, stack, wm_data, stack_data, flags );
+ D_ASSERT( stack != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( wm_data != NULL );
+ D_ASSERT( stack_data != NULL );
+ sawman = wmdata->sawman;
+ D_MAGIC_ASSERT( sawman, SaWMan );
+ /* Lock SaWMan. */
+ ret = sawman_lock( sawman );
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ /* Retrieve corresponding SaWManTier. */
+ if (!sawman_tier_by_stack( sawman, stack, &tier )) {
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ }
+ if (tier->single_mode) {
+ size.w = tier->single_width;
+ size.h = tier->single_height;
+ }
+ else {
+ size = tier->size;
+ }
+ x = (s64) stack->cursor.x * (s64) size.w / (s64) sawman_config->resolution.w;
+ y = (s64) stack->cursor.y * (s64) size.h / (s64) sawman_config->resolution.h;
+ D_DEBUG_AT( SaWMan_Cursor, " -> position %4d,%4d (%d,%d)\n", x, y, stack->cursor.x, stack->cursor.y );
+ old_region = tier->cursor_region;
+ tier->cursor_region.x1 = x - stack->;
+ tier->cursor_region.y1 = y - stack->;
+ tier->cursor_region.x2 = tier->cursor_region.x1 + stack->cursor.size.w - 1;
+ tier->cursor_region.y2 = tier->cursor_region.y1 + stack->cursor.size.h - 1;
+ if (!dfb_region_intersect( &tier->cursor_region, 0, 0, size.w - 1, size.h - 1 )) {
+ tier->cursor_region.x1 = 1;
+ tier->cursor_region.x2 = 0;
+ }
+ tier->cursor_bs_valid = false;
+ }
+ /*
+ * HW Cursor mode?
+ */
+ if (sawman->cursor.region) {
+ ret = update_hw_cursor( sawman, stack, flags );
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /* Optimize case of invisible cursor moving. */
+ if (!(flags & ~(CCUF_POSITION | CCUF_SHAPE)) && (!stack->cursor.opacity || !stack->cursor.enabled)) {
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return DFB_OK;
+ }
+ /*
+ * SW Cursor mode
+ */
+ context = stack->context;
+ D_ASSERT( context != NULL );
+ if (!tier->cursor_bs) {
+ CoreSurface *cursor_bs;
+ D_ASSUME( flags & CCUF_ENABLE );
+ /* Create the cursor backing store surface. */
+ ret = dfb_surface_create_simple( wmdata->core, stack->cursor.size.w, stack->cursor.size.h,
+ context->config.pixelformat, DSCAPS_NONE,
+ CSTF_SHARED | CSTF_CURSOR, 0, NULL, &cursor_bs );
+ if (ret) {
+ D_ERROR( "WM/Default: Failed creating backing store for cursor!\n" );
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return ret;
+ }
+ ret = dfb_surface_globalize( cursor_bs );
+ D_ASSERT( ret == DFB_OK );
+ tier->cursor_bs = cursor_bs;
+ }
+ D_ASSERT( tier->cursor_bs != NULL );
+ /* Get the primary region. */
+ primary = tier->region;
+ D_ASSERT( primary != NULL );
+ surface = primary->surface;
+ D_ASSERT( surface != NULL );
+ if (flags & CCUF_ENABLE) {
+ /* Ensure valid back buffer. From now on swapping is prevented until cursor is disabled.
+ * FIXME: Keep a flag to know when back/front have been swapped and need a sync.
+ */
+ switch (context->config.buffermode) {
+ dfb_gfx_copy( surface, surface, NULL );
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* restore region under cursor */
+ if (tier->cursor_drawn) {
+ DFBRectangle rect = { 0, 0,
+ old_region.x2 - old_region.x1 + 1,
+ old_region.y2 - old_region.y1 + 1 };
+ D_ASSERT( stack->cursor.opacity || (flags & CCUF_OPACITY) );
+ if (tier->active) {
+ dfb_gfx_copy_to( tier->cursor_bs, surface, &rect, old_region.x1, old_region.y1, false );
+ restored = true;
+ }
+ tier->cursor_drawn = false;
+ }
+ if (flags & CCUF_SIZE) {
+ ret = dfb_surface_reformat( tier->cursor_bs,
+ stack->cursor.size.w, stack->cursor.size.h,
+ tier->cursor_bs->config.format );
+ if (ret)
+ D_DERROR( ret, "WM/Default: Failed resizing backing store for cursor from %dx%d to %dx%d!\n",
+ tier->cursor_bs->config.size.w, tier->cursor_bs->config.size.h, stack->cursor.size.w, stack->cursor.size.h );
+ }
+ if (flags & CCUF_DISABLE) {
+ dfb_surface_unlink( &tier->cursor_bs );
+ }
+// else if (stack->cursor.opacity && tier->active && tier->cursor_region.x1 <= tier->cursor_region.x2) {
+ CoreLayer *layer = dfb_layer_at( context->layer_id );
+ CardState *state = &layer->state;
+ /* backup region under cursor */
+ if (!tier->cursor_bs_valid) {
+ DFBRectangle rect = DFB_RECTANGLE_INIT_FROM_REGION( &tier->cursor_region );
+ D_ASSERT( !tier->cursor_drawn );
+ /* FIXME: this requires using blitted flipping all the time,
+ but fixing it seems impossible, for now DSFLIP_BLIT is forced
+ in repaint_stack() when the cursor is enabled. */
+ dfb_gfx_copy_to( surface, tier->cursor_bs, &rect, 0, 0, true );
+ tier->cursor_bs_valid = true;
+ }
+ /* Set destination. */
+ state->destination = surface;
+ state->modified |= SMF_DESTINATION;
+ /* Set clipping region. */
+ dfb_state_set_clip( state, &tier->cursor_region );
+ /* draw cursor */
+ sawman_draw_cursor( stack, state, &tier->cursor_region, x, y );
+ /* Reset destination. */
+ state->destination = NULL;
+ state->modified |= SMF_DESTINATION;
+ tier->cursor_drawn = true;
+ if (restored) {
+ if (dfb_region_region_intersects( &old_region, &tier->cursor_region ))
+ dfb_region_region_union( &old_region, &tier->cursor_region );
+ else
+ dfb_layer_region_flip_update( primary, &tier->cursor_region, DSFLIP_BLIT );
+ dfb_layer_region_flip_update( primary, &old_region, DSFLIP_BLIT );
+ }
+ else
+ dfb_layer_region_flip_update( primary, &tier->cursor_region, DSFLIP_BLIT );
+ }
+ else if (restored)
+ dfb_layer_region_flip_update( primary, &old_region, DSFLIP_BLIT );
+ sawman_unlock( sawman );
+ return DFB_OK;