path: root/source3/param
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'source3/param')
3 files changed, 10138 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source3/param/loadparm.c b/source3/param/loadparm.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..60a1fa4858
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source3/param/loadparm.c
@@ -0,0 +1,9498 @@
+ Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
+ Parameter loading functions
+ Copyright (C) Karl Auer 1993-1998
+ Largely re-written by Andrew Tridgell, September 1994
+ Copyright (C) Simo Sorce 2001
+ Copyright (C) Alexander Bokovoy 2002
+ Copyright (C) Stefan (metze) Metzmacher 2002
+ Copyright (C) Jim McDonough <> 2003
+ Copyright (C) Michael Adam 2008
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ * Load parameters.
+ *
+ * This module provides suitable callback functions for the params
+ * module. It builds the internal table of service details which is
+ * then used by the rest of the server.
+ *
+ * To add a parameter:
+ *
+ * 1) add it to the global or service structure definition
+ * 2) add it to the parm_table
+ * 3) add it to the list of available functions (eg: using FN_GLOBAL_STRING())
+ * 4) If it's a global then initialise it in init_globals. If a local
+ * (ie. service) parameter then initialise it in the sDefault structure
+ *
+ *
+ * Notes:
+ * The configuration file is processed sequentially for speed. It is NOT
+ * accessed randomly as happens in 'real' Windows. For this reason, there
+ * is a fair bit of sequence-dependent code here - ie., code which assumes
+ * that certain things happen before others. In particular, the code which
+ * happens at the boundary between sections is delicately poised, so be
+ * careful!
+ *
+ */
+#include "includes.h"
+bool bLoaded = False;
+extern enum protocol_types Protocol;
+extern userdom_struct current_user_info;
+#ifndef GLOBAL_NAME
+#define GLOBAL_NAME "global"
+#define PRINTERS_NAME "printers"
+#ifndef HOMES_NAME
+#define HOMES_NAME "homes"
+/* the special value for the include parameter
+ * to be interpreted not as a file name but to
+ * trigger loading of the global smb.conf options
+ * from registry. */
+#define INCLUDE_REGISTRY_NAME "registry"
+static bool in_client = False; /* Not in the client by default */
+static struct smbconf_csn conf_last_csn;
+static int config_backend = CONFIG_BACKEND_FILE;
+/* some helpful bits */
+#define LP_SNUM_OK(i) (((i) >= 0) && ((i) < iNumServices) && (ServicePtrs != NULL) && ServicePtrs[(i)]->valid)
+#define VALID(i) (ServicePtrs != NULL && ServicePtrs[i]->valid)
+extern int extra_time_offset;
+static bool defaults_saved = False;
+struct param_opt_struct {
+ struct param_opt_struct *prev, *next;
+ char *key;
+ char *value;
+ char **list;
+ * This structure describes global (ie., server-wide) parameters.
+ */
+struct global {
+ int ConfigBackend;
+ char *smb_ports;
+ char *dos_charset;
+ char *unix_charset;
+ char *display_charset;
+ char *szPrintcapname;
+ char *szAddPortCommand;
+ char *szEnumPortsCommand;
+ char *szAddPrinterCommand;
+ char *szDeletePrinterCommand;
+ char *szOs2DriverMap;
+ char *szLockDir;
+ char *szPidDir;
+ char *szRootdir;
+ char *szDefaultService;
+ char *szGetQuota;
+ char *szSetQuota;
+ char *szMsgCommand;
+ char *szServerString;
+ char *szAutoServices;
+ char *szPasswdProgram;
+ char *szPasswdChat;
+ char *szLogFile;
+ char *szConfigFile;
+ char *szSMBPasswdFile;
+ char *szPrivateDir;
+ char *szPassdbBackend;
+ char **szPreloadModules;
+ char *szPasswordServer;
+ char *szSocketOptions;
+ char *szRealm;
+ char *szAfsUsernameMap;
+ int iAfsTokenLifetime;
+ char *szLogNtTokenCommand;
+ char *szUsernameMap;
+ char *szLogonScript;
+ char *szLogonPath;
+ char *szLogonDrive;
+ char *szLogonHome;
+ char **szWINSservers;
+ char **szInterfaces;
+ char *szRemoteAnnounce;
+ char *szRemoteBrowseSync;
+ char *szSocketAddress;
+ char *szNISHomeMapName;
+ char *szAnnounceVersion; /* This is initialised in init_globals */
+ char *szWorkgroup;
+ char *szNetbiosName;
+ char **szNetbiosAliases;
+ char *szNetbiosScope;
+ char *szNameResolveOrder;
+ char *szPanicAction;
+ char *szAddUserScript;
+ char *szRenameUserScript;
+ char *szDelUserScript;
+ char *szAddGroupScript;
+ char *szDelGroupScript;
+ char *szAddUserToGroupScript;
+ char *szDelUserFromGroupScript;
+ char *szSetPrimaryGroupScript;
+ char *szAddMachineScript;
+ char *szShutdownScript;
+ char *szAbortShutdownScript;
+ char *szUsernameMapScript;
+ char *szCheckPasswordScript;
+ char *szWINSHook;
+ char *szUtmpDir;
+ char *szWtmpDir;
+ bool bUtmp;
+ char *szIdmapUID;
+ char *szIdmapGID;
+ bool bPassdbExpandExplicit;
+ int AlgorithmicRidBase;
+ char *szTemplateHomedir;
+ char *szTemplateShell;
+ char *szWinbindSeparator;
+ bool bWinbindEnumUsers;
+ bool bWinbindEnumGroups;
+ bool bWinbindUseDefaultDomain;
+ bool bWinbindTrustedDomainsOnly;
+ bool bWinbindNestedGroups;
+ int winbind_expand_groups;
+ bool bWinbindRefreshTickets;
+ bool bWinbindOfflineLogon;
+ bool bWinbindNormalizeNames;
+ bool bWinbindRpcOnly;
+ char *szIdmapBackend;
+ char *szIdmapAllocBackend;
+ char *szAddShareCommand;
+ char *szChangeShareCommand;
+ char *szDeleteShareCommand;
+ char **szEventLogs;
+ char *szGuestaccount;
+ char *szManglingMethod;
+ char **szServicesList;
+ char *szUsersharePath;
+ char *szUsershareTemplateShare;
+ char **szUsersharePrefixAllowList;
+ char **szUsersharePrefixDenyList;
+ int mangle_prefix;
+ int max_log_size;
+ char *szLogLevel;
+ int max_xmit;
+ int max_mux;
+ int max_open_files;
+ int open_files_db_hash_size;
+ int pwordlevel;
+ int unamelevel;
+ int deadtime;
+ bool getwd_cache;
+ int maxprotocol;
+ int minprotocol;
+ int security;
+ char **AuthMethods;
+ bool paranoid_server_security;
+ int maxdisksize;
+ int lpqcachetime;
+ int iMaxSmbdProcesses;
+ bool bDisableSpoolss;
+ int syslog;
+ int os_level;
+ bool enhanced_browsing;
+ int max_ttl;
+ int max_wins_ttl;
+ int min_wins_ttl;
+ int lm_announce;
+ int lm_interval;
+ int announce_as; /* This is initialised in init_globals */
+ int machine_password_timeout;
+ int map_to_guest;
+ int oplock_break_wait_time;
+ int winbind_cache_time;
+ int winbind_reconnect_delay;
+ int winbind_max_idle_children;
+ char **szWinbindNssInfo;
+ int iLockSpinTime;
+ char *szLdapMachineSuffix;
+ char *szLdapUserSuffix;
+ char *szLdapIdmapSuffix;
+ char *szLdapGroupSuffix;
+ int ldap_ssl;
+ char *szLdapSuffix;
+ char *szLdapAdminDn;
+ int ldap_debug_level;
+ int ldap_debug_threshold;
+ int iAclCompat;
+ char *szCupsServer;
+ char *szIPrintServer;
+ char *ctdbdSocket;
+ char **szClusterAddresses;
+ bool clustering;
+ int ldap_passwd_sync;
+ int ldap_replication_sleep;
+ int ldap_timeout; /* This is initialised in init_globals */
+ int ldap_connection_timeout;
+ int ldap_page_size;
+ bool ldap_delete_dn;
+ bool bMsAddPrinterWizard;
+ bool bDNSproxy;
+ bool bWINSsupport;
+ bool bWINSproxy;
+ bool bLocalMaster;
+ int iPreferredMaster;
+ int iDomainMaster;
+ bool bDomainLogons;
+ char **szInitLogonDelayedHosts;
+ int InitLogonDelay;
+ bool bEncryptPasswords;
+ bool bUpdateEncrypt;
+ int clientSchannel;
+ int serverSchannel;
+ bool bNullPasswords;
+ bool bObeyPamRestrictions;
+ bool bLoadPrinters;
+ int PrintcapCacheTime;
+ bool bLargeReadwrite;
+ bool bReadRaw;
+ bool bWriteRaw;
+ bool bSyslogOnly;
+ bool bBrowseList;
+ bool bNISHomeMap;
+ bool bTimeServer;
+ bool bBindInterfacesOnly;
+ bool bPamPasswordChange;
+ bool bUnixPasswdSync;
+ bool bPasswdChatDebug;
+ int iPasswdChatTimeout;
+ bool bTimestampLogs;
+ bool bNTSmbSupport;
+ bool bNTPipeSupport;
+ bool bNTStatusSupport;
+ bool bStatCache;
+ int iMaxStatCacheSize;
+ bool bKernelOplocks;
+ bool bAllowTrustedDomains;
+ bool bLanmanAuth;
+ bool bNTLMAuth;
+ bool bUseSpnego;
+ bool bClientLanManAuth;
+ bool bClientNTLMv2Auth;
+ bool bClientPlaintextAuth;
+ bool bClientUseSpnego;
+ bool bDebugPrefixTimestamp;
+ bool bDebugHiresTimestamp;
+ bool bDebugPid;
+ bool bDebugUid;
+ bool bDebugClass;
+ bool bEnableCoreFiles;
+ bool bHostMSDfs;
+ bool bUseMmap;
+ bool bHostnameLookups;
+ bool bUnixExtensions;
+ bool bDisableNetbios;
+ bool bUseKerberosKeytab;
+ bool bDeferSharingViolations;
+ bool bEnablePrivileges;
+ bool bASUSupport;
+ bool bUsershareOwnerOnly;
+ bool bUsershareAllowGuests;
+ bool bRegistryShares;
+ int restrict_anonymous;
+ int name_cache_timeout;
+ int client_signing;
+ int server_signing;
+ int client_ldap_sasl_wrapping;
+ int iUsershareMaxShares;
+ int iIdmapCacheTime;
+ int iIdmapNegativeCacheTime;
+ bool bResetOnZeroVC;
+ int iKeepalive;
+ int iminreceivefile;
+ struct param_opt_struct *param_opt;
+static struct global Globals;
+ * This structure describes a single service.
+ */
+struct service {
+ bool valid;
+ bool autoloaded;
+ int usershare;
+ time_t usershare_last_mod;
+ char *szService;
+ char *szPath;
+ char *szUsername;
+ char **szInvalidUsers;
+ char **szValidUsers;
+ char **szAdminUsers;
+ char *szCopy;
+ char *szInclude;
+ char *szPreExec;
+ char *szPostExec;
+ char *szRootPreExec;
+ char *szRootPostExec;
+ char *szCupsOptions;
+ char *szPrintcommand;
+ char *szLpqcommand;
+ char *szLprmcommand;
+ char *szLppausecommand;
+ char *szLpresumecommand;
+ char *szQueuepausecommand;
+ char *szQueueresumecommand;
+ char *szPrintername;
+ char *szPrintjobUsername;
+ char *szDontdescend;
+ char **szHostsallow;
+ char **szHostsdeny;
+ char *szMagicScript;
+ char *szMagicOutput;
+ char *szVetoFiles;
+ char *szHideFiles;
+ char *szVetoOplockFiles;
+ char *comment;
+ char *force_user;
+ char *force_group;
+ char **readlist;
+ char **writelist;
+ char **printer_admin;
+ char *volume;
+ char *fstype;
+ char **szVfsObjects;
+ char *szMSDfsProxy;
+ char *szAioWriteBehind;
+ char *szDfree;
+ int iMinPrintSpace;
+ int iMaxPrintJobs;
+ int iMaxReportedPrintJobs;
+ int iWriteCacheSize;
+ int iCreate_mask;
+ int iCreate_force_mode;
+ int iSecurity_mask;
+ int iSecurity_force_mode;
+ int iDir_mask;
+ int iDir_force_mode;
+ int iDir_Security_mask;
+ int iDir_Security_force_mode;
+ int iMaxConnections;
+ int iDefaultCase;
+ int iPrinting;
+ int iOplockContentionLimit;
+ int iCSCPolicy;
+ int iBlock_size;
+ int iDfreeCacheTime;
+ bool bPreexecClose;
+ bool bRootpreexecClose;
+ int iCaseSensitive;
+ bool bCasePreserve;
+ bool bShortCasePreserve;
+ bool bHideDotFiles;
+ bool bHideSpecialFiles;
+ bool bHideUnReadable;
+ bool bHideUnWriteableFiles;
+ bool bBrowseable;
+ bool bAvailable;
+ bool bRead_only;
+ bool bNo_set_dir;
+ bool bGuest_only;
+ bool bAdministrative_share;
+ bool bGuest_ok;
+ bool bPrint_ok;
+ bool bMap_system;
+ bool bMap_hidden;
+ bool bMap_archive;
+ bool bStoreDosAttributes;
+ bool bDmapiSupport;
+ bool bLocking;
+ int iStrictLocking;
+ bool bPosixLocking;
+ bool bShareModes;
+ bool bOpLocks;
+ bool bLevel2OpLocks;
+ bool bOnlyUser;
+ bool bMangledNames;
+ bool bWidelinks;
+ bool bSymlinks;
+ bool bSyncAlways;
+ bool bStrictAllocate;
+ bool bStrictSync;
+ char magic_char;
+ struct bitmap *copymap;
+ bool bDeleteReadonly;
+ bool bFakeOplocks;
+ bool bDeleteVetoFiles;
+ bool bDosFilemode;
+ bool bDosFiletimes;
+ bool bDosFiletimeResolution;
+ bool bFakeDirCreateTimes;
+ bool bBlockingLocks;
+ bool bInheritPerms;
+ bool bInheritACLS;
+ bool bInheritOwner;
+ bool bMSDfsRoot;
+ bool bUseClientDriver;
+ bool bDefaultDevmode;
+ bool bForcePrintername;
+ bool bNTAclSupport;
+ bool bForceUnknownAclUser;
+ bool bUseSendfile;
+ bool bProfileAcls;
+ bool bMap_acl_inherit;
+ bool bAfs_Share;
+ bool bEASupport;
+ bool bAclCheckPermissions;
+ bool bAclMapFullControl;
+ bool bAclGroupControl;
+ bool bChangeNotify;
+ bool bKernelChangeNotify;
+ int iallocation_roundup_size;
+ int iAioReadSize;
+ int iAioWriteSize;
+ int iMap_readonly;
+ int iDirectoryNameCacheSize;
+ int ismb_encrypt;
+ struct param_opt_struct *param_opt;
+ char dummy[3]; /* for alignment */
+/* This is a default service used to prime a services structure */
+static struct service sDefault = {
+ True, /* valid */
+ False, /* not autoloaded */
+ 0, /* not a usershare */
+ (time_t)0, /* No last mod time */
+ NULL, /* szService */
+ NULL, /* szPath */
+ NULL, /* szUsername */
+ NULL, /* szInvalidUsers */
+ NULL, /* szValidUsers */
+ NULL, /* szAdminUsers */
+ NULL, /* szCopy */
+ NULL, /* szInclude */
+ NULL, /* szPreExec */
+ NULL, /* szPostExec */
+ NULL, /* szRootPreExec */
+ NULL, /* szRootPostExec */
+ NULL, /* szCupsOptions */
+ NULL, /* szPrintcommand */
+ NULL, /* szLpqcommand */
+ NULL, /* szLprmcommand */
+ NULL, /* szLppausecommand */
+ NULL, /* szLpresumecommand */
+ NULL, /* szQueuepausecommand */
+ NULL, /* szQueueresumecommand */
+ NULL, /* szPrintername */
+ NULL, /* szPrintjobUsername */
+ NULL, /* szDontdescend */
+ NULL, /* szHostsallow */
+ NULL, /* szHostsdeny */
+ NULL, /* szMagicScript */
+ NULL, /* szMagicOutput */
+ NULL, /* szVetoFiles */
+ NULL, /* szHideFiles */
+ NULL, /* szVetoOplockFiles */
+ NULL, /* comment */
+ NULL, /* force user */
+ NULL, /* force group */
+ NULL, /* readlist */
+ NULL, /* writelist */
+ NULL, /* printer admin */
+ NULL, /* volume */
+ NULL, /* fstype */
+ NULL, /* vfs objects */
+ NULL, /* szMSDfsProxy */
+ NULL, /* szAioWriteBehind */
+ NULL, /* szDfree */
+ 0, /* iMinPrintSpace */
+ 1000, /* iMaxPrintJobs */
+ 0, /* iMaxReportedPrintJobs */
+ 0, /* iWriteCacheSize */
+ 0744, /* iCreate_mask */
+ 0000, /* iCreate_force_mode */
+ 0777, /* iSecurity_mask */
+ 0, /* iSecurity_force_mode */
+ 0755, /* iDir_mask */
+ 0000, /* iDir_force_mode */
+ 0777, /* iDir_Security_mask */
+ 0, /* iDir_Security_force_mode */
+ 0, /* iMaxConnections */
+ CASE_LOWER, /* iDefaultCase */
+ DEFAULT_PRINTING, /* iPrinting */
+ 2, /* iOplockContentionLimit */
+ 0, /* iCSCPolicy */
+ 1024, /* iBlock_size */
+ 0, /* iDfreeCacheTime */
+ False, /* bPreexecClose */
+ False, /* bRootpreexecClose */
+ Auto, /* case sensitive */
+ True, /* case preserve */
+ True, /* short case preserve */
+ True, /* bHideDotFiles */
+ False, /* bHideSpecialFiles */
+ False, /* bHideUnReadable */
+ False, /* bHideUnWriteableFiles */
+ True, /* bBrowseable */
+ True, /* bAvailable */
+ True, /* bRead_only */
+ True, /* bNo_set_dir */
+ False, /* bGuest_only */
+ False, /* bAdministrative_share */
+ False, /* bGuest_ok */
+ False, /* bPrint_ok */
+ False, /* bMap_system */
+ False, /* bMap_hidden */
+ True, /* bMap_archive */
+ False, /* bStoreDosAttributes */
+ False, /* bDmapiSupport */
+ True, /* bLocking */
+ Auto, /* iStrictLocking */
+ True, /* bPosixLocking */
+ True, /* bShareModes */
+ True, /* bOpLocks */
+ True, /* bLevel2OpLocks */
+ False, /* bOnlyUser */
+ True, /* bMangledNames */
+ True, /* bWidelinks */
+ True, /* bSymlinks */
+ False, /* bSyncAlways */
+ False, /* bStrictAllocate */
+ False, /* bStrictSync */
+ '~', /* magic char */
+ NULL, /* copymap */
+ False, /* bDeleteReadonly */
+ False, /* bFakeOplocks */
+ False, /* bDeleteVetoFiles */
+ False, /* bDosFilemode */
+ True, /* bDosFiletimes */
+ False, /* bDosFiletimeResolution */
+ False, /* bFakeDirCreateTimes */
+ True, /* bBlockingLocks */
+ False, /* bInheritPerms */
+ False, /* bInheritACLS */
+ False, /* bInheritOwner */
+ False, /* bMSDfsRoot */
+ False, /* bUseClientDriver */
+ True, /* bDefaultDevmode */
+ False, /* bForcePrintername */
+ True, /* bNTAclSupport */
+ False, /* bForceUnknownAclUser */
+ False, /* bUseSendfile */
+ False, /* bProfileAcls */
+ False, /* bMap_acl_inherit */
+ False, /* bAfs_Share */
+ False, /* bEASupport */
+ True, /* bAclCheckPermissions */
+ True, /* bAclMapFullControl */
+ False, /* bAclGroupControl */
+ True, /* bChangeNotify */
+ True, /* bKernelChangeNotify */
+ SMB_ROUNDUP_ALLOCATION_SIZE, /* iallocation_roundup_size */
+ 0, /* iAioReadSize */
+ 0, /* iAioWriteSize */
+ MAP_READONLY_YES, /* iMap_readonly */
+ 0, /* iDirectoryNameCacheSize */
+ 100, /* iDirectoryNameCacheSize */
+ Auto, /* ismb_encrypt */
+ NULL, /* Parametric options */
+ "" /* dummy */
+/* local variables */
+static struct service **ServicePtrs = NULL;
+static int iNumServices = 0;
+static int iServiceIndex = 0;
+static struct db_context *ServiceHash;
+static int *invalid_services = NULL;
+static int num_invalid_services = 0;
+static bool bInGlobalSection = True;
+static bool bGlobalOnly = False;
+static int server_role;
+static int default_server_announce;
+#define NUMPARAMETERS (sizeof(parm_table) / sizeof(struct parm_struct))
+/* prototypes for the special type handlers */
+static bool handle_include( int snum, const char *pszParmValue, char **ptr);
+static bool handle_copy( int snum, const char *pszParmValue, char **ptr);
+static bool handle_netbios_name( int snum, const char *pszParmValue, char **ptr);
+static bool handle_idmap_uid( int snum, const char *pszParmValue, char **ptr);
+static bool handle_idmap_gid( int snum, const char *pszParmValue, char **ptr);
+static bool handle_debug_list( int snum, const char *pszParmValue, char **ptr );
+static bool handle_workgroup( int snum, const char *pszParmValue, char **ptr );
+static bool handle_netbios_aliases( int snum, const char *pszParmValue, char **ptr );
+static bool handle_netbios_scope( int snum, const char *pszParmValue, char **ptr );
+static bool handle_charset( int snum, const char *pszParmValue, char **ptr );
+static bool handle_printing( int snum, const char *pszParmValue, char **ptr);
+static bool handle_ldap_debug_level( int snum, const char *pszParmValue, char **ptr);
+static void set_server_role(void);
+static void set_default_server_announce_type(void);
+static void set_allowed_client_auth(void);
+static const struct enum_list enum_protocol[] = {
+ {PROTOCOL_NT1, "NT1"},
+ {-1, NULL}
+static const struct enum_list enum_security[] = {
+#ifdef HAVE_ADS
+ {SEC_ADS, "ADS"},
+ {-1, NULL}
+static const struct enum_list enum_printing[] = {
+ {PRINT_SYSV, "sysv"},
+ {PRINT_AIX, "aix"},
+ {PRINT_HPUX, "hpux"},
+ {PRINT_BSD, "bsd"},
+ {PRINT_QNX, "qnx"},
+ {PRINT_PLP, "plp"},
+ {PRINT_LPRNG, "lprng"},
+ {PRINT_CUPS, "cups"},
+ {PRINT_IPRINT, "iprint"},
+ {PRINT_LPRNT, "nt"},
+ {PRINT_LPROS2, "os2"},
+ {PRINT_TEST, "test"},
+ {PRINT_VLP, "vlp"},
+#endif /* DEVELOPER */
+ {-1, NULL}
+static const struct enum_list enum_ldap_sasl_wrapping[] = {
+ {0, "plain"},
+ {ADS_AUTH_SASL_SIGN, "sign"},
+ {ADS_AUTH_SASL_SEAL, "seal"},
+ {-1, NULL}
+static const struct enum_list enum_ldap_ssl[] = {
+ {LDAP_SSL_OFF, "no"},
+ {LDAP_SSL_OFF, "No"},
+ {LDAP_SSL_OFF, "off"},
+ {LDAP_SSL_OFF, "Off"},
+ {LDAP_SSL_START_TLS, "start tls"},
+ {LDAP_SSL_START_TLS, "Start_tls"},
+ {-1, NULL}
+static const struct enum_list enum_ldap_passwd_sync[] = {
+ {-1, NULL}
+/* Types of machine we can announce as. */
+#define ANNOUNCE_AS_WIN95 2
+#define ANNOUNCE_AS_WFW 3
+static const struct enum_list enum_announce_as[] = {
+ {ANNOUNCE_AS_WIN95, "win95"},
+ {-1, NULL}
+static const struct enum_list enum_map_readonly[] = {
+ {MAP_READONLY_NO, "no"},
+ {MAP_READONLY_NO, "false"},
+ {MAP_READONLY_YES, "yes"},
+ {MAP_READONLY_YES, "true"},
+ {MAP_READONLY_PERMISSIONS, "permissions"},
+ {-1, NULL}
+static const struct enum_list enum_case[] = {
+ {CASE_LOWER, "lower"},
+ {CASE_UPPER, "upper"},
+ {-1, NULL}
+static const struct enum_list enum_bool_auto[] = {
+ {False, "No"},
+ {False, "False"},
+ {False, "0"},
+ {True, "Yes"},
+ {True, "True"},
+ {True, "1"},
+ {Auto, "Auto"},
+ {-1, NULL}
+/* Client-side offline caching policy types */
+static const struct enum_list enum_csc_policy[] = {
+ {CSC_POLICY_MANUAL, "manual"},
+ {CSC_POLICY_DOCUMENTS, "documents"},
+ {CSC_POLICY_PROGRAMS, "programs"},
+ {CSC_POLICY_DISABLE, "disable"},
+ {-1, NULL}
+/* SMB signing types. */
+static const struct enum_list enum_smb_signing_vals[] = {
+ {False, "No"},
+ {False, "False"},
+ {False, "0"},
+ {False, "Off"},
+ {False, "disabled"},
+ {True, "Yes"},
+ {True, "True"},
+ {True, "1"},
+ {True, "On"},
+ {True, "enabled"},
+ {Auto, "auto"},
+ {Required, "required"},
+ {Required, "mandatory"},
+ {Required, "force"},
+ {Required, "forced"},
+ {Required, "enforced"},
+ {-1, NULL}
+/* ACL compatibility options. */
+static const struct enum_list enum_acl_compat_vals[] = {
+ { ACL_COMPAT_AUTO, "auto" },
+ { ACL_COMPAT_WINNT, "winnt" },
+ { ACL_COMPAT_WIN2K, "win2k" },
+ { -1, NULL}
+ Do you want session setups at user level security with a invalid
+ password to be rejected or allowed in as guest? WinNT rejects them
+ but it can be a pain as it means "net view" needs to use a password
+ You have 3 choices in the setting of map_to_guest:
+ "Never" means session setups with an invalid password
+ are rejected. This is the default.
+ "Bad User" means session setups with an invalid password
+ are rejected, unless the username does not exist, in which case it
+ is treated as a guest login
+ "Bad Password" means session setups with an invalid password
+ are treated as a guest login
+ Note that map_to_guest only has an effect in user or server
+ level security.
+static const struct enum_list enum_map_to_guest[] = {
+ {NEVER_MAP_TO_GUEST, "Never"},
+ {-1, NULL}
+/* Config backend options */
+static const struct enum_list enum_config_backend[] = {
+ {-1, NULL}
+/* Note: We do not initialise the defaults union - it is not allowed in ANSI C
+ *
+ * The FLAG_HIDE is explicit. Paramters set this way do NOT appear in any edit
+ * screen in SWAT. This is used to exclude parameters as well as to squash all
+ * parameters that have been duplicated by pseudonyms.
+ *
+ * NOTE: To display a parameter in BASIC view set FLAG_BASIC
+ * Any parameter that does NOT have FLAG_ADVANCED will not disply at all
+ * Set FLAG_SHARE and FLAG_PRINT to specifically display parameters in
+ * respective views.
+ *
+ * NOTE2: Handling of duplicated (synonym) paramters:
+ * Only the first occurance of a parameter should be enabled by FLAG_BASIC
+ * and/or FLAG_ADVANCED. All duplicates following the first mention should be
+ * set to FLAG_HIDE. ie: Make you must place the parameter that has the preferred
+ * name first, and all synonyms must follow it with the FLAG_HIDE attribute.
+ */
+static struct parm_struct parm_table[] = {
+ {N_("Base Options"), P_SEP, P_SEPARATOR},
+ {
+ .label = "dos charset",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.dos_charset,
+ .special = handle_charset,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "unix charset",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.unix_charset,
+ .special = handle_charset,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "display charset",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.display_charset,
+ .special = handle_charset,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "comment",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.comment,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "path",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szPath,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "directory",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szPath,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_HIDE,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "workgroup",
+ .type = P_USTRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szWorkgroup,
+ .special = handle_workgroup,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+#ifdef WITH_ADS
+ {
+ .label = "realm",
+ .type = P_USTRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szRealm,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "netbios name",
+ .type = P_USTRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szNetbiosName,
+ .special = handle_netbios_name,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "netbios aliases",
+ .type = P_LIST,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szNetbiosAliases,
+ .special = handle_netbios_aliases,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "netbios scope",
+ .type = P_USTRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szNetbiosScope,
+ .special = handle_netbios_scope,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "server string",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szServerString,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "interfaces",
+ .type = P_LIST,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szInterfaces,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "bind interfaces only",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bBindInterfacesOnly,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "config backend",
+ .type = P_ENUM,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.ConfigBackend,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = enum_config_backend,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {N_("Security Options"), P_SEP, P_SEPARATOR},
+ {
+ .label = "security",
+ .type = P_ENUM,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = enum_security,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "auth methods",
+ .type = P_LIST,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.AuthMethods,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "encrypt passwords",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bEncryptPasswords,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "update encrypted",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bUpdateEncrypt,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "client schannel",
+ .type = P_ENUM,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.clientSchannel,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = enum_bool_auto,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "server schannel",
+ .type = P_ENUM,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.serverSchannel,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = enum_bool_auto,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "allow trusted domains",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bAllowTrustedDomains,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "map to guest",
+ .type = P_ENUM,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.map_to_guest,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = enum_map_to_guest,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "null passwords",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bNullPasswords,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "obey pam restrictions",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bObeyPamRestrictions,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "password server",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szPasswordServer,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "smb passwd file",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szSMBPasswdFile,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "private dir",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szPrivateDir,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "passdb backend",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szPassdbBackend,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "algorithmic rid base",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.AlgorithmicRidBase,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "root directory",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szRootdir,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "root dir",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szRootdir,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_HIDE,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "root",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szRootdir,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_HIDE,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "guest account",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szGuestaccount,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "enable privileges",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bEnablePrivileges,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "pam password change",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bPamPasswordChange,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "passwd program",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szPasswdProgram,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "passwd chat",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szPasswdChat,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "passwd chat debug",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bPasswdChatDebug,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "passwd chat timeout",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.iPasswdChatTimeout,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "check password script",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szCheckPasswordScript,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "username map",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szUsernameMap,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "password level",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.pwordlevel,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "username level",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.unamelevel,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "unix password sync",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bUnixPasswdSync,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "restrict anonymous",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.restrict_anonymous,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "lanman auth",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bLanmanAuth,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "ntlm auth",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bNTLMAuth,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "client NTLMv2 auth",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bClientNTLMv2Auth,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "client lanman auth",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bClientLanManAuth,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "client plaintext auth",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bClientPlaintextAuth,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "username",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szUsername,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "user",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szUsername,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_HIDE,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "users",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szUsername,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_HIDE,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "invalid users",
+ .type = P_LIST,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szInvalidUsers,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "valid users",
+ .type = P_LIST,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szValidUsers,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "admin users",
+ .type = P_LIST,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szAdminUsers,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "read list",
+ .type = P_LIST,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.readlist,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "write list",
+ .type = P_LIST,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.writelist,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "printer admin",
+ .type = P_LIST,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.printer_admin,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "force user",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.force_user,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "force group",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.force_group,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "group",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.force_group,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "read only",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bRead_only,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "write ok",
+ .type = P_BOOLREV,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bRead_only,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_HIDE,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "writeable",
+ .type = P_BOOLREV,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bRead_only,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_HIDE,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "writable",
+ .type = P_BOOLREV,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bRead_only,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_HIDE,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "acl check permissions",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bAclCheckPermissions,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "acl group control",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bAclGroupControl,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "acl map full control",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bAclMapFullControl,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "create mask",
+ .type = P_OCTAL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.iCreate_mask,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "create mode",
+ .type = P_OCTAL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.iCreate_mask,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_HIDE,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "force create mode",
+ .type = P_OCTAL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.iCreate_force_mode,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "security mask",
+ .type = P_OCTAL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.iSecurity_mask,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "force security mode",
+ .type = P_OCTAL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.iSecurity_force_mode,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "directory mask",
+ .type = P_OCTAL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.iDir_mask,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "directory mode",
+ .type = P_OCTAL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.iDir_mask,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "force directory mode",
+ .type = P_OCTAL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.iDir_force_mode,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "directory security mask",
+ .type = P_OCTAL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.iDir_Security_mask,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "force directory security mode",
+ .type = P_OCTAL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.iDir_Security_force_mode,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "force unknown acl user",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bForceUnknownAclUser,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "inherit permissions",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bInheritPerms,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "inherit acls",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bInheritACLS,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "inherit owner",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bInheritOwner,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "guest only",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bGuest_only,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "only guest",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bGuest_only,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_HIDE,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "administrative share",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bAdministrative_share,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "guest ok",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bGuest_ok,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "public",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bGuest_ok,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_HIDE,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "only user",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bOnlyUser,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "hosts allow",
+ .type = P_LIST,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szHostsallow,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "allow hosts",
+ .type = P_LIST,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szHostsallow,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_HIDE,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "hosts deny",
+ .type = P_LIST,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szHostsdeny,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "deny hosts",
+ .type = P_LIST,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szHostsdeny,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_HIDE,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "preload modules",
+ .type = P_LIST,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szPreloadModules,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "use kerberos keytab",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bUseKerberosKeytab,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {N_("Logging Options"), P_SEP, P_SEPARATOR},
+ {
+ .label = "log level",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szLogLevel,
+ .special = handle_debug_list,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "debuglevel",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szLogLevel,
+ .special = handle_debug_list,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_HIDE,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "syslog",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.syslog,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "syslog only",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bSyslogOnly,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "log file",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szLogFile,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "max log size",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.max_log_size,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "debug timestamp",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bTimestampLogs,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "timestamp logs",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bTimestampLogs,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "debug prefix timestamp",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bDebugPrefixTimestamp,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "debug hires timestamp",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bDebugHiresTimestamp,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "debug pid",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bDebugPid,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "debug uid",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bDebugUid,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "debug class",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bDebugClass,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "enable core files",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bEnableCoreFiles,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {N_("Protocol Options"), P_SEP, P_SEPARATOR},
+ {
+ .label = "allocation roundup size",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.iallocation_roundup_size,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "aio read size",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.iAioReadSize,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "aio write size",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.iAioWriteSize,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "aio write behind",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szAioWriteBehind,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "smb ports",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.smb_ports,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "large readwrite",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bLargeReadwrite,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "max protocol",
+ .type = P_ENUM,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.maxprotocol,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = enum_protocol,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "protocol",
+ .type = P_ENUM,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.maxprotocol,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = enum_protocol,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "min protocol",
+ .type = P_ENUM,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.minprotocol,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = enum_protocol,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "min receivefile size",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.iminreceivefile,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "read raw",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bReadRaw,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "write raw",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bWriteRaw,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "disable netbios",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bDisableNetbios,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "reset on zero vc",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bResetOnZeroVC,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "acl compatibility",
+ .type = P_ENUM,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.iAclCompat,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = enum_acl_compat_vals,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "defer sharing violations",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bDeferSharingViolations,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "ea support",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bEASupport,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "nt acl support",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bNTAclSupport,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "nt pipe support",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bNTPipeSupport,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "nt status support",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bNTStatusSupport,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "profile acls",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bProfileAcls,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "announce version",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szAnnounceVersion,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "announce as",
+ .type = P_ENUM,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.announce_as,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = enum_announce_as,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "map acl inherit",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bMap_acl_inherit,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "afs share",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bAfs_Share,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "max mux",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.max_mux,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "max xmit",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.max_xmit,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "name resolve order",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szNameResolveOrder,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "max ttl",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.max_ttl,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "max wins ttl",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.max_wins_ttl,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "min wins ttl",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.min_wins_ttl,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "time server",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bTimeServer,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "unix extensions",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bUnixExtensions,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "use spnego",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bUseSpnego,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "client signing",
+ .type = P_ENUM,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.client_signing,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = enum_smb_signing_vals,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "server signing",
+ .type = P_ENUM,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.server_signing,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = enum_smb_signing_vals,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "smb encrypt",
+ .type = P_ENUM,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.ismb_encrypt,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = enum_smb_signing_vals,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "client use spnego",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bClientUseSpnego,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "client ldap sasl wrapping",
+ .type = P_ENUM,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.client_ldap_sasl_wrapping,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = enum_ldap_sasl_wrapping,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "enable asu support",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bASUSupport,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "svcctl list",
+ .type = P_LIST,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szServicesList,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {N_("Tuning Options"), P_SEP, P_SEPARATOR},
+ {
+ .label = "block size",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.iBlock_size,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "deadtime",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.deadtime,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "getwd cache",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.getwd_cache,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "keepalive",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.iKeepalive,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "change notify",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bChangeNotify,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "directory name cache size",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.iDirectoryNameCacheSize,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "kernel change notify",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bKernelChangeNotify,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "lpq cache time",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.lpqcachetime,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "max smbd processes",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.iMaxSmbdProcesses,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "max connections",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.iMaxConnections,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "paranoid server security",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.paranoid_server_security,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "max disk size",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.maxdisksize,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "max open files",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.max_open_files,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "min print space",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.iMinPrintSpace,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "socket options",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szSocketOptions,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "strict allocate",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bStrictAllocate,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "strict sync",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bStrictSync,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "sync always",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bSyncAlways,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "use mmap",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bUseMmap,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "use sendfile",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bUseSendfile,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "hostname lookups",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bHostnameLookups,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "write cache size",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.iWriteCacheSize,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "name cache timeout",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.name_cache_timeout,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "ctdbd socket",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.ctdbdSocket,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "cluster addresses",
+ .type = P_LIST,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szClusterAddresses,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "clustering",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.clustering,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {N_("Printing Options"), P_SEP, P_SEPARATOR},
+ {
+ .label = "max reported print jobs",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.iMaxReportedPrintJobs,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "max print jobs",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.iMaxPrintJobs,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "load printers",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bLoadPrinters,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "printcap cache time",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.PrintcapCacheTime,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "printcap name",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szPrintcapname,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "printcap",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szPrintcapname,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_HIDE,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "printable",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bPrint_ok,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "print ok",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bPrint_ok,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_HIDE,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "printing",
+ .type = P_ENUM,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.iPrinting,
+ .special = handle_printing,
+ .enum_list = enum_printing,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "cups options",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szCupsOptions,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "cups server",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szCupsServer,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "iprint server",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szIPrintServer,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "print command",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szPrintcommand,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "disable spoolss",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bDisableSpoolss,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "enable spoolss",
+ .type = P_BOOLREV,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bDisableSpoolss,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_HIDE,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "lpq command",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szLpqcommand,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "lprm command",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szLprmcommand,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "lppause command",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szLppausecommand,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "lpresume command",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szLpresumecommand,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "queuepause command",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szQueuepausecommand,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "queueresume command",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szQueueresumecommand,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "addport command",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szAddPortCommand,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "enumports command",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szEnumPortsCommand,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "addprinter command",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szAddPrinterCommand,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "deleteprinter command",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szDeletePrinterCommand,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "show add printer wizard",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bMsAddPrinterWizard,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "os2 driver map",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szOs2DriverMap,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "printer name",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szPrintername,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "printer",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szPrintername,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_HIDE,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "use client driver",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bUseClientDriver,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "default devmode",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bDefaultDevmode,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "force printername",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bForcePrintername,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "printjob username",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szPrintjobUsername,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {N_("Filename Handling"), P_SEP, P_SEPARATOR},
+ {
+ .label = "mangling method",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szManglingMethod,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "mangle prefix",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.mangle_prefix,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "default case",
+ .type = P_ENUM,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.iDefaultCase,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = enum_case,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "case sensitive",
+ .type = P_ENUM,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.iCaseSensitive,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = enum_bool_auto,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "casesignames",
+ .type = P_ENUM,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.iCaseSensitive,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = enum_bool_auto,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "preserve case",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bCasePreserve,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "short preserve case",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bShortCasePreserve,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "mangling char",
+ .type = P_CHAR,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.magic_char,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "hide dot files",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bHideDotFiles,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "hide special files",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bHideSpecialFiles,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "hide unreadable",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bHideUnReadable,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "hide unwriteable files",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bHideUnWriteableFiles,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "delete veto files",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bDeleteVetoFiles,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "veto files",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szVetoFiles,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "hide files",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szHideFiles,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "veto oplock files",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szVetoOplockFiles,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "map archive",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bMap_archive,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "map hidden",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bMap_hidden,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "map system",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bMap_system,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "map readonly",
+ .type = P_ENUM,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.iMap_readonly,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = enum_map_readonly,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "mangled names",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bMangledNames,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "max stat cache size",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.iMaxStatCacheSize,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "stat cache",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bStatCache,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "store dos attributes",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bStoreDosAttributes,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "dmapi support",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bDmapiSupport,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {N_("Domain Options"), P_SEP, P_SEPARATOR},
+ {
+ .label = "machine password timeout",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.machine_password_timeout,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {N_("Logon Options"), P_SEP, P_SEPARATOR},
+ {
+ .label = "add user script",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szAddUserScript,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "rename user script",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szRenameUserScript,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "delete user script",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szDelUserScript,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "add group script",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szAddGroupScript,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "delete group script",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szDelGroupScript,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "add user to group script",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szAddUserToGroupScript,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "delete user from group script",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szDelUserFromGroupScript,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "set primary group script",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szSetPrimaryGroupScript,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "add machine script",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szAddMachineScript,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "shutdown script",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szShutdownScript,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "abort shutdown script",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szAbortShutdownScript,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "username map script",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szUsernameMapScript,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "logon script",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szLogonScript,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "logon path",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szLogonPath,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "logon drive",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szLogonDrive,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "logon home",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szLogonHome,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "domain logons",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bDomainLogons,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "init logon delayed hosts",
+ .type = P_LIST,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szInitLogonDelayedHosts,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "init logon delay",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.InitLogonDelay,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {N_("Browse Options"), P_SEP, P_SEPARATOR},
+ {
+ .label = "os level",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.os_level,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "lm announce",
+ .type = P_ENUM,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.lm_announce,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = enum_bool_auto,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "lm interval",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.lm_interval,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "preferred master",
+ .type = P_ENUM,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.iPreferredMaster,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = enum_bool_auto,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "prefered master",
+ .type = P_ENUM,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.iPreferredMaster,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = enum_bool_auto,
+ .flags = FLAG_HIDE,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "local master",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bLocalMaster,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "domain master",
+ .type = P_ENUM,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.iDomainMaster,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = enum_bool_auto,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "browse list",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bBrowseList,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "browseable",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bBrowseable,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "browsable",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bBrowseable,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_HIDE,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "enhanced browsing",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.enhanced_browsing,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {N_("WINS Options"), P_SEP, P_SEPARATOR},
+ {
+ .label = "dns proxy",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bDNSproxy,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "wins proxy",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bWINSproxy,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "wins server",
+ .type = P_LIST,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szWINSservers,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "wins support",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bWINSsupport,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "wins hook",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szWINSHook,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {N_("Locking Options"), P_SEP, P_SEPARATOR},
+ {
+ .label = "blocking locks",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bBlockingLocks,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "csc policy",
+ .type = P_ENUM,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.iCSCPolicy,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = enum_csc_policy,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "fake oplocks",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bFakeOplocks,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "kernel oplocks",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bKernelOplocks,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "locking",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bLocking,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "lock spin time",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.iLockSpinTime,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "oplocks",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bOpLocks,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "level2 oplocks",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bLevel2OpLocks,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "oplock break wait time",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.oplock_break_wait_time,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "oplock contention limit",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.iOplockContentionLimit,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "posix locking",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bPosixLocking,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "strict locking",
+ .type = P_ENUM,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.iStrictLocking,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = enum_bool_auto,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "share modes",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bShareModes,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {N_("Ldap Options"), P_SEP, P_SEPARATOR},
+ {
+ .label = "ldap admin dn",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szLdapAdminDn,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "ldap delete dn",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.ldap_delete_dn,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "ldap group suffix",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szLdapGroupSuffix,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "ldap idmap suffix",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szLdapIdmapSuffix,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "ldap machine suffix",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szLdapMachineSuffix,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "ldap passwd sync",
+ .type = P_ENUM,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.ldap_passwd_sync,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = enum_ldap_passwd_sync,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "ldap password sync",
+ .type = P_ENUM,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.ldap_passwd_sync,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = enum_ldap_passwd_sync,
+ .flags = FLAG_HIDE,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "ldap replication sleep",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.ldap_replication_sleep,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "ldap suffix",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szLdapSuffix,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "ldap ssl",
+ .type = P_ENUM,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.ldap_ssl,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = enum_ldap_ssl,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "ldap timeout",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.ldap_timeout,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "ldap connection timeout",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.ldap_connection_timeout,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "ldap page size",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.ldap_page_size,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "ldap user suffix",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szLdapUserSuffix,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "ldap debug level",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.ldap_debug_level,
+ .special = handle_ldap_debug_level,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "ldap debug threshold",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.ldap_debug_threshold,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {N_("EventLog Options"), P_SEP, P_SEPARATOR},
+ {
+ .label = "eventlog list",
+ .type = P_LIST,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szEventLogs,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {N_("Miscellaneous Options"), P_SEP, P_SEPARATOR},
+ {
+ .label = "add share command",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szAddShareCommand,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "change share command",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szChangeShareCommand,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "delete share command",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szDeleteShareCommand,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "config file",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szConfigFile,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_HIDE,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "preload",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szAutoServices,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "auto services",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szAutoServices,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "lock directory",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szLockDir,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "lock dir",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szLockDir,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_HIDE,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "pid directory",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szPidDir,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+#ifdef WITH_UTMP
+ {
+ .label = "utmp directory",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szUtmpDir,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "wtmp directory",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szWtmpDir,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "utmp",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bUtmp,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "default service",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szDefaultService,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "default",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szDefaultService,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "message command",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szMsgCommand,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "dfree cache time",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.iDfreeCacheTime,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "dfree command",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szDfree,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "get quota command",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szGetQuota,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "set quota command",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szSetQuota,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "remote announce",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szRemoteAnnounce,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "remote browse sync",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szRemoteBrowseSync,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "socket address",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szSocketAddress,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "homedir map",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szNISHomeMapName,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "afs username map",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szAfsUsernameMap,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "afs token lifetime",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.iAfsTokenLifetime,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "log nt token command",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szLogNtTokenCommand,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "time offset",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &extra_time_offset,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "NIS homedir",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bNISHomeMap,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "-valid",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.valid,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_HIDE,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "copy",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szCopy,
+ .special = handle_copy,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_HIDE,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "include",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szInclude,
+ .special = handle_include,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_HIDE,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "preexec",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szPreExec,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "exec",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szPreExec,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "preexec close",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bPreexecClose,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "postexec",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szPostExec,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "root preexec",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szRootPreExec,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "root preexec close",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bRootpreexecClose,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "root postexec",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szRootPostExec,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "available",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bAvailable,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "registry shares",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bRegistryShares,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "usershare allow guests",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bUsershareAllowGuests,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "usershare max shares",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.iUsershareMaxShares,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "usershare owner only",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bUsershareOwnerOnly,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "usershare path",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szUsersharePath,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "usershare prefix allow list",
+ .type = P_LIST,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szUsersharePrefixAllowList,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "usershare prefix deny list",
+ .type = P_LIST,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szUsersharePrefixDenyList,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "usershare template share",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szUsershareTemplateShare,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "volume",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.volume,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "fstype",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.fstype,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "set directory",
+ .type = P_BOOLREV,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bNo_set_dir,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "wide links",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bWidelinks,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "follow symlinks",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bSymlinks,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "dont descend",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szDontdescend,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "magic script",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szMagicScript,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "magic output",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szMagicOutput,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "delete readonly",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bDeleteReadonly,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "dos filemode",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bDosFilemode,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "dos filetimes",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bDosFiletimes,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "dos filetime resolution",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bDosFiletimeResolution,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "fake directory create times",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bFakeDirCreateTimes,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "panic action",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szPanicAction,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {N_("VFS module options"), P_SEP, P_SEPARATOR},
+ {
+ .label = "vfs objects",
+ .type = P_LIST,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szVfsObjects,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "vfs object",
+ .type = P_LIST,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szVfsObjects,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_HIDE,
+ },
+ {N_("MSDFS options"), P_SEP, P_SEPARATOR},
+ {
+ .label = "msdfs root",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.bMSDfsRoot,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "msdfs proxy",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_LOCAL,
+ .ptr = &sDefault.szMSDfsProxy,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "host msdfs",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bHostMSDfs,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {N_("Winbind options"), P_SEP, P_SEPARATOR},
+ {
+ .label = "passdb expand explicit",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bPassdbExpandExplicit,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "idmap backend",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szIdmapBackend,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "idmap alloc backend",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szIdmapAllocBackend,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "idmap cache time",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.iIdmapCacheTime,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "idmap negative cache time",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.iIdmapNegativeCacheTime,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "idmap uid",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szIdmapUID,
+ .special = handle_idmap_uid,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "winbind uid",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szIdmapUID,
+ .special = handle_idmap_uid,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_HIDE,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "idmap gid",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szIdmapGID,
+ .special = handle_idmap_gid,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "winbind gid",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szIdmapGID,
+ .special = handle_idmap_gid,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_HIDE,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "template homedir",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szTemplateHomedir,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "template shell",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szTemplateShell,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "winbind separator",
+ .type = P_STRING,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szWinbindSeparator,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "winbind cache time",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.winbind_cache_time,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "winbind reconnect delay",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.winbind_reconnect_delay,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "winbind enum users",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bWinbindEnumUsers,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "winbind enum groups",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bWinbindEnumGroups,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "winbind use default domain",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bWinbindUseDefaultDomain,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "winbind trusted domains only",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bWinbindTrustedDomainsOnly,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "winbind nested groups",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bWinbindNestedGroups,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "winbind expand groups",
+ .type = P_INTEGER,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.winbind_expand_groups,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "winbind nss info",
+ .type = P_LIST,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.szWinbindNssInfo,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "winbind refresh tickets",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bWinbindRefreshTickets,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "winbind offline logon",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bWinbindOfflineLogon,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "winbind normalize names",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bWinbindNormalizeNames,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ {
+ .label = "winbind rpc only",
+ .type = P_BOOL,
+ .p_class = P_GLOBAL,
+ .ptr = &Globals.bWinbindRpcOnly,
+ .special = NULL,
+ .enum_list = NULL,
+ .flags = FLAG_ADVANCED,
+ },
+ Initialise the sDefault parameter structure for the printer values.
+static void init_printer_values(struct service *pService)
+ /* choose defaults depending on the type of printing */
+ switch (pService->iPrinting) {
+ case PRINT_BSD:
+ case PRINT_AIX:
+ case PRINT_LPROS2:
+ string_set(&pService->szLpqcommand, "lpq -P'%p'");
+ string_set(&pService->szLprmcommand, "lprm -P'%p' %j");
+ string_set(&pService->szPrintcommand, "lpr -r -P'%p' %s");
+ break;
+ case PRINT_PLP:
+ string_set(&pService->szLpqcommand, "lpq -P'%p'");
+ string_set(&pService->szLprmcommand, "lprm -P'%p' %j");
+ string_set(&pService->szPrintcommand, "lpr -r -P'%p' %s");
+ string_set(&pService->szQueuepausecommand, "lpc stop '%p'");
+ string_set(&pService->szQueueresumecommand, "lpc start '%p'");
+ string_set(&pService->szLppausecommand, "lpc hold '%p' %j");
+ string_set(&pService->szLpresumecommand, "lpc release '%p' %j");
+ break;
+ case PRINT_CUPS:
+#ifdef HAVE_CUPS
+ /* set the lpq command to contain the destination printer
+ name only. This is used by cups_queue_get() */
+ string_set(&pService->szLpqcommand, "%p");
+ string_set(&pService->szLprmcommand, "");
+ string_set(&pService->szPrintcommand, "");
+ string_set(&pService->szLppausecommand, "");
+ string_set(&pService->szLpresumecommand, "");
+ string_set(&pService->szQueuepausecommand, "");
+ string_set(&pService->szQueueresumecommand, "");
+ string_set(&pService->szLpqcommand, "lpq -P'%p'");
+ string_set(&pService->szLprmcommand, "lprm -P'%p' %j");
+ string_set(&pService->szPrintcommand, "lpr -P'%p' %s; rm %s");
+ string_set(&pService->szLppausecommand, "lp -i '%p-%j' -H hold");
+ string_set(&pService->szLpresumecommand, "lp -i '%p-%j' -H resume");
+ string_set(&pService->szQueuepausecommand, "disable '%p'");
+ string_set(&pService->szQueueresumecommand, "enable '%p'");
+#endif /* HAVE_CUPS */
+ break;
+ case PRINT_SYSV:
+ case PRINT_HPUX:
+ string_set(&pService->szLpqcommand, "lpstat -o%p");
+ string_set(&pService->szLprmcommand, "cancel %p-%j");
+ string_set(&pService->szPrintcommand, "lp -c -d%p %s; rm %s");
+ string_set(&pService->szQueuepausecommand, "disable %p");
+ string_set(&pService->szQueueresumecommand, "enable %p");
+#ifndef HPUX
+ string_set(&pService->szLppausecommand, "lp -i %p-%j -H hold");
+ string_set(&pService->szLpresumecommand, "lp -i %p-%j -H resume");
+#endif /* HPUX */
+ break;
+ case PRINT_QNX:
+ string_set(&pService->szLpqcommand, "lpq -P%p");
+ string_set(&pService->szLprmcommand, "lprm -P%p %j");
+ string_set(&pService->szPrintcommand, "lp -r -P%p %s");
+ break;
+ case PRINT_TEST:
+ case PRINT_VLP:
+ string_set(&pService->szPrintcommand, "vlp print %p %s");
+ string_set(&pService->szLpqcommand, "vlp lpq %p");
+ string_set(&pService->szLprmcommand, "vlp lprm %p %j");
+ string_set(&pService->szLppausecommand, "vlp lppause %p %j");
+ string_set(&pService->szLpresumecommand, "vlp lpresum %p %j");
+ string_set(&pService->szQueuepausecommand, "vlp queuepause %p");
+ string_set(&pService->szQueueresumecommand, "vlp queueresume %p");
+ break;
+#endif /* DEVELOPER */
+ }
+ Initialise the global parameter structure.
+static void init_globals(bool first_time_only)
+ static bool done_init = False;
+ char *s = NULL;
+ int i;
+ /* If requested to initialize only once and we've already done it... */
+ if (first_time_only && done_init) {
+ /* ... then we have nothing more to do */
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!done_init) {
+ /* The logfile can be set before this is invoked. Free it if so. */
+ if (Globals.szLogFile != NULL) {
+ string_free(&Globals.szLogFile);
+ Globals.szLogFile = NULL;
+ }
+ done_init = True;
+ } else {
+ for (i = 0; parm_table[i].label; i++) {
+ if ((parm_table[i].type == P_STRING ||
+ parm_table[i].type == P_USTRING) &&
+ parm_table[i].ptr)
+ {
+ string_free((char **)parm_table[i].ptr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ memset((void *)&Globals, '\0', sizeof(Globals));
+ for (i = 0; parm_table[i].label; i++) {
+ if ((parm_table[i].type == P_STRING ||
+ parm_table[i].type == P_USTRING) &&
+ parm_table[i].ptr)
+ {
+ string_set((char **)parm_table[i].ptr, "");
+ }
+ }
+ string_set(&sDefault.fstype, FSTYPE_STRING);
+ string_set(&sDefault.szPrintjobUsername, "%U");
+ init_printer_values(&sDefault);
+ DEBUG(3, ("Initialising global parameters\n"));
+ string_set(&Globals.szSMBPasswdFile, get_dyn_SMB_PASSWD_FILE());
+ string_set(&Globals.szPrivateDir, get_dyn_PRIVATE_DIR());
+ /* use the new 'hash2' method by default, with a prefix of 1 */
+ string_set(&Globals.szManglingMethod, "hash2");
+ Globals.mangle_prefix = 1;
+ string_set(&Globals.szGuestaccount, GUEST_ACCOUNT);
+ /* using UTF8 by default allows us to support all chars */
+ string_set(&Globals.unix_charset, DEFAULT_UNIX_CHARSET);
+#if defined(HAVE_NL_LANGINFO) && defined(CODESET)
+ /* If the system supports nl_langinfo(), try to grab the value
+ from the user's locale */
+ string_set(&Globals.display_charset, "LOCALE");
+ string_set(&Globals.display_charset, DEFAULT_DISPLAY_CHARSET);
+ /* Use codepage 850 as a default for the dos character set */
+ string_set(&Globals.dos_charset, DEFAULT_DOS_CHARSET);
+ /*
+ * Allow the default PASSWD_CHAT to be overridden in local.h.
+ */
+ string_set(&Globals.szPasswdChat, DEFAULT_PASSWD_CHAT);
+ set_global_myname(myhostname());
+ string_set(&Globals.szNetbiosName,global_myname());
+ set_global_myworkgroup(WORKGROUP);
+ string_set(&Globals.szWorkgroup, lp_workgroup());
+ string_set(&Globals.szPasswdProgram, "");
+ string_set(&Globals.szPidDir, get_dyn_PIDDIR());
+ string_set(&Globals.szLockDir, get_dyn_LOCKDIR());
+ string_set(&Globals.szSocketAddress, "");
+ if (asprintf(&s, "Samba %s", SAMBA_VERSION_STRING) < 0) {
+ smb_panic("init_globals: ENOMEM");
+ }
+ string_set(&Globals.szServerString, s);
+ if (asprintf(&s, "%d.%d", DEFAULT_MAJOR_VERSION,
+ smb_panic("init_globals: ENOMEM");
+ }
+ string_set(&Globals.szAnnounceVersion, s);
+ string_set(&Globals.szPanicAction, "/bin/sleep 999999999");
+ string_set(&Globals.szSocketOptions, DEFAULT_SOCKET_OPTIONS);
+ string_set(&Globals.szLogonDrive, "");
+ /* %N is the NIS auto.home server if -DAUTOHOME is used, else same as %L */
+ string_set(&Globals.szLogonHome, "\\\\%N\\%U");
+ string_set(&Globals.szLogonPath, "\\\\%N\\%U\\profile");
+ string_set(&Globals.szNameResolveOrder, "lmhosts wins host bcast");
+ string_set(&Globals.szPasswordServer, "*");
+ Globals.AlgorithmicRidBase = BASE_RID;
+ Globals.bLoadPrinters = True;
+ Globals.PrintcapCacheTime = 750; /* 12.5 minutes */
+ Globals.ConfigBackend = config_backend;
+ /* Was 65535 (0xFFFF). 0x4101 matches W2K and causes major speed improvements... */
+ /* Discovered by 2 days of pain by Don McCall @ HP :-). */
+ Globals.max_xmit = 0x4104;
+ Globals.max_mux = 50; /* This is *needed* for profile support. */
+ Globals.lpqcachetime = 30; /* changed to handle large print servers better -- jerry */
+ Globals.bDisableSpoolss = False;
+ Globals.iMaxSmbdProcesses = 0;/* no limit specified */
+ Globals.pwordlevel = 0;
+ Globals.unamelevel = 0;
+ Globals.deadtime = 0;
+ Globals.getwd_cache = true;
+ Globals.bLargeReadwrite = True;
+ Globals.max_log_size = 5000;
+ Globals.max_open_files = MAX_OPEN_FILES;
+ Globals.open_files_db_hash_size = SMB_OPEN_DATABASE_TDB_HASH_SIZE;
+ Globals.maxprotocol = PROTOCOL_NT1;
+ Globals.minprotocol = PROTOCOL_CORE;
+ Globals.paranoid_server_security = True;
+ Globals.bEncryptPasswords = True;
+ Globals.bUpdateEncrypt = False;
+ Globals.clientSchannel = Auto;
+ Globals.serverSchannel = Auto;
+ Globals.bReadRaw = True;
+ Globals.bWriteRaw = True;
+ Globals.bNullPasswords = False;
+ Globals.bObeyPamRestrictions = False;
+ Globals.syslog = 1;
+ Globals.bSyslogOnly = False;
+ Globals.bTimestampLogs = True;
+ string_set(&Globals.szLogLevel, "0");
+ Globals.bDebugPrefixTimestamp = False;
+ Globals.bDebugHiresTimestamp = False;
+ Globals.bDebugPid = False;
+ Globals.bDebugUid = False;
+ Globals.bDebugClass = False;
+ Globals.bEnableCoreFiles = True;
+ Globals.max_ttl = 60 * 60 * 24 * 3; /* 3 days default. */
+ Globals.max_wins_ttl = 60 * 60 * 24 * 6; /* 6 days default. */
+ Globals.min_wins_ttl = 60 * 60 * 6; /* 6 hours default. */
+ Globals.machine_password_timeout = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; /* 7 days default. */
+ Globals.lm_announce = 2; /* = Auto: send only if LM clients found */
+ Globals.lm_interval = 60;
+ Globals.announce_as = ANNOUNCE_AS_NT_SERVER;
+#if (defined(HAVE_NETGROUP) && defined(WITH_AUTOMOUNT))
+ Globals.bNISHomeMap = False;
+ string_set(&Globals.szNISHomeMapName, "auto_home.org_dir");
+ string_set(&Globals.szNISHomeMapName, "auto.home");
+ Globals.bTimeServer = False;
+ Globals.bBindInterfacesOnly = False;
+ Globals.bUnixPasswdSync = False;
+ Globals.bPamPasswordChange = False;
+ Globals.bPasswdChatDebug = False;
+ Globals.iPasswdChatTimeout = 2; /* 2 second default. */
+ Globals.bNTPipeSupport = True; /* Do NT pipes by default. */
+ Globals.bNTStatusSupport = True; /* Use NT status by default. */
+ Globals.bStatCache = True; /* use stat cache by default */
+ Globals.iMaxStatCacheSize = 256; /* 256k by default */
+ Globals.restrict_anonymous = 0;
+ Globals.bClientLanManAuth = False; /* Do NOT use the LanMan hash if it is available */
+ Globals.bClientPlaintextAuth = False; /* Do NOT use a plaintext password even if is requested by the server */
+ Globals.bLanmanAuth = False; /* Do NOT use the LanMan hash, even if it is supplied */
+ Globals.bNTLMAuth = True; /* Do use NTLMv1 if it is supplied by the client (otherwise NTLMv2) */
+ Globals.bClientNTLMv2Auth = False; /* Client should not use NTLMv2, as we can't tell that the server supports it. */
+ /* Note, that we will use NTLM2 session security (which is different), if it is available */
+ Globals.map_to_guest = 0; /* By Default, "Never" */
+ Globals.oplock_break_wait_time = 0; /* By Default, 0 msecs. */
+ Globals.enhanced_browsing = true;
+ Globals.iLockSpinTime = WINDOWS_MINIMUM_LOCK_TIMEOUT_MS; /* msec. */
+ Globals.bUseMmap = False;
+ Globals.bUseMmap = True;
+ Globals.bUnixExtensions = True;
+ Globals.bResetOnZeroVC = False;
+ /* hostname lookups can be very expensive and are broken on
+ a large number of sites (tridge) */
+ Globals.bHostnameLookups = False;
+ string_set(&Globals.szPassdbBackend, "smbpasswd");
+ string_set(&Globals.szLdapSuffix, "");
+ string_set(&Globals.szLdapMachineSuffix, "");
+ string_set(&Globals.szLdapUserSuffix, "");
+ string_set(&Globals.szLdapGroupSuffix, "");
+ string_set(&Globals.szLdapIdmapSuffix, "");
+ string_set(&Globals.szLdapAdminDn, "");
+ Globals.ldap_ssl = LDAP_SSL_ON;
+ Globals.ldap_passwd_sync = LDAP_PASSWD_SYNC_OFF;
+ Globals.ldap_delete_dn = False;
+ Globals.ldap_replication_sleep = 1000; /* wait 1 sec for replication */
+ Globals.ldap_timeout = LDAP_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;
+ Globals.ldap_connection_timeout = LDAP_CONNECTION_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;
+ Globals.ldap_page_size = LDAP_PAGE_SIZE;
+ Globals.ldap_debug_level = 0;
+ Globals.ldap_debug_threshold = 10;
+ /* This is what we tell the afs client. in reality we set the token
+ * to never expire, though, when this runs out the afs client will
+ * forget the token. Set to 0 to get NEVERDATE.*/
+ Globals.iAfsTokenLifetime = 604800;
+/* these parameters are set to defaults that are more appropriate
+ for the increasing samba install base:
+ as a member of the workgroup, that will possibly become a
+ _local_ master browser (lm = True). this is opposed to a forced
+ local master browser startup (pm = True).
+ doesn't provide WINS server service by default (wsupp = False),
+ and doesn't provide domain master browser services by default, either.
+ Globals.bMsAddPrinterWizard = True;
+ Globals.os_level = 20;
+ Globals.bLocalMaster = True;
+ Globals.iDomainMaster = Auto; /* depending on bDomainLogons */
+ Globals.bDomainLogons = False;
+ Globals.bBrowseList = True;
+ Globals.bWINSsupport = False;
+ Globals.bWINSproxy = False;
+ TALLOC_FREE(Globals.szInitLogonDelayedHosts);
+ Globals.InitLogonDelay = 100; /* 100 ms default delay */
+ Globals.bDNSproxy = True;
+ /* this just means to use them if they exist */
+ Globals.bKernelOplocks = True;
+ Globals.bAllowTrustedDomains = True;
+ string_set(&Globals.szIdmapBackend, "tdb");
+ string_set(&Globals.szTemplateShell, "/bin/false");
+ string_set(&Globals.szTemplateHomedir, "/home/%D/%U");
+ string_set(&Globals.szWinbindSeparator, "\\");
+ string_set(&Globals.szCupsServer, "");
+ string_set(&Globals.szIPrintServer, "");
+ string_set(&Globals.ctdbdSocket, "");
+ Globals.szClusterAddresses = NULL;
+ Globals.clustering = False;
+ Globals.winbind_cache_time = 300; /* 5 minutes */
+ Globals.winbind_reconnect_delay = 30; /* 30 seconds */
+ Globals.bWinbindEnumUsers = False;
+ Globals.bWinbindEnumGroups = False;
+ Globals.bWinbindUseDefaultDomain = False;
+ Globals.bWinbindTrustedDomainsOnly = False;
+ Globals.bWinbindNestedGroups = True;
+ Globals.winbind_expand_groups = 1;
+ Globals.szWinbindNssInfo = str_list_make(NULL, "template", NULL);
+ Globals.bWinbindRefreshTickets = False;
+ Globals.bWinbindOfflineLogon = False;
+ Globals.iIdmapCacheTime = 86400 * 7; /* a week by default */
+ Globals.iIdmapNegativeCacheTime = 120; /* 2 minutes by default */
+ Globals.bPassdbExpandExplicit = False;
+ Globals.name_cache_timeout = 660; /* In seconds */
+ Globals.bUseSpnego = True;
+ Globals.bClientUseSpnego = True;
+ Globals.client_signing = Auto;
+ Globals.server_signing = False;
+ Globals.bDeferSharingViolations = True;
+ string_set(&Globals.smb_ports, SMB_PORTS);
+ Globals.bEnablePrivileges = True;
+ Globals.bHostMSDfs = True;
+ Globals.bASUSupport = False;
+ /* User defined shares. */
+ if (asprintf(&s, "%s/usershares", get_dyn_STATEDIR()) < 0) {
+ smb_panic("init_globals: ENOMEM");
+ }
+ string_set(&Globals.szUsersharePath, s);
+ string_set(&Globals.szUsershareTemplateShare, "");
+ Globals.iUsershareMaxShares = 0;
+ /* By default disallow sharing of directories not owned by the sharer. */
+ Globals.bUsershareOwnerOnly = True;
+ /* By default disallow guest access to usershares. */
+ Globals.bUsershareAllowGuests = False;
+ Globals.iKeepalive = DEFAULT_KEEPALIVE;
+ /* By default no shares out of the registry */
+ Globals.bRegistryShares = False;
+ Globals.iminreceivefile = 0;
+ Convenience routine to grab string parameters into temporary memory
+ and run standard_sub_basic on them. The buffers can be written to by
+ callers without affecting the source string.
+static char *lp_string(const char *s)
+ char *ret;
+ TALLOC_CTX *ctx = talloc_tos();
+ /* The follow debug is useful for tracking down memory problems
+ especially if you have an inner loop that is calling a lp_*()
+ function that returns a string. Perhaps this debug should be
+ present all the time? */
+#if 0
+ DEBUG(10, ("lp_string(%s)\n", s));
+ ret = talloc_sub_basic(ctx,
+ get_current_username(),
+ current_user_info.domain,
+ s);
+ if (trim_char(ret, '\"', '\"')) {
+ if (strchr(ret,'\"') != NULL) {
+ ret = talloc_sub_basic(ctx,
+ get_current_username(),
+ current_user_info.domain,
+ s);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ In this section all the functions that are used to access the
+ parameters from the rest of the program are defined
+#define FN_GLOBAL_STRING(fn_name,ptr) \
+ char *fn_name(void) {return(lp_string(*(char **)(ptr) ? *(char **)(ptr) : ""));}
+#define FN_GLOBAL_CONST_STRING(fn_name,ptr) \
+ const char *fn_name(void) {return(*(const char **)(ptr) ? *(const char **)(ptr) : "");}
+#define FN_GLOBAL_LIST(fn_name,ptr) \
+ const char **fn_name(void) {return(*(const char ***)(ptr));}
+#define FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(fn_name,ptr) \
+ bool fn_name(void) {return(*(bool *)(ptr));}
+#define FN_GLOBAL_CHAR(fn_name,ptr) \
+ char fn_name(void) {return(*(char *)(ptr));}
+#define FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(fn_name,ptr) \
+ int fn_name(void) {return(*(int *)(ptr));}
+#define FN_LOCAL_STRING(fn_name,val) \
+ char *fn_name(int i) {return(lp_string((LP_SNUM_OK(i) && ServicePtrs[(i)]->val) ? ServicePtrs[(i)]->val : sDefault.val));}
+#define FN_LOCAL_CONST_STRING(fn_name,val) \
+ const char *fn_name(int i) {return (const char *)((LP_SNUM_OK(i) && ServicePtrs[(i)]->val) ? ServicePtrs[(i)]->val : sDefault.val);}
+#define FN_LOCAL_LIST(fn_name,val) \
+ const char **fn_name(int i) {return(const char **)(LP_SNUM_OK(i)? ServicePtrs[(i)]->val : sDefault.val);}
+#define FN_LOCAL_BOOL(fn_name,val) \
+ bool fn_name(int i) {return(bool)(LP_SNUM_OK(i)? ServicePtrs[(i)]->val : sDefault.val);}
+#define FN_LOCAL_INTEGER(fn_name,val) \
+ int fn_name(int i) {return(LP_SNUM_OK(i)? ServicePtrs[(i)]->val : sDefault.val);}
+#define FN_LOCAL_PARM_BOOL(fn_name,val) \
+ bool fn_name(const struct share_params *p) {return(bool)(LP_SNUM_OK(p->service)? ServicePtrs[(p->service)]->val : sDefault.val);}
+#define FN_LOCAL_PARM_INTEGER(fn_name,val) \
+ int fn_name(const struct share_params *p) {return(LP_SNUM_OK(p->service)? ServicePtrs[(p->service)]->val : sDefault.val);}
+#define FN_LOCAL_PARM_STRING(fn_name,val) \
+ char *fn_name(const struct share_params *p) {return(lp_string((LP_SNUM_OK(p->service) && ServicePtrs[(p->service)]->val) ? ServicePtrs[(p->service)]->val : sDefault.val));}
+#define FN_LOCAL_CHAR(fn_name,val) \
+ char fn_name(const struct share_params *p) {return(LP_SNUM_OK(p->service)? ServicePtrs[(p->service)]->val : sDefault.val);}
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_smb_ports, &Globals.smb_ports)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_dos_charset, &Globals.dos_charset)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_unix_charset, &Globals.unix_charset)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_display_charset, &Globals.display_charset)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_logfile, &Globals.szLogFile)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_configfile, &Globals.szConfigFile)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_smb_passwd_file, &Globals.szSMBPasswdFile)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_private_dir, &Globals.szPrivateDir)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_serverstring, &Globals.szServerString)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_printcap_cache_time, &Globals.PrintcapCacheTime)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_addport_cmd, &Globals.szAddPortCommand)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_enumports_cmd, &Globals.szEnumPortsCommand)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_addprinter_cmd, &Globals.szAddPrinterCommand)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_deleteprinter_cmd, &Globals.szDeletePrinterCommand)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_os2_driver_map, &Globals.szOs2DriverMap)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_lockdir, &Globals.szLockDir)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_piddir, &Globals.szPidDir)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_mangling_method, &Globals.szManglingMethod)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_mangle_prefix, &Globals.mangle_prefix)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_utmpdir, &Globals.szUtmpDir)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_wtmpdir, &Globals.szWtmpDir)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_utmp, &Globals.bUtmp)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_rootdir, &Globals.szRootdir)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_defaultservice, &Globals.szDefaultService)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_msg_command, &Globals.szMsgCommand)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_get_quota_command, &Globals.szGetQuota)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_set_quota_command, &Globals.szSetQuota)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_auto_services, &Globals.szAutoServices)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_passwd_program, &Globals.szPasswdProgram)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_passwd_chat, &Globals.szPasswdChat)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_passwordserver, &Globals.szPasswordServer)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_name_resolve_order, &Globals.szNameResolveOrder)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_realm, &Globals.szRealm)
+FN_GLOBAL_CONST_STRING(lp_afs_username_map, &Globals.szAfsUsernameMap)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_afs_token_lifetime, &Globals.iAfsTokenLifetime)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_log_nt_token_command, &Globals.szLogNtTokenCommand)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_username_map, &Globals.szUsernameMap)
+FN_GLOBAL_CONST_STRING(lp_logon_script, &Globals.szLogonScript)
+FN_GLOBAL_CONST_STRING(lp_logon_path, &Globals.szLogonPath)
+FN_GLOBAL_CONST_STRING(lp_logon_drive, &Globals.szLogonDrive)
+FN_GLOBAL_CONST_STRING(lp_logon_home, &Globals.szLogonHome)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_remote_announce, &Globals.szRemoteAnnounce)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_remote_browse_sync, &Globals.szRemoteBrowseSync)
+FN_GLOBAL_LIST(lp_wins_server_list, &Globals.szWINSservers)
+FN_GLOBAL_LIST(lp_interfaces, &Globals.szInterfaces)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_socket_address, &Globals.szSocketAddress)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_nis_home_map_name, &Globals.szNISHomeMapName)
+static FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_announce_version, &Globals.szAnnounceVersion)
+FN_GLOBAL_LIST(lp_netbios_aliases, &Globals.szNetbiosAliases)
+/* FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_passdb_backend, &Globals.szPassdbBackend)
+ * lp_passdb_backend() should be replace by the this macro again after
+ * some releases.
+ * */
+const char *lp_passdb_backend(void)
+ char *delim, *quote;
+ delim = strchr( Globals.szPassdbBackend, ' ');
+ /* no space at all */
+ if (delim == NULL) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ quote = strchr(Globals.szPassdbBackend, '"');
+ /* no quote char or non in the first part */
+ if (quote == NULL || quote > delim) {
+ *delim = '\0';
+ goto warn;
+ }
+ quote = strchr(quote+1, '"');
+ if (quote == NULL) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("WARNING: Your 'passdb backend' configuration is invalid due to a missing second \" char.\n"));
+ goto out;
+ } else if (*(quote+1) == '\0') {
+ /* space, fitting quote char, and one backend only */
+ goto out;
+ } else {
+ /* terminate string after the fitting quote char */
+ *(quote+1) = '\0';
+ }
+ DEBUG(0, ("WARNING: Your 'passdb backend' configuration includes multiple backends. This\n"
+ "is deprecated since Samba 3.0.23. Please check WHATSNEW.txt or the section 'Passdb\n"
+ "Changes' from the ChangeNotes as part of the Samba HOWTO collection. Only the first\n"
+ "backend (%s) is used. The rest is ignored.\n", Globals.szPassdbBackend));
+ return Globals.szPassdbBackend;
+FN_GLOBAL_LIST(lp_preload_modules, &Globals.szPreloadModules)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_panic_action, &Globals.szPanicAction)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_adduser_script, &Globals.szAddUserScript)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_renameuser_script, &Globals.szRenameUserScript)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_deluser_script, &Globals.szDelUserScript)
+FN_GLOBAL_CONST_STRING(lp_guestaccount, &Globals.szGuestaccount)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_addgroup_script, &Globals.szAddGroupScript)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_delgroup_script, &Globals.szDelGroupScript)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_addusertogroup_script, &Globals.szAddUserToGroupScript)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_deluserfromgroup_script, &Globals.szDelUserFromGroupScript)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_setprimarygroup_script, &Globals.szSetPrimaryGroupScript)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_addmachine_script, &Globals.szAddMachineScript)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_shutdown_script, &Globals.szShutdownScript)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_abort_shutdown_script, &Globals.szAbortShutdownScript)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_username_map_script, &Globals.szUsernameMapScript)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_check_password_script, &Globals.szCheckPasswordScript)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_wins_hook, &Globals.szWINSHook)
+FN_GLOBAL_CONST_STRING(lp_template_homedir, &Globals.szTemplateHomedir)
+FN_GLOBAL_CONST_STRING(lp_template_shell, &Globals.szTemplateShell)
+FN_GLOBAL_CONST_STRING(lp_winbind_separator, &Globals.szWinbindSeparator)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_acl_compatibility, &Globals.iAclCompat)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_winbind_enum_users, &Globals.bWinbindEnumUsers)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_winbind_enum_groups, &Globals.bWinbindEnumGroups)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_winbind_use_default_domain, &Globals.bWinbindUseDefaultDomain)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_winbind_trusted_domains_only, &Globals.bWinbindTrustedDomainsOnly)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_winbind_nested_groups, &Globals.bWinbindNestedGroups)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_winbind_expand_groups, &Globals.winbind_expand_groups)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_winbind_refresh_tickets, &Globals.bWinbindRefreshTickets)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_winbind_offline_logon, &Globals.bWinbindOfflineLogon)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_winbind_normalize_names, &Globals.bWinbindNormalizeNames)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_winbind_rpc_only, &Globals.bWinbindRpcOnly)
+FN_GLOBAL_CONST_STRING(lp_idmap_backend, &Globals.szIdmapBackend)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_idmap_alloc_backend, &Globals.szIdmapAllocBackend)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_idmap_cache_time, &Globals.iIdmapCacheTime)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_idmap_negative_cache_time, &Globals.iIdmapNegativeCacheTime)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_keepalive, &Globals.iKeepalive)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_passdb_expand_explicit, &Globals.bPassdbExpandExplicit)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_ldap_suffix, &Globals.szLdapSuffix)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_ldap_admin_dn, &Globals.szLdapAdminDn)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_ldap_ssl, &Globals.ldap_ssl)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_ldap_passwd_sync, &Globals.ldap_passwd_sync)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_ldap_delete_dn, &Globals.ldap_delete_dn)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_ldap_replication_sleep, &Globals.ldap_replication_sleep)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_ldap_timeout, &Globals.ldap_timeout)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_ldap_connection_timeout, &Globals.ldap_connection_timeout)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_ldap_page_size, &Globals.ldap_page_size)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_ldap_debug_level, &Globals.ldap_debug_level)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_ldap_debug_threshold, &Globals.ldap_debug_threshold)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_add_share_cmd, &Globals.szAddShareCommand)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_change_share_cmd, &Globals.szChangeShareCommand)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_delete_share_cmd, &Globals.szDeleteShareCommand)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_usershare_path, &Globals.szUsersharePath)
+FN_GLOBAL_LIST(lp_usershare_prefix_allow_list, &Globals.szUsersharePrefixAllowList)
+FN_GLOBAL_LIST(lp_usershare_prefix_deny_list, &Globals.szUsersharePrefixDenyList)
+FN_GLOBAL_LIST(lp_eventlog_list, &Globals.szEventLogs)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_registry_shares, &Globals.bRegistryShares)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_usershare_allow_guests, &Globals.bUsershareAllowGuests)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_usershare_owner_only, &Globals.bUsershareOwnerOnly)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_disable_netbios, &Globals.bDisableNetbios)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_reset_on_zero_vc, &Globals.bResetOnZeroVC)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_ms_add_printer_wizard, &Globals.bMsAddPrinterWizard)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_dns_proxy, &Globals.bDNSproxy)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_wins_support, &Globals.bWINSsupport)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_we_are_a_wins_server, &Globals.bWINSsupport)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_wins_proxy, &Globals.bWINSproxy)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_local_master, &Globals.bLocalMaster)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_domain_logons, &Globals.bDomainLogons)
+FN_GLOBAL_LIST(lp_init_logon_delayed_hosts, &Globals.szInitLogonDelayedHosts)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_init_logon_delay, &Globals.InitLogonDelay)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_load_printers, &Globals.bLoadPrinters)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_readraw, &Globals.bReadRaw)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_large_readwrite, &Globals.bLargeReadwrite)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_writeraw, &Globals.bWriteRaw)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_null_passwords, &Globals.bNullPasswords)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_obey_pam_restrictions, &Globals.bObeyPamRestrictions)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_encrypted_passwords, &Globals.bEncryptPasswords)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_update_encrypted, &Globals.bUpdateEncrypt)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_client_schannel, &Globals.clientSchannel)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_server_schannel, &Globals.serverSchannel)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_syslog_only, &Globals.bSyslogOnly)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_timestamp_logs, &Globals.bTimestampLogs)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_debug_prefix_timestamp, &Globals.bDebugPrefixTimestamp)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_debug_hires_timestamp, &Globals.bDebugHiresTimestamp)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_debug_pid, &Globals.bDebugPid)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_debug_uid, &Globals.bDebugUid)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_debug_class, &Globals.bDebugClass)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_enable_core_files, &Globals.bEnableCoreFiles)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_browse_list, &Globals.bBrowseList)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_nis_home_map, &Globals.bNISHomeMap)
+static FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_time_server, &Globals.bTimeServer)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_bind_interfaces_only, &Globals.bBindInterfacesOnly)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_pam_password_change, &Globals.bPamPasswordChange)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_unix_password_sync, &Globals.bUnixPasswdSync)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_passwd_chat_debug, &Globals.bPasswdChatDebug)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_passwd_chat_timeout, &Globals.iPasswdChatTimeout)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_nt_pipe_support, &Globals.bNTPipeSupport)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_nt_status_support, &Globals.bNTStatusSupport)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_stat_cache, &Globals.bStatCache)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_max_stat_cache_size, &Globals.iMaxStatCacheSize)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_allow_trusted_domains, &Globals.bAllowTrustedDomains)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_restrict_anonymous, &Globals.restrict_anonymous)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_lanman_auth, &Globals.bLanmanAuth)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_ntlm_auth, &Globals.bNTLMAuth)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_client_plaintext_auth, &Globals.bClientPlaintextAuth)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_client_lanman_auth, &Globals.bClientLanManAuth)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_client_ntlmv2_auth, &Globals.bClientNTLMv2Auth)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_host_msdfs, &Globals.bHostMSDfs)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_kernel_oplocks, &Globals.bKernelOplocks)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_enhanced_browsing, &Globals.enhanced_browsing)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_use_mmap, &Globals.bUseMmap)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_unix_extensions, &Globals.bUnixExtensions)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_use_spnego, &Globals.bUseSpnego)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_client_use_spnego, &Globals.bClientUseSpnego)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_hostname_lookups, &Globals.bHostnameLookups)
+FN_LOCAL_PARM_BOOL(lp_change_notify, bChangeNotify)
+FN_LOCAL_PARM_BOOL(lp_kernel_change_notify, bKernelChangeNotify)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_use_kerberos_keytab, &Globals.bUseKerberosKeytab)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_defer_sharing_violations, &Globals.bDeferSharingViolations)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_enable_privileges, &Globals.bEnablePrivileges)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_enable_asu_support, &Globals.bASUSupport)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_os_level, &Globals.os_level)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_max_ttl, &Globals.max_ttl)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_max_wins_ttl, &Globals.max_wins_ttl)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_min_wins_ttl, &Globals.min_wins_ttl)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_max_log_size, &Globals.max_log_size)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_max_open_files, &Globals.max_open_files)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_open_files_db_hash_size, &Globals.open_files_db_hash_size)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_maxxmit, &Globals.max_xmit)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_maxmux, &Globals.max_mux)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_passwordlevel, &Globals.pwordlevel)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_usernamelevel, &Globals.unamelevel)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_deadtime, &Globals.deadtime)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_getwd_cache, &Globals.getwd_cache)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_maxprotocol, &Globals.maxprotocol)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_minprotocol, &Globals.minprotocol)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_security, &
+FN_GLOBAL_LIST(lp_auth_methods, &Globals.AuthMethods)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_paranoid_server_security, &Globals.paranoid_server_security)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_maxdisksize, &Globals.maxdisksize)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_lpqcachetime, &Globals.lpqcachetime)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_max_smbd_processes, &Globals.iMaxSmbdProcesses)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(_lp_disable_spoolss, &Globals.bDisableSpoolss)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_syslog, &Globals.syslog)
+static FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_announce_as, &Globals.announce_as)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_lm_announce, &Globals.lm_announce)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_lm_interval, &Globals.lm_interval)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_machine_password_timeout, &Globals.machine_password_timeout)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_map_to_guest, &Globals.map_to_guest)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_oplock_break_wait_time, &Globals.oplock_break_wait_time)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_lock_spin_time, &Globals.iLockSpinTime)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_usershare_max_shares, &Globals.iUsershareMaxShares)
+FN_GLOBAL_CONST_STRING(lp_socket_options, &Globals.szSocketOptions)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_config_backend, &Globals.ConfigBackend)
+FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_preexec, szPreExec)
+FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_postexec, szPostExec)
+FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_rootpreexec, szRootPreExec)
+FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_rootpostexec, szRootPostExec)
+FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_servicename, szService)
+FN_LOCAL_CONST_STRING(lp_const_servicename, szService)
+FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_pathname, szPath)
+FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_dontdescend, szDontdescend)
+FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_username, szUsername)
+FN_LOCAL_LIST(lp_invalid_users, szInvalidUsers)
+FN_LOCAL_LIST(lp_valid_users, szValidUsers)
+FN_LOCAL_LIST(lp_admin_users, szAdminUsers)
+FN_GLOBAL_LIST(lp_svcctl_list, &Globals.szServicesList)
+FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_cups_options, szCupsOptions)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_cups_server, &Globals.szCupsServer)
+FN_GLOBAL_STRING(lp_iprint_server, &Globals.szIPrintServer)
+FN_GLOBAL_CONST_STRING(lp_ctdbd_socket, &Globals.ctdbdSocket)
+FN_GLOBAL_LIST(lp_cluster_addresses, &Globals.szClusterAddresses)
+FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(lp_clustering, &Globals.clustering)
+FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_printcommand, szPrintcommand)
+FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_lpqcommand, szLpqcommand)
+FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_lprmcommand, szLprmcommand)
+FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_lppausecommand, szLppausecommand)
+FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_lpresumecommand, szLpresumecommand)
+FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_queuepausecommand, szQueuepausecommand)
+FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_queueresumecommand, szQueueresumecommand)
+static FN_LOCAL_STRING(_lp_printername, szPrintername)
+FN_LOCAL_CONST_STRING(lp_printjob_username, szPrintjobUsername)
+FN_LOCAL_LIST(lp_hostsallow, szHostsallow)
+FN_LOCAL_LIST(lp_hostsdeny, szHostsdeny)
+FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_magicscript, szMagicScript)
+FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_magicoutput, szMagicOutput)
+FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_comment, comment)
+FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_force_user, force_user)
+FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_force_group, force_group)
+FN_LOCAL_LIST(lp_readlist, readlist)
+FN_LOCAL_LIST(lp_writelist, writelist)
+FN_LOCAL_LIST(lp_printer_admin, printer_admin)
+FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_fstype, fstype)
+FN_LOCAL_LIST(lp_vfs_objects, szVfsObjects)
+FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_msdfs_proxy, szMSDfsProxy)
+static FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_volume, volume)
+FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_veto_files, szVetoFiles)
+FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_hide_files, szHideFiles)
+FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_veto_oplocks, szVetoOplockFiles)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_msdfs_root, bMSDfsRoot)
+FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_aio_write_behind, szAioWriteBehind)
+FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_dfree_command, szDfree)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_autoloaded, autoloaded)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_preexec_close, bPreexecClose)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_rootpreexec_close, bRootpreexecClose)
+FN_LOCAL_INTEGER(lp_casesensitive, iCaseSensitive)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_preservecase, bCasePreserve)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_shortpreservecase, bShortCasePreserve)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_hide_dot_files, bHideDotFiles)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_hide_special_files, bHideSpecialFiles)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_hideunreadable, bHideUnReadable)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_hideunwriteable_files, bHideUnWriteableFiles)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_browseable, bBrowseable)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_readonly, bRead_only)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_no_set_dir, bNo_set_dir)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_guest_ok, bGuest_ok)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_guest_only, bGuest_only)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_administrative_share, bAdministrative_share)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_print_ok, bPrint_ok)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_map_hidden, bMap_hidden)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_map_archive, bMap_archive)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_store_dos_attributes, bStoreDosAttributes)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_dmapi_support, bDmapiSupport)
+FN_LOCAL_PARM_BOOL(lp_locking, bLocking)
+FN_LOCAL_PARM_INTEGER(lp_strict_locking, iStrictLocking)
+FN_LOCAL_PARM_BOOL(lp_posix_locking, bPosixLocking)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_share_modes, bShareModes)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_oplocks, bOpLocks)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_level2_oplocks, bLevel2OpLocks)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_onlyuser, bOnlyUser)
+FN_LOCAL_PARM_BOOL(lp_manglednames, bMangledNames)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_widelinks, bWidelinks)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_symlinks, bSymlinks)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_syncalways, bSyncAlways)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_strict_allocate, bStrictAllocate)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_strict_sync, bStrictSync)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_map_system, bMap_system)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_delete_readonly, bDeleteReadonly)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_fake_oplocks, bFakeOplocks)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_recursive_veto_delete, bDeleteVetoFiles)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_dos_filemode, bDosFilemode)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_dos_filetimes, bDosFiletimes)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_dos_filetime_resolution, bDosFiletimeResolution)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_fake_dir_create_times, bFakeDirCreateTimes)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_blocking_locks, bBlockingLocks)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_inherit_perms, bInheritPerms)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_inherit_acls, bInheritACLS)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_inherit_owner, bInheritOwner)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_use_client_driver, bUseClientDriver)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_default_devmode, bDefaultDevmode)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_force_printername, bForcePrintername)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_nt_acl_support, bNTAclSupport)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_force_unknown_acl_user, bForceUnknownAclUser)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_ea_support, bEASupport)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(_lp_use_sendfile, bUseSendfile)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_profile_acls, bProfileAcls)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_map_acl_inherit, bMap_acl_inherit)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_afs_share, bAfs_Share)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_acl_check_permissions, bAclCheckPermissions)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_acl_group_control, bAclGroupControl)
+FN_LOCAL_BOOL(lp_acl_map_full_control, bAclMapFullControl)
+FN_LOCAL_INTEGER(lp_create_mask, iCreate_mask)
+FN_LOCAL_INTEGER(lp_force_create_mode, iCreate_force_mode)
+FN_LOCAL_INTEGER(lp_security_mask, iSecurity_mask)
+FN_LOCAL_INTEGER(lp_force_security_mode, iSecurity_force_mode)
+FN_LOCAL_INTEGER(lp_dir_mask, iDir_mask)
+FN_LOCAL_INTEGER(lp_force_dir_mode, iDir_force_mode)
+FN_LOCAL_INTEGER(lp_dir_security_mask, iDir_Security_mask)
+FN_LOCAL_INTEGER(lp_force_dir_security_mode, iDir_Security_force_mode)
+FN_LOCAL_INTEGER(lp_max_connections, iMaxConnections)
+FN_LOCAL_INTEGER(lp_defaultcase, iDefaultCase)
+FN_LOCAL_INTEGER(lp_minprintspace, iMinPrintSpace)
+FN_LOCAL_INTEGER(lp_printing, iPrinting)
+FN_LOCAL_INTEGER(lp_max_reported_jobs, iMaxReportedPrintJobs)
+FN_LOCAL_INTEGER(lp_oplock_contention_limit, iOplockContentionLimit)
+FN_LOCAL_INTEGER(lp_csc_policy, iCSCPolicy)
+FN_LOCAL_INTEGER(lp_write_cache_size, iWriteCacheSize)
+FN_LOCAL_INTEGER(lp_block_size, iBlock_size)
+FN_LOCAL_INTEGER(lp_dfree_cache_time, iDfreeCacheTime)
+FN_LOCAL_INTEGER(lp_allocation_roundup_size, iallocation_roundup_size)
+FN_LOCAL_INTEGER(lp_aio_read_size, iAioReadSize)
+FN_LOCAL_INTEGER(lp_aio_write_size, iAioWriteSize)
+FN_LOCAL_INTEGER(lp_map_readonly, iMap_readonly)
+FN_LOCAL_INTEGER(lp_directory_name_cache_size, iDirectoryNameCacheSize)
+FN_LOCAL_INTEGER(lp_smb_encrypt, ismb_encrypt)
+FN_LOCAL_CHAR(lp_magicchar, magic_char)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_winbind_cache_time, &Globals.winbind_cache_time)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_winbind_reconnect_delay, &Globals.winbind_reconnect_delay)
+FN_GLOBAL_LIST(lp_winbind_nss_info, &Globals.szWinbindNssInfo)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_algorithmic_rid_base, &Globals.AlgorithmicRidBase)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_name_cache_timeout, &Globals.name_cache_timeout)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_client_signing, &Globals.client_signing)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_server_signing, &Globals.server_signing)
+FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(lp_client_ldap_sasl_wrapping, &Globals.client_ldap_sasl_wrapping)
+/* local prototypes */
+static int map_parameter(const char *pszParmName);
+static int map_parameter_canonical(const char *pszParmName, bool *inverse);
+static bool set_boolean(bool *pb, const char *pszParmValue);
+static const char *get_boolean(bool bool_value);
+static int getservicebyname(const char *pszServiceName,
+ struct service *pserviceDest);
+static void copy_service(struct service *pserviceDest,
+ struct service *pserviceSource,
+ struct bitmap *pcopymapDest);
+static bool do_parameter(const char *pszParmName, const char *pszParmValue,
+ void *userdata);
+static bool do_section(const char *pszSectionName, void *userdata);
+static void init_copymap(struct service *pservice);
+static bool hash_a_service(const char *name, int number);
+static void free_service_byindex(int iService);
+static char * canonicalize_servicename(const char *name);
+static void show_parameter(int parmIndex);
+static bool is_synonym_of(int parm1, int parm2, bool *inverse);
+ * This is a helper function for parametrical options support. It returns a
+ * pointer to parametrical option value if it exists or NULL otherwise. Actual
+ * parametrical functions are quite simple
+ */
+static struct param_opt_struct *get_parametrics(int snum, const char *type,
+ const char *option)
+ bool global_section = False;
+ char* param_key;
+ struct param_opt_struct *data;
+ if (snum >= iNumServices) return NULL;
+ if (snum < 0) {
+ data = Globals.param_opt;
+ global_section = True;
+ } else {
+ data = ServicePtrs[snum]->param_opt;
+ }
+ if (asprintf(&param_key, "%s:%s", type, option) == -1) {
+ DEBUG(0,("asprintf failed!\n"));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ while (data) {
+ if (strwicmp(data->key, param_key) == 0) {
+ string_free(&param_key);
+ return data;
+ }
+ data = data->next;
+ }
+ if (!global_section) {
+ /* Try to fetch the same option but from globals */
+ /* but only if we are not already working with Globals */
+ data = Globals.param_opt;
+ while (data) {
+ if (strwicmp(data->key, param_key) == 0) {
+ string_free(&param_key);
+ return data;
+ }
+ data = data->next;
+ }
+ }
+ string_free(&param_key);
+ return NULL;
+#define MISSING_PARAMETER(name) \
+ DEBUG(0, ("%s(): value is NULL or empty!\n", #name))
+convenience routine to return int parameters.
+static int lp_int(const char *s)
+ if (!s || !*s) {
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ return (int)strtol(s, NULL, 0);
+convenience routine to return unsigned long parameters.
+static unsigned long lp_ulong(const char *s)
+ if (!s || !*s) {
+ return (0);
+ }
+ return strtoul(s, NULL, 0);
+convenience routine to return boolean parameters.
+static bool lp_bool(const char *s)
+ bool ret = False;
+ if (!s || !*s) {
+ return False;
+ }
+ if (!set_boolean(&ret,s)) {
+ DEBUG(0,("lp_bool(%s): value is not boolean!\n",s));
+ return False;
+ }
+ return ret;
+convenience routine to return enum parameters.
+static int lp_enum(const char *s,const struct enum_list *_enum)
+ int i;
+ if (!s || !*s || !_enum) {
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ for (i=0; _enum[i].name; i++) {
+ if (strequal(_enum[i].name,s))
+ return _enum[i].value;
+ }
+ DEBUG(0,("lp_enum(%s,enum): value is not in enum_list!\n",s));
+ return (-1);
+/* DO NOT USE lp_parm_string ANYMORE!!!!
+ * use lp_parm_const_string or lp_parm_talloc_string
+ *
+ * lp_parm_string is only used to let old modules find this symbol
+ */
+#undef lp_parm_string
+ char *lp_parm_string(const char *servicename, const char *type, const char *option);
+ char *lp_parm_string(const char *servicename, const char *type, const char *option)
+ return lp_parm_talloc_string(lp_servicenumber(servicename), type, option, NULL);
+/* Return parametric option from a given service. Type is a part of option before ':' */
+/* Parametric option has following syntax: 'Type: option = value' */
+/* the returned value is talloced on the talloc_tos() */
+char *lp_parm_talloc_string(int snum, const char *type, const char *option, const char *def)
+ struct param_opt_struct *data = get_parametrics(snum, type, option);
+ if (data == NULL||data->value==NULL) {
+ if (def) {
+ return lp_string(def);
+ } else {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return lp_string(data->value);
+/* Return parametric option from a given service. Type is a part of option before ':' */
+/* Parametric option has following syntax: 'Type: option = value' */
+const char *lp_parm_const_string(int snum, const char *type, const char *option, const char *def)
+ struct param_opt_struct *data = get_parametrics(snum, type, option);
+ if (data == NULL||data->value==NULL)
+ return def;
+ return data->value;
+/* Return parametric option from a given service. Type is a part of option before ':' */
+/* Parametric option has following syntax: 'Type: option = value' */
+const char **lp_parm_string_list(int snum, const char *type, const char *option, const char **def)
+ struct param_opt_struct *data = get_parametrics(snum, type, option);
+ if (data == NULL||data->value==NULL)
+ return (const char **)def;
+ if (data->list==NULL) {
+ data->list = str_list_make(NULL, data->value, NULL);
+ }
+ return (const char **)data->list;
+/* Return parametric option from a given service. Type is a part of option before ':' */
+/* Parametric option has following syntax: 'Type: option = value' */
+int lp_parm_int(int snum, const char *type, const char *option, int def)
+ struct param_opt_struct *data = get_parametrics(snum, type, option);
+ if (data && data->value && *data->value)
+ return lp_int(data->value);
+ return def;
+/* Return parametric option from a given service. Type is a part of option before ':' */
+/* Parametric option has following syntax: 'Type: option = value' */
+unsigned long lp_parm_ulong(int snum, const char *type, const char *option, unsigned long def)
+ struct param_opt_struct *data = get_parametrics(snum, type, option);
+ if (data && data->value && *data->value)
+ return lp_ulong(data->value);
+ return def;
+/* Return parametric option from a given service. Type is a part of option before ':' */
+/* Parametric option has following syntax: 'Type: option = value' */
+bool lp_parm_bool(int snum, const char *type, const char *option, bool def)
+ struct param_opt_struct *data = get_parametrics(snum, type, option);
+ if (data && data->value && *data->value)
+ return lp_bool(data->value);
+ return def;
+/* Return parametric option from a given service. Type is a part of option before ':' */
+/* Parametric option has following syntax: 'Type: option = value' */
+int lp_parm_enum(int snum, const char *type, const char *option,
+ const struct enum_list *_enum, int def)
+ struct param_opt_struct *data = get_parametrics(snum, type, option);
+ if (data && data->value && *data->value && _enum)
+ return lp_enum(data->value, _enum);
+ return def;
+ Initialise a service to the defaults.
+static void init_service(struct service *pservice)
+ memset((char *)pservice, '\0', sizeof(struct service));
+ copy_service(pservice, &sDefault, NULL);
+ Free the dynamically allocated parts of a service struct.
+static void free_service(struct service *pservice)
+ int i;
+ struct param_opt_struct *data, *pdata;
+ if (!pservice)
+ return;
+ if (pservice->szService)
+ DEBUG(5, ("free_service: Freeing service %s\n",
+ pservice->szService));
+ string_free(&pservice->szService);
+ bitmap_free(pservice->copymap);
+ for (i = 0; parm_table[i].label; i++) {
+ if ((parm_table[i].type == P_STRING ||
+ parm_table[i].type == P_USTRING) &&
+ parm_table[i].p_class == P_LOCAL)
+ string_free((char **)
+ (((char *)pservice) +
+ PTR_DIFF(parm_table[i].ptr, &sDefault)));
+ else if (parm_table[i].type == P_LIST &&
+ parm_table[i].p_class == P_LOCAL)
+ TALLOC_FREE(*((char ***)
+ (((char *)pservice) +
+ PTR_DIFF(parm_table[i].ptr,
+ &sDefault))));
+ }
+ data = pservice->param_opt;
+ if (data)
+ DEBUG(5,("Freeing parametrics:\n"));
+ while (data) {
+ DEBUG(5,("[%s = %s]\n", data->key, data->value));
+ string_free(&data->key);
+ string_free(&data->value);
+ TALLOC_FREE(data->list);
+ pdata = data->next;
+ SAFE_FREE(data);
+ data = pdata;
+ }
+ ZERO_STRUCTP(pservice);
+ remove a service indexed in the ServicePtrs array from the ServiceHash
+ and free the dynamically allocated parts
+static void free_service_byindex(int idx)
+ if ( !LP_SNUM_OK(idx) )
+ return;
+ ServicePtrs[idx]->valid = False;
+ invalid_services[num_invalid_services++] = idx;
+ /* we have to cleanup the hash record */
+ if (ServicePtrs[idx]->szService) {
+ char *canon_name = canonicalize_servicename(
+ ServicePtrs[idx]->szService );
+ dbwrap_delete_bystring(ServiceHash, canon_name );
+ TALLOC_FREE(canon_name);
+ }
+ free_service(ServicePtrs[idx]);
+ Add a new service to the services array initialising it with the given
+ service.
+static int add_a_service(const struct service *pservice, const char *name)
+ int i;
+ struct service tservice;
+ int num_to_alloc = iNumServices + 1;
+ struct param_opt_struct *data, *pdata;
+ tservice = *pservice;
+ /* it might already exist */
+ if (name) {
+ i = getservicebyname(name, NULL);
+ if (i >= 0) {
+ /* Clean all parametric options for service */
+ /* They will be added during parsing again */
+ data = ServicePtrs[i]->param_opt;
+ while (data) {
+ string_free(&data->key);
+ string_free(&data->value);
+ TALLOC_FREE(data->list);
+ pdata = data->next;
+ SAFE_FREE(data);
+ data = pdata;
+ }
+ ServicePtrs[i]->param_opt = NULL;
+ return (i);
+ }
+ }
+ /* find an invalid one */
+ i = iNumServices;
+ if (num_invalid_services > 0) {
+ i = invalid_services[--num_invalid_services];
+ }
+ /* if not, then create one */
+ if (i == iNumServices) {
+ struct service **tsp;
+ int *tinvalid;
+ tsp = SMB_REALLOC_ARRAY_KEEP_OLD_ON_ERROR(ServicePtrs, struct service *, num_to_alloc);
+ if (tsp == NULL) {
+ DEBUG(0,("add_a_service: failed to enlarge ServicePtrs!\n"));
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ ServicePtrs = tsp;
+ ServicePtrs[iNumServices] = SMB_MALLOC_P(struct service);
+ if (!ServicePtrs[iNumServices]) {
+ DEBUG(0,("add_a_service: out of memory!\n"));
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ iNumServices++;
+ /* enlarge invalid_services here for now... */
+ tinvalid = SMB_REALLOC_ARRAY_KEEP_OLD_ON_ERROR(invalid_services, int,
+ num_to_alloc);
+ if (tinvalid == NULL) {
+ DEBUG(0,("add_a_service: failed to enlarge "
+ "invalid_services!\n"));
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ invalid_services = tinvalid;
+ } else {
+ free_service_byindex(i);
+ }
+ ServicePtrs[i]->valid = True;
+ init_service(ServicePtrs[i]);
+ copy_service(ServicePtrs[i], &tservice, NULL);
+ if (name)
+ string_set(&ServicePtrs[i]->szService, name);
+ DEBUG(8,("add_a_service: Creating snum = %d for %s\n",
+ i, ServicePtrs[i]->szService));
+ if (!hash_a_service(ServicePtrs[i]->szService, i)) {
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ return (i);
+ Convert a string to uppercase and remove whitespaces.
+static char *canonicalize_servicename(const char *src)
+ char *result;
+ if ( !src ) {
+ DEBUG(0,("canonicalize_servicename: NULL source name!\n"));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ result = talloc_strdup(talloc_tos(), src);
+ SMB_ASSERT(result != NULL);
+ strlower_m(result);
+ return result;
+ Add a name/index pair for the services array to the hash table.
+static bool hash_a_service(const char *name, int idx)
+ char *canon_name;
+ if ( !ServiceHash ) {
+ DEBUG(10,("hash_a_service: creating servicehash\n"));
+ ServiceHash = db_open_rbt(NULL);
+ if ( !ServiceHash ) {
+ DEBUG(0,("hash_a_service: open tdb servicehash failed!\n"));
+ return False;
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG(10,("hash_a_service: hashing index %d for service name %s\n",
+ idx, name));
+ canon_name = canonicalize_servicename( name );
+ dbwrap_store_bystring(ServiceHash, canon_name,
+ make_tdb_data((uint8 *)&idx, sizeof(idx)),
+ TALLOC_FREE(canon_name);
+ return True;
+ Add a new home service, with the specified home directory, defaults coming
+ from service ifrom.
+bool lp_add_home(const char *pszHomename, int iDefaultService,
+ const char *user, const char *pszHomedir)
+ int i;
+ i = add_a_service(ServicePtrs[iDefaultService], pszHomename);
+ if (i < 0)
+ return (False);
+ if (!(*(ServicePtrs[iDefaultService]->szPath))
+ || strequal(ServicePtrs[iDefaultService]->szPath, lp_pathname(GLOBAL_SECTION_SNUM))) {
+ string_set(&ServicePtrs[i]->szPath, pszHomedir);
+ }
+ if (!(*(ServicePtrs[i]->comment))) {
+ char *comment = NULL;
+ if (asprintf(&comment, "Home directory of %s", user) < 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ string_set(&ServicePtrs[i]->comment, comment);
+ SAFE_FREE(comment);
+ }
+ /* set the browseable flag from the global default */
+ ServicePtrs[i]->bBrowseable = sDefault.bBrowseable;
+ ServicePtrs[i]->autoloaded = True;
+ DEBUG(3, ("adding home's share [%s] for user '%s' at '%s'\n", pszHomename,
+ user, ServicePtrs[i]->szPath ));
+ return (True);
+ Add a new service, based on an old one.
+int lp_add_service(const char *pszService, int iDefaultService)
+ if (iDefaultService < 0) {
+ return add_a_service(&sDefault, pszService);
+ }
+ return (add_a_service(ServicePtrs[iDefaultService], pszService));
+ Add the IPC service.
+static bool lp_add_ipc(const char *ipc_name, bool guest_ok)
+ char *comment = NULL;
+ int i = add_a_service(&sDefault, ipc_name);
+ if (i < 0)
+ return (False);
+ if (asprintf(&comment, "IPC Service (%s)",
+ Globals.szServerString) < 0) {
+ return (False);
+ }
+ string_set(&ServicePtrs[i]->szPath, tmpdir());
+ string_set(&ServicePtrs[i]->szUsername, "");
+ string_set(&ServicePtrs[i]->comment, comment);
+ string_set(&ServicePtrs[i]->fstype, "IPC");
+ ServicePtrs[i]->iMaxConnections = 0;
+ ServicePtrs[i]->bAvailable = True;
+ ServicePtrs[i]->bRead_only = True;
+ ServicePtrs[i]->bGuest_only = False;
+ ServicePtrs[i]->bAdministrative_share = True;
+ ServicePtrs[i]->bGuest_ok = guest_ok;
+ ServicePtrs[i]->bPrint_ok = False;
+ ServicePtrs[i]->bBrowseable = sDefault.bBrowseable;
+ DEBUG(3, ("adding IPC service\n"));
+ SAFE_FREE(comment);
+ return (True);
+ Add a new printer service, with defaults coming from service iFrom.
+bool lp_add_printer(const char *pszPrintername, int iDefaultService)
+ const char *comment = "From Printcap";
+ int i = add_a_service(ServicePtrs[iDefaultService], pszPrintername);
+ if (i < 0)
+ return (False);
+ /* note that we do NOT default the availability flag to True - */
+ /* we take it from the default service passed. This allows all */
+ /* dynamic printers to be disabled by disabling the [printers] */
+ /* entry (if/when the 'available' keyword is implemented!). */
+ /* the printer name is set to the service name. */
+ string_set(&ServicePtrs[i]->szPrintername, pszPrintername);
+ string_set(&ServicePtrs[i]->comment, comment);
+ /* set the browseable flag from the gloabl default */
+ ServicePtrs[i]->bBrowseable = sDefault.bBrowseable;
+ /* Printers cannot be read_only. */
+ ServicePtrs[i]->bRead_only = False;
+ /* No share modes on printer services. */
+ ServicePtrs[i]->bShareModes = False;
+ /* No oplocks on printer services. */
+ ServicePtrs[i]->bOpLocks = False;
+ /* Printer services must be printable. */
+ ServicePtrs[i]->bPrint_ok = True;
+ DEBUG(3, ("adding printer service %s\n", pszPrintername));
+ return (True);
+ Check whether the given parameter name is valid.
+ Parametric options (names containing a colon) are considered valid.
+bool lp_parameter_is_valid(const char *pszParmName)
+ return ((map_parameter(pszParmName) != -1) ||
+ (strchr(pszParmName, ':') != NULL));
+ Check whether the given name is the name of a global parameter.
+ Returns True for strings belonging to parameters of class
+ P_GLOBAL, False for all other strings, also for parametric options
+ and strings not belonging to any option.
+bool lp_parameter_is_global(const char *pszParmName)
+ int num = map_parameter(pszParmName);
+ if (num >= 0) {
+ return (parm_table[num].p_class == P_GLOBAL);
+ }
+ return False;
+ Check whether the given name is the canonical name of a parameter.
+ Returns False if it is not a valid parameter Name.
+ For parametric options, True is returned.
+bool lp_parameter_is_canonical(const char *parm_name)
+ if (!lp_parameter_is_valid(parm_name)) {
+ return False;
+ }
+ return (map_parameter(parm_name) ==
+ map_parameter_canonical(parm_name, NULL));
+ Determine the canonical name for a parameter.
+ Indicate when it is an inverse (boolean) synonym instead of a
+ "usual" synonym.
+bool lp_canonicalize_parameter(const char *parm_name, const char **canon_parm,
+ bool *inverse)
+ int num;
+ if (!lp_parameter_is_valid(parm_name)) {
+ *canon_parm = NULL;
+ return False;
+ }
+ num = map_parameter_canonical(parm_name, inverse);
+ if (num < 0) {
+ /* parametric option */
+ *canon_parm = parm_name;
+ } else {
+ *canon_parm = parm_table[num].label;
+ }
+ return True;
+ Determine the canonical name for a parameter.
+ Turn the value given into the inverse boolean expression when
+ the synonym is an invers boolean synonym.
+ Return True if parm_name is a valid parameter name and
+ in case it is an invers boolean synonym, if the val string could
+ successfully be converted to the reverse bool.
+ Return false in all other cases.
+bool lp_canonicalize_parameter_with_value(const char *parm_name,
+ const char *val,
+ const char **canon_parm,
+ const char **canon_val)
+ int num;
+ bool inverse;
+ if (!lp_parameter_is_valid(parm_name)) {
+ *canon_parm = NULL;
+ *canon_val = NULL;
+ return False;
+ }
+ num = map_parameter_canonical(parm_name, &inverse);
+ if (num < 0) {
+ /* parametric option */
+ *canon_parm = parm_name;
+ *canon_val = val;
+ } else {
+ *canon_parm = parm_table[num].label;
+ if (inverse) {
+ if (!lp_invert_boolean(val, canon_val)) {
+ *canon_val = NULL;
+ return False;
+ }
+ } else {
+ *canon_val = val;
+ }
+ }
+ return True;
+ Map a parameter's string representation to something we can use.
+ Returns False if the parameter string is not recognised, else TRUE.
+static int map_parameter(const char *pszParmName)
+ int iIndex;
+ if (*pszParmName == '-' && !strequal(pszParmName, "-valid"))
+ return (-1);
+ for (iIndex = 0; parm_table[iIndex].label; iIndex++)
+ if (strwicmp(parm_table[iIndex].label, pszParmName) == 0)
+ return (iIndex);
+ /* Warn only if it isn't parametric option */
+ if (strchr(pszParmName, ':') == NULL)
+ DEBUG(1, ("Unknown parameter encountered: \"%s\"\n", pszParmName));
+ /* We do return 'fail' for parametric options as well because they are
+ stored in different storage
+ */
+ return (-1);
+ Map a parameter's string representation to the index of the canonical
+ form of the parameter (it might be a synonym).
+ Returns -1 if the parameter string is not recognised.
+static int map_parameter_canonical(const char *pszParmName, bool *inverse)
+ int parm_num, canon_num;
+ bool loc_inverse = False;
+ parm_num = map_parameter(pszParmName);
+ if ((parm_num < 0) || !(parm_table[parm_num].flags & FLAG_HIDE)) {
+ /* invalid, parametric or no canidate for synonyms ... */
+ goto done;
+ }
+ for (canon_num = 0; parm_table[canon_num].label; canon_num++) {
+ if (is_synonym_of(parm_num, canon_num, &loc_inverse)) {
+ parm_num = canon_num;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ }
+ if (inverse != NULL) {
+ *inverse = loc_inverse;
+ }
+ return parm_num;
+ return true if parameter number parm1 is a synonym of parameter
+ number parm2 (parm2 being the principal name).
+ set inverse to True if parm1 is P_BOOLREV and parm2 is P_BOOL,
+ False otherwise.
+static bool is_synonym_of(int parm1, int parm2, bool *inverse)
+ if ((parm_table[parm1].ptr == parm_table[parm2].ptr) &&
+ (parm_table[parm1].flags & FLAG_HIDE) &&
+ !(parm_table[parm2].flags & FLAG_HIDE))
+ {
+ if (inverse != NULL) {
+ if ((parm_table[parm1].type == P_BOOLREV) &&
+ (parm_table[parm2].type == P_BOOL))
+ {
+ *inverse = True;
+ } else {
+ *inverse = False;
+ }
+ }
+ return True;
+ }
+ return False;
+ Show one parameter's name, type, [values,] and flags.
+ (helper functions for show_parameter_list)
+static void show_parameter(int parmIndex)
+ int enumIndex, flagIndex;
+ int parmIndex2;
+ bool hadFlag;
+ bool hadSyn;
+ bool inverse;
+ const char *type[] = { "P_BOOL", "P_BOOLREV", "P_CHAR", "P_INTEGER",
+ "P_ENUM", "P_SEP"};
+ const char *flag_names[] = { "FLAG_BASIC", "FLAG_SHARE", "FLAG_PRINT",
+ printf("%s=%s", parm_table[parmIndex].label,
+ type[parm_table[parmIndex].type]);
+ if (parm_table[parmIndex].type == P_ENUM) {
+ printf(",");
+ for (enumIndex=0;
+ parm_table[parmIndex].enum_list[enumIndex].name;
+ enumIndex++)
+ {
+ printf("%s%s",
+ enumIndex ? "|" : "",
+ parm_table[parmIndex].enum_list[enumIndex].name);
+ }
+ }
+ printf(",");
+ hadFlag = False;
+ for (flagIndex=0; flag_names[flagIndex]; flagIndex++) {
+ if (parm_table[parmIndex].flags & flags[flagIndex]) {
+ printf("%s%s",
+ hadFlag ? "|" : "",
+ flag_names[flagIndex]);
+ hadFlag = True;
+ }
+ }
+ /* output synonyms */
+ hadSyn = False;
+ for (parmIndex2=0; parm_table[parmIndex2].label; parmIndex2++) {
+ if (is_synonym_of(parmIndex, parmIndex2, &inverse)) {
+ printf(" (%ssynonym of %s)", inverse ? "inverse " : "",
+ parm_table[parmIndex2].label);
+ } else if (is_synonym_of(parmIndex2, parmIndex, &inverse)) {
+ if (!hadSyn) {
+ printf(" (synonyms: ");
+ hadSyn = True;
+ } else {
+ printf(", ");
+ }
+ printf("%s%s", parm_table[parmIndex2].label,
+ inverse ? "[i]" : "");
+ }
+ }
+ if (hadSyn) {
+ printf(")");
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ Show all parameter's name, type, [values,] and flags.
+void show_parameter_list(void)
+ int classIndex, parmIndex;
+ const char *section_names[] = { "local", "global", NULL};
+ for (classIndex=0; section_names[classIndex]; classIndex++) {
+ printf("[%s]\n", section_names[classIndex]);
+ for (parmIndex = 0; parm_table[parmIndex].label; parmIndex++) {
+ if (parm_table[parmIndex].p_class == classIndex) {
+ show_parameter(parmIndex);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Set a boolean variable from the text value stored in the passed string.
+ Returns True in success, False if the passed string does not correctly
+ represent a boolean.
+static bool set_boolean(bool *pb, const char *pszParmValue)
+ bool bRetval;
+ bool value;
+ bRetval = True;
+ value = False;
+ if (strwicmp(pszParmValue, "yes") == 0 ||
+ strwicmp(pszParmValue, "true") == 0 ||
+ strwicmp(pszParmValue, "1") == 0)
+ value = True;
+ else if (strwicmp(pszParmValue, "no") == 0 ||
+ strwicmp(pszParmValue, "False") == 0 ||
+ strwicmp(pszParmValue, "0") == 0)
+ value = False;
+ else {
+ DEBUG(2,
+ ("ERROR: Badly formed boolean in configuration file: \"%s\".\n",
+ pszParmValue));
+ bRetval = False;
+ }
+ if ((pb != NULL) && (bRetval != False)) {
+ *pb = value;
+ }
+ return (bRetval);
+ Check if a given string correctly represents a boolean value.
+bool lp_string_is_valid_boolean(const char *parm_value)
+ return set_boolean(NULL, parm_value);
+ Get the standard string representation of a boolean value ("yes" or "no")
+static const char *get_boolean(bool bool_value)
+ static const char *yes_str = "yes";
+ static const char *no_str = "no";
+ return (bool_value ? yes_str : no_str);
+ Provide the string of the negated boolean value associated to the boolean
+ given as a string. Returns False if the passed string does not correctly
+ represent a boolean.
+bool lp_invert_boolean(const char *str, const char **inverse_str)
+ bool val;
+ if (!set_boolean(&val, str)) {
+ return False;
+ }
+ *inverse_str = get_boolean(!val);
+ return True;
+ Provide the canonical string representation of a boolean value given
+ as a string. Return True on success, False if the string given does
+ not correctly represent a boolean.
+bool lp_canonicalize_boolean(const char *str, const char**canon_str)
+ bool val;
+ if (!set_boolean(&val, str)) {
+ return False;
+ }
+ *canon_str = get_boolean(val);
+ return True;
+Find a service by name. Otherwise works like get_service.
+static int getservicebyname(const char *pszServiceName, struct service *pserviceDest)
+ int iService = -1;
+ char *canon_name;
+ TDB_DATA data;
+ if (ServiceHash == NULL) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ canon_name = canonicalize_servicename(pszServiceName);
+ data = dbwrap_fetch_bystring(ServiceHash, canon_name, canon_name);
+ if ((data.dptr != NULL) && (data.dsize == sizeof(iService))) {
+ iService = *(int *)data.dptr;
+ }
+ TALLOC_FREE(canon_name);
+ if ((iService != -1) && (LP_SNUM_OK(iService))
+ && (pserviceDest != NULL)) {
+ copy_service(pserviceDest, ServicePtrs[iService], NULL);
+ }
+ return (iService);
+ Copy a service structure to another.
+ If pcopymapDest is NULL then copy all fields
+static void copy_service(struct service *pserviceDest, struct service *pserviceSource,
+ struct bitmap *pcopymapDest)
+ int i;
+ bool bcopyall = (pcopymapDest == NULL);
+ struct param_opt_struct *data, *pdata, *paramo;
+ bool not_added;
+ for (i = 0; parm_table[i].label; i++)
+ if (parm_table[i].ptr && parm_table[i].p_class == P_LOCAL &&
+ (bcopyall || bitmap_query(pcopymapDest,i))) {
+ void *def_ptr = parm_table[i].ptr;
+ void *src_ptr =
+ ((char *)pserviceSource) + PTR_DIFF(def_ptr,
+ &sDefault);
+ void *dest_ptr =
+ ((char *)pserviceDest) + PTR_DIFF(def_ptr,
+ &sDefault);
+ switch (parm_table[i].type) {
+ case P_BOOL:
+ case P_BOOLREV:
+ *(bool *)dest_ptr = *(bool *)src_ptr;
+ break;
+ case P_INTEGER:
+ case P_ENUM:
+ case P_OCTAL:
+ *(int *)dest_ptr = *(int *)src_ptr;
+ break;
+ case P_CHAR:
+ *(char *)dest_ptr = *(char *)src_ptr;
+ break;
+ case P_STRING:
+ string_set((char **)dest_ptr,
+ *(char **)src_ptr);
+ break;
+ case P_USTRING:
+ string_set((char **)dest_ptr,
+ *(char **)src_ptr);
+ strupper_m(*(char **)dest_ptr);
+ break;
+ case P_LIST:
+ TALLOC_FREE(*((char ***)dest_ptr));
+ str_list_copy(NULL, (char ***)dest_ptr,
+ *(const char ***)src_ptr);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (bcopyall) {
+ init_copymap(pserviceDest);
+ if (pserviceSource->copymap)
+ bitmap_copy(pserviceDest->copymap,
+ pserviceSource->copymap);
+ }
+ data = pserviceSource->param_opt;
+ while (data) {
+ not_added = True;
+ pdata = pserviceDest->param_opt;
+ /* Traverse destination */
+ while (pdata) {
+ /* If we already have same option, override it */
+ if (strwicmp(pdata->key, data->key) == 0) {
+ string_free(&pdata->value);
+ TALLOC_FREE(data->list);
+ pdata->value = SMB_STRDUP(data->value);
+ not_added = False;
+ break;
+ }
+ pdata = pdata->next;
+ }
+ if (not_added) {
+ paramo = SMB_XMALLOC_P(struct param_opt_struct);
+ paramo->key = SMB_STRDUP(data->key);
+ paramo->value = SMB_STRDUP(data->value);
+ paramo->list = NULL;
+ DLIST_ADD(pserviceDest->param_opt, paramo);
+ }
+ data = data->next;
+ }
+Check a service for consistency. Return False if the service is in any way
+incomplete or faulty, else True.
+bool service_ok(int iService)
+ bool bRetval;
+ bRetval = True;
+ if (ServicePtrs[iService]->szService[0] == '\0') {
+ DEBUG(0, ("The following message indicates an internal error:\n"));
+ DEBUG(0, ("No service name in service entry.\n"));
+ bRetval = False;
+ }
+ /* The [printers] entry MUST be printable. I'm all for flexibility, but */
+ /* I can't see why you'd want a non-printable printer service... */
+ if (strwicmp(ServicePtrs[iService]->szService, PRINTERS_NAME) == 0) {
+ if (!ServicePtrs[iService]->bPrint_ok) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("WARNING: [%s] service MUST be printable!\n",
+ ServicePtrs[iService]->szService));
+ ServicePtrs[iService]->bPrint_ok = True;
+ }
+ /* [printers] service must also be non-browsable. */
+ if (ServicePtrs[iService]->bBrowseable)
+ ServicePtrs[iService]->bBrowseable = False;
+ }
+ if (ServicePtrs[iService]->szPath[0] == '\0' &&
+ strwicmp(ServicePtrs[iService]->szService, HOMES_NAME) != 0 &&
+ ServicePtrs[iService]->szMSDfsProxy[0] == '\0'
+ ) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("WARNING: No path in service %s - making it unavailable!\n",
+ ServicePtrs[iService]->szService));
+ ServicePtrs[iService]->bAvailable = False;
+ }
+ /* If a service is flagged unavailable, log the fact at level 1. */
+ if (!ServicePtrs[iService]->bAvailable)
+ DEBUG(1, ("NOTE: Service %s is flagged unavailable.\n",
+ ServicePtrs[iService]->szService));
+ return (bRetval);
+static struct smbconf_ctx *lp_smbconf_ctx(void)
+ WERROR werr;
+ static struct smbconf_ctx *conf_ctx = NULL;
+ if (conf_ctx == NULL) {
+ werr = smbconf_init(NULL, &conf_ctx, "registry:");
+ if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(werr)) {
+ DEBUG(1, ("error initializing registry configuration: "
+ "%s\n", dos_errstr(werr)));
+ conf_ctx = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return conf_ctx;
+static bool process_registry_service(struct smbconf_service *service)
+ uint32_t count;
+ bool ret;
+ if (service == NULL) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ ret = do_section(service->name, NULL);
+ if (ret != true) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (count = 0; count < service->num_params; count++) {
+ ret = do_parameter(service->param_names[count],
+ service->param_values[count],
+ NULL);
+ if (ret != true) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ * process_registry_globals
+ */
+static bool process_registry_globals(void)
+ WERROR werr;
+ struct smbconf_service *service = NULL;
+ TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx = talloc_stackframe();
+ struct smbconf_ctx *conf_ctx = lp_smbconf_ctx();
+ bool ret = false;
+ if (conf_ctx == NULL) {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ ret = do_parameter("registry shares", "yes", NULL);
+ if (!ret) {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (!smbconf_share_exists(conf_ctx, GLOBAL_NAME)) {
+ /* nothing to read from the registry yet but make sure lp_load
+ * doesn't return false */
+ ret = true;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ werr = smbconf_get_share(conf_ctx, mem_ctx, GLOBAL_NAME, &service);
+ if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(werr)) {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ ret = process_registry_service(service);
+ if (!ret) {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /* store the csn */
+ smbconf_changed(conf_ctx, &conf_last_csn, NULL, NULL);
+ TALLOC_FREE(mem_ctx);
+ return ret;
+static bool process_registry_shares(void)
+ WERROR werr;
+ uint32_t count;
+ struct smbconf_service **service = NULL;
+ uint32_t num_shares = 0;
+ TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx = talloc_stackframe();
+ struct smbconf_ctx *conf_ctx = lp_smbconf_ctx();
+ bool ret = false;
+ if (conf_ctx == NULL) {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ werr = smbconf_get_config(conf_ctx, mem_ctx, &num_shares, &service);
+ if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(werr)) {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ ret = true;
+ for (count = 0; count < num_shares; count++) {
+ if (strequal(service[count]->name, GLOBAL_NAME)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ ret = process_registry_service(service[count]);
+ if (!ret) {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ }
+ /* store the csn */
+ smbconf_changed(conf_ctx, &conf_last_csn, NULL, NULL);
+ TALLOC_FREE(mem_ctx);
+ return ret;
+static struct file_lists {
+ struct file_lists *next;
+ char *name;
+ char *subfname;
+ time_t modtime;
+} *file_lists = NULL;
+ Keep a linked list of all config files so we know when one has changed
+ it's date and needs to be reloaded.
+static void add_to_file_list(const char *fname, const char *subfname)
+ struct file_lists *f = file_lists;
+ while (f) {
+ if (f->name && !strcmp(f->name, fname))
+ break;
+ f = f->next;
+ }
+ if (!f) {
+ f = SMB_MALLOC_P(struct file_lists);
+ if (!f)
+ return;
+ f->next = file_lists;
+ f->name = SMB_STRDUP(fname);
+ if (!f->name) {
+ return;
+ }
+ f->subfname = SMB_STRDUP(subfname);
+ if (!f->subfname) {
+ return;
+ }
+ file_lists = f;
+ f->modtime = file_modtime(subfname);
+ } else {
+ time_t t = file_modtime(subfname);
+ if (t)
+ f->modtime = t;
+ }
+ * Utility function for outsiders to check if we're running on registry.
+ */
+bool lp_config_backend_is_registry(void)
+ return (lp_config_backend() == CONFIG_BACKEND_REGISTRY);
+ * Utility function to check if the config backend is FILE.
+ */
+bool lp_config_backend_is_file(void)
+ return (lp_config_backend() == CONFIG_BACKEND_FILE);
+ Check if a config file has changed date.
+bool lp_file_list_changed(void)
+ struct file_lists *f = file_lists;
+ DEBUG(6, ("lp_file_list_changed()\n"));
+ if (lp_config_backend_is_registry()) {
+ struct smbconf_ctx *conf_ctx = lp_smbconf_ctx();
+ if (conf_ctx == NULL) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (smbconf_changed(conf_ctx, &conf_last_csn, NULL, NULL)) {
+ DEBUGADD(6, ("registry config changed\n"));
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ while (f) {
+ char *n2 = NULL;
+ time_t mod_time;
+ n2 = alloc_sub_basic(get_current_username(),
+ current_user_info.domain,
+ f->name);
+ if (!n2) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ DEBUGADD(6, ("file %s -> %s last mod_time: %s\n",
+ f->name, n2, ctime(&f->modtime)));
+ mod_time = file_modtime(n2);
+ if (mod_time && ((f->modtime != mod_time) || (f->subfname == NULL) || (strcmp(n2, f->subfname) != 0))) {
+ ("file %s modified: %s\n", n2,
+ ctime(&mod_time)));
+ f->modtime = mod_time;
+ SAFE_FREE(f->subfname);
+ f->subfname = n2; /* Passing ownership of
+ return from alloc_sub_basic
+ above. */
+ return true;
+ }
+ SAFE_FREE(n2);
+ f = f->next;
+ }
+ return (False);
+ Run standard_sub_basic on netbios name... needed because global_myname
+ is not accessed through any lp_ macro.
+ Note: We must *NOT* use string_set() here as ptr points to global_myname.
+static bool handle_netbios_name(int snum, const char *pszParmValue, char **ptr)
+ bool ret;
+ char *netbios_name = alloc_sub_basic(get_current_username(),
+ current_user_info.domain,
+ pszParmValue);
+ ret = set_global_myname(netbios_name);
+ SAFE_FREE(netbios_name);
+ string_set(&Globals.szNetbiosName,global_myname());
+ DEBUG(4, ("handle_netbios_name: set global_myname to: %s\n",
+ global_myname()));
+ return ret;
+static bool handle_charset(int snum, const char *pszParmValue, char **ptr)
+ if (strcmp(*ptr, pszParmValue) != 0) {
+ string_set(ptr, pszParmValue);
+ init_iconv();
+ }
+ return True;
+static bool handle_workgroup(int snum, const char *pszParmValue, char **ptr)
+ bool ret;
+ ret = set_global_myworkgroup(pszParmValue);
+ string_set(&Globals.szWorkgroup,lp_workgroup());
+ return ret;
+static bool handle_netbios_scope(int snum, const char *pszParmValue, char **ptr)
+ bool ret;
+ ret = set_global_scope(pszParmValue);
+ string_set(&Globals.szNetbiosScope,global_scope());
+ return ret;
+static bool handle_netbios_aliases(int snum, const char *pszParmValue, char **ptr)
+ TALLOC_FREE(Globals.szNetbiosAliases);
+ Globals.szNetbiosAliases = str_list_make(NULL, pszParmValue, NULL);
+ return set_netbios_aliases((const char **)Globals.szNetbiosAliases);
+ Handle the include operation.
+static bool bAllowIncludeRegistry = true;
+static bool handle_include(int snum, const char *pszParmValue, char **ptr)
+ char *fname;
+ if (strequal(pszParmValue, INCLUDE_REGISTRY_NAME)) {
+ if (!bAllowIncludeRegistry) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (bInGlobalSection) {
+ return process_registry_globals();
+ } else {
+ DEBUG(1, ("\"include = registry\" only effective "
+ "in %s section\n", GLOBAL_NAME));
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ fname = alloc_sub_basic(get_current_username(),
+ current_user_info.domain,
+ pszParmValue);
+ add_to_file_list(pszParmValue, fname);
+ string_set(ptr, fname);
+ if (file_exist(fname, NULL)) {
+ bool ret = pm_process(fname, do_section, do_parameter, NULL);
+ SAFE_FREE(fname);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ DEBUG(2, ("Can't find include file %s\n", fname));
+ SAFE_FREE(fname);
+ return true;
+ Handle the interpretation of the copy parameter.
+static bool handle_copy(int snum, const char *pszParmValue, char **ptr)
+ bool bRetval;
+ int iTemp;
+ struct service serviceTemp;
+ string_set(ptr, pszParmValue);
+ init_service(&serviceTemp);
+ bRetval = False;
+ DEBUG(3, ("Copying service from service %s\n", pszParmValue));
+ if ((iTemp = getservicebyname(pszParmValue, &serviceTemp)) >= 0) {
+ if (iTemp == iServiceIndex) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("Can't copy service %s - unable to copy self!\n", pszParmValue));
+ } else {
+ copy_service(ServicePtrs[iServiceIndex],
+ &serviceTemp,
+ ServicePtrs[iServiceIndex]->copymap);
+ bRetval = True;
+ }
+ } else {
+ DEBUG(0, ("Unable to copy service - source not found: %s\n", pszParmValue));
+ bRetval = False;
+ }
+ free_service(&serviceTemp);
+ return (bRetval);
+static bool handle_ldap_debug_level(int snum, const char *pszParmValue, char **ptr)
+ Globals.ldap_debug_level = lp_int(pszParmValue);
+ init_ldap_debugging();
+ return true;
+ Handle idmap/non unix account uid and gid allocation parameters. The format of these
+ parameters is:
+ [global]
+ idmap uid = 1000-1999
+ idmap gid = 700-899
+ We only do simple parsing checks here. The strings are parsed into useful
+ structures in the idmap daemon code.
+/* Some lp_ routines to return idmap [ug]id information */
+static uid_t idmap_uid_low, idmap_uid_high;
+static gid_t idmap_gid_low, idmap_gid_high;
+bool lp_idmap_uid(uid_t *low, uid_t *high)
+ if (idmap_uid_low == 0 || idmap_uid_high == 0)
+ return False;
+ if (low)
+ *low = idmap_uid_low;
+ if (high)
+ *high = idmap_uid_high;
+ return True;
+bool lp_idmap_gid(gid_t *low, gid_t *high)
+ if (idmap_gid_low == 0 || idmap_gid_high == 0)
+ return False;
+ if (low)
+ *low = idmap_gid_low;
+ if (high)
+ *high = idmap_gid_high;
+ return True;
+/* Do some simple checks on "idmap [ug]id" parameter values */
+static bool handle_idmap_uid(int snum, const char *pszParmValue, char **ptr)
+ uint32 low, high;
+ if (sscanf(pszParmValue, "%u - %u", &low, &high) != 2 || high < low)
+ return False;
+ /* Parse OK */
+ string_set(ptr, pszParmValue);
+ idmap_uid_low = low;
+ idmap_uid_high = high;
+ return True;
+static bool handle_idmap_gid(int snum, const char *pszParmValue, char **ptr)
+ uint32 low, high;
+ if (sscanf(pszParmValue, "%u - %u", &low, &high) != 2 || high < low)
+ return False;
+ /* Parse OK */
+ string_set(ptr, pszParmValue);
+ idmap_gid_low = low;
+ idmap_gid_high = high;
+ return True;
+ Handle the DEBUG level list.
+static bool handle_debug_list( int snum, const char *pszParmValueIn, char **ptr )
+ string_set(ptr, pszParmValueIn);
+ return debug_parse_levels(pszParmValueIn);
+ Handle ldap suffixes - default to ldapsuffix if sub-suffixes are not defined.
+static const char *append_ldap_suffix( const char *str )
+ const char *suffix_string;
+ suffix_string = talloc_asprintf(talloc_tos(), "%s,%s", str,
+ Globals.szLdapSuffix );
+ if ( !suffix_string ) {
+ DEBUG(0,("append_ldap_suffix: talloc_asprintf() failed!\n"));
+ return "";
+ }
+ return suffix_string;
+const char *lp_ldap_machine_suffix(void)
+ if (Globals.szLdapMachineSuffix[0])
+ return append_ldap_suffix(Globals.szLdapMachineSuffix);
+ return lp_string(Globals.szLdapSuffix);
+const char *lp_ldap_user_suffix(void)
+ if (Globals.szLdapUserSuffix[0])
+ return append_ldap_suffix(Globals.szLdapUserSuffix);
+ return lp_string(Globals.szLdapSuffix);
+const char *lp_ldap_group_suffix(void)
+ if (Globals.szLdapGroupSuffix[0])
+ return append_ldap_suffix(Globals.szLdapGroupSuffix);
+ return lp_string(Globals.szLdapSuffix);
+const char *lp_ldap_idmap_suffix(void)
+ if (Globals.szLdapIdmapSuffix[0])
+ return append_ldap_suffix(Globals.szLdapIdmapSuffix);
+ return lp_string(Globals.szLdapSuffix);
+ set the value for a P_ENUM
+ ***************************************************************************/
+static void lp_set_enum_parm( struct parm_struct *parm, const char *pszParmValue,
+ int *ptr )
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; parm->enum_list[i].name; i++) {
+ if ( strequal(pszParmValue, parm->enum_list[i].name)) {
+ *ptr = parm->enum_list[i].value;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG(0, ("WARNING: Ignoring invalid value '%s' for parameter '%s'\n",
+ pszParmValue, parm->label));
+static bool handle_printing(int snum, const char *pszParmValue, char **ptr)
+ static int parm_num = -1;
+ struct service *s;
+ if ( parm_num == -1 )
+ parm_num = map_parameter( "printing" );
+ lp_set_enum_parm( &parm_table[parm_num], pszParmValue, (int*)ptr );
+ if ( snum < 0 )
+ s = &sDefault;
+ else
+ s = ServicePtrs[snum];
+ init_printer_values( s );
+ return True;
+ Initialise a copymap.
+static void init_copymap(struct service *pservice)
+ int i;
+ if (pservice->copymap) {
+ bitmap_free(pservice->copymap);
+ }
+ pservice->copymap = bitmap_allocate(NUMPARAMETERS);
+ if (!pservice->copymap)
+ DEBUG(0,
+ ("Couldn't allocate copymap!! (size %d)\n",
+ else
+ for (i = 0; i < NUMPARAMETERS; i++)
+ bitmap_set(pservice->copymap, i);
+ Return the local pointer to a parameter given the service number and the
+ pointer into the default structure.
+void *lp_local_ptr(int snum, void *ptr)
+ return (void *)(((char *)ServicePtrs[snum]) + PTR_DIFF(ptr, &sDefault));
+ Process a parameter for a particular service number. If snum < 0
+ then assume we are in the globals.
+bool lp_do_parameter(int snum, const char *pszParmName, const char *pszParmValue)
+ int parmnum, i;
+ void *parm_ptr = NULL; /* where we are going to store the result */
+ void *def_ptr = NULL;
+ struct param_opt_struct *paramo, *data;
+ bool not_added;
+ parmnum = map_parameter(pszParmName);
+ if (parmnum < 0) {
+ TALLOC_CTX *frame;
+ if (strchr(pszParmName, ':') == NULL) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("Ignoring unknown parameter \"%s\"\n",
+ pszParmName));
+ return (True);
+ }
+ /*
+ * We've got a parametric option
+ */
+ frame = talloc_stackframe();
+ not_added = True;
+ data = (snum < 0)
+ ? Globals.param_opt : ServicePtrs[snum]->param_opt;
+ /* Traverse destination */
+ while (data) {
+ /* If we already have same option, override it */
+ if (strwicmp(data->key, pszParmName) == 0) {
+ string_free(&data->value);
+ TALLOC_FREE(data->list);
+ data->value = SMB_STRDUP(pszParmValue);
+ not_added = False;
+ break;
+ }
+ data = data->next;
+ }
+ if (not_added) {
+ paramo = SMB_XMALLOC_P(struct param_opt_struct);
+ paramo->key = SMB_STRDUP(pszParmName);
+ paramo->value = SMB_STRDUP(pszParmValue);
+ paramo->list = NULL;
+ if (snum < 0) {
+ DLIST_ADD(Globals.param_opt, paramo);
+ } else {
+ DLIST_ADD(ServicePtrs[snum]->param_opt,
+ paramo);
+ }
+ }
+ TALLOC_FREE(frame);
+ return (True);
+ }
+ if (parm_table[parmnum].flags & FLAG_DEPRECATED) {
+ DEBUG(1, ("WARNING: The \"%s\" option is deprecated\n",
+ pszParmName));
+ }
+ def_ptr = parm_table[parmnum].ptr;
+ /* we might point at a service, the default service or a global */
+ if (snum < 0) {
+ parm_ptr = def_ptr;
+ } else {
+ if (parm_table[parmnum].p_class == P_GLOBAL) {
+ DEBUG(0,
+ ("Global parameter %s found in service section!\n",
+ pszParmName));
+ return (True);
+ }
+ parm_ptr =
+ ((char *)ServicePtrs[snum]) + PTR_DIFF(def_ptr,
+ &sDefault);
+ }
+ if (snum >= 0) {
+ if (!ServicePtrs[snum]->copymap)
+ init_copymap(ServicePtrs[snum]);
+ /* this handles the aliases - set the copymap for other entries with
+ the same data pointer */
+ for (i = 0; parm_table[i].label; i++)
+ if (parm_table[i].ptr == parm_table[parmnum].ptr)
+ bitmap_clear(ServicePtrs[snum]->copymap, i);
+ }
+ /* if it is a special case then go ahead */
+ if (parm_table[parmnum].special) {
+ return parm_table[parmnum].special(snum, pszParmValue,
+ (char **)parm_ptr);
+ }
+ /* now switch on the type of variable it is */
+ switch (parm_table[parmnum].type)
+ {
+ case P_BOOL:
+ *(bool *)parm_ptr = lp_bool(pszParmValue);
+ break;
+ case P_BOOLREV:
+ *(bool *)parm_ptr = !lp_bool(pszParmValue);
+ break;
+ case P_INTEGER:
+ *(int *)parm_ptr = lp_int(pszParmValue);
+ break;
+ case P_CHAR:
+ *(char *)parm_ptr = *pszParmValue;
+ break;
+ case P_OCTAL:
+ i = sscanf(pszParmValue, "%o", (int *)parm_ptr);
+ if ( i != 1 ) {
+ DEBUG ( 0, ("Invalid octal number %s\n", pszParmName ));
+ }
+ break;
+ case P_LIST:
+ TALLOC_FREE(*((char ***)parm_ptr));
+ *(char ***)parm_ptr = str_list_make(
+ NULL, pszParmValue, NULL);
+ break;
+ case P_STRING:
+ string_set((char **)parm_ptr, pszParmValue);
+ break;
+ case P_USTRING:
+ string_set((char **)parm_ptr, pszParmValue);
+ strupper_m(*(char **)parm_ptr);
+ break;
+ case P_ENUM:
+ lp_set_enum_parm( &parm_table[parmnum], pszParmValue, (int*)parm_ptr );
+ break;
+ case P_SEP:
+ break;
+ }
+ return (True);
+ Process a parameter.
+static bool do_parameter(const char *pszParmName, const char *pszParmValue,
+ void *userdata)
+ if (!bInGlobalSection && bGlobalOnly)
+ return (True);
+ DEBUGADD(4, ("doing parameter %s = %s\n", pszParmName, pszParmValue));
+ return (lp_do_parameter(bInGlobalSection ? -2 : iServiceIndex,
+ pszParmName, pszParmValue));
+ Print a parameter of the specified type.
+static void print_parameter(struct parm_struct *p, void *ptr, FILE * f)
+ int i;
+ switch (p->type)
+ {
+ case P_ENUM:
+ for (i = 0; p->enum_list[i].name; i++) {
+ if (*(int *)ptr == p->enum_list[i].value) {
+ fprintf(f, "%s",
+ p->enum_list[i].name);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case P_BOOL:
+ fprintf(f, "%s", BOOLSTR(*(bool *)ptr));
+ break;
+ case P_BOOLREV:
+ fprintf(f, "%s", BOOLSTR(!*(bool *)ptr));
+ break;
+ case P_INTEGER:
+ fprintf(f, "%d", *(int *)ptr);
+ break;
+ case P_CHAR:
+ fprintf(f, "%c", *(char *)ptr);
+ break;
+ case P_OCTAL: {
+ char *o = octal_string(*(int *)ptr);
+ fprintf(f, "%s", o);
+ break;
+ }
+ case P_LIST:
+ if ((char ***)ptr && *(char ***)ptr) {
+ char **list = *(char ***)ptr;
+ for (; *list; list++) {
+ /* surround strings with whitespace in double quotes */
+ if ( strchr_m( *list, ' ' ) )
+ fprintf(f, "\"%s\"%s", *list, ((*(list+1))?", ":""));
+ else
+ fprintf(f, "%s%s", *list, ((*(list+1))?", ":""));
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case P_STRING:
+ case P_USTRING:
+ if (*(char **)ptr) {
+ fprintf(f, "%s", *(char **)ptr);
+ }
+ break;
+ case P_SEP:
+ break;
+ }
+ Check if two parameters are equal.
+static bool equal_parameter(parm_type type, void *ptr1, void *ptr2)
+ switch (type) {
+ case P_BOOL:
+ case P_BOOLREV:
+ return (*((bool *)ptr1) == *((bool *)ptr2));
+ case P_INTEGER:
+ case P_ENUM:
+ case P_OCTAL:
+ return (*((int *)ptr1) == *((int *)ptr2));
+ case P_CHAR:
+ return (*((char *)ptr1) == *((char *)ptr2));
+ case P_LIST:
+ return str_list_compare(*(char ***)ptr1, *(char ***)ptr2);
+ case P_STRING:
+ case P_USTRING:
+ {
+ char *p1 = *(char **)ptr1, *p2 = *(char **)ptr2;
+ if (p1 && !*p1)
+ p1 = NULL;
+ if (p2 && !*p2)
+ p2 = NULL;
+ return (p1 == p2 || strequal(p1, p2));
+ }
+ case P_SEP:
+ break;
+ }
+ return (False);
+ Initialize any local varients in the sDefault table.
+void init_locals(void)
+ /* None as yet. */
+ Process a new section (service). At this stage all sections are services.
+ Later we'll have special sections that permit server parameters to be set.
+ Returns True on success, False on failure.
+static bool do_section(const char *pszSectionName, void *userdata)
+ bool bRetval;
+ bool isglobal = ((strwicmp(pszSectionName, GLOBAL_NAME) == 0) ||
+ (strwicmp(pszSectionName, GLOBAL_NAME2) == 0));
+ bRetval = False;
+ /* if we were in a global section then do the local inits */
+ if (bInGlobalSection && !isglobal)
+ init_locals();
+ /* if we've just struck a global section, note the fact. */
+ bInGlobalSection = isglobal;
+ /* check for multiple global sections */
+ if (bInGlobalSection) {
+ DEBUG(3, ("Processing section \"[%s]\"\n", pszSectionName));
+ return (True);
+ }
+ if (!bInGlobalSection && bGlobalOnly)
+ return (True);
+ /* if we have a current service, tidy it up before moving on */
+ bRetval = True;
+ if (iServiceIndex >= 0)
+ bRetval = service_ok(iServiceIndex);
+ /* if all is still well, move to the next record in the services array */
+ if (bRetval) {
+ /* We put this here to avoid an odd message order if messages are */
+ /* issued by the post-processing of a previous section. */
+ DEBUG(2, ("Processing section \"[%s]\"\n", pszSectionName));
+ if ((iServiceIndex = add_a_service(&sDefault, pszSectionName))
+ < 0) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("Failed to add a new service\n"));
+ return (False);
+ }
+ }
+ return (bRetval);
+ Determine if a partcular base parameter is currentl set to the default value.
+static bool is_default(int i)
+ if (!defaults_saved)
+ return False;
+ switch (parm_table[i].type) {
+ case P_LIST:
+ return str_list_compare (parm_table[i].def.lvalue,
+ *(char ***)parm_table[i].ptr);
+ case P_STRING:
+ case P_USTRING:
+ return strequal(parm_table[i].def.svalue,
+ *(char **)parm_table[i].ptr);
+ case P_BOOL:
+ case P_BOOLREV:
+ return parm_table[i].def.bvalue ==
+ *(bool *)parm_table[i].ptr;
+ case P_CHAR:
+ return parm_table[i].def.cvalue ==
+ *(char *)parm_table[i].ptr;
+ case P_INTEGER:
+ case P_OCTAL:
+ case P_ENUM:
+ return parm_table[i].def.ivalue ==
+ *(int *)parm_table[i].ptr;
+ case P_SEP:
+ break;
+ }
+ return False;
+Display the contents of the global structure.
+static void dump_globals(FILE *f)
+ int i;
+ struct param_opt_struct *data;
+ fprintf(f, "[global]\n");
+ for (i = 0; parm_table[i].label; i++)
+ if (parm_table[i].p_class == P_GLOBAL &&
+ parm_table[i].ptr &&
+ (i == 0 || (parm_table[i].ptr != parm_table[i - 1].ptr))) {
+ if (defaults_saved && is_default(i))
+ continue;
+ fprintf(f, "\t%s = ", parm_table[i].label);
+ print_parameter(&parm_table[i], parm_table[i].ptr, f);
+ fprintf(f, "\n");
+ }
+ if (Globals.param_opt != NULL) {
+ data = Globals.param_opt;
+ while(data) {
+ fprintf(f, "\t%s = %s\n", data->key, data->value);
+ data = data->next;
+ }
+ }
+ Return True if a local parameter is currently set to the global default.
+bool lp_is_default(int snum, struct parm_struct *parm)
+ int pdiff = PTR_DIFF(parm->ptr, &sDefault);
+ return equal_parameter(parm->type,
+ ((char *)ServicePtrs[snum]) + pdiff,
+ ((char *)&sDefault) + pdiff);
+ Display the contents of a single services record.
+static void dump_a_service(struct service *pService, FILE * f)
+ int i;
+ struct param_opt_struct *data;
+ if (pService != &sDefault)
+ fprintf(f, "[%s]\n", pService->szService);
+ for (i = 0; parm_table[i].label; i++) {
+ if (parm_table[i].p_class == P_LOCAL &&
+ parm_table[i].ptr &&
+ (*parm_table[i].label != '-') &&
+ (i == 0 || (parm_table[i].ptr != parm_table[i - 1].ptr)))
+ {
+ int pdiff = PTR_DIFF(parm_table[i].ptr, &sDefault);
+ if (pService == &sDefault) {
+ if (defaults_saved && is_default(i))
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ if (equal_parameter(parm_table[i].type,
+ ((char *)pService) +
+ pdiff,
+ ((char *)&sDefault) +
+ pdiff))
+ continue;
+ }
+ fprintf(f, "\t%s = ", parm_table[i].label);
+ print_parameter(&parm_table[i],
+ ((char *)pService) + pdiff, f);
+ fprintf(f, "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if (pService->param_opt != NULL) {
+ data = pService->param_opt;
+ while(data) {
+ fprintf(f, "\t%s = %s\n", data->key, data->value);
+ data = data->next;
+ }
+ }
+ Display the contents of a parameter of a single services record.
+bool dump_a_parameter(int snum, char *parm_name, FILE * f, bool isGlobal)
+ int i;
+ bool result = False;
+ parm_class p_class;
+ unsigned flag = 0;
+ fstring local_parm_name;
+ char *parm_opt;
+ const char *parm_opt_value;
+ /* check for parametrical option */
+ fstrcpy( local_parm_name, parm_name);
+ parm_opt = strchr( local_parm_name, ':');
+ if (parm_opt) {
+ *parm_opt = '\0';
+ parm_opt++;
+ if (strlen(parm_opt)) {
+ parm_opt_value = lp_parm_const_string( snum,
+ local_parm_name, parm_opt, NULL);
+ if (parm_opt_value) {
+ printf( "%s\n", parm_opt_value);
+ result = True;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ /* check for a key and print the value */
+ if (isGlobal) {
+ p_class = P_GLOBAL;
+ flag = FLAG_GLOBAL;
+ } else
+ p_class = P_LOCAL;
+ for (i = 0; parm_table[i].label; i++) {
+ if (strwicmp(parm_table[i].label, parm_name) == 0 &&
+ (parm_table[i].p_class == p_class || parm_table[i].flags & flag) &&
+ parm_table[i].ptr &&
+ (*parm_table[i].label != '-') &&
+ (i == 0 || (parm_table[i].ptr != parm_table[i - 1].ptr)))
+ {
+ void *ptr;
+ if (isGlobal) {
+ ptr = parm_table[i].ptr;
+ } else {
+ struct service *pService = ServicePtrs[snum];
+ ptr = ((char *)pService) +
+ PTR_DIFF(parm_table[i].ptr, &sDefault);
+ }
+ print_parameter(&parm_table[i],
+ ptr, f);
+ fprintf(f, "\n");
+ result = True;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ Return info about the requested parameter (given as a string).
+ Return NULL when the string is not a valid parameter name.
+struct parm_struct *lp_get_parameter(const char *param_name)
+ int num = map_parameter(param_name);
+ if (num < 0) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return &parm_table[num];
+ Return info about the next parameter in a service.
+ snum==GLOBAL_SECTION_SNUM gives the globals.
+ Return NULL when out of parameters.
+struct parm_struct *lp_next_parameter(int snum, int *i, int allparameters)
+ if (snum < 0) {
+ /* do the globals */
+ for (; parm_table[*i].label; (*i)++) {
+ if (parm_table[*i].p_class == P_SEPARATOR)
+ return &parm_table[(*i)++];
+ if (!parm_table[*i].ptr
+ || (*parm_table[*i].label == '-'))
+ continue;
+ if ((*i) > 0
+ && (parm_table[*i].ptr ==
+ parm_table[(*i) - 1].ptr))
+ continue;
+ if (is_default(*i) && !allparameters)
+ continue;
+ return &parm_table[(*i)++];
+ }
+ } else {
+ struct service *pService = ServicePtrs[snum];
+ for (; parm_table[*i].label; (*i)++) {
+ if (parm_table[*i].p_class == P_SEPARATOR)
+ return &parm_table[(*i)++];
+ if (parm_table[*i].p_class == P_LOCAL &&
+ parm_table[*i].ptr &&
+ (*parm_table[*i].label != '-') &&
+ ((*i) == 0 ||
+ (parm_table[*i].ptr !=
+ parm_table[(*i) - 1].ptr)))
+ {
+ int pdiff =
+ PTR_DIFF(parm_table[*i].ptr,
+ &sDefault);
+ if (allparameters ||
+ !equal_parameter(parm_table[*i].type,
+ ((char *)pService) +
+ pdiff,
+ ((char *)&sDefault) +
+ pdiff))
+ {
+ return &parm_table[(*i)++];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+#if 0
+ Display the contents of a single copy structure.
+static void dump_copy_map(bool *pcopymap)
+ int i;
+ if (!pcopymap)
+ return;
+ printf("\n\tNon-Copied parameters:\n");
+ for (i = 0; parm_table[i].label; i++)
+ if (parm_table[i].p_class == P_LOCAL &&
+ parm_table[i].ptr && !pcopymap[i] &&
+ (i == 0 || (parm_table[i].ptr != parm_table[i - 1].ptr)))
+ {
+ printf("\t\t%s\n", parm_table[i].label);
+ }
+ Return TRUE if the passed service number is within range.
+bool lp_snum_ok(int iService)
+ return (LP_SNUM_OK(iService) && ServicePtrs[iService]->bAvailable);
+ Auto-load some home services.
+static void lp_add_auto_services(char *str)
+ char *s;
+ char *p;
+ int homes;
+ char *saveptr;
+ if (!str)
+ return;
+ s = SMB_STRDUP(str);
+ if (!s)
+ return;
+ homes = lp_servicenumber(HOMES_NAME);
+ for (p = strtok_r(s, LIST_SEP, &saveptr); p;
+ p = strtok_r(NULL, LIST_SEP, &saveptr)) {
+ char *home;
+ if (lp_servicenumber(p) >= 0)
+ continue;
+ home = get_user_home_dir(talloc_tos(), p);
+ if (home && homes >= 0)
+ lp_add_home(p, homes, p, home);
+ TALLOC_FREE(home);
+ }
+ Auto-load one printer.
+void lp_add_one_printer(char *name, char *comment)
+ int printers = lp_servicenumber(PRINTERS_NAME);
+ int i;
+ if (lp_servicenumber(name) < 0) {
+ lp_add_printer(name, printers);
+ if ((i = lp_servicenumber(name)) >= 0) {
+ string_set(&ServicePtrs[i]->comment, comment);
+ ServicePtrs[i]->autoloaded = True;
+ }
+ }
+ Have we loaded a services file yet?
+bool lp_loaded(void)
+ return (bLoaded);
+ Unload unused services.
+void lp_killunused(bool (*snumused) (int))
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < iNumServices; i++) {
+ if (!VALID(i))
+ continue;
+ /* don't kill autoloaded or usershare services */
+ if ( ServicePtrs[i]->autoloaded ||
+ ServicePtrs[i]->usershare == USERSHARE_VALID) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!snumused || !snumused(i)) {
+ free_service_byindex(i);
+ }
+ }
+ * Kill all except autoloaded and usershare services - convenience wrapper
+ */
+void lp_kill_all_services(void)
+ lp_killunused(NULL);
+ Unload a service.
+void lp_killservice(int iServiceIn)
+ if (VALID(iServiceIn)) {
+ free_service_byindex(iServiceIn);
+ }
+ Save the curent values of all global and sDefault parameters into the
+ defaults union. This allows swat and testparm to show only the
+ changed (ie. non-default) parameters.
+static void lp_save_defaults(void)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; parm_table[i].label; i++) {
+ if (i > 0 && parm_table[i].ptr == parm_table[i - 1].ptr)
+ continue;
+ switch (parm_table[i].type) {
+ case P_LIST:
+ str_list_copy(
+ NULL, &(parm_table[i].def.lvalue),
+ *(const char ***)parm_table[i].ptr);
+ break;
+ case P_STRING:
+ case P_USTRING:
+ if (parm_table[i].ptr) {
+ parm_table[i].def.svalue = SMB_STRDUP(*(char **)parm_table[i].ptr);
+ } else {
+ parm_table[i].def.svalue = NULL;
+ }
+ break;
+ case P_BOOL:
+ case P_BOOLREV:
+ parm_table[i].def.bvalue =
+ *(bool *)parm_table[i].ptr;
+ break;
+ case P_CHAR:
+ parm_table[i].def.cvalue =
+ *(char *)parm_table[i].ptr;
+ break;
+ case P_INTEGER:
+ case P_OCTAL:
+ case P_ENUM:
+ parm_table[i].def.ivalue =
+ *(int *)parm_table[i].ptr;
+ break;
+ case P_SEP:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ defaults_saved = True;
+ Set the server type we will announce as via nmbd.
+static const struct srv_role_tab {
+ uint32 role;
+ const char *role_str;
+} srv_role_tab [] = {
+ { 0, NULL }
+const char* server_role_str(uint32 role)
+ int i = 0;
+ for (i=0; srv_role_tab[i].role_str; i++) {
+ if (role == srv_role_tab[i].role) {
+ return srv_role_tab[i].role_str;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+static void set_server_role(void)
+ server_role = ROLE_STANDALONE;
+ switch (lp_security()) {
+ case SEC_SHARE:
+ if (lp_domain_logons())
+ DEBUG(0, ("Server's Role (logon server) conflicts with share-level security\n"));
+ break;
+ case SEC_SERVER:
+ if (lp_domain_logons())
+ DEBUG(0, ("Server's Role (logon server) conflicts with server-level security\n"));
+ /* this used to be considered ROLE_DOMAIN_MEMBER but that's just wrong */
+ server_role = ROLE_STANDALONE;
+ break;
+ case SEC_DOMAIN:
+ if (lp_domain_logons()) {
+ DEBUG(1, ("Server's Role (logon server) NOT ADVISED with domain-level security\n"));
+ server_role = ROLE_DOMAIN_BDC;
+ break;
+ }
+ server_role = ROLE_DOMAIN_MEMBER;
+ break;
+ case SEC_ADS:
+ if (lp_domain_logons()) {
+ server_role = ROLE_DOMAIN_PDC;
+ break;
+ }
+ server_role = ROLE_DOMAIN_MEMBER;
+ break;
+ case SEC_USER:
+ if (lp_domain_logons()) {
+ if (Globals.iDomainMaster) /* auto or yes */
+ server_role = ROLE_DOMAIN_PDC;
+ else
+ server_role = ROLE_DOMAIN_BDC;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ DEBUG(0, ("Server's Role undefined due to unknown security mode\n"));
+ break;
+ }
+ DEBUG(10, ("set_server_role: role = %s\n", server_role_str(server_role)));
+ If we should send plaintext/LANMAN passwords in the clinet
+static void set_allowed_client_auth(void)
+ if (Globals.bClientNTLMv2Auth) {
+ Globals.bClientLanManAuth = False;
+ }
+ if (!Globals.bClientLanManAuth) {
+ Globals.bClientPlaintextAuth = False;
+ }
+ JRA.
+ The following code allows smbd to read a user defined share file.
+ Yes, this is my intent. Yes, I'm comfortable with that...
+ It washes your clothes, it cleans your house, it guards you while you sleep...
+ Do not f%^k with it....
+#define MAX_USERSHARE_FILE_SIZE (10*1024)
+ Check allowed stat state of a usershare file.
+ Ensure we print out who is dicking with us so the admin can
+ get their sorry ass fired.
+static bool check_usershare_stat(const char *fname, SMB_STRUCT_STAT *psbuf)
+ if (!S_ISREG(psbuf->st_mode)) {
+ DEBUG(0,("check_usershare_stat: file %s owned by uid %u is "
+ "not a regular file\n",
+ fname, (unsigned int)psbuf->st_uid ));
+ return False;
+ }
+ /* Ensure this doesn't have the other write bit set. */
+ if (psbuf->st_mode & S_IWOTH) {
+ DEBUG(0,("check_usershare_stat: file %s owned by uid %u allows "
+ "public write. Refusing to allow as a usershare file.\n",
+ fname, (unsigned int)psbuf->st_uid ));
+ return False;
+ }
+ /* Should be 10k or less. */
+ if (psbuf->st_size > MAX_USERSHARE_FILE_SIZE) {
+ DEBUG(0,("check_usershare_stat: file %s owned by uid %u is "
+ "too large (%u) to be a user share file.\n",
+ fname, (unsigned int)psbuf->st_uid,
+ (unsigned int)psbuf->st_size ));
+ return False;
+ }
+ return True;
+ Parse the contents of a usershare file.
+enum usershare_err parse_usershare_file(TALLOC_CTX *ctx,
+ const char *servicename,
+ int snum,
+ char **lines,
+ int numlines,
+ char **pp_sharepath,
+ char **pp_comment,
+ SEC_DESC **ppsd,
+ bool *pallow_guest)
+ const char **prefixallowlist = lp_usershare_prefix_allow_list();
+ const char **prefixdenylist = lp_usershare_prefix_deny_list();
+ int us_vers;
+ char *sharepath = NULL;
+ char *comment = NULL;
+ *pp_sharepath = NULL;
+ *pp_comment = NULL;
+ *pallow_guest = False;
+ if (numlines < 4) {
+ }
+ if (strcmp(lines[0], "#VERSION 1") == 0) {
+ us_vers = 1;
+ } else if (strcmp(lines[0], "#VERSION 2") == 0) {
+ us_vers = 2;
+ if (numlines < 5) {
+ }
+ } else {
+ }
+ if (strncmp(lines[1], "path=", 5) != 0) {
+ }
+ sharepath = talloc_strdup(ctx, &lines[1][5]);
+ if (!sharepath) {
+ }
+ trim_string(sharepath, " ", " ");
+ if (strncmp(lines[2], "comment=", 8) != 0) {
+ }
+ comment = talloc_strdup(ctx, &lines[2][8]);
+ if (!comment) {
+ }
+ trim_string(comment, " ", " ");
+ trim_char(comment, '"', '"');
+ if (strncmp(lines[3], "usershare_acl=", 14) != 0) {
+ }
+ if (!parse_usershare_acl(ctx, &lines[3][14], ppsd)) {
+ }
+ if (us_vers == 2) {
+ if (strncmp(lines[4], "guest_ok=", 9) != 0) {
+ }
+ if (lines[4][9] == 'y') {
+ *pallow_guest = True;
+ }
+ }
+ if (snum != -1 && (strcmp(sharepath, ServicePtrs[snum]->szPath) == 0)) {
+ /* Path didn't change, no checks needed. */
+ *pp_sharepath = sharepath;
+ *pp_comment = comment;
+ return USERSHARE_OK;
+ }
+ /* The path *must* be absolute. */
+ if (sharepath[0] != '/') {
+ DEBUG(2,("parse_usershare_file: share %s: path %s is not an absolute path.\n",
+ servicename, sharepath));
+ }
+ /* If there is a usershare prefix deny list ensure one of these paths
+ doesn't match the start of the user given path. */
+ if (prefixdenylist) {
+ int i;
+ for ( i=0; prefixdenylist[i]; i++ ) {
+ DEBUG(10,("parse_usershare_file: share %s : checking prefixdenylist[%d]='%s' against %s\n",
+ servicename, i, prefixdenylist[i], sharepath ));
+ if (memcmp( sharepath, prefixdenylist[i], strlen(prefixdenylist[i])) == 0) {
+ DEBUG(2,("parse_usershare_file: share %s path %s starts with one of the "
+ "usershare prefix deny list entries.\n",
+ servicename, sharepath));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* If there is a usershare prefix allow list ensure one of these paths
+ does match the start of the user given path. */
+ if (prefixallowlist) {
+ int i;
+ for ( i=0; prefixallowlist[i]; i++ ) {
+ DEBUG(10,("parse_usershare_file: share %s checking prefixallowlist[%d]='%s' against %s\n",
+ servicename, i, prefixallowlist[i], sharepath ));
+ if (memcmp( sharepath, prefixallowlist[i], strlen(prefixallowlist[i])) == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (prefixallowlist[i] == NULL) {
+ DEBUG(2,("parse_usershare_file: share %s path %s doesn't start with one of the "
+ "usershare prefix allow list entries.\n",
+ servicename, sharepath));
+ }
+ }
+ /* Ensure this is pointing to a directory. */
+ dp = sys_opendir(sharepath);
+ if (!dp) {
+ DEBUG(2,("parse_usershare_file: share %s path %s is not a directory.\n",
+ servicename, sharepath));
+ }
+ /* Ensure the owner of the usershare file has permission to share
+ this directory. */
+ if (sys_stat(sharepath, &sbuf) == -1) {
+ DEBUG(2,("parse_usershare_file: share %s : stat failed on path %s. %s\n",
+ servicename, sharepath, strerror(errno) ));
+ sys_closedir(dp);
+ }
+ sys_closedir(dp);
+ if (!S_ISDIR(sbuf.st_mode)) {
+ DEBUG(2,("parse_usershare_file: share %s path %s is not a directory.\n",
+ servicename, sharepath ));
+ }
+ /* Check if sharing is restricted to owner-only. */
+ /* psbuf is the stat of the usershare definition file,
+ sbuf is the stat of the target directory to be shared. */
+ if (lp_usershare_owner_only()) {
+ /* root can share anything. */
+ if ((psbuf->st_uid != 0) && (sbuf.st_uid != psbuf->st_uid)) {
+ }
+ }
+ *pp_sharepath = sharepath;
+ *pp_comment = comment;
+ return USERSHARE_OK;
+ Deal with a usershare file.
+ Returns:
+ >= 0 - snum
+ -1 - Bad name, invalid contents.
+ - service name already existed and not a usershare, problem
+ with permissions to share directory etc.
+static int process_usershare_file(const char *dir_name, const char *file_name, int snum_template)
+ char *fname = NULL;
+ char *sharepath = NULL;
+ char *comment = NULL;
+ fstring service_name;
+ char **lines = NULL;
+ int numlines = 0;
+ int fd = -1;
+ int iService = -1;
+ SEC_DESC *psd = NULL;
+ bool guest_ok = False;
+ /* Ensure share name doesn't contain invalid characters. */
+ if (!validate_net_name(file_name, INVALID_SHARENAME_CHARS, strlen(file_name))) {
+ DEBUG(0,("process_usershare_file: share name %s contains "
+ "invalid characters (any of %s)\n",
+ return -1;
+ }
+ fstrcpy(service_name, file_name);
+ if (asprintf(&fname, "%s/%s", dir_name, file_name) < 0) {
+ }
+ /* Minimize the race condition by doing an lstat before we
+ open and fstat. Ensure this isn't a symlink link. */
+ if (sys_lstat(fname, &lsbuf) != 0) {
+ DEBUG(0,("process_usershare_file: stat of %s failed. %s\n",
+ fname, strerror(errno) ));
+ SAFE_FREE(fname);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* This must be a regular file, not a symlink, directory or
+ other strange filetype. */
+ if (!check_usershare_stat(fname, &lsbuf)) {
+ SAFE_FREE(fname);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ {
+ char *canon_name = canonicalize_servicename(service_name);
+ TDB_DATA data = dbwrap_fetch_bystring(
+ ServiceHash, canon_name, canon_name);
+ iService = -1;
+ if ((data.dptr != NULL) && (data.dsize == sizeof(iService))) {
+ iService = *(int *)data.dptr;
+ }
+ TALLOC_FREE(canon_name);
+ }
+ if (iService != -1 && ServicePtrs[iService]->usershare_last_mod == lsbuf.st_mtime) {
+ /* Nothing changed - Mark valid and return. */
+ DEBUG(10,("process_usershare_file: service %s not changed.\n",
+ service_name ));
+ ServicePtrs[iService]->usershare = USERSHARE_VALID;
+ SAFE_FREE(fname);
+ return iService;
+ }
+ /* Try and open the file read only - no symlinks allowed. */
+#ifdef O_NOFOLLOW
+ fd = sys_open(fname, O_RDONLY|O_NOFOLLOW, 0);
+ fd = sys_open(fname, O_RDONLY, 0);
+ if (fd == -1) {
+ DEBUG(0,("process_usershare_file: unable to open %s. %s\n",
+ fname, strerror(errno) ));
+ SAFE_FREE(fname);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Now fstat to be *SURE* it's a regular file. */
+ if (sys_fstat(fd, &sbuf) != 0) {
+ close(fd);
+ DEBUG(0,("process_usershare_file: fstat of %s failed. %s\n",
+ fname, strerror(errno) ));
+ SAFE_FREE(fname);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Is it the same dev/inode as was lstated ? */
+ if (lsbuf.st_dev != sbuf.st_dev || lsbuf.st_ino != sbuf.st_ino) {
+ close(fd);
+ DEBUG(0,("process_usershare_file: fstat of %s is a different file from lstat. "
+ "Symlink spoofing going on ?\n", fname ));
+ SAFE_FREE(fname);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* This must be a regular file, not a symlink, directory or
+ other strange filetype. */
+ if (!check_usershare_stat(fname, &sbuf)) {
+ SAFE_FREE(fname);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ lines = fd_lines_load(fd, &numlines, MAX_USERSHARE_FILE_SIZE);
+ close(fd);
+ if (lines == NULL) {
+ DEBUG(0,("process_usershare_file: loading file %s owned by %u failed.\n",
+ fname, (unsigned int)sbuf.st_uid ));
+ SAFE_FREE(fname);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ SAFE_FREE(fname);
+ /* Should we allow printers to be shared... ? */
+ ctx = talloc_init("usershare_sd_xctx");
+ if (!ctx) {
+ file_lines_free(lines);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (parse_usershare_file(ctx, &sbuf, service_name,
+ iService, lines, numlines, &sharepath,
+ &comment, &psd, &guest_ok) != USERSHARE_OK) {
+ talloc_destroy(ctx);
+ file_lines_free(lines);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ file_lines_free(lines);
+ /* Everything ok - add the service possibly using a template. */
+ if (iService < 0) {
+ const struct service *sp = &sDefault;
+ if (snum_template != -1) {
+ sp = ServicePtrs[snum_template];
+ }
+ if ((iService = add_a_service(sp, service_name)) < 0) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("process_usershare_file: Failed to add "
+ "new service %s\n", service_name));
+ talloc_destroy(ctx);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Read only is controlled by usershare ACL below. */
+ ServicePtrs[iService]->bRead_only = False;
+ }
+ /* Write the ACL of the new/modified share. */
+ if (!set_share_security(service_name, psd)) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("process_usershare_file: Failed to set share "
+ "security for user share %s\n",
+ service_name ));
+ lp_remove_service(iService);
+ talloc_destroy(ctx);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* If from a template it may be marked invalid. */
+ ServicePtrs[iService]->valid = True;
+ /* Set the service as a valid usershare. */
+ ServicePtrs[iService]->usershare = USERSHARE_VALID;
+ /* Set guest access. */
+ if (lp_usershare_allow_guests()) {
+ ServicePtrs[iService]->bGuest_ok = guest_ok;
+ }
+ /* And note when it was loaded. */
+ ServicePtrs[iService]->usershare_last_mod = sbuf.st_mtime;
+ string_set(&ServicePtrs[iService]->szPath, sharepath);
+ string_set(&ServicePtrs[iService]->comment, comment);
+ talloc_destroy(ctx);
+ return iService;
+ Checks if a usershare entry has been modified since last load.
+static bool usershare_exists(int iService, time_t *last_mod)
+ const char *usersharepath = Globals.szUsersharePath;
+ char *fname;
+ if (asprintf(&fname, "%s/%s",
+ usersharepath,
+ ServicePtrs[iService]->szService) < 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (sys_lstat(fname, &lsbuf) != 0) {
+ SAFE_FREE(fname);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!S_ISREG(lsbuf.st_mode)) {
+ SAFE_FREE(fname);
+ return false;
+ }
+ SAFE_FREE(fname);
+ *last_mod = lsbuf.st_mtime;
+ return true;
+ Load a usershare service by name. Returns a valid servicenumber or -1.
+int load_usershare_service(const char *servicename)
+ const char *usersharepath = Globals.szUsersharePath;
+ int max_user_shares = Globals.iUsershareMaxShares;
+ int snum_template = -1;
+ if (*usersharepath == 0 || max_user_shares == 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (sys_stat(usersharepath, &sbuf) != 0) {
+ DEBUG(0,("load_usershare_service: stat of %s failed. %s\n",
+ usersharepath, strerror(errno) ));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!S_ISDIR(sbuf.st_mode)) {
+ DEBUG(0,("load_usershare_service: %s is not a directory.\n",
+ usersharepath ));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /*
+ * This directory must be owned by root, and have the 't' bit set.
+ * It also must not be writable by "other".
+ */
+#ifdef S_ISVTX
+ if (sbuf.st_uid != 0 || !(sbuf.st_mode & S_ISVTX) || (sbuf.st_mode & S_IWOTH)) {
+ if (sbuf.st_uid != 0 || (sbuf.st_mode & S_IWOTH)) {
+ DEBUG(0,("load_usershare_service: directory %s is not owned by root "
+ "or does not have the sticky bit 't' set or is writable by anyone.\n",
+ usersharepath ));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Ensure the template share exists if it's set. */
+ if (Globals.szUsershareTemplateShare[0]) {
+ /* We can't use lp_servicenumber here as we are recommending that
+ template shares have -valid=False set. */
+ for (snum_template = iNumServices - 1; snum_template >= 0; snum_template--) {
+ if (ServicePtrs[snum_template]->szService &&
+ strequal(ServicePtrs[snum_template]->szService,
+ Globals.szUsershareTemplateShare)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (snum_template == -1) {
+ DEBUG(0,("load_usershare_service: usershare template share %s "
+ "does not exist.\n",
+ Globals.szUsershareTemplateShare ));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return process_usershare_file(usersharepath, servicename, snum_template);
+ Load all user defined shares from the user share directory.
+ We only do this if we're enumerating the share list.
+ This is the function that can delete usershares that have
+ been removed.
+int load_usershare_shares(void)
+ int num_usershares = 0;
+ int max_user_shares = Globals.iUsershareMaxShares;
+ unsigned int num_dir_entries, num_bad_dir_entries, num_tmp_dir_entries;
+ unsigned int allowed_bad_entries = ((2*max_user_shares)/10);
+ unsigned int allowed_tmp_entries = ((2*max_user_shares)/10);
+ int iService;
+ int snum_template = -1;
+ const char *usersharepath = Globals.szUsersharePath;
+ int ret = lp_numservices();
+ if (max_user_shares == 0 || *usersharepath == '\0') {
+ return lp_numservices();
+ }
+ if (sys_stat(usersharepath, &sbuf) != 0) {
+ DEBUG(0,("load_usershare_shares: stat of %s failed. %s\n",
+ usersharepath, strerror(errno) ));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /*
+ * This directory must be owned by root, and have the 't' bit set.
+ * It also must not be writable by "other".
+ */
+#ifdef S_ISVTX
+ if (sbuf.st_uid != 0 || !(sbuf.st_mode & S_ISVTX) || (sbuf.st_mode & S_IWOTH)) {
+ if (sbuf.st_uid != 0 || (sbuf.st_mode & S_IWOTH)) {
+ DEBUG(0,("load_usershare_shares: directory %s is not owned by root "
+ "or does not have the sticky bit 't' set or is writable by anyone.\n",
+ usersharepath ));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /* Ensure the template share exists if it's set. */
+ if (Globals.szUsershareTemplateShare[0]) {
+ /* We can't use lp_servicenumber here as we are recommending that
+ template shares have -valid=False set. */
+ for (snum_template = iNumServices - 1; snum_template >= 0; snum_template--) {
+ if (ServicePtrs[snum_template]->szService &&
+ strequal(ServicePtrs[snum_template]->szService,
+ Globals.szUsershareTemplateShare)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (snum_template == -1) {
+ DEBUG(0,("load_usershare_shares: usershare template share %s "
+ "does not exist.\n",
+ Globals.szUsershareTemplateShare ));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Mark all existing usershares as pending delete. */
+ for (iService = iNumServices - 1; iService >= 0; iService--) {
+ if (VALID(iService) && ServicePtrs[iService]->usershare) {
+ ServicePtrs[iService]->usershare = USERSHARE_PENDING_DELETE;
+ }
+ }
+ dp = sys_opendir(usersharepath);
+ if (!dp) {
+ DEBUG(0,("load_usershare_shares:: failed to open directory %s. %s\n",
+ usersharepath, strerror(errno) ));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ for (num_dir_entries = 0, num_bad_dir_entries = 0, num_tmp_dir_entries = 0;
+ (de = sys_readdir(dp));
+ num_dir_entries++ ) {
+ int r;
+ const char *n = de->d_name;
+ /* Ignore . and .. */
+ if (*n == '.') {
+ if ((n[1] == '\0') || (n[1] == '.' && n[2] == '\0')) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (n[0] == ':') {
+ /* Temporary file used when creating a share. */
+ num_tmp_dir_entries++;
+ }
+ /* Allow 20% tmp entries. */
+ if (num_tmp_dir_entries > allowed_tmp_entries) {
+ DEBUG(0,("load_usershare_shares: too many temp entries (%u) "
+ "in directory %s\n",
+ num_tmp_dir_entries, usersharepath));
+ break;
+ }
+ r = process_usershare_file(usersharepath, n, snum_template);
+ if (r == 0) {
+ /* Update the services count. */
+ num_usershares++;
+ if (num_usershares >= max_user_shares) {
+ DEBUG(0,("load_usershare_shares: max user shares reached "
+ "on file %s in directory %s\n",
+ n, usersharepath ));
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (r == -1) {
+ num_bad_dir_entries++;
+ }
+ /* Allow 20% bad entries. */
+ if (num_bad_dir_entries > allowed_bad_entries) {
+ DEBUG(0,("load_usershare_shares: too many bad entries (%u) "
+ "in directory %s\n",
+ num_bad_dir_entries, usersharepath));
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Allow 20% bad entries. */
+ if (num_dir_entries > max_user_shares + allowed_bad_entries) {
+ DEBUG(0,("load_usershare_shares: too many total entries (%u) "
+ "in directory %s\n",
+ num_dir_entries, usersharepath));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ sys_closedir(dp);
+ /* Sweep through and delete any non-refreshed usershares that are
+ not currently in use. */
+ for (iService = iNumServices - 1; iService >= 0; iService--) {
+ if (VALID(iService) && (ServicePtrs[iService]->usershare == USERSHARE_PENDING_DELETE)) {
+ if (conn_snum_used(iService)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Remove from the share ACL db. */
+ DEBUG(10,("load_usershare_shares: Removing deleted usershare %s\n",
+ lp_servicename(iService) ));
+ delete_share_security(lp_servicename(iService));
+ free_service_byindex(iService);
+ }
+ }
+ return lp_numservices();
+ Destroy global resources allocated in this file
+void gfree_loadparm(void)
+ struct file_lists *f;
+ struct file_lists *next;
+ int i;
+ /* Free the file lists */
+ f = file_lists;
+ while( f ) {
+ next = f->next;
+ SAFE_FREE( f->name );
+ SAFE_FREE( f->subfname );
+ SAFE_FREE( f );
+ f = next;
+ }
+ file_lists = NULL;
+ /* Free resources allocated to services */
+ for ( i = 0; i < iNumServices; i++ ) {
+ if ( VALID(i) ) {
+ free_service_byindex(i);
+ }
+ }
+ SAFE_FREE( ServicePtrs );
+ iNumServices = 0;
+ /* Now release all resources allocated to global
+ parameters and the default service */
+ for (i = 0; parm_table[i].label; i++)
+ {
+ if ( parm_table[i].type == P_STRING
+ || parm_table[i].type == P_USTRING )
+ {
+ string_free( (char**)parm_table[i].ptr );
+ }
+ else if (parm_table[i].type == P_LIST) {
+ TALLOC_FREE( *((char***)parm_table[i].ptr) );
+ }
+ }
+ Allow client apps to specify that they are a client
+void lp_set_in_client(bool b)
+ in_client = b;
+ Determine if we're running in a client app
+bool lp_is_in_client(void)
+ return in_client;
+ Load the services array from the services file. Return True on success,
+ False on failure.
+bool lp_load_ex(const char *pszFname,
+ bool global_only,
+ bool save_defaults,
+ bool add_ipc,
+ bool initialize_globals,
+ bool allow_include_registry,
+ bool allow_registry_shares)
+ char *n2 = NULL;
+ bool bRetval;
+ struct param_opt_struct *data, *pdata;
+ bRetval = False;
+ DEBUG(3, ("lp_load_ex: refreshing parameters\n"));
+ bInGlobalSection = True;
+ bGlobalOnly = global_only;
+ bAllowIncludeRegistry = allow_include_registry;
+ init_globals(! initialize_globals);
+ debug_init();
+ if (save_defaults) {
+ init_locals();
+ lp_save_defaults();
+ }
+ /* We get sections first, so have to start 'behind' to make up */
+ iServiceIndex = -1;
+ if (Globals.param_opt != NULL) {
+ data = Globals.param_opt;
+ while (data) {
+ string_free(&data->key);
+ string_free(&data->value);
+ TALLOC_FREE(data->list);
+ pdata = data->next;
+ SAFE_FREE(data);
+ data = pdata;
+ }
+ Globals.param_opt = NULL;
+ }
+ if (lp_config_backend_is_file()) {
+ n2 = alloc_sub_basic(get_current_username(),
+ current_user_info.domain,
+ pszFname);
+ if (!n2) {
+ smb_panic("lp_load_ex: out of memory");
+ }
+ add_to_file_list(pszFname, n2);
+ bRetval = pm_process(n2, do_section, do_parameter, NULL);
+ SAFE_FREE(n2);
+ /* finish up the last section */
+ DEBUG(4, ("pm_process() returned %s\n", BOOLSTR(bRetval)));
+ if (bRetval) {
+ if (iServiceIndex >= 0) {
+ bRetval = service_ok(iServiceIndex);
+ }
+ }
+ if (lp_config_backend_is_registry()) {
+ /* config backend changed to registry in config file */
+ /*
+ * We need to use this extra global variable here to
+ * survive restart: init_globals uses this as a default
+ * for ConfigBackend. Otherwise, init_globals would
+ * send us into an endless loop here.
+ */
+ config_backend = CONFIG_BACKEND_REGISTRY;
+ /* start over */
+ DEBUG(1, ("lp_load_ex: changing to config backend "
+ "registry\n"));
+ init_globals(false);
+ lp_kill_all_services();
+ return lp_load_ex(pszFname, global_only, save_defaults,
+ add_ipc, initialize_globals,
+ allow_include_registry,
+ allow_registry_shares);
+ }
+ } else if (lp_config_backend_is_registry()) {
+ bRetval = process_registry_globals();
+ } else {
+ DEBUG(0, ("Illegal config backend given: %d\n",
+ lp_config_backend()));
+ bRetval = false;
+ }
+ if (bRetval && lp_registry_shares() && allow_registry_shares) {
+ bRetval = process_registry_shares();
+ }
+ lp_add_auto_services(lp_auto_services());
+ if (add_ipc) {
+ /* When 'restrict anonymous = 2' guest connections to ipc$
+ are denied */
+ lp_add_ipc("IPC$", (lp_restrict_anonymous() < 2));
+ if ( lp_enable_asu_support() ) {
+ lp_add_ipc("ADMIN$", false);
+ }
+ }
+ set_server_role();
+ set_default_server_announce_type();
+ set_allowed_client_auth();
+ bLoaded = True;
+ /* Now we check bWINSsupport and set szWINSserver to */
+ /* if bWINSsupport is true and we are in the client */
+ if (lp_is_in_client() && Globals.bWINSsupport) {
+ lp_do_parameter(GLOBAL_SECTION_SNUM, "wins server", "");
+ }
+ init_iconv();
+ bAllowIncludeRegistry = true;
+ return (bRetval);
+bool lp_load(const char *pszFname,
+ bool global_only,
+ bool save_defaults,
+ bool add_ipc,
+ bool initialize_globals)
+ return lp_load_ex(pszFname,
+ global_only,
+ save_defaults,
+ add_ipc,
+ initialize_globals,
+ true, false);
+bool lp_load_initial_only(const char *pszFname)
+ return lp_load_ex(pszFname,
+ true,
+ false,
+ false,
+ true,
+ false,
+ false);
+bool lp_load_with_registry_shares(const char *pszFname,
+ bool global_only,
+ bool save_defaults,
+ bool add_ipc,
+ bool initialize_globals)
+ return lp_load_ex(pszFname,
+ global_only,
+ save_defaults,
+ add_ipc,
+ initialize_globals,
+ true,
+ true);
+ Return the max number of services.
+int lp_numservices(void)
+ return (iNumServices);
+Display the contents of the services array in human-readable form.
+void lp_dump(FILE *f, bool show_defaults, int maxtoprint)
+ int iService;
+ if (show_defaults)
+ defaults_saved = False;
+ dump_globals(f);
+ dump_a_service(&sDefault, f);
+ for (iService = 0; iService < maxtoprint; iService++) {
+ fprintf(f,"\n");
+ lp_dump_one(f, show_defaults, iService);
+ }
+Display the contents of one service in human-readable form.
+void lp_dump_one(FILE * f, bool show_defaults, int snum)
+ if (VALID(snum)) {
+ if (ServicePtrs[snum]->szService[0] == '\0')
+ return;
+ dump_a_service(ServicePtrs[snum], f);
+ }
+Return the number of the service with the given name, or -1 if it doesn't
+exist. Note that this is a DIFFERENT ANIMAL from the internal function
+getservicebyname()! This works ONLY if all services have been loaded, and
+does not copy the found service.
+int lp_servicenumber(const char *pszServiceName)
+ int iService;
+ fstring serviceName;
+ if (!pszServiceName) {
+ }
+ for (iService = iNumServices - 1; iService >= 0; iService--) {
+ if (VALID(iService) && ServicePtrs[iService]->szService) {
+ /*
+ * The substitution here is used to support %U is
+ * service names
+ */
+ fstrcpy(serviceName, ServicePtrs[iService]->szService);
+ standard_sub_basic(get_current_username(),
+ current_user_info.domain,
+ serviceName,sizeof(serviceName));
+ if (strequal(serviceName, pszServiceName)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (iService >= 0 && ServicePtrs[iService]->usershare == USERSHARE_VALID) {
+ time_t last_mod;
+ if (!usershare_exists(iService, &last_mod)) {
+ /* Remove the share security tdb entry for it. */
+ delete_share_security(lp_servicename(iService));
+ /* Remove it from the array. */
+ free_service_byindex(iService);
+ /* Doesn't exist anymore. */
+ }
+ /* Has it been modified ? If so delete and reload. */
+ if (ServicePtrs[iService]->usershare_last_mod < last_mod) {
+ /* Remove it from the array. */
+ free_service_byindex(iService);
+ /* and now reload it. */
+ iService = load_usershare_service(pszServiceName);
+ }
+ }
+ if (iService < 0) {
+ DEBUG(7,("lp_servicenumber: couldn't find %s\n", pszServiceName));
+ }
+ return (iService);
+bool share_defined(const char *service_name)
+ return (lp_servicenumber(service_name) != -1);
+struct share_params *get_share_params(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
+ const char *sharename)
+ struct share_params *result;
+ char *sname;
+ int snum;
+ if (!(sname = SMB_STRDUP(sharename))) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ snum = find_service(sname);
+ SAFE_FREE(sname);
+ if (snum < 0) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (!(result = TALLOC_P(mem_ctx, struct share_params))) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("talloc failed\n"));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ result->service = snum;
+ return result;
+struct share_iterator *share_list_all(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx)
+ struct share_iterator *result;
+ if (!(result = TALLOC_P(mem_ctx, struct share_iterator))) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("talloc failed\n"));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ result->next_id = 0;
+ return result;
+struct share_params *next_share(struct share_iterator *list)
+ struct share_params *result;
+ while (!lp_snum_ok(list->next_id) &&
+ (list->next_id < lp_numservices())) {
+ list->next_id += 1;
+ }
+ if (list->next_id >= lp_numservices()) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (!(result = TALLOC_P(list, struct share_params))) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("talloc failed\n"));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ result->service = list->next_id;
+ list->next_id += 1;
+ return result;
+struct share_params *next_printer(struct share_iterator *list)
+ struct share_params *result;
+ while ((result = next_share(list)) != NULL) {
+ if (lp_print_ok(result->service)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ * This is a hack for a transition period until we transformed all code from
+ * service numbers to struct share_params.
+ */
+struct share_params *snum2params_static(int snum)
+ static struct share_params result;
+ result.service = snum;
+ return &result;
+ A useful volume label function.
+const char *volume_label(int snum)
+ char *ret;
+ const char *label = lp_volume(snum);
+ if (!*label) {
+ label = lp_servicename(snum);
+ }
+ /* This returns a 33 byte guarenteed null terminated string. */
+ ret = talloc_strndup(talloc_tos(), label, 32);
+ if (!ret) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ return ret;
+ Set the server type we will announce as via nmbd.
+static void set_default_server_announce_type(void)
+ default_server_announce = 0;
+ default_server_announce |= SV_TYPE_WORKSTATION;
+ default_server_announce |= SV_TYPE_SERVER;
+ default_server_announce |= SV_TYPE_SERVER_UNIX;
+ /* note that the flag should be set only if we have a
+ printer service but nmbd doesn't actually load the
+ services so we can't tell --jerry */
+ default_server_announce |= SV_TYPE_PRINTQ_SERVER;
+ switch (lp_announce_as()) {
+ default_server_announce |= SV_TYPE_SERVER_NT;
+ /* fall through... */
+ default_server_announce |= SV_TYPE_NT;
+ break;
+ default_server_announce |= SV_TYPE_WIN95_PLUS;
+ break;
+ default_server_announce |= SV_TYPE_WFW;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (lp_server_role()) {
+ default_server_announce |= SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_MEMBER;
+ break;
+ default_server_announce |= SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_CTRL;
+ break;
+ default_server_announce |= SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_BAKCTRL;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (lp_time_server())
+ default_server_announce |= SV_TYPE_TIME_SOURCE;
+ if (lp_host_msdfs())
+ default_server_announce |= SV_TYPE_DFS_SERVER;
+ returns role of Samba server
+int lp_server_role(void)
+ return server_role;
+ If we are PDC then prefer us as DMB
+bool lp_domain_master(void)
+ if (Globals.iDomainMaster == Auto)
+ return (lp_server_role() == ROLE_DOMAIN_PDC);
+ return (bool)Globals.iDomainMaster;
+ If we are DMB then prefer us as LMB
+bool lp_preferred_master(void)
+ if (Globals.iPreferredMaster == Auto)
+ return (lp_local_master() && lp_domain_master());
+ return (bool)Globals.iPreferredMaster;
+ Remove a service.
+void lp_remove_service(int snum)
+ ServicePtrs[snum]->valid = False;
+ invalid_services[num_invalid_services++] = snum;
+ Copy a service.
+void lp_copy_service(int snum, const char *new_name)
+ do_section(new_name, NULL);
+ if (snum >= 0) {
+ snum = lp_servicenumber(new_name);
+ if (snum >= 0)
+ lp_do_parameter(snum, "copy", lp_servicename(snum));
+ }
+ Get the default server type we will announce as via nmbd.
+int lp_default_server_announce(void)
+ return default_server_announce;
+ Split the announce version into major and minor numbers.
+int lp_major_announce_version(void)
+ static bool got_major = False;
+ static int major_version = DEFAULT_MAJOR_VERSION;
+ char *vers;
+ char *p;
+ if (got_major)
+ return major_version;
+ got_major = True;
+ if ((vers = lp_announce_version()) == NULL)
+ return major_version;
+ if ((p = strchr_m(vers, '.')) == 0)
+ return major_version;
+ *p = '\0';
+ major_version = atoi(vers);
+ return major_version;
+int lp_minor_announce_version(void)
+ static bool got_minor = False;
+ static int minor_version = DEFAULT_MINOR_VERSION;
+ char *vers;
+ char *p;
+ if (got_minor)
+ return minor_version;
+ got_minor = True;
+ if ((vers = lp_announce_version()) == NULL)
+ return minor_version;
+ if ((p = strchr_m(vers, '.')) == 0)
+ return minor_version;
+ p++;
+ minor_version = atoi(p);
+ return minor_version;
+ Set the global name resolution order (used in smbclient).
+void lp_set_name_resolve_order(const char *new_order)
+ string_set(&Globals.szNameResolveOrder, new_order);
+const char *lp_printername(int snum)
+ const char *ret = _lp_printername(snum);
+ if (ret == NULL || (ret != NULL && *ret == '\0'))
+ ret = lp_const_servicename(snum);
+ return ret;
+ Allow daemons such as winbindd to fix their logfile name.
+void lp_set_logfile(const char *name)
+ string_set(&Globals.szLogFile, name);
+ debug_set_logfile(name);
+ Return the max print jobs per queue.
+int lp_maxprintjobs(int snum)
+ int maxjobs = LP_SNUM_OK(snum) ? ServicePtrs[snum]->iMaxPrintJobs : sDefault.iMaxPrintJobs;
+ if (maxjobs <= 0 || maxjobs >= PRINT_MAX_JOBID)
+ maxjobs = PRINT_MAX_JOBID - 1;
+ return maxjobs;
+const char *lp_printcapname(void)
+ if ((Globals.szPrintcapname != NULL) &&
+ (Globals.szPrintcapname[0] != '\0'))
+ return Globals.szPrintcapname;
+ if (sDefault.iPrinting == PRINT_CUPS) {
+#ifdef HAVE_CUPS
+ return "cups";
+ return "lpstat";
+ }
+ if (sDefault.iPrinting == PRINT_BSD)
+ return "/etc/printcap";
+ Ensure we don't use sendfile if server smb signing is active.
+static uint32 spoolss_state;
+bool lp_disable_spoolss( void )
+ if ( spoolss_state == SVCCTL_STATE_UNKNOWN )
+ spoolss_state = _lp_disable_spoolss() ? SVCCTL_STOPPED : SVCCTL_RUNNING;
+ return spoolss_state == SVCCTL_STOPPED ? True : False;
+void lp_set_spoolss_state( uint32 state )
+ SMB_ASSERT( (state == SVCCTL_STOPPED) || (state == SVCCTL_RUNNING) );
+ spoolss_state = state;
+uint32 lp_get_spoolss_state( void )
+ return lp_disable_spoolss() ? SVCCTL_STOPPED : SVCCTL_RUNNING;
+ Ensure we don't use sendfile if server smb signing is active.
+bool lp_use_sendfile(int snum)
+ /* Using sendfile blows the brains out of any DOS or Win9x TCP stack... JRA. */
+ if (Protocol < PROTOCOL_NT1) {
+ return False;
+ }
+ return (_lp_use_sendfile(snum) &&
+ (get_remote_arch() != RA_WIN95) &&
+ !srv_is_signing_active());
+ Turn off sendfile if we find the underlying OS doesn't support it.
+void set_use_sendfile(int snum, bool val)
+ if (LP_SNUM_OK(snum))
+ ServicePtrs[snum]->bUseSendfile = val;
+ else
+ sDefault.bUseSendfile = val;
+ Turn off storing DOS attributes if this share doesn't support it.
+void set_store_dos_attributes(int snum, bool val)
+ if (!LP_SNUM_OK(snum))
+ return;
+ ServicePtrs[(snum)]->bStoreDosAttributes = val;
+void lp_set_mangling_method(const char *new_method)
+ string_set(&Globals.szManglingMethod, new_method);
+ Global state for POSIX pathname processing.
+static bool posix_pathnames;
+bool lp_posix_pathnames(void)
+ return posix_pathnames;
+ Change everything needed to ensure POSIX pathname processing (currently
+ not much).
+void lp_set_posix_pathnames(void)
+ posix_pathnames = True;
+ Global state for POSIX lock processing - CIFS unix extensions.
+bool posix_default_lock_was_set;
+static enum brl_flavour posix_cifsx_locktype; /* By default 0 == WINDOWS_LOCK */
+enum brl_flavour lp_posix_cifsu_locktype(files_struct *fsp)
+ if (posix_default_lock_was_set) {
+ return posix_cifsx_locktype;
+ } else {
+ return fsp->posix_open ? POSIX_LOCK : WINDOWS_LOCK;
+ }
+void lp_set_posix_default_cifsx_readwrite_locktype(enum brl_flavour val)
+ posix_default_lock_was_set = True;
+ posix_cifsx_locktype = val;
+int lp_min_receive_file_size(void)
+ if (Globals.iminreceivefile < 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return MIN(Globals.iminreceivefile, BUFFER_SIZE);
diff --git a/source3/param/params.c b/source3/param/params.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..478376c9e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source3/param/params.c
@@ -0,0 +1,590 @@
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+ * Microsoft Network Services for Unix, AKA., Andrew Tridgell's SAMBA.
+ *
+ * This module Copyright (C) 1990-1998 Karl Auer
+ *
+ * Rewritten almost completely by Christopher R. Hertel, 1997.
+ * This module Copyright (C) 1997-1998 by Christopher R. Hertel
+ *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+ *
+ * Module name: params
+ *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+ *
+ * This module performs lexical analysis and initial parsing of a
+ * Windows-like parameter file. It recognizes and handles four token
+ * types: section-name, parameter-name, parameter-value, and
+ * end-of-file. Comments and line continuation are handled
+ * internally.
+ *
+ * The entry point to the module is function pm_process(). This
+ * function opens the source file, calls the Parse() function to parse
+ * the input, and then closes the file when either the EOF is reached
+ * or a fatal error is encountered.
+ *
+ * A sample parameter file might look like this:
+ *
+ * [section one]
+ * parameter one = value string
+ * parameter two = another value
+ * [section two]
+ * new parameter = some value or t'other
+ *
+ * The parameter file is divided into sections by section headers:
+ * section names enclosed in square brackets (eg. [section one]).
+ * Each section contains parameter lines, each of which consist of a
+ * parameter name and value delimited by an equal sign. Roughly, the
+ * syntax is:
+ *
+ * <file> :== { <section> } EOF
+ *
+ * <section> :== <section header> { <parameter line> }
+ *
+ * <section header> :== '[' NAME ']'
+ *
+ * <parameter line> :== NAME '=' VALUE '\n'
+ *
+ * Blank lines and comment lines are ignored. Comment lines are lines
+ * beginning with either a semicolon (';') or a pound sign ('#').
+ *
+ * All whitespace in section names and parameter names is compressed
+ * to single spaces. Leading and trailing whitespace is stipped from
+ * both names and values.
+ *
+ * Only the first equals sign in a parameter line is significant.
+ * Parameter values may contain equals signs, square brackets and
+ * semicolons. Internal whitespace is retained in parameter values,
+ * with the exception of the '\r' character, which is stripped for
+ * historic reasons. Parameter names may not start with a left square
+ * bracket, an equal sign, a pound sign, or a semicolon, because these
+ * are used to identify other tokens.
+ *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+ */
+#include "includes.h"
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+ * Constants...
+ */
+#define BUFR_INC 1024
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+ * Variables...
+ *
+ * DEBUGLEVEL - The ubiquitous DEBUGLEVEL. This determines which DEBUG()
+ * messages will be produced.
+ * bufr - pointer to a global buffer. This is probably a kludge,
+ * but it was the nicest kludge I could think of (for now).
+ * bSize - The size of the global buffer <bufr>.
+ */
+/* we can't use FILE* due to the 256 fd limit - use this cheap hack
+ instead */
+typedef struct {
+ char *buf;
+ char *p;
+ size_t size;
+ char *end_section_p;
+} myFILE;
+static int mygetc(myFILE *f)
+ if (f->p >= f->buf+f->size)
+ return EOF;
+ /* be sure to return chars >127 as positive values */
+ return (int)( *(f->p++) & 0x00FF );
+static void myfile_close(myFILE *f)
+ if (!f)
+ return;
+ SAFE_FREE(f->buf);
+/* Find the end of the section. We must use mb functions for this. */
+static int FindSectionEnd(myFILE *f)
+ f->end_section_p = strchr_m(f->p, ']');
+ return f->end_section_p ? 1 : 0;
+static int AtSectionEnd(myFILE *f)
+ if (f->p == f->end_section_p + 1) {
+ f->end_section_p = NULL;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+ * Functions...
+ */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
+ * Scan past whitespace (see ctype(3C)) and return the first non-whitespace
+ * character, or newline, or EOF.
+ *
+ * Input: InFile - Input source.
+ *
+ * Output: The next non-whitespace character in the input stream.
+ *
+ * Notes: Because the config files use a line-oriented grammar, we
+ * explicitly exclude the newline character from the list of
+ * whitespace characters.
+ * - Note that both EOF (-1) and the nul character ('\0') are
+ * considered end-of-file markers.
+ *
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
+ */
+static int EatWhitespace( myFILE *InFile )
+ int c;
+ for( c = mygetc( InFile ); isspace( c ) && ('\n' != c); c = mygetc( InFile ) )
+ ;
+ return( c );
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
+ * Scan to the end of a comment.
+ *
+ * Input: InFile - Input source.
+ *
+ * Output: The character that marks the end of the comment. Normally,
+ * this will be a newline, but it *might* be an EOF.
+ *
+ * Notes: Because the config files use a line-oriented grammar, we
+ * explicitly exclude the newline character from the list of
+ * whitespace characters.
+ * - Note that both EOF (-1) and the nul character ('\0') are
+ * considered end-of-file markers.
+ *
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
+ */
+static int EatComment( myFILE *InFile )
+ int c;
+ for( c = mygetc( InFile ); ('\n'!=c) && (EOF!=c) && (c>0); c = mygetc( InFile ) )
+ ;
+ return( c );
+ * Scan backards within a string to discover if the last non-whitespace
+ * character is a line-continuation character ('\\').
+ *
+ * Input: line - A pointer to a buffer containing the string to be
+ * scanned.
+ * pos - This is taken to be the offset of the end of the
+ * string. This position is *not* scanned.
+ *
+ * Output: The offset of the '\\' character if it was found, or -1 to
+ * indicate that it was not.
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static int Continuation(uint8_t *line, int pos )
+ pos--;
+ while( (pos >= 0) && isspace((int)line[pos]))
+ pos--;
+ return (((pos >= 0) && ('\\' == line[pos])) ? pos : -1 );
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
+ * Scan a section name, and pass the name to function sfunc().
+ *
+ * Input: InFile - Input source.
+ * sfunc - Pointer to the function to be called if the section
+ * name is successfully read.
+ *
+ * Output: True if the section name was read and True was returned from
+ * <sfunc>. False if <sfunc> failed or if a lexical error was
+ * encountered.
+ *
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
+ */
+static bool Section( DATA_BLOB *buf, myFILE *InFile, bool (*sfunc)(const char *, void *), void *userdata )
+ int c;
+ int i;
+ int end;
+ const char *func = "params.c:Section() -";
+ i = 0; /* <i> is the offset of the next free byte in bufr[] and */
+ end = 0; /* <end> is the current "end of string" offset. In most */
+ /* cases these will be the same, but if the last */
+ /* character written to bufr[] is a space, then <end> */
+ /* will be one less than <i>. */
+ /* Find the end of the section. We must use mb functions for this. */
+ if (!FindSectionEnd(InFile)) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("%s No terminating ']' character in section.\n", func) );
+ return False;
+ }
+ c = EatWhitespace( InFile ); /* We've already got the '['. Scan */
+ /* past initial white space. */
+ while( (EOF != c) && (c > 0) ) {
+ /* Check that the buffer is big enough for the next character. */
+ if( i > (buf->length - 2) ) {
+ uint8_t *tb = (uint8_t *)SMB_REALLOC_KEEP_OLD_ON_ERROR(buf->data, buf->length+BUFR_INC );
+ if(!tb) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("%s Memory re-allocation failure.", func) );
+ return False;
+ }
+ buf->data = tb;
+ buf->length += BUFR_INC;
+ }
+ /* Handle a single character other than section end. */
+ switch( c ) {
+ case '\n': /* Got newline before closing ']'. */
+ i = Continuation( buf->data, i ); /* Check for line continuation. */
+ if( i < 0 ) {
+ buf->data[end] = '\0';
+ DEBUG(0, ("%s Badly formed line in configuration file: %s\n", func, buf->data ));
+ return False;
+ }
+ end = ( (i > 0) && (' ' == buf->data[i - 1]) ) ? (i - 1) : (i);
+ c = mygetc( InFile ); /* Continue with next line. */
+ break;
+ default: /* All else are a valid name chars. */
+ if(isspace( c )) {
+ /* One space per whitespace region. */
+ buf->data[end] = ' ';
+ i = end + 1;
+ c = EatWhitespace( InFile );
+ } else {
+ buf->data[i++] = c;
+ end = i;
+ c = mygetc( InFile );
+ }
+ }
+ if (AtSectionEnd(InFile)) {
+ /* Got to the closing bracket. */
+ buf->data[end] = '\0';
+ if( 0 == end ) {
+ /* Don't allow an empty name. */
+ DEBUG(0, ("%s Empty section name in configuration file.\n", func ));
+ return False;
+ }
+ if( !sfunc((char *)buf->data, userdata) ) /* Got a valid name. Deal with it. */
+ return False;
+ EatComment( InFile ); /* Finish off the line. */
+ return True;
+ }
+ }
+ /* We arrive here if we've met the EOF before the closing bracket. */
+ DEBUG(0, ("%s Unexpected EOF in the configuration file: %s\n", func, buf->data ));
+ return False;
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
+ * Scan a parameter name and value, and pass these two fields to pfunc().
+ *
+ * Input: InFile - The input source.
+ * pfunc - A pointer to the function that will be called to
+ * process the parameter, once it has been scanned.
+ * c - The first character of the parameter name, which
+ * would have been read by Parse(). Unlike a comment
+ * line or a section header, there is no lead-in
+ * character that can be discarded.
+ *
+ * Output: True if the parameter name and value were scanned and processed
+ * successfully, else False.
+ *
+ * Notes: This function is in two parts. The first loop scans the
+ * parameter name. Internal whitespace is compressed, and an
+ * equal sign (=) terminates the token. Leading and trailing
+ * whitespace is discarded. The second loop scans the parameter
+ * value. When both have been successfully identified, they are
+ * passed to pfunc() for processing.
+ *
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
+ */
+static bool Parameter( DATA_BLOB *buf, myFILE *InFile, bool (*pfunc)(const char *, const char *, void *), int c, void *userdata )
+ int i = 0; /* Position within bufr. */
+ int end = 0; /* bufr[end] is current end-of-string. */
+ int vstart = 0; /* Starting position of the parameter value. */
+ const char *func = "params.c:Parameter() -";
+ /* Read the parameter name. */
+ while( 0 == vstart ) {
+ /* Loop until we've found the start of the value. */
+ if( i > (buf->length - 2) ) {
+ /* Ensure there's space for next char. */
+ uint8_t *tb = (uint8_t *)SMB_REALLOC_KEEP_OLD_ON_ERROR( buf->data, buf->length + BUFR_INC );
+ if (!tb) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("%s Memory re-allocation failure.", func) );
+ return False;
+ }
+ buf->data = tb;
+ buf->length += BUFR_INC;
+ }
+ switch(c) {
+ case '=': /* Equal sign marks end of param name. */
+ if( 0 == end ) {
+ /* Don't allow an empty name. */
+ DEBUG(0, ("%s Invalid parameter name in config. file.\n", func ));
+ return False;
+ }
+ buf->data[end++] = '\0'; /* Mark end of string & advance. */
+ i = end; /* New string starts here. */
+ vstart = end; /* New string is parameter value. */
+ buf->data[i] = '\0'; /* New string is nul, for now. */
+ break;
+ case '\n': /* Find continuation char, else error. */
+ i = Continuation( buf->data, i );
+ if( i < 0 ) {
+ buf->data[end] = '\0';
+ DEBUG(1,("%s Ignoring badly formed line in configuration file: %s\n", func, buf->data ));
+ return True;
+ }
+ end = ( (i > 0) && (' ' == buf->data[i - 1]) ) ? (i - 1) : (i);
+ c = mygetc( InFile ); /* Read past eoln. */
+ break;
+ case '\0': /* Shouldn't have EOF within param name. */
+ case EOF:
+ buf->data[i] = '\0';
+ DEBUG(1,("%s Unexpected end-of-file at: %s\n", func, buf->data ));
+ return True;
+ default:
+ if(isspace( c )) {
+ /* One ' ' per whitespace region. */
+ buf->data[end] = ' ';
+ i = end + 1;
+ c = EatWhitespace( InFile );
+ } else {
+ buf->data[i++] = c;
+ end = i;
+ c = mygetc( InFile );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Now parse the value. */
+ c = EatWhitespace( InFile ); /* Again, trim leading whitespace. */
+ while( (EOF !=c) && (c > 0) ) {
+ if( i > (buf->length - 2) ) {
+ /* Make sure there's enough room. */
+ uint8_t *tb = (uint8_t *)SMB_REALLOC_KEEP_OLD_ON_ERROR( buf->data, buf->length + BUFR_INC );
+ if (!tb) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("%s Memory re-allocation failure.", func));
+ return False;
+ }
+ buf->data = tb;
+ buf->length += BUFR_INC;
+ }
+ switch(c) {
+ case '\r': /* Explicitly remove '\r' because the older */
+ c = mygetc( InFile ); /* version called fgets_slash() which also */
+ break; /* removes them. */
+ case '\n': /* Marks end of value unless there's a '\'. */
+ i = Continuation( buf->data, i );
+ if( i < 0 ) {
+ c = 0;
+ } else {
+ for( end = i; (end >= 0) && isspace((int)buf->data[end]); end-- )
+ ;
+ c = mygetc( InFile );
+ }
+ break;
+ default: /* All others verbatim. Note that spaces do not advance <end>. This allows trimming */
+ buf->data[i++] = c;
+ if( !isspace( c ) ) /* of whitespace at the end of the line. */
+ end = i;
+ c = mygetc( InFile );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ buf->data[end] = '\0'; /* End of value. */
+ return( pfunc( (char *)buf->data, (char *)&buf->data[vstart], userdata ) ); /* Pass name & value to pfunc(). */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
+ * Scan & parse the input.
+ *
+ * Input: InFile - Input source.
+ * sfunc - Function to be called when a section name is scanned.
+ * See Section().
+ * pfunc - Function to be called when a parameter is scanned.
+ * See Parameter().
+ *
+ * Output: True if the file was successfully scanned, else False.
+ *
+ * Notes: The input can be viewed in terms of 'lines'. There are four
+ * types of lines:
+ * Blank - May contain whitespace, otherwise empty.
+ * Comment - First non-whitespace character is a ';' or '#'.
+ * The remainder of the line is ignored.
+ * Section - First non-whitespace character is a '['.
+ * Parameter - The default case.
+ *
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
+ */
+static bool Parse( DATA_BLOB *buf, myFILE *InFile,
+ bool (*sfunc)(const char *, void *),
+ bool (*pfunc)(const char *, const char *, void *),
+ void *userdata)
+ int c;
+ c = EatWhitespace( InFile );
+ while( (EOF != c) && (c > 0) ) {
+ switch( c ) {
+ case '\n': /* Blank line. */
+ c = EatWhitespace( InFile );
+ break;
+ case ';': /* Comment line. */
+ case '#':
+ c = EatComment( InFile );
+ break;
+ case '[': /* Section Header. */
+ if( !Section( buf, InFile, sfunc, userdata ) )
+ return False;
+ c = EatWhitespace( InFile );
+ break;
+ case '\\': /* Bogus backslash. */
+ c = EatWhitespace( InFile );
+ break;
+ default: /* Parameter line. */
+ if( !Parameter( buf, InFile, pfunc, c, userdata ) )
+ return False;
+ c = EatWhitespace( InFile );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return True;
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
+ * Open a configuration file.
+ *
+ * Input: FileName - The pathname of the config file to be opened.
+ *
+ * Output: A pointer of type (char **) to the lines of the file
+ *
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
+ */
+static myFILE *OpenConfFile( const char *FileName )
+ const char *func = "params.c:OpenConfFile() -";
+ int lvl = lp_is_in_client() ? 1 : 0;
+ myFILE *ret;
+ ret = SMB_MALLOC_P(myFILE);
+ if (!ret)
+ return NULL;
+ ret->buf = file_load(FileName, &ret->size, 0);
+ if( NULL == ret->buf ) {
+ DEBUG( lvl, ("%s Unable to open configuration file \"%s\":\n\t%s\n",
+ func, FileName, strerror(errno)) );
+ SAFE_FREE(ret);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ret->p = ret->buf;
+ ret->end_section_p = NULL;
+ return( ret );
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
+ * Process the named parameter file.
+ *
+ * Input: FileName - The pathname of the parameter file to be opened.
+ * sfunc - A pointer to a function that will be called when
+ * a section name is discovered.
+ * pfunc - A pointer to a function that will be called when
+ * a parameter name and value are discovered.
+ *
+ * Output: TRUE if the file was successfully parsed, else FALSE.
+ *
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
+ */
+bool pm_process( const char *FileName,
+ bool (*sfunc)(const char *, void *),
+ bool (*pfunc)(const char *, const char *, void *),
+ void *userdata)
+ int result;
+ myFILE *InFile;
+ const char *func = "params.c:pm_process() -";
+ DATA_BLOB buf;
+ InFile = OpenConfFile( FileName ); /* Open the config file. */
+ if( NULL == InFile )
+ return False;
+ DEBUG( 3, ("%s Processing configuration file \"%s\"\n", func, FileName) );
+ buf = data_blob(NULL, 256);
+ if ( == NULL) {
+ DEBUG(0,("%s memory allocation failure.\n", func));
+ myfile_close(InFile);
+ return False;
+ }
+ result = Parse( &buf, InFile, sfunc, pfunc, userdata );
+ data_blob_free(&buf);
+ myfile_close(InFile);
+ if( !result ) {
+ DEBUG(0,("%s Failed. Error returned from params.c:parse().\n", func));
+ return False;
+ }
+ return True;
diff --git a/source3/param/util.c b/source3/param/util.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f953484256
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source3/param/util.c
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ * Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
+ * param helper routines
+ * Copyright (C) Gerald Carter 2003
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "includes.h"
+ utility function to parse an integer parameter from
+ "parameter = value"
+uint32 get_int_param( const char* param )
+ char *p;
+ p = strchr( param, '=' );
+ if ( !p )
+ return 0;
+ return atoi(p+1);
+ utility function to parse an integer parameter from
+ "parameter = value"
+char* get_string_param( const char* param )
+ char *p;
+ p = strchr( param, '=' );
+ if ( !p )
+ return NULL;
+ return (p+1);