path: root/source4/lib/appweb/ejs-2.0/ejs/ejs.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'source4/lib/appweb/ejs-2.0/ejs/ejs.h')
1 files changed, 849 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source4/lib/appweb/ejs-2.0/ejs/ejs.h b/source4/lib/appweb/ejs-2.0/ejs/ejs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a926446524
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source4/lib/appweb/ejs-2.0/ejs/ejs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,849 @@
+ * ejs.h - EJScript Language (ECMAScript) header.
+ */
+/********************************* Copyright **********************************/
+ * @copy default.g
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) Mbedthis Software LLC, 2003-2006. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) Michael O'Brien, 1994-1995. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Portions Copyright (c) GoAhead Software, 1995-2000. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under commercial and open source licenses.
+ * You may use the GPL open source license described below or you may acquire
+ * a commercial license from Mbedthis Software. You agree to be fully bound
+ * by the terms of either license. Consult the LICENSE.TXT distributed with
+ * this software for full details.
+ *
+ * This software is open source; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+ * option) any later version. See the GNU General Public License for more
+ * details at:
+ *
+ * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
+ *
+ * This GPL license does NOT permit incorporating this software into
+ * proprietary programs. If you are unable to comply with the GPL, you must
+ * acquire a commercial license to use this software. Commercial licenses
+ * for this software and support services are available from Mbedthis
+ * Software at
+ *
+ * @end
+ */
+/********************************** Includes **********************************/
+#ifndef _h_EJS
+#define _h_EJS 1
+#include "mpr.h"
+#include "ejsVar.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/********************************* Prototypes *********************************/
+ * Constants
+ */
+ #define EJS_GC_WORK_QUOTA 160 /* Allocations required before
+ garbage colllection */
+ #define EJS_PARSE_INCR 256 /* Growth factor */
+ #define EJS_MAX_RECURSE 25 /* Sanity for maximum recursion */
+ #define EJS_SMALL_OBJ_HASH_SIZE 11 /* Small object hash size */
+ #define EJS_LIST_INCR 8 /* Growth increment for lists */
+ #define EJS_MAX_BACKTRACE 10 /* Recursion limit for assert */
+ #define EJS_GC_WORK_QUOTA 500
+ #define EJS_PARSE_INCR 1024
+ #define EJS_MAX_RECURSE 100
+ #define EJS_LIST_INCR 16
+ #define EJS_MAX_BACKTRACE 25
+ * Allocation increments for the default interpreter
+ */
+#define EJS_DEFAULT_VAR_INC 8 /* Var allocation increment */
+#define EJS_DEFAULT_PROP_INC 96 /* Property allocation increment */
+#define EJS_DEFAULT_OBJ_INC 24 /* Object allocation increment */
+#define EJS_DEFAULT_STR_INC 64 /* Object allocation increment */
+#define EJS_MIN_TIME_FOR_GC 300 /**< Need 1/3 sec for GC */
+#define EJS_GC_MIN_WORK_QUOTA 50 /**< Min to stop thrashing */
+ * Allocation increments for all non-default interpreters
+ */
+#define EJS_VAR_INC 32
+#define EJS_PROP_INC 64
+#define EJS_OBJ_INC 64
+#define EJS_STR_INC 64
+#define EJS_INC_FRAMES 8 /* Frame stack increment */
+#define EJS_MAX_FRAMES 64 /* Max frame stack */
+ * Lexical analyser tokens
+ */
+#define EJS_TOK_ERR -1 /* Any error */
+#define EJS_TOK_LPAREN 1 /* ( */
+#define EJS_TOK_RPAREN 2 /* ) */
+#define EJS_TOK_IF 3 /* if */
+#define EJS_TOK_ELSE 4 /* else */
+#define EJS_TOK_LBRACE 5 /* { */
+#define EJS_TOK_RBRACE 6 /* } */
+#define EJS_TOK_LOGICAL 7 /* ||, &&, ! */
+#define EJS_TOK_EXPR 8 /* +, -, /, % */
+#define EJS_TOK_SEMI 9 /* ; */
+#define EJS_TOK_LITERAL 10 /* literal string */
+#define EJS_TOK_METHOD_NAME 11 /* methodName( */
+#define EJS_TOK_NEWLINE 12 /* newline white space */
+#define EJS_TOK_ID 13 /* Identifier */
+#define EJS_TOK_EOF 14 /* End of script */
+#define EJS_TOK_COMMA 15 /* Comma */
+#define EJS_TOK_VAR 16 /* var */
+#define EJS_TOK_ASSIGNMENT 17 /* = */
+#define EJS_TOK_FOR 18 /* for */
+#define EJS_TOK_INC_DEC 19 /* ++, -- */
+#define EJS_TOK_RETURN 20 /* return */
+#define EJS_TOK_PERIOD 21 /* . */
+#define EJS_TOK_LBRACKET 22 /* [ */
+#define EJS_TOK_RBRACKET 23 /* ] */
+#define EJS_TOK_NEW 24 /* new */
+#define EJS_TOK_DELETE 25 /* delete */
+#define EJS_TOK_IN 26 /* in */
+#define EJS_TOK_FUNCTION 27 /* function */
+#define EJS_TOK_NUMBER 28 /* Number */
+#define EJS_TOK_CLASS 29 /* class */
+#define EJS_TOK_EXTENDS 30 /* extends */
+#define EJS_TOK_PUBLIC 31 /* public */
+#define EJS_TOK_PRIVATE 32 /* private */
+#define EJS_TOK_PROTECTED 33 /* private */
+#define EJS_TOK_TRY 34 /* try */
+#define EJS_TOK_CATCH 35 /* catch */
+#define EJS_TOK_FINALLY 36 /* finally */
+#define EJS_TOK_THROW 37 /* throw */
+#define EJS_TOK_COLON 38 /* : */
+#define EJS_TOK_GET 39 /* get */
+#define EJS_TOK_SET 40 /* set */
+#define EJS_TOK_MODULE 41 /* module */
+#define EJS_TOK_EACH 42 /* each */
+ * Expression operators
+ */
+#define EJS_EXPR_LESS 1 /* < */
+#define EJS_EXPR_LESSEQ 2 /* <= */
+#define EJS_EXPR_GREATER 3 /* > */
+#define EJS_EXPR_GREATEREQ 4 /* >= */
+#define EJS_EXPR_EQ 5 /* == */
+#define EJS_EXPR_NOTEQ 6 /* != */
+#define EJS_EXPR_PLUS 7 /* + */
+#define EJS_EXPR_MINUS 8 /* - */
+#define EJS_EXPR_DIV 9 /* / */
+#define EJS_EXPR_MOD 10 /* % */
+#define EJS_EXPR_LSHIFT 11 /* << */
+#define EJS_EXPR_RSHIFT 12 /* >> */
+#define EJS_EXPR_MUL 13 /* * */
+#define EJS_EXPR_ASSIGNMENT 14 /* = */
+#define EJS_EXPR_INC 15 /* ++ */
+#define EJS_EXPR_DEC 16 /* -- */
+#define EJS_EXPR_BOOL_COMP 17 /* ! */
+ * Conditional operators
+ */
+#define EJS_COND_AND 1 /* && */
+#define EJS_COND_OR 2 /* || */
+#define EJS_COND_NOT 3 /* ! */
+ * EJ Parsing States. Error and Return are be negative.
+ */
+#define EJS_STATE_ERR -1 /**< Error state */
+#define EJS_STATE_RET -2 /**< Return statement */
+#define EJS_STATE_EOF -3 /**< End of file */
+#define EJS_STATE_COND 2 /* Parsing a conditional stmt */
+#define EJS_STATE_RELEXP 4 /* Parsing a relational expr */
+#define EJS_STATE_EXPR 6 /* Parsing an expression */
+#define EJS_STATE_STMT 8 /* Parsing General statement */
+#define EJS_STATE_STMT_BLOCK_DONE 10 /* End of block "}" */
+#define EJS_STATE_ARG_LIST 11 /* Method arg list */
+#define EJS_STATE_DEC_LIST 16 /* Declaration list */
+#define EJS_STATE_DEC 18 /* Declaration statement */
+#define EJS_STATE_DEC_DONE 19
+ * General parsing flags.
+ */
+#define EJS_FLAGS_EXE 0x1 /* Execute statements */
+#define EJS_FLAGS_LOCAL 0x2 /* Get local vars only */
+#define EJS_FLAGS_GLOBAL 0x4 /* Get global vars only */
+#define EJS_FLAGS_CREATE 0x8 /* Create var */
+#define EJS_FLAGS_ASSIGNMENT 0x10 /* In assignment stmt */
+#define EJS_FLAGS_DELETE 0x20 /* Deleting a variable */
+#define EJS_FLAGS_NEW 0x80 /* In a new stmt() */
+#define EJS_FLAGS_EXIT 0x100 /* Must exit */
+#define EJS_FLAGS_LHS 0x200 /* Left-hand-side of assignment */
+#define EJS_FLAGS_FORIN 0x400 /* In "for (v in ..." */
+#define EJS_FLAGS_CLASS_DEC 0x800 /* "class name [extends] name " */
+#define EJS_FLAGS_TRY 0x2000 /* In a try {} block */
+#define EJS_FLAGS_CATCH 0x4000 /* "catch (variable)" */
+#define EJS_FLAGS_DONT_GC 0x8000 /* Don't garbage collect */
+#define EJS_FLAGS_NO_ARGS 0x10000 /* Accessors don't use args */
+#define EJS_FLAGS_ENUM_HIDDEN 0x20000 /* Enumerate hidden fields */
+#define EJS_FLAGS_ENUM_BASE 0x40000 /* Enumerate base classes */
+#define EJS_FLAGS_TRACE_ARGS 0x80000 /* Support for printv */
+#define EJS_FLAGS_SHARED_SLAB 0x100000/* Using a shared slab */
+ * Exceptions
+ */
+#define EJS_ARG_ERROR "ArgError" /**< Method argument error */
+#define EJS_ASSERT_ERROR "AssertError" /**< Assertion error */
+#define EJS_EVAL_ERROR "EvalError" /**< General evalation error */
+#define EJS_INTERNAL_ERROR "InternalError" /**< Internal error */
+#define EJS_IO_ERROR "IOError" /**< IO or data error */
+#define EJS_MEMORY_ERROR "MemoryError" /**< Memory allocation error */
+#define EJS_RANGE_ERROR "RangeError" /**< Data out of range (div by 0) */
+#define EJS_REFERENCE_ERROR "ReferenceError"/**< Object or property reference */
+#define EJS_SYNTAX_ERROR "SyntaxError" /**< Javascript syntax error */
+#define EJS_TYPE_ERROR "TypeError" /**< Wrong type supplied */
+ * E4X
+ */
+#define E4X_BUF_SIZE 512 /* Initial buffer size for tokens */
+#define E4X_BUF_MAX (32 * 1024) /* Max size for tokens */
+#define E4X_MAX_NODE_DEPTH 24 /* Max nesting of tags */
+#define E4X_BUF_SIZE 4096
+#define E4X_BUF_MAX (128 * 1024)
+#define E4X_MAX_NODE_DEPTH 128
+#define E4X_MAX_ELT_SIZE (E4X_BUF_MAX-1)
+#define E4X_TEXT_PROPERTY "-txt"
+#define E4X_TAG_NAME_PROPERTY "-tag"
+#define E4X_COMMENT_PROPERTY "-com"
+#define E4X_PI_PROPERTY "-pi"
+#define E4X_PARENT_PROPERTY "-parent"
+ * Multithreaded lock function
+ */
+typedef void (*EjsLockFn)(void *lockData);
+ * Multithreaded unlock function
+ */
+typedef void (*EjsUnlockFn)(void *lockData);
+ * Token limits
+ */
+#define EJS_MAX_LINE 128 /* Maximum input line buffer */
+#define EJS_MAX_TOKEN 640 /* Max input parse token */
+#define EJS_TOKEN_STACK 3 /* Put back token stack */
+ * Putback token
+ */
+typedef struct EjsToken {
+ char tokbuf[EJS_MAX_TOKEN];
+ int tid; /* Token ID */
+} EjsToken;
+ * EJ evaluation block structure
+ */
+typedef struct EjsInput {
+ EjsToken putBack[EJS_TOKEN_STACK]; /* Put back token stack */
+ int putBackIndex; /* Top of stack index */
+ char line[EJS_MAX_LINE]; /* Current line */
+ char *fileName; /* File or script name */
+ int lineLength; /* Current line length */
+ int lineNumber; /* Parse line number */
+ int lineColumn; /* Column in line */
+ struct EjsInput *next; /* Used for backtraces */
+ const char *procName; /* Gives name in backtrace */
+ const char *script; /* Input script for parsing */
+ char *scriptServp; /* Next token in the script */
+ int scriptSize; /* Length of script */
+ char tokbuf[EJS_MAX_TOKEN]; /* Current token */
+ int tid; /* Token ID */
+ char *tokEndp; /* Pointer past end of token */
+ char *tokServp; /* Pointer to next token char */
+ struct EjsInput *nextInput; /* Free list of input structs */
+} EjsInput;
+ * Method call structure
+ */
+typedef struct EjsProc {
+ MprArray *args; /* Args for method */
+ EjsVar *fn; /* Method definition */
+ char *procName; /* Method name */
+} EjsProc;
+ * @overview EJScript Service structure
+ * @description The EJScript service manages the overall language runtime. It
+ * is the factory that creates interpreter instances via ejsCreateInterp.
+ * The EJScript service creates a master interpreter that holds the
+ * standard language classes and properties. When user interpreters are
+ * created, they reference (without copying) the master interpreter to
+ * gain access to the standard classes and types.
+ * @stability Prototype.
+ * @library libejs.
+ * @see ejsOpenService, ejsCloseService, ejsCreateInterp, ejsDestoryInterp
+ */
+typedef struct EjsService {
+ EjsVar *globalClass; /* Global class */
+ struct Ejs *master; /* Master Interp inherited by all */
+ EjsLockFn lock;
+ EjsUnlockFn unlock;
+ void *lockData;
+} EjsService;
+ * Memory statistics
+ */
+typedef struct EjsMemStats {
+ uint maxMem;
+ uint usedMem;
+} EjsMemStats;
+ * Garbage collection block alignment
+ */
+#define EJS_ALLOC_ALIGN(ptr) \
+ (((ptr) + sizeof(void*) - 1) & ~(sizeof(void*) - 1))
+ * Default GC tune factors
+ */
+#define EJS_GC_START_THRESHOLD (32 * 1024)
+ * The Garbage collector is a generational collector. It ages blocks and
+ * optimizes the mark / sweep algorithm to focus on new and recent blocks
+ */
+typedef enum EjsGeneration {
+ EJS_GEN_NEW = 0,
+ EJS_GEN_OLD = 3,
+ EJS_GEN_MAX = 5,
+} EjsGeneration;
+ * Garbage collector control
+ */
+typedef struct EjsGC {
+ bool enable;
+ bool enableDemandCollect;
+ bool enableIdleCollect;
+ /*
+ * maxMemory should be set to be 95% of the real max memory limit
+ */
+ uint maxMemory; /* Above this, Throw Memory exception. */
+ int workQuota; /* Quota of work before GC */
+ int workDone; /* Count of allocations */
+ int degraded; /* Have exceeded maxMemory */
+ /*
+ * Debug Levels 0-N (increases verbosity)
+ * 1 -- Sweep and collection count
+ * 2 -- Trace objects deleted
+ * 3 -- Trace objects marked
+ * 4 -- Print alloc report when needing a demand allocation
+ *
+ */
+ int debugLevel; /* In debug mode */
+ int collecting; /* Running garbage collection */
+ uint collectionCount; /* Number of times GC ran */
+ int gcIndent; /* Indent formatting */
+ int objectsInUse; /* Objects currently reachable */
+ int propertiesInUse; /* Properties currently reachable */
+} EjsGC;
+ * Slab memory allocation
+ */
+typedef struct EjsSlab {
+ uint allocIncrement; /* Growth increment in slab */
+ uint size; /* Size of allocations */
+ EjsGCLink freeList; /* Free list (only next ptr is used) */
+ EjsObj *lastRecentBlock; /* Saved for GC age generations phase */
+ EjsGCLink allocList[EJS_GEN_MAX]; /* Allocated block list */
+ uint totalAlloc; /* Total count of allocation calls */
+ uint freeCount; /* Number of blocks on the slab freelist */
+ uint allocCount; /* Number of allocated blocks */
+ uint peakAllocated; /* Peak allocated */
+ uint peakFree; /* Peak on the free list */
+ uint totalReclaimed; /* Total blocks reclaimed on sweeps */
+ uint totalSweeps; /* Total sweeps */
+} EjsSlab;
+ * @overview EJ interpreter control structure.
+ * @description EJ allocates one control structure per active interpreter.
+ * The \ref ejsCreateInterp routine creates the Ejs structure and returns
+ * a reference to be used in subsequent EJ API calls.
+ * @stability Prototype.
+ * @library libejs.
+ * @see ejsCreateInterp, ejsDestroyInterp, ejsOpenService
+ */
+struct Ejs {
+ void *altHandle; /* Alternate callback handle */
+ bool castAlloc; /* True if castTemp is allocated */
+ char *castTemp; /* Temporary string for casting */
+ char *currentClass; /* Current class name */
+ EjsVar *currentObj; /* Ptr to current object */
+ EjsVar *thisObject; /* Ptr to current "this" */
+ EjsProperty *currentProperty; /* Ptr to current property */
+ EjsGC gc; /* Garbage collector control */
+ char *errorMsg; /* Error message */
+ char *fileName; /* File or script name */
+ int lineNumber; /* File line number */
+ int scriptStatus; /* Status to exit() */
+ int flags; /* Flags */
+ MprArray *frames; /* List of variable frames */
+ EjsVar *global; /* Global object */
+ EjsVar *objectClass; /* Object class */
+ int gotException; /* Exception thrown */
+ EjsInput *input; /* Input evaluation block */
+ int depth; /* Recursion depth */
+ EjsVar *local; /* Local object */
+ int maxDepth; /* Maximum depth for formatting */
+ void *primaryHandle; /* primary callback handle */
+ EjsProc *proc; /* Current method */
+ int recurseCount; /* Recursion counter */
+ EjsVar *result; /* Variable result */
+ int tid; /* Current token id */
+ char *token; /* Pointer to token string */
+ EjsVar tokenNumber; /* Parsed number */
+ EjsService *service; /* Service object */
+ void *userData; /* Method user data */
+ EjsSlab *slabs; /* Memory allocation slabs */
+ MprCtx slabAllocContext; /* Allocation context */
+ EjsInput *inputList; /* Free list of input structs */
+ EjsLockFn lock; /* Lock method */
+ EjsUnlockFn unlock; /* Unlock method */
+ void *lockData; /* Lock data argument */
+#define EJS_MAX_STACK (10 * 1024)
+ char stack[EJS_MAX_STACK]; /* Local variable stack */
+ char *stkPtr; /* Local variable stack ptr */
+ void *inputMarker; /* Recurse protection */
+typedef struct EjsModule
+ int dummy;
+} EjsModule;
+ * Method callback when using Alternate handles. GaCompat uses these and
+ * passes the web server request structure via the altHandle.
+ */
+typedef void *EjsHandle;
+typedef int (*EjsAltCMethod)(Ejs *ejs, EjsHandle altHandle,
+ EjsVar *thisObj, int argc, EjsVar **argv);
+typedef int (*EjsAltStringCMethod)(Ejs *ejs, EjsHandle altHandle,
+ EjsVar *thisObj, int argc, char **argv);
+ * API Constants
+ */
+#define EJS_USE_OWN_SLAB 1
+/******************************** Internal API ********************************/
+ * Ejs Lex
+ */
+extern int ejsLexOpenScript(Ejs *ejs, const char *script);
+extern void ejsLexCloseScript(Ejs *ejs);
+extern int ejsInitInputState(EjsInput *ip);
+extern void ejsLexSaveInputState(Ejs *ejs, EjsInput* state);
+extern void ejsLexFreeInputState(Ejs *ejs, EjsInput* state);
+extern void ejsLexRestoreInputState(Ejs *ejs, EjsInput* state);
+extern int ejsLexGetToken(Ejs *ejs, int state);
+extern void ejsLexPutbackToken(Ejs *ejs, int tid, char *string);
+ * Parsing
+ */
+extern int ejsParse(Ejs *ejs, int state, int flags);
+extern int ejsGetFlags(Ejs *ejs);
+ * Create variable scope blocks
+ */
+extern int ejsOpenBlock(Ejs *ejs);
+extern int ejsSetBlock(Ejs *ejs, EjsVar *local);
+extern int ejsCloseBlock(Ejs *ejs, int vid);
+extern int ejsEvalBlock(Ejs *ejs, char *script, EjsVar *vp);
+extern void ejsSetFileName(Ejs *ejs, const char *fileName);
+ * Class definitions
+ */
+extern EjsVar *ejsCreateSimpleClass(Ejs *ejs, EjsVar *baseClass,
+ const char *className);
+extern int ejsDefineObjectClass(Ejs *ejs);
+extern int ejsDefineArrayClass(Ejs *ejs);
+extern int ejsDefineBooleanClass(Ejs *ejs);
+extern int ejsDefineErrorClasses(Ejs *ejs);
+extern int ejsDefineFileClass(Ejs *ejs);
+extern int ejsDefineFileSystemClass(Ejs *ejs);
+extern int ejsDefineHTTPClass(Ejs *ejs);
+extern int ejsDefineFunctionClass(Ejs *ejs);
+extern int ejsDefineNumberClass(Ejs *ejs);
+extern int ejsDefineStringClass(Ejs *ejs);
+extern int ejsDefineDateClass(Ejs *ejs);
+extern int ejsDefineStandardClasses(Ejs *ejs);
+extern int ejsDefineXmlClasses(Ejs *ejs);
+extern EjsVar *ejsCreateXml(Ejs *ejs);
+extern int ejsDefineDbClasses(Ejs *ejs);
+ * System class definitions
+ */
+extern int ejsDefineSystemClasses(Ejs *ejs);
+extern int ejsDefineSystemClass(Ejs *ejs);
+extern int ejsDefineAppClass(Ejs *ejs);
+extern int ejsDefineDebugClass(Ejs *ejs);
+extern int ejsDefineLogClass(Ejs *ejs);
+extern int ejsDefineMemoryClass(Ejs *ejs);
+extern int ejsDefineGCClass(Ejs *ejs);
+extern int ejsDefineGlobalProperties(Ejs *ejs);
+extern int ejsTermSystemClasses(Ejs *ejs);
+extern void ejsTermHTTPClass(Ejs *ejs);
+extern int ejsCreateObjectModel(Ejs *ejs);
+ * Class constructors
+ */
+extern int ejsArrayConstructor(Ejs *ejs, EjsVar *thisObj, int argc,
+ EjsVar **argv);
+extern int ejsXmlConstructor(Ejs *ejs, EjsVar *thisObj, int argc,
+ EjsVar **argv);
+extern int ejsXmlListConstructor(Ejs *ejs, EjsVar *thisObj, int argc,
+ EjsVar **argv);
+extern int ejsBooleanConstructor(Ejs *ejs, EjsVar *thisObj, int argc,
+ EjsVar **agv);
+extern int ejsFunctionConstructor(Ejs *ejs, EjsVar *thisObj, int argc,
+ EjsVar **agv);
+extern int ejsNumberConstructor(Ejs *ejs, EjsVar *thisObj, int argc,
+ EjsVar **argv);
+extern int ejsStringConstructor(Ejs *ejs, EjsVar *thisObj, int argc,
+ EjsVar **argv);
+extern int ejsDateConstructor(Ejs *ejs, EjsVar *thisObj,
+ int argc, EjsVar **argv);
+ * Garbage collection
+ */
+extern void ejsGCInit(Ejs *ejs, int objInc, int propInc, int varInc,
+ int strInc);
+extern int ejsIsTimeForGC(Ejs *ep, int timeTillNextEvent);
+extern bool ejsSetGCDebugLevel(Ejs *ep, int debugLevel);
+extern void ejsSweepAll(Ejs *ep);
+extern EjsObj *ejsAllocObj(EJS_LOC_DEC(ejs, loc));
+extern EjsProperty *ejsAllocProperty(EJS_LOC_DEC(ejs, loc));
+extern EjsVar *ejsAllocVar(EJS_LOC_DEC(ejs, loc));
+extern void ejsFree(Ejs *ejs, void *ptr, int slabIndex);
+extern int ejsCollectGarbage(Ejs *ejs, int slabIndex);
+extern int ejsIncrementalCollectGarbage(Ejs *ejs);
+extern void ejsDumpObjects(Ejs *ejs);
+extern void ejsPrintAllocReport(Ejs *ejs, bool printLeakReport);
+extern void ejsCleanInterp(Ejs *ejs, bool doStats);
+extern void ejsSetInternalMethods(Ejs *ejs, EjsVar *op);
+extern void ejsSetPrimaryHandle(Ejs *ep, void *primaryHandle);
+extern void ejsSetAlternateHandle(Ejs *ep, void *alternateHandle);
+extern void *ejsGetUserData(Ejs *ejs);
+ * Could possibly make these routines public
+ */
+extern int ejsSetGCMaxMemory(Ejs *ep, uint maxMemory);
+extern uint ejsGetUsedMemory(Ejs *ejs);
+extern uint ejsGetAllocatedMemory(Ejs *ejs);
+extern uint ejsGetAvailableMemory(Ejs *ejs);
+extern char *ejsFormatStack(Ejs* ep);;
+/********************************* Prototypes *********************************/
+extern int ejsSetServiceLocks(EjsService *sp, EjsLockFn lock,
+ EjsUnlockFn unlock, void *data);
+ * Ejs service and interpreter management
+ */
+extern EjsService *ejsOpenService(MprCtx ctx);
+extern void ejsCloseService(EjsService *sp, bool doStats);
+extern Ejs *ejsCreateInterp(EjsService *sp, void *primaryHandle,
+ void *altHandle, EjsVar *global, bool useOwnSlab);
+extern void ejsDestroyInterp(Ejs *ejs, bool doStats);
+extern Ejs *ejsGetMasterInterp(EjsService *sp);
+extern EjsVar *ejsGetGlobalClass(Ejs *ejs);
+ * Module support
+ */
+extern EjsModule *ejsCreateModule(const char *name, const char *version,
+ int (*start)(EjsModule*), int (*stop)(EjsModule*));
+ * Native Objects
+ */
+void ejsSetNativeData(EjsVar *obj, void *data);
+void ejsSetNativeHelpers(Ejs *ejs, EjsVar *nativeClass,
+ int (*createInstance)(Ejs *ejs, EjsVar *thisObj, int argc,
+ EjsVar **argv),
+ void (*disposeInstance)(Ejs *ejs, EjsVar *thisObj),
+ bool (*hasProperty)(Ejs *ejs, EjsVar *thisObj, const char *prop),
+ int (*deleteProperty)(Ejs *ejs, EjsVar *thisObj, const char *prop),
+ int (*getProperty)(Ejs *ejs, EjsVar *thisObj, const char *prop,
+ EjsVar *dest),
+ int (*setProperty)(Ejs *ejs, EjsVar *thisObj, const char *prop,
+ EjsVar *value),
+ int (*doOperator)(Ejs *ejs, EjsVar *thisObj, EjsOp *op, EjsVar
+ *result, EjsVar *lhs, EjsVar *rhs, int *code)
+ );
+ * Evaluation methods
+ */
+extern int ejsEvalFile(Ejs *ejs, const char *path, EjsVar *result);
+extern int ejsEvalScript(Ejs *ejs, const char *script, EjsVar *result);
+extern int ejsRunMethod(Ejs *ejs, EjsVar *obj,
+ const char *methodName, MprArray *args);
+extern int ejsRunMethodCmd(Ejs *ejs, EjsVar *obj,
+ const char *methodName, const char *cmdFmt, ...);
+extern EjsVar *ejsGetReturnValue(Ejs *ejs);
+extern EjsVar *ejsGetLocalObj(Ejs *ejs);
+extern EjsVar *ejsGetGlobalObj(Ejs *ejs);
+ * Define a class in the specified interpreter. If used with the default
+ * interpeter, then the class is defined for all interpreters.
+ */
+extern EjsVar *ejsDefineClass(Ejs *ejs, const char *className,
+ const char *extends, EjsCMethod constructor);
+extern EjsVar *ejsGetClass(Ejs *ejs, EjsVar *parentClass,
+ const char *className);
+extern const char *ejsGetClassName(EjsVar *obj);
+extern const char *ejsGetBaseClassName(EjsVar *obj);
+extern bool ejsIsSubClass(EjsVar *target, EjsVar *baseClass);
+extern EjsVar *ejsGetBaseClass(EjsVar *obj);
+extern void ejsSetBaseClass(EjsVar *obj, EjsVar *baseClass);
+#define ejsCreateSimpleObj(ejs, className) \
+ ejsCreateSimpleObjInternal(EJS_LOC_ARGS(ejs), className)
+extern EjsVar *ejsCreateSimpleObjInternal(EJS_LOC_DEC(ejs, loc),
+ const char *className);
+#define ejsCreateSimpleObjUsingClass(ejs, baseClass) \
+ ejsCreateSimpleObjUsingClassInt(EJS_LOC_ARGS(ejs), \
+ baseClass)
+extern EjsVar *ejsCreateSimpleObjUsingClassInt(EJS_LOC_DEC(ejs, loc),
+ EjsVar *baseClass);
+ * This will create an object and call all required constructors
+ */
+extern EjsVar *ejsCreateObj(Ejs *ejs, EjsVar *obj,
+ const char *className, const char *constructorArgs);
+#define ejsCreateObjUsingArgv(ejs, obj, className, args) \
+ ejsCreateObjUsingArgvInternal(EJS_LOC_ARGS(ejs), obj, \
+ className, args)
+extern EjsVar *ejsCreateObjUsingArgvInternal(EJS_LOC_DEC(ejs, loc),
+ EjsVar *obj, const char *className, MprArray *args);
+#define ejsCreateArray(ejs, size) \
+ ejsCreateArrayInternal(EJS_LOC_ARGS(ejs), size)
+extern EjsVar *ejsCreateArrayInternal(EJS_LOC_DEC(ejs, loc),
+ int size);
+ * Array methods. MOB -- need other array methods
+ */
+/* MOB -- spell out element */
+extern EjsVar *ejsAddArrayElt(Ejs *ejs, EjsVar *op, EjsVar *element,
+ EjsCopyDepth copyDepth);
+ * Required: Array methods
+ *
+ array = obj.getMethods();
+ array = obj.getProperties();
+/* MOB -- should we have an API that takes a EjsCopyDepth */
+extern void ejsSetReturnValue(Ejs *ejs, EjsVar *vp);
+extern void ejsSetReturnValueAndFree(Ejs *ejs, EjsVar *vp);
+extern void ejsSetReturnValueToBoolean(Ejs *ejs, bool value);
+extern void ejsSetReturnValueToBinaryString(Ejs *ejs,
+ const uchar *value, int len);
+extern void ejsSetReturnValueToInteger(Ejs *ejs, int value);
+extern void ejsSetReturnValueToNumber(Ejs *ejs, EjsNum value);
+extern void ejsSetReturnValueToString(Ejs *ejs, const char *value);
+extern void ejsSetReturnValueToUndefined(Ejs *ejs);
+ * Variable access and control. The fullName arg can contain "[]" and "."
+ */
+extern bool ejsGetBool(Ejs *ejs, const char *fullName, bool defaultValue);
+extern int ejsGetInt(Ejs *ejs, const char *fullName, int defaultValue);
+extern const char *ejsGetStr(Ejs *ejs, const char *fullName,
+ const char *defaultValue);
+extern EjsVar *ejsGetVar(Ejs *ejs, const char *fullName);
+extern int ejsSetBool(Ejs *ejs, const char *fullName, bool value);
+extern int ejsSetInt(Ejs *ejs, const char *fullName, int value);
+extern int ejsSetStr(Ejs *ejs, const char *fullName, const char *value);
+extern int ejsSetVar(Ejs *ejs, const char *fullName, const EjsVar *value);
+extern int ejsSetVarAndFree(Ejs *ejs, const char *fullName, EjsVar *value);
+extern int ejsDeleteVar(Ejs *ejs, const char *fullName);
+ * Error handling
+ */
+extern void ejsError(Ejs *ejs, const char *errorType, const char *fmt,
+/* MOB -- this should take no arguments */
+extern void ejsArgError(Ejs *ejs, const char *msg);
+extern void ejsInternalError(Ejs *ejs, const char *msg);
+extern void ejsMemoryError(Ejs *ejs);
+extern void ejsSyntaxError(Ejs *ejs, const char *msg);
+ * Utility methods
+ */
+extern int ejsParseArgs(int argc, char **argv, const char *fmt, ...);
+extern void ejsExit(Ejs *ejs, int status);
+extern bool ejsIsExiting(Ejs *ejs);
+extern void ejsClearExiting(Ejs *ejs);
+extern bool ejsGotException(Ejs *ejs);
+/* MOB -- rename Method to Function */
+extern void ejsFreeMethodArgs(Ejs *ep, MprArray *args);
+extern int ejsStrcat(Ejs *ep, EjsVar *dest, EjsVar *src);
+ * Debugging routines
+ */
+extern char *ejsGetErrorMsg(Ejs *ejs);
+extern int ejsGetLineNumber(Ejs *ejs);
+extern void ejsTrace(Ejs *ejs, const char *fmt, ...);
+ * Multithreaded lock routines
+ */
+#define ejsLock(sp) if (sp->lock) { (sp->lock)(sp->lockData); } else
+#define ejsUnlock(sp) if (sp->unlock) { (sp->unlock)(sp->lockData); } else
+#define ejsLock(sp)
+#define ejsUnlock(sp)
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* _h_EJS */
+ * Local variables:
+ * tab-width: 4
+ * c-basic-offset: 4
+ * End:
+ * vim:tw=78
+ * vim600: sw=4 ts=4 fdm=marker
+ * vim<600: sw=4 ts=4
+ */