path: root/source3/lua-5.1.4/test
diff options
authorVolker Lendecke <>2009-09-29 13:11:20 +0200
committerVolker Lendecke <>2009-09-29 13:51:43 +0200
commit0cf317f36f7582cb0540c74910020c9d5f4aa14f (patch)
treee5e46fd025976c2a6955d34435201969f1178b01 /source3/lua-5.1.4/test
parent64e08fef16001d62b43f6925a26ad739391cface (diff)
s3: Remove the lua interpreter again
This was meant to support async winbind. But as the hairy parts of async winbind (getgrent) are done without it, it can go again.
Diffstat (limited to 'source3/lua-5.1.4/test')
20 files changed, 0 insertions, 509 deletions
diff --git a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/README b/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/README
deleted file mode 100644
index baf7583676..0000000000
--- a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-These are simple tests for Lua. Some of them contain useful code.
-They are meant to be run to make sure Lua is built correctly and also
-to be read, to see how Lua programs look.
-Here is a one-line summary of each program:
- bisect.lua bisection method for solving non-linear equations
- cf.lua temperature conversion table (celsius to farenheit)
- echo.lua echo command line arguments
- env.lua environment variables as automatic global variables
- factorial.lua factorial without recursion
- fib.lua fibonacci function with cache
- fibfor.lua fibonacci numbers with coroutines and generators
- globals.lua report global variable usage
- hello.lua the first program in every language
- life.lua Conway's Game of Life
- luac.lua bare-bones luac
- printf.lua an implementation of printf
- readonly.lua make global variables readonly
- sieve.lua the sieve of of Eratosthenes programmed with coroutines
- sort.lua two implementations of a sort function
- table.lua make table, grouping all data for the same item
- trace-calls.lua trace calls
- trace-globals.lua trace assigments to global variables
- xd.lua hex dump
diff --git a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/bisect.lua b/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/bisect.lua
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index f91e69bfba..0000000000
--- a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/bisect.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
--- bisection method for solving non-linear equations
-delta=1e-6 -- tolerance
-function bisect(f,a,b,fa,fb)
- local c=(a+b)/2
- io.write(n," c=",c," a=",a," b=",b,"\n")
- if c==a or c==b or math.abs(a-b)<delta then return c,b-a end
- n=n+1
- local fc=f(c)
- if fa*fc<0 then return bisect(f,a,c,fa,fc) else return bisect(f,c,b,fc,fb) end
--- find root of f in the inverval [a,b]. needs f(a)*f(b)<0
-function solve(f,a,b)
- n=0
- local z,e=bisect(f,a,b,f(a),f(b))
- io.write(string.format("after %d steps, root is %.17g with error %.1e, f=%.1e\n",n,z,e,f(z)))
--- our function
-function f(x)
- return x*x*x-x-1
--- find zero in [1,2]
diff --git a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/cf.lua b/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/cf.lua
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index 2b2880d350..0000000000
--- a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/cf.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
--- temperature conversion table (celsius to farenheit)
-for c0=-20,50-1,10 do
- io.write("C ")
- for c=c0,c0+10-1 do
- io.write(string.format("%3.0f ",c))
- end
- io.write("\n")
- io.write("F ")
- for c=c0,c0+10-1 do
- f=(9/5)*c+32
- io.write(string.format("%3.0f ",f))
- end
- io.write("\n\n")
diff --git a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/echo.lua b/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/echo.lua
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index 4313439a85..0000000000
--- a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/echo.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
--- echo command line arguments
-for i=0,table.getn(arg) do
- print(i,arg[i])
diff --git a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/env.lua b/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/env.lua
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index 9e62a57fbf..0000000000
--- a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/env.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
--- read environment variables as if they were global variables
-local f=function (t,i) return os.getenv(i) end
--- an example
diff --git a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/factorial.lua b/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/factorial.lua
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index 7c4cf0fa45..0000000000
--- a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/factorial.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
--- function closures are powerful
--- traditional fixed-point operator from functional programming
-Y = function (g)
- local a = function (f) return f(f) end
- return a(function (f)
- return g(function (x)
- local c=f(f)
- return c(x)
- end)
- end)
--- factorial without recursion
-F = function (f)
- return function (n)
- if n == 0 then return 1
- else return n*f(n-1) end
- end
- end
-factorial = Y(F) -- factorial is the fixed point of F
--- now test it
-function test(x)
- io.write(x,"! = ",factorial(x),"\n")
-for n=0,16 do
- test(n)
diff --git a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/fib.lua b/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/fib.lua
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index 97a921b132..0000000000
--- a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/fib.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
--- fibonacci function with cache
--- very inefficient fibonacci function
-function fib(n)
- N=N+1
- if n<2 then
- return n
- else
- return fib(n-1)+fib(n-2)
- end
--- a general-purpose value cache
-function cache(f)
- local c={}
- return function (x)
- local y=c[x]
- if not y then
- y=f(x)
- c[x]=y
- end
- return y
- end
--- run and time it
-function test(s,f)
- N=0
- local c=os.clock()
- local v=f(n)
- local t=os.clock()-c
- print(s,n,v,t,N)
-n=arg[1] or 24 -- for other values, do lua fib.lua XX
diff --git a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/fibfor.lua b/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/fibfor.lua
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index 8bbba39cd7..0000000000
--- a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/fibfor.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
--- example of for with generator functions
-function generatefib (n)
- return coroutine.wrap(function ()
- local a,b = 1, 1
- while a <= n do
- coroutine.yield(a)
- a, b = b, a+b
- end
- end)
-for i in generatefib(1000) do print(i) end
diff --git a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/globals.lua b/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/globals.lua
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index d4c20e1565..0000000000
--- a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/globals.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
--- reads luac listings and reports global variable usage
--- lines where a global is written to are marked with "*"
--- typical usage: luac -p -l file.lua | lua globals.lua | sort | lua table.lua
-while 1 do
- local
- if s==nil then break end
- local ok,_,l,op,g=string.find(s,"%[%-?(%d*)%]%s*([GS])ETGLOBAL.-;%s+(.*)$")
- if ok then
- if op=="S" then op="*" else op="" end
- io.write(g,"\t",l,op,"\n")
- end
diff --git a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/hello.lua b/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/hello.lua
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index 0925498f21..0000000000
--- a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/hello.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
--- the first program in every language
-io.write("Hello world, from ",_VERSION,"!\n")
diff --git a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/life.lua b/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/life.lua
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index 911d9fe177..0000000000
--- a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/life.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
--- life.lua
--- original by Dave Bollinger <> posted to lua-l
--- modified to use ANSI terminal escape sequences
--- modified to use for instead of while
-local write=io.write
-ALIVE="¥" DEAD="þ"
-function delay() -- NOTE: SYSTEM-DEPENDENT, adjust as necessary
- for i=1,10000 do end
- -- local i=os.clock()+1 while(os.clock()<i) do end
-function ARRAY2D(w,h)
- local t = {w=w,h=h}
- for y=1,h do
- t[y] = {}
- for x=1,w do
- t[y][x]=0
- end
- end
- return t
-_CELLS = {}
--- give birth to a "shape" within the cell array
-function _CELLS:spawn(shape,left,top)
- for y=0,shape.h-1 do
- for x=0,shape.w-1 do
- self[top+y][left+x] = shape[y*shape.w+x+1]
- end
- end
--- run the CA and produce the next generation
-function _CELLS:evolve(next)
- local ym1,y,yp1,yi=self.h-1,self.h,1,self.h
- while yi > 0 do
- local xm1,x,xp1,xi=self.w-1,self.w,1,self.w
- while xi > 0 do
- local sum = self[ym1][xm1] + self[ym1][x] + self[ym1][xp1] +
- self[y][xm1] + self[y][xp1] +
- self[yp1][xm1] + self[yp1][x] + self[yp1][xp1]
- next[y][x] = ((sum==2) and self[y][x]) or ((sum==3) and 1) or 0
- xm1,x,xp1,xi = x,xp1,xp1+1,xi-1
- end
- ym1,y,yp1,yi = y,yp1,yp1+1,yi-1
- end
--- output the array to screen
-function _CELLS:draw()
- local out="" -- accumulate to reduce flicker
- for y=1,self.h do
- for x=1,self.w do
- out=out..(((self[y][x]>0) and ALIVE) or DEAD)
- end
- out=out.."\n"
- end
- write(out)
--- constructor
-function CELLS(w,h)
- local c = ARRAY2D(w,h)
- c.spawn = _CELLS.spawn
- c.evolve = _CELLS.evolve
- c.draw = _CELLS.draw
- return c
--- shapes suitable for use with spawn() above
-HEART = { 1,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,1; w=3,h=3 }
-GLIDER = { 0,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,1; w=3,h=3 }
-EXPLODE = { 0,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,0; w=3,h=4 }
-FISH = { 0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,0; w=5,h=4 }
-BUTTERFLY = { 1,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1; w=5,h=5 }
--- the main routine
-function LIFE(w,h)
- -- create two arrays
- local thisgen = CELLS(w,h)
- local nextgen = CELLS(w,h)
- -- create some life
- -- about 1000 generations of fun, then a glider steady-state
- thisgen:spawn(GLIDER,5,4)
- thisgen:spawn(EXPLODE,25,10)
- thisgen:spawn(FISH,4,12)
- -- run until break
- local gen=1
- write("\027[2J") -- ANSI clear screen
- while 1 do
- thisgen:evolve(nextgen)
- thisgen,nextgen = nextgen,thisgen
- write("\027[H") -- ANSI home cursor
- thisgen:draw()
- write("Life - generation ",gen,"\n")
- gen=gen+1
- if gen>2000 then break end
- --delay() -- no delay
- end
diff --git a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/luac.lua b/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/luac.lua
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index 96a0a97ce7..0000000000
--- a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/luac.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
--- bare-bones luac in Lua
--- usage: lua luac.lua file.lua
-assert(arg[1]~=nil and arg[2]==nil,"usage: lua luac.lua file.lua")
diff --git a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/printf.lua b/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/printf.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 58c63ff518..0000000000
--- a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/printf.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
--- an implementation of printf
-function printf(...)
- io.write(string.format(...))
-printf("Hello %s from %s on %s\n",os.getenv"USER" or "there",_VERSION,
diff --git a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/readonly.lua b/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/readonly.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 85c0b4e013..0000000000
--- a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/readonly.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
--- make global variables readonly
-local f=function (t,i) error("cannot redefine global variable `"..i.."'",2) end
-local g={}
-local G=getfenv()
--- an example
-y=1 -- cannot redefine `y'
diff --git a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/sieve.lua b/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/sieve.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 0871bb2125..0000000000
--- a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/sieve.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
--- the sieve of of Eratosthenes programmed with coroutines
--- typical usage: lua -e N=1000 sieve.lua | column
--- generate all the numbers from 2 to n
-function gen (n)
- return coroutine.wrap(function ()
- for i=2,n do coroutine.yield(i) end
- end)
--- filter the numbers generated by `g', removing multiples of `p'
-function filter (p, g)
- return coroutine.wrap(function ()
- while 1 do
- local n = g()
- if n == nil then return end
- if math.mod(n, p) ~= 0 then coroutine.yield(n) end
- end
- end)
-N=N or 1000 -- from command line
-x = gen(N) -- generate primes up to N
-while 1 do
- local n = x() -- pick a number until done
- if n == nil then break end
- print(n) -- must be a prime number
- x = filter(n, x) -- now remove its multiples
diff --git a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/sort.lua b/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/sort.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bcb15f837..0000000000
--- a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/sort.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
--- two implementations of a sort function
--- this is an example only. Lua has now a built-in function "sort"
--- extracted from Programming Pearls, page 110
-function qsort(x,l,u,f)
- if l<u then
- local m=math.random(u-(l-1))+l-1 -- choose a random pivot in range l..u
- x[l],x[m]=x[m],x[l] -- swap pivot to first position
- local t=x[l] -- pivot value
- m=l
- local i=l+1
- while i<=u do
- -- invariant: x[l+1..m] < t <= x[m+1..i-1]
- if f(x[i],t) then
- m=m+1
- x[m],x[i]=x[i],x[m] -- swap x[i] and x[m]
- end
- i=i+1
- end
- x[l],x[m]=x[m],x[l] -- swap pivot to a valid place
- -- x[l+1..m-1] < x[m] <= x[m+1..u]
- qsort(x,l,m-1,f)
- qsort(x,m+1,u,f)
- end
-function selectionsort(x,n,f)
- local i=1
- while i<=n do
- local m,j=i,i+1
- while j<=n do
- if f(x[j],x[m]) then m=j end
- j=j+1
- end
- x[i],x[m]=x[m],x[i] -- swap x[i] and x[m]
- i=i+1
- end
-function show(m,x)
- io.write(m,"\n\t")
- local i=1
- while x[i] do
- io.write(x[i])
- i=i+1
- if x[i] then io.write(",") end
- end
- io.write("\n")
-function testsorts(x)
- local n=1
- while x[n] do n=n+1 end; n=n-1 -- count elements
- show("original",x)
- qsort(x,1,n,function (x,y) return x<y end)
- show("after quicksort",x)
- selectionsort(x,n,function (x,y) return x>y end)
- show("after reverse selection sort",x)
- qsort(x,1,n,function (x,y) return x<y end)
- show("after quicksort again",x)
--- array to be sorted
diff --git a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/table.lua b/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/table.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 235089c04b..0000000000
--- a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/table.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
--- make table, grouping all data for the same item
--- input is 2 columns (item, data)
-local A
-while 1 do
- local
- if l==nil then break end
- local _,_,a,b=string.find(l,'"?([_%w]+)"?%s*(.*)$')
- if a~=A then A=a io.write("\n",a,":") end
- io.write(" ",b)
diff --git a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/trace-calls.lua b/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/trace-calls.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d7a7b3b43..0000000000
--- a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/trace-calls.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
--- trace calls
--- example: lua -ltrace-calls bisect.lua
-local level=0
-local function hook(event)
- local t=debug.getinfo(3)
- io.write(level," >>> ",string.rep(" ",level))
- if t~=nil and t.currentline>=0 then io.write(t.short_src,":",t.currentline," ") end
- t=debug.getinfo(2)
- if event=="call" then
- level=level+1
- else
- level=level-1 if level<0 then level=0 end
- end
- if t.what=="main" then
- if event=="call" then
- io.write("begin ",t.short_src)
- else
- io.write("end ",t.short_src)
- end
- elseif t.what=="Lua" then
--- table.foreach(t,print)
- io.write(event," ", or "(Lua)"," <",t.linedefined,":",t.short_src,">")
- else
- io.write(event," ", or "(C)"," [",t.what,"] ")
- end
- io.write("\n")
diff --git a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/trace-globals.lua b/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/trace-globals.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 295e670caa..0000000000
--- a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/trace-globals.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
--- trace assigments to global variables
- -- a tostring that quotes strings. note the use of the original tostring.
- local _tostring=tostring
- local tostring=function(a)
- if type(a)=="string" then
- return string.format("%q",a)
- else
- return _tostring(a)
- end
- end
- local log=function (name,old,new)
- local t=debug.getinfo(3,"Sl")
- local line=t.currentline
- io.write(t.short_src)
- if line>=0 then io.write(":",line) end
- io.write(": ",name," is now ",tostring(new)," (was ",tostring(old),")","\n")
- end
- local g={}
- local set=function (t,name,value)
- log(name,g[name],value)
- g[name]=value
- end
- setmetatable(getfenv(),{__index=g,__newindex=set})
--- an example
diff --git a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/xd.lua b/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/xd.lua
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index d447ae69a3..0000000000
--- a/source3/lua-5.1.4/test/xd.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
--- hex dump
--- usage: lua xd.lua < file
-local offset=0
-while true do
- local
- if s==nil then return end
- io.write(string.format("%08X ",offset))
- string.gsub(s,"(.)",
- function (c) io.write(string.format("%02X ",string.byte(c))) end)
- io.write(string.rep(" ",3*(16-string.len(s))))
- io.write(" ",string.gsub(s,"%c","."),"\n")
- offset=offset+16