path: root/source4/pidl/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'source4/pidl/')
1 files changed, 1272 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source4/pidl/ b/source4/pidl/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c9cc4495b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source4/pidl/
@@ -0,0 +1,1272 @@
+# This file was generated using Parse::Yapp version 1.05.
+# Don't edit this file, use source file instead.
+package smb_interfaces;
+use vars qw ( @ISA );
+use strict;
+@ISA= qw ( Parse::Yapp::Driver );
+#Included Parse/Yapp/ file----------------------------------------
+# Module Parse::Yapp::Driver
+# This module is part of the Parse::Yapp package available on your
+# nearest CPAN
+# Any use of this module in a standalone parser make the included
+# text under the same copyright as the Parse::Yapp module itself.
+# This notice should remain unchanged.
+# (c) Copyright 1998-2001 Francois Desarmenien, all rights reserved.
+# (see the pod text in Parse::Yapp module for use and distribution rights)
+package Parse::Yapp::Driver;
+require 5.004;
+use strict;
+$VERSION = '1.05';
+$COMPATIBLE = '0.07';
+use Carp;
+#Known parameters, all starting with YY (leading YY will be discarded)
+my(%params)=(YYLEX => 'CODE', 'YYERROR' => 'CODE', YYVERSION => '',
+#Mandatory parameters
+sub new {
+ my($class)=shift;
+ my($errst,$nberr,$token,$value,$check,$dotpos);
+ my($self)={ ERROR => \&_Error,
+ ERRST => \$errst,
+ NBERR => \$nberr,
+ TOKEN => \$token,
+ VALUE => \$value,
+ DOTPOS => \$dotpos,
+ STACK => [],
+ DEBUG => 0,
+ CHECK => \$check };
+ _CheckParams( [], \%params, \@_, $self );
+ exists($$self{VERSION})
+ and $$self{VERSION} < $COMPATIBLE
+ and croak "Yapp driver version $VERSION ".
+ "incompatible with version $$self{VERSION}:\n".
+ "Please recompile parser module.";
+ ref($class)
+ and $class=ref($class);
+ bless($self,$class);
+sub YYParse {
+ my($self)=shift;
+ my($retval);
+ _CheckParams( \@params, \%params, \@_, $self );
+ if($$self{DEBUG}) {
+ _DBLoad();
+ $retval = eval '$self->_DBParse()';#Do not create stab entry on compile
+ $@ and die $@;
+ }
+ else {
+ $retval = $self->_Parse();
+ }
+ $retval
+sub YYData {
+ my($self)=shift;
+ exists($$self{USER})
+ or $$self{USER}={};
+ $$self{USER};
+sub YYErrok {
+ my($self)=shift;
+ ${$$self{ERRST}}=0;
+ undef;
+sub YYNberr {
+ my($self)=shift;
+ ${$$self{NBERR}};
+sub YYRecovering {
+ my($self)=shift;
+ ${$$self{ERRST}} != 0;
+sub YYAbort {
+ my($self)=shift;
+ ${$$self{CHECK}}='ABORT';
+ undef;
+sub YYAccept {
+ my($self)=shift;
+ ${$$self{CHECK}}='ACCEPT';
+ undef;
+sub YYError {
+ my($self)=shift;
+ ${$$self{CHECK}}='ERROR';
+ undef;
+sub YYSemval {
+ my($self)=shift;
+ my($index)= $_[0] - ${$$self{DOTPOS}} - 1;
+ $index < 0
+ and -$index <= @{$$self{STACK}}
+ and return $$self{STACK}[$index][1];
+ undef; #Invalid index
+sub YYCurtok {
+ my($self)=shift;
+ @_
+ and ${$$self{TOKEN}}=$_[0];
+ ${$$self{TOKEN}};
+sub YYCurval {
+ my($self)=shift;
+ @_
+ and ${$$self{VALUE}}=$_[0];
+ ${$$self{VALUE}};
+sub YYExpect {
+ my($self)=shift;
+ keys %{$self->{STATES}[$self->{STACK}[-1][0]]{ACTIONS}}
+sub YYLexer {
+ my($self)=shift;
+ $$self{LEX};
+# Private stuff #
+sub _CheckParams {
+ my($mandatory,$checklist,$inarray,$outhash)=@_;
+ my($prm,$value);
+ my($prmlst)={};
+ while(($prm,$value)=splice(@$inarray,0,2)) {
+ $prm=uc($prm);
+ exists($$checklist{$prm})
+ or croak("Unknow parameter '$prm'");
+ ref($value) eq $$checklist{$prm}
+ or croak("Invalid value for parameter '$prm'");
+ $prm=unpack('@2A*',$prm);
+ $$outhash{$prm}=$value;
+ }
+ for (@$mandatory) {
+ exists($$outhash{$_})
+ or croak("Missing mandatory parameter '".lc($_)."'");
+ }
+sub _Error {
+ print "Parse error.\n";
+sub _DBLoad {
+ {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ exists(${__PACKAGE__.'::'}{_DBParse})#Already loaded ?
+ and return;
+ }
+ my($fname)=__FILE__;
+ my(@drv);
+ open(DRV,"<$fname") or die "Report this as a BUG: Cannot open $fname";
+ while(<DRV>) {
+ /^\s*sub\s+_Parse\s*{\s*$/ .. /^\s*}\s*#\s*_Parse\s*$/
+ and do {
+ s/^#DBG>//;
+ push(@drv,$_);
+ }
+ }
+ close(DRV);
+ $drv[0]=~s/_P/_DBP/;
+ eval join('',@drv);
+#Note that for loading debugging version of the driver,
+#this file will be parsed from 'sub _Parse' up to '}#_Parse' inclusive.
+#So, DO NOT remove comment at end of sub !!!
+sub _Parse {
+ my($self)=shift;
+ my($rules,$states,$lex,$error)
+ = @$self{ 'RULES', 'STATES', 'LEX', 'ERROR' };
+ my($errstatus,$nberror,$token,$value,$stack,$check,$dotpos)
+ = @$self{ 'ERRST', 'NBERR', 'TOKEN', 'VALUE', 'STACK', 'CHECK', 'DOTPOS' };
+#DBG> my($debug)=$$self{DEBUG};
+#DBG> my($dbgerror)=0;
+#DBG> my($ShowCurToken) = sub {
+#DBG> my($tok)='>';
+#DBG> for (split('',$$token)) {
+#DBG> $tok.= (ord($_) < 32 or ord($_) > 126)
+#DBG> ? sprintf('<%02X>',ord($_))
+#DBG> : $_;
+#DBG> }
+#DBG> $tok.='<';
+#DBG> };
+ $$errstatus=0;
+ $$nberror=0;
+ ($$token,$$value)=(undef,undef);
+ @$stack=( [ 0, undef ] );
+ $$check='';
+ while(1) {
+ my($actions,$act,$stateno);
+ $stateno=$$stack[-1][0];
+ $actions=$$states[$stateno];
+#DBG> print STDERR ('-' x 40),"\n";
+#DBG> $debug & 0x2
+#DBG> and print STDERR "In state $stateno:\n";
+#DBG> $debug & 0x08
+#DBG> and print STDERR "Stack:[".
+#DBG> join(',',map { $$_[0] } @$stack).
+#DBG> "]\n";
+ if (exists($$actions{ACTIONS})) {
+ defined($$token)
+ or do {
+ ($$token,$$value)=&$lex($self);
+#DBG> $debug & 0x01
+#DBG> and print STDERR "Need token. Got ".&$ShowCurToken."\n";
+ };
+ $act= exists($$actions{ACTIONS}{$$token})
+ ? $$actions{ACTIONS}{$$token}
+ : exists($$actions{DEFAULT})
+ ? $$actions{DEFAULT}
+ : undef;
+ }
+ else {
+ $act=$$actions{DEFAULT};
+#DBG> $debug & 0x01
+#DBG> and print STDERR "Don't need token.\n";
+ }
+ defined($act)
+ and do {
+ $act > 0
+ and do { #shift
+#DBG> $debug & 0x04
+#DBG> and print STDERR "Shift and go to state $act.\n";
+ $$errstatus
+ and do {
+ --$$errstatus;
+#DBG> $debug & 0x10
+#DBG> and $dbgerror
+#DBG> and $$errstatus == 0
+#DBG> and do {
+#DBG> print STDERR "**End of Error recovery.\n";
+#DBG> $dbgerror=0;
+#DBG> };
+ };
+ push(@$stack,[ $act, $$value ]);
+ $$token ne '' #Don't eat the eof
+ and $$token=$$value=undef;
+ next;
+ };
+ #reduce
+ my($lhs,$len,$code,@sempar,$semval);
+ ($lhs,$len,$code)=@{$$rules[-$act]};
+#DBG> $debug & 0x04
+#DBG> and $act
+#DBG> and print STDERR "Reduce using rule ".-$act." ($lhs,$len): ";
+ $act
+ or $self->YYAccept();
+ $$dotpos=$len;
+ unpack('A1',$lhs) eq '@' #In line rule
+ and do {
+ $lhs =~ /^\@[0-9]+\-([0-9]+)$/
+ or die "In line rule name '$lhs' ill formed: ".
+ "report it as a BUG.\n";
+ $$dotpos = $1;
+ };
+ @sempar = $$dotpos
+ ? map { $$_[1] } @$stack[ -$$dotpos .. -1 ]
+ : ();
+ $semval = $code ? &$code( $self, @sempar )
+ : @sempar ? $sempar[0] : undef;
+ splice(@$stack,-$len,$len);
+ $$check eq 'ACCEPT'
+ and do {
+#DBG> $debug & 0x04
+#DBG> and print STDERR "Accept.\n";
+ return($semval);
+ };
+ $$check eq 'ABORT'
+ and do {
+#DBG> $debug & 0x04
+#DBG> and print STDERR "Abort.\n";
+ return(undef);
+ };
+#DBG> $debug & 0x04
+#DBG> and print STDERR "Back to state $$stack[-1][0], then ";
+ $$check eq 'ERROR'
+ or do {
+#DBG> $debug & 0x04
+#DBG> and print STDERR
+#DBG> "go to state $$states[$$stack[-1][0]]{GOTOS}{$lhs}.\n";
+#DBG> $debug & 0x10
+#DBG> and $dbgerror
+#DBG> and $$errstatus == 0
+#DBG> and do {
+#DBG> print STDERR "**End of Error recovery.\n";
+#DBG> $dbgerror=0;
+#DBG> };
+ push(@$stack,
+ [ $$states[$$stack[-1][0]]{GOTOS}{$lhs}, $semval ]);
+ $$check='';
+ next;
+ };
+#DBG> $debug & 0x04
+#DBG> and print STDERR "Forced Error recovery.\n";
+ $$check='';
+ };
+ #Error
+ $$errstatus
+ or do {
+ $$errstatus = 1;
+ &$error($self);
+ $$errstatus # if 0, then YYErrok has been called
+ or next; # so continue parsing
+#DBG> $debug & 0x10
+#DBG> and do {
+#DBG> print STDERR "**Entering Error recovery.\n";
+#DBG> ++$dbgerror;
+#DBG> };
+ ++$$nberror;
+ };
+ $$errstatus == 3 #The next token is not valid: discard it
+ and do {
+ $$token eq '' # End of input: no hope
+ and do {
+#DBG> $debug & 0x10
+#DBG> and print STDERR "**At eof: aborting.\n";
+ return(undef);
+ };
+#DBG> $debug & 0x10
+#DBG> and print STDERR "**Dicard invalid token ".&$ShowCurToken.".\n";
+ $$token=$$value=undef;
+ };
+ $$errstatus=3;
+ while( @$stack
+ and ( not exists($$states[$$stack[-1][0]]{ACTIONS})
+ or not exists($$states[$$stack[-1][0]]{ACTIONS}{error})
+ or $$states[$$stack[-1][0]]{ACTIONS}{error} <= 0)) {
+#DBG> $debug & 0x10
+#DBG> and print STDERR "**Pop state $$stack[-1][0].\n";
+ pop(@$stack);
+ }
+ @$stack
+ or do {
+#DBG> $debug & 0x10
+#DBG> and print STDERR "**No state left on stack: aborting.\n";
+ return(undef);
+ };
+ #shift the error token
+#DBG> $debug & 0x10
+#DBG> and print STDERR "**Shift \$error token and go to state ".
+#DBG> $$states[$$stack[-1][0]]{ACTIONS}{error}.
+#DBG> ".\n";
+ push(@$stack, [ $$states[$$stack[-1][0]]{ACTIONS}{error}, undef ]);
+ }
+ #never reached
+ croak("Error in driver logic. Please, report it as a BUG");
+#DO NOT remove comment
+#End of include--------------------------------------------------
+sub new {
+ my($class)=shift;
+ ref($class)
+ and $class=ref($class);
+ my($self)=$class->SUPER::new( yyversion => '1.05',
+ yystates =>
+ {#State 0
+ ACTIONS => {
+ 'UNION' => 5,
+ 'ENUM' => 1,
+ 'TYPEDEF' => 7,
+ 'STRUCT' => 2
+ },
+ GOTOS => {
+ 'struct' => 6,
+ 'enum' => 9,
+ 'typedef' => 8,
+ 'union' => 10,
+ 'definitions' => 3,
+ 'definition' => 4
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 1
+ ACTIONS => {
+ 'IDENTIFIER' => 11
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 2
+ ACTIONS => {
+ 'IDENTIFIER' => 12
+ },
+ DEFAULT => -33,
+ GOTOS => {
+ 'optional_identifier' => 13
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 3
+ ACTIONS => {
+ '' => 14,
+ 'UNION' => 5,
+ 'ENUM' => 1,
+ 'TYPEDEF' => 7,
+ 'STRUCT' => 2
+ },
+ GOTOS => {
+ 'struct' => 6,
+ 'typedef' => 8,
+ 'enum' => 9,
+ 'union' => 10,
+ 'definition' => 15
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 4
+ DEFAULT => -1
+ },
+ {#State 5
+ ACTIONS => {
+ 'IDENTIFIER' => 12
+ },
+ DEFAULT => -33,
+ GOTOS => {
+ 'optional_identifier' => 16
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 6
+ DEFAULT => -3
+ },
+ {#State 7
+ ACTIONS => {
+ 'STRUCT' => 17
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 8
+ DEFAULT => -5
+ },
+ {#State 9
+ DEFAULT => -6
+ },
+ {#State 10
+ DEFAULT => -4
+ },
+ {#State 11
+ ACTIONS => {
+ "{" => 18
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 12
+ DEFAULT => -32
+ },
+ {#State 13
+ ACTIONS => {
+ "{" => 19
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 14
+ DEFAULT => 0
+ },
+ {#State 15
+ DEFAULT => -2
+ },
+ {#State 16
+ ACTIONS => {
+ "{" => 20
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 17
+ ACTIONS => {
+ "{" => 21
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 18
+ ACTIONS => {
+ 'IDENTIFIER' => 22
+ },
+ GOTOS => {
+ 'enum_identifiers' => 23,
+ 'enum_identifier' => 24
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 19
+ DEFAULT => -15,
+ GOTOS => {
+ 'elements' => 25
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 20
+ DEFAULT => -15,
+ GOTOS => {
+ 'elements' => 26
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 21
+ DEFAULT => -15,
+ GOTOS => {
+ 'elements' => 27
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 22
+ ACTIONS => {
+ "=" => 28
+ },
+ DEFAULT => -13
+ },
+ {#State 23
+ ACTIONS => {
+ "}" => 29,
+ "," => 30
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 24
+ DEFAULT => -11
+ },
+ {#State 25
+ ACTIONS => {
+ "}" => 31,
+ 'UNION' => 37,
+ 'IDENTIFIER' => 33,
+ 'ENUM' => 32,
+ 'STRUCT' => 35,
+ 'CONST' => 34
+ },
+ GOTOS => {
+ 'struct' => 38,
+ 'type' => 39,
+ 'union' => 40,
+ 'element' => 36
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 26
+ ACTIONS => {
+ "}" => 41,
+ 'UNION' => 37,
+ 'IDENTIFIER' => 33,
+ 'ENUM' => 32,
+ 'STRUCT' => 35,
+ 'CONST' => 34
+ },
+ GOTOS => {
+ 'struct' => 38,
+ 'type' => 39,
+ 'union' => 40,
+ 'element' => 36
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 27
+ ACTIONS => {
+ "}" => 42,
+ 'UNION' => 37,
+ 'IDENTIFIER' => 33,
+ 'ENUM' => 32,
+ 'STRUCT' => 35,
+ 'CONST' => 34
+ },
+ GOTOS => {
+ 'struct' => 38,
+ 'type' => 39,
+ 'union' => 40,
+ 'element' => 36
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 28
+ ACTIONS => {
+ 'IDENTIFIER' => 43
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 29
+ ACTIONS => {
+ ";" => 44
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 30
+ ACTIONS => {
+ 'IDENTIFIER' => 22
+ },
+ GOTOS => {
+ 'enum_identifier' => 45
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 31
+ DEFAULT => -28,
+ GOTOS => {
+ 'pointers' => 46
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 32
+ ACTIONS => {
+ 'IDENTIFIER' => 47
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 33
+ DEFAULT => -26
+ },
+ {#State 34
+ ACTIONS => {
+ 'IDENTIFIER' => 33,
+ 'ENUM' => 32
+ },
+ GOTOS => {
+ 'type' => 48
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 35
+ ACTIONS => {
+ 'IDENTIFIER' => 49
+ },
+ DEFAULT => -33,
+ GOTOS => {
+ 'optional_identifier' => 13
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 36
+ DEFAULT => -16
+ },
+ {#State 37
+ ACTIONS => {
+ 'IDENTIFIER' => 50
+ },
+ DEFAULT => -33,
+ GOTOS => {
+ 'optional_identifier' => 16
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 38
+ DEFAULT => -18
+ },
+ {#State 39
+ DEFAULT => -28,
+ GOTOS => {
+ 'pointers' => 51
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 40
+ DEFAULT => -19
+ },
+ {#State 41
+ DEFAULT => -28,
+ GOTOS => {
+ 'pointers' => 52
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 42
+ ACTIONS => {
+ 'IDENTIFIER' => 12
+ },
+ DEFAULT => -33,
+ GOTOS => {
+ 'optional_identifier' => 53
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 43
+ DEFAULT => -14
+ },
+ {#State 44
+ DEFAULT => -10
+ },
+ {#State 45
+ DEFAULT => -12
+ },
+ {#State 46
+ ACTIONS => {
+ 'IDENTIFIER' => 12,
+ "*" => 55
+ },
+ DEFAULT => -33,
+ GOTOS => {
+ 'optional_identifier' => 54,
+ 'optional_identifiers' => 56
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 47
+ DEFAULT => -27
+ },
+ {#State 48
+ DEFAULT => -28,
+ GOTOS => {
+ 'pointers' => 57
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 49
+ ACTIONS => {
+ "{" => -32
+ },
+ DEFAULT => -28,
+ GOTOS => {
+ 'pointers' => 58
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 50
+ ACTIONS => {
+ "{" => -32
+ },
+ DEFAULT => -28,
+ GOTOS => {
+ 'pointers' => 59
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 51
+ ACTIONS => {
+ 'IDENTIFIER' => 60,
+ "*" => 55
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 52
+ ACTIONS => {
+ 'IDENTIFIER' => 12,
+ "*" => 55
+ },
+ DEFAULT => -33,
+ GOTOS => {
+ 'optional_identifier' => 61
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 53
+ ACTIONS => {
+ ";" => 62
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 54
+ DEFAULT => -30
+ },
+ {#State 55
+ DEFAULT => -29
+ },
+ {#State 56
+ ACTIONS => {
+ ";" => 63,
+ "," => 64
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 57
+ ACTIONS => {
+ 'IDENTIFIER' => 65,
+ "*" => 55
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 58
+ ACTIONS => {
+ 'IDENTIFIER' => 66,
+ "*" => 55
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 59
+ ACTIONS => {
+ 'IDENTIFIER' => 67,
+ "*" => 55
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 60
+ ACTIONS => {
+ "[" => 69
+ },
+ DEFAULT => -24,
+ GOTOS => {
+ 'array' => 68
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 61
+ ACTIONS => {
+ ";" => 70
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 62
+ DEFAULT => -9
+ },
+ {#State 63
+ DEFAULT => -7
+ },
+ {#State 64
+ ACTIONS => {
+ 'IDENTIFIER' => 12
+ },
+ DEFAULT => -33,
+ GOTOS => {
+ 'optional_identifier' => 71
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 65
+ ACTIONS => {
+ "[" => 69
+ },
+ DEFAULT => -24,
+ GOTOS => {
+ 'array' => 72
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 66
+ ACTIONS => {
+ ";" => 73
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 67
+ ACTIONS => {
+ ";" => 74
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 68
+ ACTIONS => {
+ ";" => 75
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 69
+ ACTIONS => {
+ 'CONSTANT' => 76
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 70
+ DEFAULT => -8
+ },
+ {#State 71
+ DEFAULT => -31
+ },
+ {#State 72
+ ACTIONS => {
+ ";" => 77
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 73
+ DEFAULT => -20
+ },
+ {#State 74
+ DEFAULT => -21
+ },
+ {#State 75
+ DEFAULT => -23
+ },
+ {#State 76
+ ACTIONS => {
+ "]" => 78
+ }
+ },
+ {#State 77
+ DEFAULT => -22
+ },
+ {#State 78
+ DEFAULT => -25
+ }
+ yyrules =>
+ [#Rule 0
+ '$start', 2, undef
+ ],
+ [#Rule 1
+ 'definitions', 1,
+#line 14 "build/pidl/smb_interfaces.yp"
+{ [$_[1]] }
+ ],
+ [#Rule 2
+ 'definitions', 2,
+#line 15 "build/pidl/smb_interfaces.yp"
+{ push(@{$_[1]}, $_[2]); $_[1] }
+ ],
+ [#Rule 3
+ 'definition', 1, undef
+ ],
+ [#Rule 4
+ 'definition', 1, undef
+ ],
+ [#Rule 5
+ 'definition', 1, undef
+ ],
+ [#Rule 6
+ 'definition', 1, undef
+ ],
+ [#Rule 7
+ 'struct', 8,
+#line 26 "build/pidl/smb_interfaces.yp"
+ {
+ "NAME" => $_[7],
+ "STRUCT_NAME" => $_[2],
+ "TYPE" => "struct",
+ "DATA" => $_[4],
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ [#Rule 8
+ 'union', 8,
+#line 38 "build/pidl/smb_interfaces.yp"
+ {
+ "NAME" => $_[7],
+ "UNION_NAME" => $_[2],
+ "TYPE" => "union",
+ "DATA" => $_[4],
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ [#Rule 9
+ 'typedef', 7, undef
+ ],
+ [#Rule 10
+ 'enum', 6, undef
+ ],
+ [#Rule 11
+ 'enum_identifiers', 1, undef
+ ],
+ [#Rule 12
+ 'enum_identifiers', 3, undef
+ ],
+ [#Rule 13
+ 'enum_identifier', 1, undef
+ ],
+ [#Rule 14
+ 'enum_identifier', 3, undef
+ ],
+ [#Rule 15
+ 'elements', 0, undef
+ ],
+ [#Rule 16
+ 'elements', 2,
+#line 65 "build/pidl/smb_interfaces.yp"
+{ push(@{$_[1]}, $_[2]); $_[1] }
+ ],
+ [#Rule 17
+ 'element', 0, undef
+ ],
+ [#Rule 18
+ 'element', 1, undef
+ ],
+ [#Rule 19
+ 'element', 1, undef
+ ],
+ [#Rule 20
+ 'element', 5,
+#line 72 "build/pidl/smb_interfaces.yp"
+ "NAME" => [$_[2]],
+ "POINTERS" => $_[3],
+ "TYPE" => "struct $_[2]",
+ }}
+ ],
+ [#Rule 21
+ 'element', 5,
+#line 78 "build/pidl/smb_interfaces.yp"
+ "NAME" => $_[2],
+ "POINTERS" => $_[3],
+ "TYPE" => "union $_[2]",
+ }}
+ ],
+ [#Rule 22
+ 'element', 6,
+#line 84 "build/pidl/smb_interfaces.yp"
+ "NAME" => [$_[4]],
+ "TYPE" => $_[2],
+ "POINTERS" => $_[3],
+ }}
+ ],
+ [#Rule 23
+ 'element', 5,
+#line 90 "build/pidl/smb_interfaces.yp"
+ "NAME" => [$_[3]],
+ "TYPE" => $_[1],
+ "POINTERS" => $_[2],
+ "ARRAY_LENGTH" => $_[4]
+ }}
+ ],
+ [#Rule 24
+ 'array', 0, undef
+ ],
+ [#Rule 25
+ 'array', 3,
+#line 99 "build/pidl/smb_interfaces.yp"
+{ int($_[2]) }
+ ],
+ [#Rule 26
+ 'type', 1, undef
+ ],
+ [#Rule 27
+ 'type', 2,
+#line 104 "build/pidl/smb_interfaces.yp"
+{ "enum $_[2]" }
+ ],
+ [#Rule 28
+ 'pointers', 0, undef
+ ],
+ [#Rule 29
+ 'pointers', 2,
+#line 109 "build/pidl/smb_interfaces.yp"
+{ $_[1]+1 }
+ ],
+ [#Rule 30
+ 'optional_identifiers', 1,
+#line 112 "build/pidl/smb_interfaces.yp"
+{ [$_[1]] }
+ ],
+ [#Rule 31
+ 'optional_identifiers', 3,
+#line 113 "build/pidl/smb_interfaces.yp"
+{ push(@{$_[1]}, $_[3]); $_[1] }
+ ],
+ [#Rule 32
+ 'optional_identifier', 1, undef
+ ],
+ [#Rule 33
+ 'optional_identifier', 0, undef
+ ]
+ @_);
+ bless($self,$class);
+#line 119 "build/pidl/smb_interfaces.yp"
+# traverse a perl data structure removing any empty arrays or
+# hashes and any hash elements that map to undef
+sub CleanData($)
+ sub CleanData($);
+ my($v) = shift;
+ if (ref($v) eq "ARRAY") {
+ foreach my $i (0 .. $#{$v}) {
+ CleanData($v->[$i]);
+ if (ref($v->[$i]) eq "ARRAY" && $#{$v->[$i]}==-1) {
+ $v->[$i] = undef;
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ # this removes any undefined elements from the array
+ @{$v} = grep { defined $_ } @{$v};
+ } elsif (ref($v) eq "HASH") {
+ foreach my $x (keys %{$v}) {
+ CleanData($v->{$x});
+ if (!defined $v->{$x}) { delete($v->{$x}); next; }
+ if (ref($v->{$x}) eq "ARRAY" && $#{$v->{$x}}==-1) { delete($v->{$x}); next; }
+ }
+ }
+ return $v;
+sub _Error {
+ if (exists $_[0]->YYData->{ERRMSG}) {
+ print $_[0]->YYData->{ERRMSG};
+ delete $_[0]->YYData->{ERRMSG};
+ return;
+ };
+ my $line = $_[0]->YYData->{LINE};
+ my $last_token = $_[0]->YYData->{LAST_TOKEN};
+ my $file = $_[0]->YYData->{INPUT_FILENAME};
+ print "$file:$line: Syntax error near '$last_token'\n";
+sub _Lexer($)
+ my($parser)=shift;
+ $parser->YYData->{INPUT} or return('',undef);
+ $parser->YYData->{INPUT} =~ s/^[ \t]*//;
+ for ($parser->YYData->{INPUT}) {
+ if (/^\#/) {
+ if (s/^\# (\d+) \"(.*?)\"( \d+|)//) {
+ $parser->YYData->{LINE} = $1-1;
+ $parser->YYData->{INPUT_FILENAME} = $2;
+ goto again;
+ }
+ if (s/^\#line (\d+) \"(.*?)\"( \d+|)//) {
+ $parser->YYData->{LINE} = $1-1;
+ $parser->YYData->{INPUT_FILENAME} = $2;
+ goto again;
+ }
+ if (s/^(\#.*)$//m) {
+ goto again;
+ }
+ }
+ if (s/^(\n)//) {
+ $parser->YYData->{LINE}++;
+ goto again;
+ }
+ if (s/^\"(.*?)\"//) {
+ $parser->YYData->{LAST_TOKEN} = $1;
+ return('TEXT',$1);
+ }
+ if (s/^(\d+)(\W|$)/$2/) {
+ $parser->YYData->{LAST_TOKEN} = $1;
+ return('CONSTANT',$1);
+ }
+ if (s/^([\w_]+)//) {
+ $parser->YYData->{LAST_TOKEN} = $1;
+ if ($1 =~
+ /^(const|typedef|union|struct|enum)$/x) {
+ return uc($1);
+ }
+ return('IDENTIFIER',$1);
+ }
+ if (s/^(.)//s) {
+ $parser->YYData->{LAST_TOKEN} = $1;
+ return($1,$1);
+ }
+ }
+sub parse($$)
+ my ($self,$filename) = @_;
+ my $saved_delim = $/;
+ undef $/;
+ my $cpp = $ENV{CPP};
+ if (! defined $cpp) {
+ $cpp = "cpp"
+ }
+ my $data = `$cpp -D__PIDL__ -xc $filename`;
+ $/ = $saved_delim;
+ $self->YYData->{INPUT} = $data;
+ $self->YYData->{LINE} = 0;
+ $self->YYData->{LAST_TOKEN} = "NONE";
+ my $idl = $self->YYParse( yylex => \&_Lexer, yyerror => \&_Error );
+ return CleanData($idl);