path: root/.vim/plugin/templates.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.vim/plugin/templates.vim')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 105 deletions
diff --git a/.vim/plugin/templates.vim b/.vim/plugin/templates.vim
deleted file mode 100755
index b24dfb5..0000000
--- a/.vim/plugin/templates.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-" vim:fileencoding=iso-8859-1
-if has("python")
-py <<EOF
- Templates for VIM
- by Phillip Berndt,
- Phillip Berndt, Sat Apr 14 22:20:31 CEST 2007:
- Nihil (nihil <at> reported some problems in his
- VIM environment, which inserts a CR after the first character
- in templates. He came up with a workaround. Replace the
- imap command in the end with
- command('imap <unique> ^D ^[:py template_complete()<CR>a')
- to make it work.
-import sys
-from vim import *
-from cStringIO import StringIO
-import re, os
-template_buffer = {}
-def template_complete():
- global template_buffer
- # Check for a template
- currentPos = current.window.cursor[1]
- template = ""
- while currentPos >= 0 and len(current.line) > 0 and not current.line[currentPos].isspace():
- template = current.line[currentPos] + template
- currentPos = currentPos - 1
- currentPos = currentPos + 1
- if template is "":
- return
- # Search for that template
- fileType = eval("&ft")
- if fileType not in template_buffer or template not in template_buffer[fileType]:
- if fileType not in template_buffer:
- template_buffer[fileType] = {}
- searchPath = eval("g:templatePath")
- searchPaths = [
- "%s/%s/%s" % (searchPath, fileType, template),
- "%s/%s" % (searchPath, template),
- "%s/%s/" % (searchPath, fileType, template),
- "%s/" % (searchPath, template)
- ]
- for templateFile in searchPaths:
- if not os.access(templateFile, os.F_OK):
- continue
- try:
- if templateFile[-3:] == ".py":
- template_buffer[fileType][template] = open(templateFile, "r").read()
- else:
- template_buffer[fileType][template] = open(templateFile, "r").readlines()
- break
- except:
- continue
- else:
- template_buffer[fileType][template] = False
- if template_buffer[fileType][template] is not False:
- # Insert template
- indention ="^\s+", current.line)
- if indention is None:
- indention = ""
- else:
- indention =
- endOfLine = current.line[current.window.cursor[1] + 1:]
- current.line = current.line[:currentPos]
- range = current.buffer.range(current.window.cursor[0], current.window.cursor[0])
- if type(template_buffer[fileType][template]) == str:
- # Execute as python code
- backup = sys.stdout
- sys.stdout = StringIO()
- code = template_buffer[fileType][template]
- exec code in {}, {"_vim": current, "_command": command}
- insert = sys.stdout.getvalue().split("\n")
- sys.stdout = backup
- else:
- insert = template_buffer[fileType][template]
- firstLine = True
- sentVar = False
- for line in insert:
- if line.find("<++>") is not -1:
- sentVar = True
- if firstLine:
- range.append(line)
- else:
- range.append(indention + line)
- firstLine = False
- if sentVar:
- range.append(endOfLine)
- else:
- range.append("<++>%s" % endOfLine)
- command('normal J')
-command('imap <unique>  :py template_complete()<CR>a<C-J>')