path: root/docs/docbook/manpages/rpcclient.1.sgml
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+Namerpcclient - developer's tool to testing client side MS-RPC functions Synopsisrpcclient[-d
+debuglevel] [-S server] [-l logbasename] [-n netbios name] [-N] [-m maxprotocol]
+[-I destIP] [-E] [-U username] [-W workgroup] [-c `command string`] [-t terminalcode]
+[-i scope] [-O socket options] [-s smb.conf] Descriptionrpcclientis a utility
+for developers for executing various MS-RPC functions. It's primary use is
+for testing Samba's own MS-RPC server implementation, however many administrators
+have written scripts around it to manage Windows NT clients from their
+UNIX workstation. Options
+-d debuglevelset the debuglevel. Debug level 0 is
+the lowest and 100 being the highest. This should be set to 100 if you are
+planning on submitting a bug report to the Samba team (see BUGS.txt). -S
+serverNetBIOS name of Server to which you wish to connect. The server can
+be any SMB/CIFS server. The name is resolved using either the "name resolve
+ order = " line or by using the -R option. -l logbasenameFile name for log/debug
+files. .client will be appended. The log file is never removed by the client.
+-n netbios nameNetBIOS name of the local machine. This option is only needed
+if your Samba client cannot find it automatically. Samba should use the
+uppercase of the machine's hostname. -Ntells rpcclient not to ask for a password.
+rpcclient will prompt the user by default. -I destIPThe IP address of the
+server specified with the -S option. Only needed when the server's NetBIOS
+name cannot be resolved using WINS or broadcast and isn't found in the LMHOSTS
+file. -Ecauses regedit to write messages to stderr instead of stdout. -U username[%pass]Sets
+the SMB username or username and password. If %pass is not specified, The
+user will be prompted. The client will first check the USER environment
+variable, then the LOGNAME variable and if either exist, the string is
+uppercased. Anything in these variables following a % sign will be treated
+as the password. If these environmental variables are not found, the username
+GUEST is used. If the password is not included in these environment variables
+(using the %pass syntax), rpcclient will look for a PASSWD environment
+variable from which to read the password. A third option is to use a credentials
+file which contains the plaintext of the username and password. This option
+is mainly provided for scripts where the admin doesn't desire to pass the
+credentials on the command line or via environment variables. If this method
+is used, make certain that the permissions on the file restrict access
+from unwanted users. See the -A for more details. Be cautious about including
+passwords in scripts or in the CWPASSWD environment variable. Also, on many
+systems the command line of a running process may be seen via the CWps
+command to be safe always allow smbclient to prompt for a password and
+type it in directly. -A <filename>This option allows you to specify a file
+from which to read the username and password used in the connection. The
+format of the file is CWusername = <value>
+CWpassword = <value>
+Make certain that the permissions on the file restrict access from unwanted
+users. -W domainSet the SMB domain of the username. This overrides the default
+ domain which is the domain of the server specified with the bt(-S) option.
+If the domain specified is the same as the server's NetBIOS name, it causes
+the client to log on using the server's local SAM (as opposed to the Domain
+SAM). -Poperate in promptless mode. Without this mode (the default) rpcclient
+displays a prompt of the form '[domain\username@host]$' -c 'command string'execute
+semicolon separated commands (listed below)) -t terminalcodeThis tells the
+Samba client how to interpret the incoming filenames, in regards to character
+sets. The list here is not complete. For a complete list see your local Samba
+source. Some valid options are sjis, euc, jis7, jis8, junet and hex. -O socket
+optionsThese socket options are the same as in smb.conf (under the bt(socket
+options = ) section). -s smb.confSpecifies the location of the all important
+smb.conf file. -i scopeDefines the NetBIOS scope. For more information on NetBIOS
+scopes, see rfc1001 and rfc1002. NetBIOS scopes are rarely used.
+CommandsspoolenumExecute an EnumPrinters call. This lists the various installed
+and share printers. Refer to the MS Platform SDK documentation for more
+details of the various flags and calling options.
+spoolenumports <level>Executes
+an EnumPorts call using the specified info level. Currently only info level
+1 and 2 are supported.
+spoolenumdataEnumerate all printer setting data stored
+on the server. On Windows NT clients, these values are stored in the registry,
+while Samba servers store them in the printers TDB. This command corresponds
+to the MS Platform SDK EnumPorts function.
+spooljobs <printer>List the jobs
+and status of a given printer. This command corresponds to the MS Platform
+SDK EnumJobs function.
+spoolopen <printer>Execute an OpenPrinterEx() and ClosePrinter()
+RPC against a given printer.
+spoolgetdataRetrive the data for a given printer
+setting. See the spoolenumdata command for more information. This command
+corresponds to the GetPrinterData() MS Platform SDK function.
+<printer>Retrieve the current printer information. This command sorresponds
+to the GetPrinter() MS Platform SDK function.
+spoolgetprinterdriver <printer>Retrive
+the printer driver information (such as driver file, config file, dependent
+files, etc...) for the given printer. This command corresponds to the GetPrinterDriver()
+MS Platform SDK function.
+spoolgetprinterdriverdir <arch>Execute a GetPrinterDriverDirectory()
+RPC to retreive the SMB share name and subdirectory for storing printer
+driver files for a given architecture. Possible values for <arch> are "Windows
+4.0" (for Windows 95/98), "Windows NT x86", "Windows NT PowerPC", "Windows
+Alpha_AXP", and "Windows NT R4000".
+ <drivername> <port>" .YODLTAGEND. Add a
+printer on the remote server. This printer will be automatically shared.
+ Be aware that the printer driver must already be installed on the server
+(see addprinterdriver) and the <port> must be a valid port name.
+<arch> <config>Execute an AddPrinterDriver() RPC to install the printer driver
+information on the server. Note that the driver files should already exist
+in the directort returned by spoolgetprinterdriverdir. Possible values
+for <arch> are the same as those for the spooolgetprintedriverdir command.
+The <config> parameter is defined as follows:
+<Long Printer Name>:<Driver File
+Name>:<Data File Name>:<Config File Name>:<Help File Name>:<Language Monitor Name>:<Default
+Data Type>:<Comma Separated list of Files>
+Any empty fields should be enter
+as the string "NULL".
+Samba does not need to support the concept of Print
+Monitors since these only apply to local printers whose driver can make
+use of a bi-directional link for communication. This field should be "NULL".
+ On a remote NT print server, the Print Monitor for a driver must already
+be installed prior to adding the driver or else the RPC will fail.
+CommandssetSet miscellaneous rpcclient command line options during a running
+ session.
+useConnect to a rmeote SMB server. rpcclient has the ability to
+maintain connections to multiple server simulaneously.
+helpPrint a listing
+of all known commands or extended help on a particular command.
+Bugsrpcclient is designed as a developer testing tool and may
+not be robust in certain areas (such as command line parsing). It has been
+known to generate a core dump upon failures when invalid parameters where
+passed to the interpreter.
+From Luke Leighton's original rpcclient man page:
+"WARNING! The MSRPC over SMB code has been developed from examining Network
+traces. No documentation is available from the original creators (Microsoft)
+on how MSRPC over SMB works, or how the individual MSRPC services work.
+Microsoft's implementation of these services has been demonstrated (and
+reported) to be... a bit flakey in places.
+The development of Samba's implementation
+is also a bit rough, and as more of the services are understood, it can
+even result in versions of smbd(8) and rpcclient that are incompatible
+for some commands or services. Additionally, the developers are sending
+reports to Microsoft, and problems found or reported to Microsoft are
+fixed in Service Packs, which may result in incompatibilities."
+See Alsosamba
+(7) AuthorSamba is written by The Samba Team as Open Source. This man page
+was written by Matthew Geddes, Luke Kenneth Casson, and Gerald Carter. \ No newline at end of file