path: root/server/responder/pam
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'server/responder/pam')
5 files changed, 631 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/server/responder/pam/pamsrv.c b/server/responder/pam/pamsrv.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b6593bcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/responder/pam/pamsrv.c
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+ PAM Responder
+ Copyright (C) Simo Sorce <> 2008
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/un.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include "popt.h"
+#include "util/util.h"
+#include "db/sysdb.h"
+#include "confdb/confdb.h"
+#include "dbus/dbus.h"
+#include "sbus/sssd_dbus.h"
+#include "util/btreemap.h"
+#include "responder/common/responder_packet.h"
+#include "responder/common/responder_cmd.h"
+#include "responder/common/responder_common.h"
+#include "providers/data_provider.h"
+#include "monitor/monitor_sbus.h"
+#include "monitor/monitor_interfaces.h"
+#include "sbus/sbus_client.h"
+#include "responder/pam/pamsrv.h"
+#define SSS_PAM_PIPE_NAME "pam"
+#define PAM_SBUS_SERVICE_NAME "pam"
+#define CONFDB_SOCKET_PATH "config/services/pam"
+static int service_identity(DBusMessage *message, struct sbus_conn_ctx *sconn);
+static int service_pong(DBusMessage *message, struct sbus_conn_ctx *sconn);
+static int service_reload(DBusMessage *message, struct sbus_conn_ctx *sconn);
+struct sbus_method sss_sbus_methods[] = {
+ {SERVICE_METHOD_IDENTITY, service_identity},
+ {SERVICE_METHOD_PING, service_pong},
+ {SERVICE_METHOD_RELOAD, service_reload},
+static int service_identity(DBusMessage *message, struct sbus_conn_ctx *sconn)
+ dbus_uint16_t version = PAM_SBUS_SERVICE_VERSION;
+ const char *name = PAM_SBUS_SERVICE_NAME;
+ DBusMessage *reply;
+ dbus_bool_t ret;
+ DEBUG(4,("Sending ID reply: (%s,%d)\n", name, version));
+ reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(message);
+ if (!reply) return ENOMEM;
+ ret = dbus_message_append_args(reply,
+ DBUS_TYPE_UINT16, &version,
+ if (!ret) {
+ dbus_message_unref(reply);
+ return EIO;
+ }
+ /* send reply back */
+ sbus_conn_send_reply(sconn, reply);
+ dbus_message_unref(reply);
+ return EOK;
+static int service_pong(DBusMessage *message, struct sbus_conn_ctx *sconn)
+ DBusMessage *reply;
+ dbus_bool_t ret;
+ reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(message);
+ if (!reply) return ENOMEM;
+ ret = dbus_message_append_args(reply, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID);
+ if (!ret) {
+ return EIO;
+ }
+ /* send reply back */
+ sbus_conn_send_reply(sconn, reply);
+ dbus_message_unref(reply);
+ return EOK;
+static int service_reload(DBusMessage *message, struct sbus_conn_ctx *sconn) {
+ /* Monitor calls this function when we need to reload
+ * our configuration information. Perform whatever steps
+ * are needed to update the configuration objects.
+ */
+ /* Send an empty reply to acknowledge receipt */
+ return service_pong(message, sconn);
+int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
+ int opt;
+ poptContext pc;
+ struct main_context *main_ctx;
+ int ret;
+ struct sbus_method *pam_dp_methods;
+ struct sss_cmd_table *sss_cmds;
+ struct poptOption long_options[] = {
+ { NULL }
+ };
+ pc = poptGetContext(argv[0], argc, argv, long_options, 0);
+ while((opt = poptGetNextOpt(pc)) != -1) {
+ switch(opt) {
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr, "\nInvalid option %s: %s\n\n",
+ poptBadOption(pc, 0), poptStrerror(opt));
+ poptPrintUsage(pc, stderr, 0);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ poptFreeContext(pc);
+ /* set up things like debug , signals, daemonization, etc... */
+ ret = server_setup("sssd[pam]", 0, &main_ctx);
+ if (ret != EOK) return 2;
+ pam_dp_methods = register_pam_dp_methods();
+ sss_cmds = register_sss_cmds();
+ ret = sss_process_init(main_ctx,
+ main_ctx->event_ctx,
+ main_ctx->confdb_ctx,
+ sss_sbus_methods,
+ sss_cmds,
+ pam_dp_methods);
+ if (ret != EOK) return 3;
+ /* loop on main */
+ server_loop(main_ctx);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/server/responder/pam/pamsrv.h b/server/responder/pam/pamsrv.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bb0082ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/responder/pam/pamsrv.h
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#include "sbus/sssd_dbus.h"
+#include "responder/common/responder_cmd.h"
+#define PAM_DP_TIMEOUT 5000
+#define DEBUG_PAM_DATA(level, pd) do { \
+ if (level <= debug_level) pam_print_data(level, pd); \
+} while(0);
+struct pam_data {
+ int cmd;
+ uint32_t authtok_type;
+ uint32_t authtok_size;
+ uint32_t newauthtok_type;
+ uint32_t newauthtok_size;
+ char *domain;
+ char *user;
+ char *service;
+ char *tty;
+ char *ruser;
+ char *rhost;
+ uint8_t *authtok;
+ uint8_t *newauthtok;
+void pam_print_data(int l, struct pam_data *pd);
+typedef void (*pam_dp_callback_t)(struct cli_ctx *cctx, int pam_status, char *domain);
+struct sbus_method *register_pam_dp_methods(void);
+struct sss_cmd_table *register_sss_cmds(void);
+int pam_dp_send_req(struct cli_ctx *cctx, pam_dp_callback_t callback,
+ int timeout, struct pam_data *pd);
diff --git a/server/responder/pam/pamsrv_cmd.c b/server/responder/pam/pamsrv_cmd.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4fdded30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/responder/pam/pamsrv_cmd.c
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <talloc.h>
+#include "util/util.h"
+#include "responder/common/responder_common.h"
+#include "responder/common/responder_cmd.h"
+#include "responder/common/responder_packet.h"
+#include "responder/pam/pamsrv.h"
+static int pam_parse_in_data(uint8_t *body, size_t blen, struct pam_data *pd) {
+ int start;
+ int end;
+ int last=blen-1;
+ char *delim;
+ start = end = 0;
+ while ( end < last && body[end++]!='\0');
+ pd->user = (char *) &body[start];
+ delim = strchr(pd->user, SSS_DOMAIN_DELIM);
+ if (delim != NULL ) {
+ *delim = '\0';
+ pd->domain = delim+1;
+ } else {
+ pd->domain = NULL;
+ }
+ start = end;
+ while ( end < last && body[end++]!='\0');
+ pd->service = (char *) &body[start];
+ start = end;
+ while ( end < last && body[end++]!='\0');
+ pd->tty = (char *) &body[start];
+ start = end;
+ while ( end < last && body[end++]!='\0');
+ pd->ruser = (char *) &body[start];
+ start = end;
+ while ( end < last && body[end++]!='\0');
+ pd->rhost = (char *) &body[start];
+ start = end;
+ pd->authtok_type = (int) body[start];
+ start += sizeof(uint32_t);
+ pd->authtok_size = (int) body[start];
+ start += sizeof(uint32_t);
+ end = start+pd->authtok_size;
+ if ( pd->authtok_size == 0 ) {
+ pd->authtok = NULL;
+ } else {
+ if ( end <= blen ) {
+ pd->authtok = (uint8_t *) &body[start];
+ } else {
+ DEBUG(1, ("Invalid authtok size: %d\n", pd->authtok_size));
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ }
+ start = end;
+ pd->newauthtok_type = (int) body[start];
+ start += sizeof(uint32_t);
+ pd->newauthtok_size = (int) body[start];
+ start += sizeof(uint32_t);
+ end = start+pd->newauthtok_size;
+ if ( pd->newauthtok_size == 0 ) {
+ pd->newauthtok = NULL;
+ } else {
+ if ( end <= blen ) {
+ pd->newauthtok = (uint8_t *) &body[start];
+ } else {
+ DEBUG(1, ("Invalid newauthtok size: %d\n", pd->newauthtok_size));
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG_PAM_DATA(4, pd);
+ return EOK;
+static void pam_reply(struct cli_ctx *cctx, int pam_status, char *domain) {
+ struct sss_cmd_ctx *nctx;
+ int32_t ret_status = pam_status;
+ uint8_t *body;
+ size_t blen;
+ int ret;
+ int err = EOK;
+ DEBUG(4, ("pam_reply get called.\n"));
+ nctx = talloc_zero(cctx, struct sss_cmd_ctx);
+ if (!nctx) {
+ err = ENOMEM;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ nctx->cctx = cctx;
+ nctx->check_expiration = true;
+ ret = sss_packet_new(cctx->creq, 0, sss_packet_get_cmd(cctx->creq->in),
+ &cctx->creq->out);
+ if (ret != EOK) {
+ err = ret;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ ret = sss_packet_grow(cctx->creq->out, sizeof(int) + strlen(domain)+1 );
+ if (ret != EOK) {
+ err = ret;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ sss_packet_get_body(cctx->creq->out, &body, &blen);
+ DEBUG(4, ("blen: %d\n", blen));
+ memcpy(body, &ret_status, sizeof(int32_t));
+ memcpy(body+sizeof(int32_t), domain, strlen(domain)+1);
+ sss_cmd_done(nctx);
+static int pam_forwarder(struct cli_ctx *cctx, int pam_cmd)
+ uint8_t *body;
+ size_t blen;
+ int ret;
+ struct pam_data *pd;
+ pd = talloc(cctx, struct pam_data);
+ if (pd == NULL) return ENOMEM;
+ sss_packet_get_body(cctx->creq->in, &body, &blen);
+ if (blen >= sizeof(uint32_t) &&
+ ((uint32_t *)(&body[blen - sizeof(uint32_t)]))[0] != END_OF_PAM_REQUEST) {
+ DEBUG(1, ("Received data not terminated.\n"));
+ talloc_free(pd);
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ pd->cmd = pam_cmd;
+ ret=pam_parse_in_data(body, blen, pd);
+ if( ret != 0 ) {
+ talloc_free(pd);
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ ret=pam_dp_send_req(cctx, pam_reply, PAM_DP_TIMEOUT, pd);
+ DEBUG(4, ("pam_dp_send_req returned %d\n", ret));
+ return ret;
+static int pam_cmd_authenticate(struct cli_ctx *cctx) {
+ DEBUG(4, ("entering pam_cmd_authenticate\n"));
+ return pam_forwarder(cctx, SSS_PAM_AUTHENTICATE);
+static int pam_cmd_setcred(struct cli_ctx *cctx) {
+ DEBUG(4, ("entering pam_cmd_setcred\n"));
+ return pam_forwarder(cctx, SSS_PAM_SETCRED);
+static int pam_cmd_acct_mgmt(struct cli_ctx *cctx) {
+ DEBUG(4, ("entering pam_cmd_acct_mgmt\n"));
+ return pam_forwarder(cctx, SSS_PAM_ACCT_MGMT);
+static int pam_cmd_open_session(struct cli_ctx *cctx) {
+ DEBUG(4, ("entering pam_cmd_open_session\n"));
+ return pam_forwarder(cctx, SSS_PAM_OPEN_SESSION);
+static int pam_cmd_close_session(struct cli_ctx *cctx) {
+ DEBUG(4, ("entering pam_cmd_close_session\n"));
+ return pam_forwarder(cctx, SSS_PAM_CLOSE_SESSION);
+static int pam_cmd_chauthtok(struct cli_ctx *cctx) {
+ DEBUG(4, ("entering pam_cmd_chauthtok\n"));
+ return pam_forwarder(cctx, SSS_PAM_CHAUTHTOK);
+struct sss_cmd_table *register_sss_cmds(void) {
+ static struct sss_cmd_table sss_cmds[] = {
+ {SSS_GET_VERSION, sss_cmd_get_version},
+ {SSS_PAM_AUTHENTICATE, pam_cmd_authenticate},
+ {SSS_PAM_SETCRED, pam_cmd_setcred},
+ {SSS_PAM_ACCT_MGMT, pam_cmd_acct_mgmt},
+ {SSS_PAM_OPEN_SESSION, pam_cmd_open_session},
+ {SSS_PAM_CLOSE_SESSION, pam_cmd_close_session},
+ {SSS_PAM_CHAUTHTOK, pam_cmd_chauthtok},
+ };
+ return sss_cmds;
diff --git a/server/responder/pam/pamsrv_dp.c b/server/responder/pam/pamsrv_dp.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8a10c6bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/responder/pam/pamsrv_dp.c
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+ NSS Responder - Data Provider Interfaces
+ Copyright (C) Simo Sorce <> 2008
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <talloc.h>
+#include <security/pam_modules.h>
+#include "util/util.h"
+#include "responder/common/responder_packet.h"
+#include "responder/nss/nsssrv.h"
+#include "providers/data_provider.h"
+#include "sbus/sbus_client.h"
+#include "providers/dp_sbus.h"
+#include "responder/pam/pamsrv.h"
+struct pam_reply_ctx {
+ struct cli_ctx *cctx;
+ pam_dp_callback_t callback;
+static void pam_process_dp_reply(DBusPendingCall *pending, void *ptr) {
+ DBusError dbus_error;
+ DBusMessage* msg;
+ int ret;
+ int type;
+ dbus_uint32_t pam_status;
+ char *domain;
+ struct pam_reply_ctx *rctx;
+ rctx = talloc_get_type(ptr, struct pam_reply_ctx);
+ dbus_error_init(&dbus_error);
+ dbus_pending_call_block(pending);
+ msg = dbus_pending_call_steal_reply(pending);
+ if (msg == NULL) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("Severe error. A reply callback was called but no reply was received and no timeout occurred\n"));
+ pam_status = PAM_SYSTEM_ERR;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ type = dbus_message_get_type(msg);
+ switch (type) {
+ ret = dbus_message_get_args(msg, &dbus_error,
+ DBUS_TYPE_UINT32, &pam_status,
+ DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &domain,
+ if (!ret) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("Failed to parse reply.\n"));
+ pam_status = PAM_SYSTEM_ERR;
+ domain = "";
+ goto done;
+ }
+ DEBUG(4, ("received: [%d][%s]\n", pam_status, domain));
+ break;
+ DEBUG(0, ("Reply error.\n"));
+ pam_status = PAM_SYSTEM_ERR;
+ break;
+ default:
+ DEBUG(0, ("Default... what now?.\n"));
+ pam_status = PAM_SYSTEM_ERR;
+ }
+ dbus_pending_call_unref(pending);
+ dbus_message_unref(msg);
+ rctx->callback(rctx->cctx, pam_status, domain);
+int pam_dp_send_req(struct cli_ctx *cctx,
+ pam_dp_callback_t callback,
+ int timeout, struct pam_data *pd) {
+ DBusMessage *msg;
+ DBusPendingCall *pending_reply;
+ DBusConnection *conn;
+ DBusError dbus_error;
+ dbus_bool_t ret;
+ struct pam_reply_ctx *rctx;
+ rctx = talloc(cctx, struct pam_reply_ctx);
+ if (rctx == NULL) {
+ DEBUG(0,("Out of memory?!\n"));
+ return ENOMEM;
+ }
+ rctx->cctx=cctx;
+ rctx->callback=callback;
+ if (pd->domain==NULL ||
+ pd->user==NULL ||
+ pd->service==NULL ||
+ pd->tty==NULL ||
+ pd->ruser==NULL ||
+ pd->rhost==NULL ) {
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ conn = sbus_get_connection(cctx->nctx->dp_ctx->scon_ctx);
+ dbus_error_init(&dbus_error);
+ msg = dbus_message_new_method_call(NULL,
+ if (msg == NULL) {
+ DEBUG(0,("Out of memory?!\n"));
+ return ENOMEM;
+ }
+ DEBUG(4, ("Sending request with the following data:\n"));
+ DEBUG_PAM_DATA(4, pd);
+ ret = dbus_message_append_args(msg,
+ DBUS_TYPE_INT32, &(pd->cmd),
+ DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &(pd->domain),
+ DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &(pd->user),
+ DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &(pd->service),
+ DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &(pd->tty),
+ DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &(pd->ruser),
+ DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &(pd->rhost),
+ DBUS_TYPE_INT32, &(pd->authtok_type),
+ &(pd->authtok), pd->authtok_size,
+ DBUS_TYPE_INT32, &(pd->newauthtok_type),
+ &(pd->newauthtok), pd->newauthtok_size,
+ if (!ret) {
+ DEBUG(1,("Failed to build message\n"));
+ return EIO;
+ }
+ ret = dbus_connection_send_with_reply(conn, msg, &pending_reply, timeout);
+ if (!ret) {
+ /*
+ * Critical Failure
+ * We can't communicate on this connection
+ * We'll drop it using the default destructor.
+ */
+ DEBUG(0, ("D-BUS send failed.\n"));
+ dbus_message_unref(msg);
+ return EIO;
+ }
+ dbus_pending_call_set_notify(pending_reply, pam_process_dp_reply, rctx,
+ NULL);
+ dbus_message_unref(msg);
+ return EOK;
+static int pam_dp_identity(DBusMessage *message, struct sbus_conn_ctx *sconn)
+ dbus_uint16_t version = DATA_PROVIDER_VERSION;
+ dbus_uint16_t clitype = DP_CLI_FRONTEND;
+ const char *cliname = "PAM";
+ const char *nullname = "";
+ DBusMessage *reply;
+ dbus_bool_t ret;
+ DEBUG(4,("Sending ID reply: (%d,%d,%s)\n", clitype, version, cliname));
+ reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(message);
+ if (!reply) return ENOMEM;
+ ret = dbus_message_append_args(reply,
+ DBUS_TYPE_UINT16, &clitype,
+ DBUS_TYPE_UINT16, &version,
+ DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &cliname,
+ DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &nullname,
+ if (!ret) {
+ dbus_message_unref(reply);
+ return EIO;
+ }
+ /* send reply back */
+ sbus_conn_send_reply(sconn, reply);
+ dbus_message_unref(reply);
+ return EOK;
+struct sbus_method *register_pam_dp_methods(void) {
+ static struct sbus_method pam_dp_methods[] = {
+ { DP_CLI_METHOD_IDENTITY, pam_dp_identity },
+ { NULL, NULL }
+ };
+ return pam_dp_methods;
diff --git a/server/responder/pam/pamsrv_util.c b/server/responder/pam/pamsrv_util.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5dab9b67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/responder/pam/pamsrv_util.c
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#include "util/util.h"
+#include "responder/pam/pamsrv.h"
+void pam_print_data(int l, struct pam_data *pd) {
+ DEBUG(l, ("command: %d\n", pd->cmd));
+ DEBUG(l, ("domain: %s\n", pd->domain));
+ DEBUG(l, ("user: %s\n", pd->user));
+ DEBUG(l, ("service: %s\n", pd->service));
+ DEBUG(l, ("tty: %s\n", pd->tty));
+ DEBUG(l, ("ruser: %s\n", pd->ruser));
+ DEBUG(l, ("rhost: %s\n", pd->rhost));
+ DEBUG(l, ("authtok type: %d\n", pd->authtok_type));
+ DEBUG(l, ("authtok size: %d\n", pd->authtok_size));
+ DEBUG(l, ("newauthtok type: %d\n", pd->newauthtok_type));
+ DEBUG(l, ("newauthtok size: %d\n", pd->newauthtok_size));